AUTHORS NOTE: And… The last one. Hope you enjoyed this little thingy, let me know what you think!

I own nothing, wish I did, No-one's paying me for this, wish they did…


Genma easily weaved through the crowd, the festival was bustling all around him but he only had eyes for one person, and one alone. A little fluff of silver hair indicated the location of that person, and Genma quickly made his way over. Intending to place a chaste kiss on covered lips, he walked around a little, approaching from the front so as not to startle the younger man. He suppressed a small sigh as he noticed his boyfriend's stance. Bend slightly at the waist, his eye crinkled in amusement, he spoke to three different colored heads, one raven, one pink, one blonde. Another sigh escaped him. Those three again. Kakashi'd taken charge of them just a couple weeks ago, assuring him that they would be sent back to the academy within days, and after that, he could refocus his attention on his lover once more. But apparently, that wasn't meant to be. These three had beaten the test that no gennin had ever even realized existed. Genma pulled a face. There would be no kissing his boyfriend now – chaste or otherwise. Kakashi'd made that much perfectly clear. Straightening his back, the copy nin apparently caught sight of him, he waved. Genma waved back, turning on his heels to disappear back into the crowd. But he was immediately stopped by a familiar hand on his shoulder.

"Stay, Genma," He smiled at him, even now, after all this time, he felt his knees buckle at the sight of it.

But he vaguely gestured at the three annoying gennin, "You have other things to do, apparently…"

Kakashi frowned at him, "No I don't."

He raised one eyebrow, nodding to the three kids gawking at their sensei.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, my Love," There was a chuckle in Kakashi's voice, and as he leaned in a little, Genma's eyes widened, but he kissed him back all the same.

The copy ninja hummed into their kiss, a sure sign that the man was thoroughly amused, Genma bit back a chuckle. The surprised gasps from the bothersome gennin music to his ears. Relinquishing his lover's lips, he left his hands on Kakashi's hips, feeling one of the younger man's hands still on his shoulder, the other bunching up Genma's shirt . He'd given up on ironing his shirts shortly after they'd gotten together – Kakashi always managed to crinkle them within minutes anyway.
Chuckling, he looked over at the three. The boy with black hair, the Uchiha, frowned lightly, his hands pushed deep inside his pockets. The blonde boy on the other side of the girl was grinning wide, winking as he gave Genma a thumbs up. Genma disregarded both, they were clearly idiots. But the girl… Standing in between the two boys, her pink hair so bright it almost gave the man a headache. Her folded hands were pushed against her lips, a bright blush on her face as she smiled warmly, head bowed down just a little. He decided he might like this one – a little. So he kept his soft gaze on her green eyes, addressing her and her alone – even if the boys probably didn't notice.

"Seems like you're going to have to share your sensei a little, just like I have to share my boyfriend with the three of you. But right now, there's no training, and no upcoming mission. So I'm taking him to dinner, and you're not invited," He winked, chuckling again as the girl blushed bright while nodding eagerly.

He grabbed Kakashi's hand, gently pulling him along. They quickly left the festival grounds, heading back into the now almost deserted village.

"So… Dinner? Everything's closed now, Love," He chuckled.

Genma smiled at him, "I know a place where the kitchen's still open."

He led Kakashi by the hand, taking him to the apartment that had once belonged to the copy ninja, but now was home to both of them. Kissing him through the mask every couple of steps. His boyfriend complained softly, saying that he was hungry and that they were never going to get home at this pace, but he kept kissing him back, so Genma only chuckled.

Starting up the creaking stairs, he felt his back being pushed against the wall, the dim light apparently cover enough for the mask to be pulled away from perfectly kissable lips. Lips that were quickly pressed against his own, hungrily assaulting him. A small sound escaped the copy nin and Genma smiled into the kiss. Even though he no longer said it out loud, there was but one word playing trough his mind at times like this, when Kakashi's soft whimpers caressed his ears, cute. But as a sudden light shone from above – one of the neighbors opening their door, intending to walk down the stairs currently occupied by their bodies – Kakashi retreated, pulling up the mask once more. They turned toward the source of the light, quickly walking up the stairs that were too narrow for the other to pass them. They entered the apartment without further interruptions, their reputation in this building already being one of shameless fraternization, something Kakashi seemed to find amusing, but Genma could not appreciate.

Dinner consisted of reheated leftovers, as neither man wanted to waste precious time on something as time-consuming and bothersome as cooking right now, both eager to focus their attention wholly on each other. As he was led to the bedroom, Kakashi grinned wide, cute. Genma returned the grin with equal vigor, his heart pounding in his chest at the mere sight of the man that he had loved forever and would continue to love forever.


Laying on his side, he studied the man sleeping beside him calmly. It was still early and the alarm wouldn't go off for another hour or so, but something had woken Genma up – Kakashi's nightmare. He'd tried to wake him up, but that had proven unsuccessful. Still, his attentions had calmed the man down, and Kakashi was once again breathing evenly.
Genma smiled fondly, brushing a few strands of silver hair away from the serene face. He'd always loved this man, but ever since that awkward conversation on a grassy hill just outside of town he'd grown to love him even more. Every day, he loved Kakashi more.

People often seemed to feel the need to ask him why, which was a stupid question as far as Genma was concerned, one he didn't even bother trying to answer anymore. He just smiled. He smiled about a lot of things nowadays, his perpetual loneliness lifted by the mere thought of the silver-haired man. Beside him, Kakashi stirred, opening one eye he looked up at Genma.

"Morning, Love…" He said groggily, before moving to sit up.

Genma followed his example, "Morning, Dearest."

He kissed soft, uncovered lips, smiling as his lover's lips parted to invite him in. The kiss deepened and Kakashi straddled him. When they broke apart, gasping for air, Kakashi grinned at him, softly stroking the older man's chest. Genma smiled back at him, his own eyes crinkling in amusement.

Over the years, Genma had found that many people questioned him about his lover´s face. But every time they did, he merely smiled softly, waiting for the curiosity to die down again in the face of so much patience.

They didn't need to know, Kakashi´s little tooth gap was their own, private little secret.