Another collaboration with my dear friend Loltiangela.
I'd already a random plot for a new short fic in mind so I have just combined both our ideas together.
It's basically a Stendan filled AU story. Rated M for later parts and it's fluffy. (It's me)

Written as a one shot this will progress quickly and have a conclusion. As my time is limited I will edit and post this in chapters. xx

The Boy Next Door.


The letterbox rattled as a pile of mail fell through hitting the rug beneath it with a dull thud, the familiar noise encouraging Brendan to look up and push himself off the kitchen counter. Half eaten warm toast held between his teeth, he bent down to retrieve the different envelopes and papers in his hands. Brendan's eyes glanced wearily over them, mostly bills and some leaflets he'd never use in his life.

Chewing the remainder of his breakfast, Brendan opened the front door and ventured out to place the unwanted leaflets into the recycle bag on the doorstep. The binmen were already making their way around the early morning lit streets so he grabbed it and took it all the way to the front of the house.

There was a warm heat off the sun as it journeyed high into the clouds, yellow orange glow painting the morning skyline. Brendan leaned his head back to take it all in, it was nice to feel the fresher air against his skin after spending the night at unease. Having struggled with sleep from an early age, Brendan took the condition to adulthood and rarely slept well. The evenings were long thanks to the summer solstice leaving the days drawn out and reflective for him.

The rolling thrum of an engine sounded nearby and broke Brendan of his thoughts, the large box van parked up on the pavement next door, 'removals' painted on the side. Brendan quirked his eyebrow watching it manoeuvre. There had been no neighbours next door for a few months now and the quiet had become the norm. Two burly men exited the cab, laughing and joking, a little loud for such an early hour perhaps as they opened up the back. A tall woman pushed open the squeaky wooden gate and then slowed her steps shooting her gaze at Brendan.

"Morning" She said painting a brief smile and using her hand to flick the long blonde hair back from her eyes. Brendan nodded in gesture.

"Morning to ye, finally getting some new neighbours I see."

"Oh it's not me" The woman scoffed, hand arched on her chest. A slight horror to her expression glancing back at the house."I am just the estate agent, said I'd open the place up for my clients, get the furniture in for them"

"Clients? So more than one of them" Brendan turned to walk with the lady while she moved to unlock the door. "I don't suppose ye can tell me anything about them? Do I need to prepare?"

The woman stopped short of placing the key in the door and considered Brendan's words. "Prepare? What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm thinking Texas Chainsaw Massacre type prepare" Brendan replied, watched the girl double over in fits. His eyes widen like saucers. He hadn't been joking.

"Oh, you're funny! No, they are lovely." She paused to think. "One is a little quiet mind, doesn't say much. And you do have to watch the quiet ones huh?" She smiles and winks opening the door to disappear. Brendan licks his lips and glances back at the furniture being brought up the pathway.

"How many rooms has it got?" Amy asks rushing into the house, holdall over her shoulder. She sprints up the stairs before anyone can answer her. Tony wanders in next, head shaking he assesses his surroundings, drawing a finger against the kitchen counter. He scrunches his nose up at the dirt collected on the tip.

"Well, this wont do. How am I supposed to have any creativity in a kitchen like this?" Tony says, his arms tighten around his chest. Ste shakes his head at him and swings his bag around dumping it on the floor.

"Tone, can't you just be happy we found somewhere? It took ages for somet like this to become available." Ste has a good look around eyeing up the door in the far corner. "I like it, reckon it's got personality"

"Personality? It's bricks and mortar Ste, not some kind of being" Tony holds his hand on his hips.

"Tony, I wasn't being literal. Relax! It's a great house"

"Yeah and it's tons better than the student accommodation on the campus!" Rae flung her arms over Ste's shoulders giggling as she does. Ste pulls on her arms so he can hold her there, her enthusiasm causing a big smile upon his face.

"See? Not that hard to be happy ey?" Ste says, he looks up the stairs at Amy who appears again, all giddy.

"Rae, you gotta get up here, the bedrooms are huuuge! Quick before these two get them!" Rae immediately slid off Ste's back and galloped up the steps leaving Ste and Tony to watch them. Tony moved to stand by his friend then, curling an arm around him he looked down at Ste's beaming face.

"I suspect we'll end up sharing."

"No, it's cool. I'll take the spare room down here, looks like a study but I can make it into a bedroom." Ste guides Tony to the room he means and when they enter it's a good size too. No furniture in place yet, it's hollow and echoes their footsteps along the laminate floor.

"It'll look good with my bed an stuff in here, just needs a lick of paint" Ste walks to the curtains pulling them apart, dust swirling from them show tell tale signs of how long the house had been unoccupied. The house next door takes up his intrigue, there's a silver BMW parked in the driveway.

"Oo, we have rich neighbours"

Tony slid next to Ste and stretched his neck up looking through the window. "Hmm. It could be a company car. Let's just hope they're nice" Tony says taking a last look before leaving Ste alone with his thoughts.

"We should have a house warming party!" Amy coos walking through to the lounge, bowlful of popcorn in her arms. She sits crossed legged on the sofa. "What do you think guys?"

"I'm up for it" Rae says, her arms are full of drinks which she settles carefully on the coffee table. "We can invite some of our friends around too"

"Hang on, we can't have a massive party, just moved in remember. Ya gonna get us thrown out already" Tony interrupted the excitement, the mood deflated like a popped balloon. They all stared at him leaving Tony to swallow nervously.

"I just meant...a low key affair"

Ste found his way over to the small bar in the corner of the room, bent down on his legs a moment to look behind it at all the various shaped glasses. The cupboard was bare of any alcohol though, just the odd few paper umbrella's and straws laid on a thin coat of dust. Ste dragged his fingers through it and brushed it off with a quick clap.

"Tony means well. We can have a party, even got a bar!" Ste places his alms wide against the dark mahogany bar and grins.

"All I meant was, let's not alienate the neighbours yeah? Because I like the house"

"I knew it!" Ste pointed at his friend with a big smile on his face.

"Speaking of which. Next door, have you seen him yet? I have...looks a bit weird to me" Rae practically whispered into the room sending it eerily quiet. It caught everyone's attention though, not least of all Ste.

"Must have money, seen the car in the driveway an it's dead posh"

"It's not that posh Ste" Tony scoffed throwing some popcorn in his mouth.

"So it's a guy living next door is it?" Ste queried, turning his head to look out of the window. There was a collective giggle around the room then, and Ste jerked his head back. His friends all smiling at each other. "What did I say?"

"Might be just what the doctor ordered huh?" Rae smirked. "Since your last disastrous encounter, you've needed a push in the right direction"

"Oh yeah!" Amy agreed and bounded over to the curtains. She peered out at the house opposite, neck stretched tall "Is he not good looking then? What about single?"

"Erm, excuse me, stood in the room thank you very much!" Ste exasperated. Even Tony had the beginnings of a lavish smile. "Don't need you lot match making right. I do just fine as I am. And besides, Rae just said he's weird"

Everyone looked at Rae then. "What? He does, kinda. moustache and stubble and..."

"And?" Tony looked up, he wanted to know now too. Ste gawped at the lot of them.

"Moody looking" Rae closed her mouth, shrugged. "Not my type anyhow, plus he's old"

"Moody and old. Now I am really interested" Ste spoke with a hint of sarcasm, slightly put out by his friends' interfering.

"Gotta be better than when I almost threw myself at you after tequila night." Rae chuckled thinking about it "In my defense, I was pretty tipsy though"

"Ta again" Ste plonked himself on the arm of the sofa after grabbing a beer in his hand. "Why can't ya set Tony up instead for a change"

"Because I am off the market Ste, bigger fish to fry - literally!" Tony chuckled at his own joke while Ste watched his friends chat among themselves. He chewed the inside of his mouth stretching his neck back to look at the house next door. He couldn't help but be curious.

"Good afternoon sleepy head!" Tony spoke cheerfully dashing around the kitchen when Ste opened his bedroom door. He yawned heavily and rubbed at the red sting of his eyes before sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Ya know I can't sleep well Tone." Ste had his head down grumbling into the fold of his arms. He held his head up again and took a double take of the kitchen practically gleaming. "Did ya tidy up?"

"We've been here a week, of course I have Ste. Cleanliness is next to godliness in the preparation area, one of the first things I taught you, remember?"

"How could I forget. Looks ace in here though. What ya making today then, something new?" Ste couldn't help but smile at his friend stood at the counter by the chopping board. It was his calling in life, to be an amazing chef.

"Yeah! Do you wanna learn from the best? You are my brightest student after all" Tony mused in a high pitched posh voice, gesturing Ste over to him. Ste brightened despite his tiredness at the lack of sleep. It didn't help his energy much but Ste made an effort besides.

"Give us the knife then, want me to chop?"

"Finely please Ste, we need more garlic cloves too."

"You ever think about the future Tone? Like what you'll do after college?" Ste asks, chops the basil in front of him.

"Not really, I do love my cooking though. Maybe a restaurant huh? I'd suit a chef hat. Watch your fingers, don't want that into the mix"

"Hm, a restaurant. I'd come work for ya then, you can teach me all your ideas...then I can take over and make you head waiter" Ste laughs seeing Tony's face.

"It's a deal, if I get my restaurant you come and work for me, if you haven't found something, or someone better else to do. I'd be honoured in fact, you're my best mate Ste"

"Aww!" Ste bumps Tony on his shoulder. "So now I boil the garlic cloves, right? I'm only kidding! I doubt I'll find anything else, got all I need here ain't I? Just wish I could sleep occasionally."

"Had such an impact on you though, you growing up with that vile step father of yours. I'm glad ya came with us in the end Ste, even if it took some persuading, it's made such a difference with the studying. And with this being your last year, the world will be your oyster. I have to admit, I did have my doubts about this place but, you're right, this house is great. All of us here together, gonna make a go of things. Starting with this dish, thought I said finely chopped?"

"All right, keep ya apron on! This is finely chopped, just fussy. Only reason I relented was cos ya all wouldn't shop nagging me. Nah, it was the right thing to do. The last year has flown by, hope this one does too."

After they'd all eaten together in the evening, the close friends all sat down together. Amy put the TV on and trawled through the movie channels until they all found a film they'd all watch. The hours passed by quickly and all too soon the girls were falling asleep. Ste's eyes met Tony's across the room, they'd both chucked at Amy and Rae and leaving Tony the one shaking them awake, Ste bid goodnight to him.

Ste moved into his bedroom and released a long breath bumping himself on the bed. He didn't get undressed because there wasn't much use as Ste didn't always sleep well. Losing count of the many nights he'd spend awake and restless. It was way past midnight now and the sky was black besides the stars and slither of moonlight. Ste's head laid heavy on his pillow tilting towards the window, gazing through the half open curtains to look at the evening sky. It seemed more inviting than his room view so when the noise of everyone else going to bed had eased off, Ste decided to go outside into the garden.

The back of the house was half lawn and half patio with a cluster of garden furniture dotted around. Air thick with the close heat of summer, a wooden bench became Ste's solace sitting down, arms stretched out. His head hung back and took in the view of the stars and the blue black of the clouds outlined by the moon. Ste dragged the warm evening air into his lungs and hoped it could help lull him into a sleepy disposition.

After a little while had passed, when his eyelids droop that little bit heavier it becomes clear he wasn't alone. A shuffling in the garden next door alerted Ste's hearing. His head fell to one side seeing another figure sat out too, glass in his hand. The man wasn't looking at the stars, more so the drink he held. Ste gulped and let his mouth part a little, he wasn't sure whether to move or not, or even speak.

In his mind was a picture, an image of Rae's description. He felt odd because of it and presumptuous, how could he know anything unless he saw for himself. The man suddenly held back his head then, sniffed loud and obvious.

"Can ye not be quieter? Those thoughts of yours are annoying" Brendan spoke with a tired, antsy tone, his northern Irish accent thick and piercing the silence around them.

Ste opened his mouth wider in surprise, having not realised he'd been noticed too. The words he wanted to say found to be difficult.

"What do ye gain from staring so much, besides a crick in the neck?" The other man turned to look at Ste then, his eyes were dark and hidden as they glared back.

"I didn't mean to stare, thought I were alone out here" Ste gathered his courage standing up and traveled the short space to the fence, hands gripping the wood. "Can't you sleep either?"

"What makes ye think that?"

"Well, it's late init. Past midnight, most people are asleep. I know my house mates are"

Ste took a brief moment to look back at the house, every room dark besides his own. He's forgotten to turn the bedside lamp off so it left a low glow through his window and shed some insight into his bedroom. He'd glanced back at the man who was now stood up with him, he was looking too, quietly.

There wasn't much to see, besides his duvet pulled back across the bed, his door that had been left ajar and the hideous wallpaper. He'd definitely have to redecorate at some point. Ste realised he was again over thinking and properly registered his neighbour.

"I always struggle to sleep" Brendan spoke again, eyes firmly on Ste.

"Me too, since I were a kid...I seem think a lot at night" Ste explained, still trying to work out the man next door. A part of Ste wished there wasn't such low light in the back gardens, no false light from the street lamps to aid his view of him.

"The house okay is it? Not had any problems?" Brendan asked, took his lips to the rim of his glass and drank slowly. Brendan watched the bump of Ste's throat captured by the slither of moonlight shading his outline.

"Not so far, it's good, yeah. Early days yet. Why you ask?"

"Heard it was haunted, that's why the last uns' left. Usually when it's a full moon by all accounts" Brendan's lips formed a slight smile, eyes darting at Ste. He could see his mouth widening.

"What, oh great. No wonder the rent is so good. The girls won't like that"

"Just the girls?"

"Well, Tony won't be happy, but I ain't fussed" Ste broadened his shoulders.

"No? Right then, so that shadow appearing by the window behind ye...won't bother ye at all"

"Very funny" Ste moved further forward and stopped opposite Brendan who chuckled to himself swigging back the drink in his hand.

"Hm" Brendan nodded, leaning down into Ste's space. "I'm Brendan. Not spoken to anyone in a while. Usually unearthly quiet around here"

"Besides the spirits?" Ste mused. "I'm Ste. Took us a while to find a place big enough for the lot of us"

Ste tried to study the taller man in front of him and cursed the night for getting in the way, the moon trying it's best whenever it passed through the annoying clouds. The air was invitingly warm though, the summer months just getting started.

"You don't seem weird" Ste says in passing, eyes searching the skies. He knows it's an odd thing to say but he means it, thinking about what Rae had said earlier.

"Thanks I guess. Ye don't seem quiet. Quite the contrary"


"The estate agent mentioned one of ye was quiet, not ye obviously."

"What estate agent?"

"The one who opened up the day ye moved in."

"Nope" Ste shook his head, arms folding. "We never had an agent, this house belongs to Rae's grandmother, why we got it so cheap in fact. Must be seeing things"

"That so" Brendan slid his free hand into his pocket, eyes curious on Ste. The younger boy smirked and let out a chuckle.

"Oh, I see what ye did there. Funny man too"

"Thought you'd seen a ghost Brendan?"

The smirk didn't leave Ste for a good while and just as they had first started off, there was a silence between both of them. The stars provided the scenery and the gulps of their throats and soft breathing the sounds. Occasionally Ste would break his view and dart his eyes at the stranger next door. They could have been stood next to each other except for the wooden panel fence that separated them. A breeze that had gathered up momentum bristled though the trees and then the space between them. It encouraged their eyes to meet again.

Ste sighed before looking back at the house. "I'd best get in, leave you in peace."

"Should make a move myself" Brendan slowed the way to his back door, angled his head to the side slightly. "See ye around"

"Yeah, probably will meet again" Ste's smile doesn't seem to leave his lips and Brendan can just about see the outline of it in the low light. The weight from around his shoulders lightened somehow.

"May be" Brendan replies, eyes fixed on to the younger boy as he walks back to his house.

"Ye know, I can think of many other things I'd rather be doing than this" Brendan grumbled as he was dragged out of a taxi by his friend. Her smile persuasive, he tried not to mirror it and instead kept a flat expression. The nightclub stood tall and lit up the building with it's bright effects. They'd been here before, a few times in the past that Anne had managed to get away with. It hadn't stopped her though, determined to get Brendan to tag along and have fun occasionally. A task easier said than done.

"Oh stop being a grump will you? Every time I bring you out with me I get Mr boring. It's the holidays, live a little!"

Brendan draws out a sigh and grins animatedly for her benefit. He narrowly escapes a berating. "Fine, for ye I will stay an hour"

"Make it two and I will buy the first drink AND keep a look out for some boy candy for you while we're in there" Anne winks and licks the red gloss of her lips. Brendan goes to speak but stops and let's her bask in the fact she's won as usual. Inside the club is dark and the strobe lights make his eyes restless. There's not much to see besides the bustle of people on the dance floor, his gaze finds the bar and that's his place for the evening.

"Go on, I'll get the drinks, red wine I take it?"

"For now yeah. Thanks love. I am going to mingle. Don't prop up that bar for too long"

He doesn't listen and stays at the bar. For the first hour Brendan sits and orders drinks for them both, his whiskey rimmed the glass many times as he sat there. Boredom setting in, he began to focus on the voices of people who ordered their drinks, different accents shouting against the loud music. There was one voice though, that stood out with it's familiarity. Brendan raised his eyebrows before turning to look to his side. The man stood there holding his body tip toe tall to get the barman's attention. Wearing blue jeans and a loose t shirt that rode up higher the more he stretched. Brendan noticed the small glimmer of sweat against his skin, beaded there in the pulsing light display around them.

He'd obviously been dancing because his chest heaved slightly and the grin on his mouth showed an influx of adrenaline that soured through him. The younger boy continued his arduous task, putting his arm up and yelling his order to busy bar staff that didn't notice him at all. Brendan whistled loudly and caught the barman's eye line, then pointing to his neighbour stood next to him. Ste glanced at Brendan and then let the staff take his drinks order, head turning again because he recognised him despite the darkness of the club surroundings. Noticeable in his inky shirt with white detailing and suit trousers that clung like a second skin, Brendan watched Ste checking him out and when their eyes met again Brendan gestured his glass in greeting.

Ste closed his mouth that had held loose and flustered, turned back to the barman paying him what he'd asked for.

"Ta by the way" Ste spoke and angled his body around the bar stool in his way. "Didn't think this would be your thing"

"Oh, and why is that then?" Brendan took a sip of his whiskey and placed it on the bar toying with the glass.

"Dunno, I just...soz. Shouldn't make assumptions. Can I get you a drink?"

"I've had a couple, not sure if having a third will help me get out of here quicker" Brendan notices Ste's confusion so he leans nearer to him, slowly, eyes sparkling temptation. Ste is hypnotised looking into his eyes and then to his mouth. Brendan smiles. "I've been brought here by a friend"

"Ah, an ya tried to get out of it, right?" Ste's eyes are limpid under the lights in the club, wide and blink the longest sweeping shadow down his cheek bones and Brendan can't stop looking at them, at him. He half blames the drink in his hand.

"Correct. What about ye?" Brendan asks and scans the dance floor behind him. "Ye here with friends, girlfriend?"

"Oh no, no girlfriend. Just my flatmates, bit bored though. An tired." Ste admits and jumps up on the stool, invites himself into Brendan's personal space and angles enough they can take each other in. It's not like the other night, there's no evening air but the atmosphere is still thick and warm around them. They're touching, Ste's knee connecting with Brendan's and it strikes him how neither of them flinched apart but stayed comfortable. The bar tender places the drinks he's ordered on a tray, slides it towards Ste and breaking his gaze. He takes a beer and swigs it back while Brendan focuses on the slide of his Adams apple.

"What?" Ste grins around the neck of the bottle, takes another drink.

"Nothing" Brendan gazes at his glass again, tilts it to his smirking lips.

"No one catching your eye in here Brendan? You're pretty popular" Ste points to a group of girls dancing together that keep looking over at them and giggling as they dance. Brendan raises a brow and looks back at Ste.

"It's ye they are looking at, who could blame them"

Ste turns to Brendan, removes the bottle from his lips. "You reckon"

"Might be, best go over and flutter those eyelashes of yours at them"

Ste darts his eyes with Brendan's, the light still catching the glint of them. He curves his bottom lip below his teeth. "Not interested, not my type"

"Really. Just those girls or..."

"Or" Ste answers. "So why ain't ya dancing then? Been sat here ages propping the bar up"

"Ye been watchin me all night or something?" Brendan asks, muses when he turns to Ste. The light captures the beam of his smile.

"I've been on the floor, can't help looking around the place can I. You should get out there"

"Why? Are ye askin?" A hand touches Brendan's right shoulder distracting them both. Anne appears next to him, slides her slender body beside Brendan and looks at Ste then her friend.

"What's going on here then?"

"I'd best get back to my mates." Ste pushes up grabbing the tray off the bar and disappears into the dancing crowds. Anne and Brendan watch and then she plants herself right in front of him, fingertip pushing into the top of his shoulder.

"He was gorgeous. Please tell me he's perfectly available"

"Not for ye he ain't" Brendan smirks and turns back to the bar.

"How do ya do that? And sat at the bar!"

"What can I tell ye, the Irish charm doesn't fail. Nah, he's my neighbour. We've already been introduced"

"Oh cripes, how convenient, the boy next door." Anne licks the top of her lips and preceded to get herself another drink, charming the barman with her many talents. Brendan shakes his head at her and then looks behind him again.

"Are you sure you won't come along with us Ste? Haven't had a long night out in ages, the club is meant to be fantastic too" Rae drapes herself over Ste while they stand outside the nightclub, the air is cooler and the evening still bright with a dusky pink sky blanketed above them. Club goers around them are loud and brash with the consumption of alcohol in their bloodstream and Ste is just about tipsy now and he's not really in the mood to get beyond that, to the point he doesn't recall what happened the night before. Ste feels a bit like the party pooper of the group, especially as Tony is more than up for it with his merry ways.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it tonight guys, gonna take a cab home."

"What?! And miss out on all the fun?" Tony slurs his words accompanied by a laugh. Amy giggling with him latched firmly to his stronger body weight. "Come on Ste, I thought you'd be first in line"

"Maybe another night. I'm tired. S'okay for you lot, getting eight hours sleep a night. I don't get that luxury" Ste shrugged, they all turned to the taxi that pulls up and when they're all seated Ste leans in with a big smile.

"Don't do owt I wouldn't"

"Well that's us limited then ain't it?" Amy jokes, heaves herself up to hug Ste tight. "You get straight home okay? Love you"

"Love ya too, all of you. Have a good night" Ste pushes the cab door shut and waves his friend off, another taxi takes him home.

The sky is beginning to darken over when he arrives back, and after paying the driver Ste fumbles with his keys walking up the pathway and drops them with a jangle. A noise has Ste turning sharply around, but there's nobody that he can see. There are footsteps but faint and seem in the distance from him.

As the hair on the back of his neck alerts him there's something wrong, Ste knows then he isn't alone any longer. The smell hits him first, in all the years past by the stench of stale beer never changed. Ste felt instantly sick to his stomach, nerves making his smaller body shake. Ste swallowed and started to walk to his front door, he just had to get inside it.

"Where are you going huh? Did I give ya permission to walk off?"

"Go away. You're not welcome here" Ste spoke, shake to his voice. The footsteps behind him quickened forcing Ste to make haste to the front door, his key slipped against the lock leaving the person behind to catch up.

"Always were a cocky little shit, should of slapped some more manners into ya" The man sneered, preyed on Ste until he was too close for comfort and he was trapped.

"Go away, my mates are gonna be back any second right, better leave before the cops are called"

"You're lying. I saw them go off without ya"

Ste spins around and is faced with his step father, leaning near enough his foul smelling breath makes him ill. Eyes dilated and angry. Ste flicks his eyes down as Terry grips his top in hardened fists and lifts the young boy to his tip toes. "That's right, I made sure you'd be alone. Now your mother needs some money, so I thought I'd be a gentleman and come round and get it from her waster son."

"You ain't no gentleman, gentle ain't in your nature. Had the bruises to prove that"

"Well, it would only be right to remind ya how to speak to your father, bring those pretty bruises back again." Terry taunts back, slaps Ste across the face, humiliates him. Ste feels the tears tickle down the curve of his cheekbones and settle in the corner of his mouth.

"I haven't any money, ya had some last time. Just leave me alone..."

"Aww, you poor thing. I'm nearly welling up, turning me soft being in your company. Better not be catching, else I'll have to beat it out of you, nancy boy" Terry drops Ste to the ground.

"I fucking hate you" Ste sobs, manages to pull himself up. Looks up at Terry smiling, then Ste turns his attention to a blur in the background and holds his breath. With Ste clearly stunned, Terry intrigued turns to look behind him but he doesn't get chance.

Ste is speechless watching his neighbour stride up the path without any thought, he's tall and broad shouldered. Face straight with no emotion and his eyes fixed. Pulling Terry by the hair, Brendan walks him backwards and out of the gate. Terry is loud as he protests but Brendan doesn't halt. Ste moves himself fast to the gate, mouth wide his hands grip the faded paint on the wood bruising the tips of them. Ste watches with a held breath, Brendan drag Terry to the end of the street proceeding to throw him away and landing the man firmly on this side.

There are heated words exchanged but Ste can't hear what is said but he can see Brendan overshadowing Terry's limp body. In a moment Ste has never witnessed before, his stepdad crawls away on his hands and knees and when he's out of sight Brendan waits a moment or two before he makes his way back to Ste. He sniffs sharply when he gets there, stands in front of Ste and looks down on him with a blank face.

"What did ya say to im?" Ste asks, voice hoarse and mouth loose he looks up at Brendan.

"I told that lowlife, if I ever saw him on our street again I'd make sure he'd end up in a skip at the local refuse site. I'm all for recycling rubbish me" Brendan admitted with a short nod to the head. Ste began to smile then.

"Did ya really say that? He'd have killed me for opening me gob. Thank you, you didn't have to though, but I appreciate it."

"Neighbourhood watch, giving back to the community"


"Nope, that was a joke. I wasn't gonna stand by though. Just sorry I didn't get here sooner, ye gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, not the first time this sort of thing. I've had worse believe me, if you hadn't of turned up..."

"Good job I came home when I did then" Brendan says, takes a look around them. "Who is he?"

"My step dad, Terry. Gutted he's found me, probs have to move now"

"Don't worry, he won't be back. Unless he wants through me first" Brendan notices the drying tear trails on Ste's face. "You're shaken up, get indoors, come on I'll walk with ye."

"You left the club early too, both of us light weights." Ste walks up his path while Brendan walks with him, waits until Ste opens his front door.

"Yeah well, I didn't really wanna be there in the first place, but Anne, she's persuasive" Brendan says, he looks Ste over carefully. The way his eyelashes flutter because they're that long. The glow from the street lamps leaving a speck of light in the corner of his widened eyes. "Although, maybe it wasn't so bad in the end. Depends on the company ye keep, don't it?"

"Yep, you're not wrong. Ta again and um...I'll see ya round, again"

"Hey, ye need owt or if that trash calls again, let me know alright"

"I will. Night" Ste agrees and closes the door behind him.

Ste is out of the house early one morning making his way to the bus stop a short distance from his home. He sits waiting for the next bus to take him into town where his shift starts in about an hour, a part time job he'd acquired at a coffee shop. During the summer he'd asked for more shifts with nothing else to do until he returns to college. He's the only one sat here and there's very few cars on the road. He thinks everyone decided to lie in besides him, and Ste could do with the sleep.

Further up the road, Brendan walked out of his front door and down the path to his gate. His head turned to look both ways before moving out and starting into a jog along the pavement. Dressed in a white vest and loose shorts he moved at a steady pace towards the bus shelter. Ste absently looked up hearing the sound of a person running. Mouth parting slow, his eyes trailed the body of Brendan as he gained upon him. He recognised him immediately as his neighbour.

Brendan slowed down, and his jog became a quick walk stopping outside of the shelter, pane of glass between them.

"Hello again." Brendan greeted, his own eyes soaked in the young boy he'd spoken to nights earlier, silently thanking the wonders of daylight. "Gotta stop meeting like this"

"Well, let's not be too hasty." Ste smoothed. This was the first time either of them had seen each other properly, every other time they'd had the darkness of the evening or nightclub. Brendan stretched up his arm high to rest on the side, vest inching up slightly revealing the dark hair on his lower stomach. Ste darted his gaze there and Brendan's eyes caught the magic moment.

"I have a job" Ste blurts out quickly, tries to hide his embarrassment.

"That's good" Brendan nodded, lip protruding "Well done"

"I mean, I am going to my job, coffee shop in town. And I dunno why I am tellin ya all of this, sorry"

"I like coffee." Brendan shrugs and plays it down for Ste's sake.

Ste's lips slow into a thin smile "Me too. About the other night, what ya did. That were really amazing. He's violent, me stepdad. So if you hadn't of helped me when you did I might have ended up in hospital."

Brendan walks and sits inside the bus shelter with Ste, lets out a heavy sigh as he does. "Sounds like a right bastard then. It was nothing, anybody would have helped"

"You know that's not true, I'm a stranger to you, kinda. How can I thank you properly?"

"How to thank me. Tell ye what, how about ye make me a coffee some day, at that job of yours."

"Okay, it's a deal. Are you still having trouble sleeping?"

"Up most nights, I do kip it's just broken is all. Haven't seen ye in the garden recently. Thought the night air might have helped"

"It does sometimes. I don't always stand out though, there's the tv or my thoughts to keep me occupied. Might go out tonight though" Ste speaks half nibbling at his bottom lip, the look of his shoes becoming a focal point suddenly.

"I'll bear that in mind"

"Surprised you've the energy to run" Ste says, changing the subject and gesturing to Brendan's attire.

"The running helps me to clear my mind of things and I try to keep healthy"

"Well ya look good. I mean, in good shape" Ste holds his hand up to his eyes, closes them.

"Are ye okay there Steven?"

"Oh, my name is Ste. You must have forgot."

"I didn't forget." Brendan speaks distracted by the bus arriving. He watches it park up, looks at Ste.

"Probably just as well, can't get my foot any more stuck in me gob can I?" Ste giggles nervously.

"See ye tonight then Steven" Brendan says as he jogs past Ste. The bus doors open while Ste watches Brendan leave.

"Oi, you getting on this bus or ogling that fella all morning?" The bus driver barks at Ste, Brendan turns around to jog a few steps backwards, enough time to see Ste blush so red he almost faints.

"Cheers for that big mouth" Ste says shoving his bus pass to the drivers face. The bus cruises past Brendan just before he steers his body into the local park, enough time for them to exchange smiles. Ste's heartbeat misses as they do.

When Ste arrives home after his shift the house is empty and there's a steady stream of voices coming from the back garden and the aroma of a BBQ in the air. Ste curious wanders through the house to the back and sighs happy at the sight of Tony in full chef mode, he waves once they notice each other.

"This is a much better idea" Tony says, grin brightening his face. Stood in a daft novelty apron the girls had bought for him last birthday, Tony is at the BBQ turning over the various offers of meat. The smell is mouth watering and lingers with a tinge of burn through the air. Ste offers him a beer from the cooler, they clink the bottles together before taking a swig.

"I agree, especially when the weather is this good. Ya sausage is burnin" Ste points out gesturing to the BBQ. Tony turns them over again.

"You having one? Or there's chicken, burger..."

"It all looks good. I'll have a sausage or two. Don't forget the onions an sauce."

Ste wanders off and bumps into Rae bringing out the salad. "Ste, can ya give Amy a hand? She's got some more sides and some drinks."

"Yeah no worries. Go keep an eye on Tone will ya. Reckon he's gonna incinerate that meat."

"I heard that!" Tony shouts, tongs pointing to Ste in a warning gesture. "I know how to handle my meat thank you"

"I'd keep that to myself if I were you" Ste honks out his laughter.

Tony glances around at everyone who's stopped to snigger at him. Ste winks at Rae before going back inside the house. Amy stands in the kitchen and wipes her brow on her sleeve. Ste's presence has her looking up and blowing out a long breath.

"Who'd have thought a BBQ could be this tasking. Taste this coleslaw Ste, Tony showed me what to do but ya know what's he's like. I dunno if I've done it right." Amy explains, watches with an open mouth while Ste tries some. He smiles once he has.

"It's great Ames, don't worry. Who is coming to this gathering?"

"Dunno, Rae put it online"

"What?! Are ya serious? The world will turn up! Amy!"

"Your face! Ha ha. I'm joking! Just a few people from college, most of them are here."

"Flipping eck. We'd have been kicked out for that."

"Who by? Our lush neighbour?" Amy teases, tongue between her teeth.

"Brendan? Nah he's cool" Ste says, dismissing her words. Amy's face changes, mouth widening like she's heard something juicy.

"Brendan?" The tray Amy was carrying is quickly discarded. "How do you know his name?"

"I went through his mail, cos ya know, I'm weird like that" Ste replies, chuckles at his friends blank expression. "He told me when I met him other day. Ya know how I have difficulty sleeping?"

Amy nods her head, grabs hold of the tray Ste places in her hands again. Grabs his own and moves with her from the house. "He's same, I went out for some air and Brendan was there too. Got to talking a while ago, just stood out here like"

"Oh, right. Didn't you have it looked at, the sleeping thing."

"Nah. I can sometimes, but it's broken. An when I wake it's difficult to fall asleep again. Usually I'm sat alone, it was nice to have the company. I thought we could invite him over for this." Ste suggests, placing the tray down. "I think he's on his own over there. Plus it would be a good way of introducing ourselves"

"Hm, you already have though. It's okay with me Ste, but we don't know anything about him. Did he look alright?"

"Appearances can be deceptive ya know? I've spoken to him a few times actually and he is cool. Don't need to worry about what he looks like Ames." Ste replies, scolding her slightly. "He um...met Terry too"

"What? Terry was here? Oh no Ste, how's he found you?" Amy says, her voice wobbles and eyes dart around them. Ste steers her to the table with food on it and holds her hand once she's put down the tray.

"He turned up that night you went clubbing. Must have found out at work, I dunno. I came home an he had me up against the front door. Threatened me, the usual. Brendan got rid of him, he was really kind actually"

"Well I am glad he was there then. If Terry even dares to come here again, we'll call the police Ste. I won't have him hurting you again, I saw the pain you went through." Amy moves and hugs Ste tightly.

Amy moves and holds her hand to Ste's shoulder, flicks her eyes up at the house next door.

"Go and ask him over. He can try one of Tony's burnt offerings can't he?" Amy raises her voice, words leaving her mouth with a chuckle.

Ste smiles and turns to look at Tony who is mumbling in the background about being sick of hearing people taking the mick out of his culinary skills. Ste wanders over and takes one of his hot dogs and eats it. "It's amazing Tony. Thanks"

"Thank you" Tony speaks sarcastically and overly loud at everyone around before they can dare say anything else. Ste eats the rest before he makes his journey round to Brendan's. He knocks and waits. There's no answer after three tries so he goes back to the party and has a few drinks and food with his friends.

Ste is a little tipsy with the beer flow, he's had a few just be social. He's not the biggest drinker really. After trying a burger the young boy had a full stomach and made his way over to the wooden fence in the middle of the garden. Leaned back against it and soaked up the hot rays of sunshine.

A tap on his shoulder had him surprised and cranking around his neck sharply. The pain he felt hurt leaving him to rub his cool fingers to ease the muscles again. A beautiful brunette woman stood in front of him, wandering through Brendan's garden she's stopped to speak to him. Ste let his mouth loosen a little, mind wondering who she was. He assumed Brendan had lived alone but then he remembers where he has seen her, the other night in the club.

"Hey, sorry to trouble you. I am looking for the man who lives here, Brendan? You haven't seen him at all, have you?"

"Um, no...not since this morning. I knocked earlier actually. Was going to ask him to the BBQ, but he wasn't in then either"

"Oh right" The lady spoke, slightly disappointed as she looked back at the house. "I will have to come back then won't I?"

"Are you his wife?" Ste asked curious. "Just cos...I thought Brendan lived alone"

"Did you now" The lady smiled, eyes trailing down the entirety of Ste leaving him feeling a little awkward. "Hang on a minute, I know you don't I? Weren't you at the club the other day?"

"Yeah, I was. Just said hi an that, I was with my housemates"

The lady suddenly held out her arm, fingers wriggling. "I'm Anne, I'm a friend and colleague of Brendan's. Not his wife, no such luck. I'm completely not his type"

"Aw, that's a shame. Maybe that could change, ya never know" Ste gulped down his beer, eyes still on Anne.

"Oh believe me, it'll never happen. Could you, could you let him know I called round? He usually rings me, he has trouble sleeping."

"Yep, he told me. Somet we have in common, I'm a terrible sleeper too. He's alright though, he went for a jog this morning"

"Of course he did." Anne beamed profusely. "It was nice to meet you..?"

"Ste" Ste replies and shakes Anne's hand again. "Do ya want something to eat? There's plenty left. You're welcome to join us and maybe Brendan will come back soon"

"Thanks love, but I'm gonna get going. Ste, it was nice to meet you. I think it won't be the last time we do though." Anne's winks as she leaves, Ste watches her get into a nice car and drive off. Rae stands next to him and looks in the same direction.

"That his girlfriend?" Rae inquires, sucks her drink through a straw noisily.

"No, she says she's not his type"

"Ah, assumed she was. Who then?"

"A mate and colleague. Seems friendly enough. How much have you had to drink?" Ste turns to his friend, her balance is way off and her giggles give it away.

"Um, one...two...just three I think" Rae ponders and Ste grabs a hold of her arm.

"Come on, lets get some food in ya. Soak up the booze. At least one of us will kip like a baby huh"

That evening it's raining with the threat of a storm within the charged night sky above. Ste is sat in his bedroom, eyes tilted upwards to watch for any lightning, keeps his chin rested on his upturned palms glaring at the rain lash at the window. He's a little disappointed, Ste was looking forward to having someone to talk to during the early morning hours while he was awake. His long eyelashes blinked gazing out at the sudden flash of lightning that tracked the night sky, the low rumble of thunder that accompanied it giving the window a shudder. It was four miles away, Ste had counted out of curiosity.

The flash had lit up the garden and showed the aftermath of the party they'd had there earlier. It was a mess and needed a good clean up, a bit like the state inside his head, still throbbing from the intake of beer. Ste blew out a bored breath, there were better things to keep his mind occupied. Ste glanced back into his room and spied the blank tv, before getting up and wandering through to the kitchen. Filling the kettle deciding to prepare himself a hot drink Ste turned on the radio lowering the music to a mild tone.

The storm continued it's lightning display outside his window and Ste stood to watch again, arms folding when a slight tapping noise at the front door had him spinning around. Ste's lip inverted, the flesh pushing up behind his teeth he moved to creep slowly along his room and edge around the door. Ste leaned his head out and listened carefully, the radio continued to play out music softly and another tapping, although not as long, vibrated the glass of the front door. Ste's heart beat began to race now as he considered it was Terry back for a visit. Ste chewed his bottom lip some more and double checked the lateness of the hour. Past one in the morning.

Animatedly tip toeing across to the front entrance, Ste peered around to see the door. A huge flash of lightning forked the sky lighting up a figure stood at the door. Ste yelped and covered his mouth, eyes widening. A low chuckle outside had his hands letting go, lowering past his mouth, it didn't sound like Terry. Ste gripped the lock and turned it slowly, jolting open the door his head moved to look out.

"Boo!" Brendan spoke smugly, smile lifting his tashe. Ste's eyes gazed upon the man he saw this morning. The lampposts on the street shone a rewarding orange glow, down the street and into the front of his house allowing Ste to see him and the backdrop of rain falling to the ground.

"Brendan, wow" Ste exclaimed, opening the door wider.

"What?" Brendan asked, smile stretching. He was wearing a short length leather jacket to shield from the rain, dark jeans. His hair and moustache had caught beads of the rain, they sparkled while dripping off. Ste took in all of him without even realising what he was doing.

"Just... Definitely not weird"

"Ok, I'm getting a complex now, what's with the weird?"

"Nothing." Ste shook his head, he was aware he was staring, it was totally obvious, but he was compelled to keep Brendan's gaze. Amazing calbalt blue, piercing.

"It's raining" Ste spoke again, clearly distracted.

"No kidding." Brendan laughed. "Ye never came out so...thought I'd knock"

"It's raining" Ste repeated himself, looking at the facial hair Brendan had, Ste wondered if it was the soft kind, or maybe it was harsh bristles. He couldn't tell from just looking. When his eyes travelled upwards again, Brendan had his eyebrows raised knowingly.

"Steven, are ye gonna stare all night? I'd rather be comfy and dry if ye are"

"You wanna come in?" Ste asked absently, then blinked back into the room. He was going crazy. The temperature soared thanks to the hot summer night.

"You'll have to invite me first, vampire" Brendan pressed his lips closed, nod of the head. Watched Ste angle his head to one side, eyes slanting.

"You're kidding"

"Might be, then again ye never know who lives next door, do ye?"

"You're invited..." Ste speaks cautiously, moves to let Brendan walk in. "Show me your teeth"

Brendan turns, beams a full set of teeth leaving Ste to lean in closer. Brendan captures the smell of him, his beautiful blue eyes. It leaves his breath shallow and lips relaxing again. "Hmm, no sharp ones. I have garlic...a friendly warning"

"I like garlic" Brendan holds his hands up "Fair enough. Close the door then, ye don't live in a barn"

Ste closes the door and shows Brendan into the lounge. "It's not much, we're still unpacking. Can I get you a drink?"

"A bloody Mary please"

Ste wanders into the kitchen then stops short. "Okay wise ass, what do you want to drink? I'm making a hot chocolate"

"Go on then, I'll live a little, thanks" Brendan sits down and lays his arms on the back of the sofa, Ste fetches two mugs of hot chocolate through and sits opposite on a chair.

"That bus driver this morning, weren't talking about you. Just so ya know that"

"Oh, that's, yeah. Good to clear that up. So the fact ye blushed when I turned around, that was not ye looking right at me, no?"

"No. You had a visitor earlier" Ste cleared his throat and sips his drink, looks at Brendan doing the same.

"Who was that then?"

"Anne? Yeah, she stopped by and we got talking. Says she was concerned ya never called her last night as normal"

"Ah. Yes. I do call her usually, on account of always being awake. She's a good friend, likes to check up on me when I disappear." Brendan places his cup on the coffee table in front of him.

"Good having friends like that. Bet me taking up your time other night kept you from calling her too"

"Made a change didn't it? Look at us now, I ain't done this in..." Brendan pauses to think. He doesn't think he's ever done this before, not exactly the most talkative man.

"Yeah, me too. Anne seems really nice too. Why can't ya sleep?"

Brendan raises his brows, eyes to the floor. "Long story, I doubt you'll be interested"

"They say strangers are the best to talk too, an I have got all night" Ste grinned. "Unless it's private."

"I have nightmares, reoccurring ones. They wake me up and to be fair, no one wants that do they. So I'd rather stay awake"

"I'm sorry to hear that. I shouldn't pry really" Ste drank a swig of his hot chocolate, flickered his eyes up to Brendan who himself was now staring. Ste pulled the cup from his mouth slowly, watched the older man lick his lips. "Maybe if you had company at night. That would help you? Waking up alone, well it'll be scary after that won't it?"

"Been on my own a while now. Well, the odd bit of fun, I ain't a monk. Besides, too much baggage isn't it? Who's gonna want to lie next to someone who has disruptive sleep. May as well just stay awake"


"Done that, they just chuck meds at ye and think it's a solution. Ye been to the doctors Steven?"

"No, I just thought it would pass I guess. I dunno what keeps me restless. If it's dreams then I never remember" Ste shrugs as he explains, eyes flicking up to the stranger sat on his sofa. He wasn't sure how he could be at such ease with someone he'd just met. Inviting him into his home, having a conversation like they'd known each other years. It was an odd feeling, but comfortable nevertheless.

"You're Irish. I like the accent"

Brendan looked back at Ste. "Yeah, Dublin. I've a family there, kids, ex wife"

Ste spluttered on his drink, wiping the remnants from his mouth. He coughed awkwardly.
"Damn it" Ste cursed, placing the drink away from him.

"Forgot where your mouth was?" Brendan rolled his head, pondering the young boy in front of him. "You're surprised I'm married aren't ye"

"Thought you said ex?" Ste corrected, brushed down his wet clothes. "Not really, Anne she looks good ya know. I'm sure you two will be happy together. I mean she denied it but, yeah obvious"

"She is my ex, the wife? And as for Anne...well there's no need to worry on that score"

"Why would I worry?"

"Hm" Brendan shrugged, his head shaking. His eyes flicked up to Ste who looked a little fidgety. " I married my wife, Eileen, but I fancied the priest more if truth be told"

"Blimey, did ya?" Ste's eyes moved quickly to Brendan then. The older man sighed relieved, Ste seemingly happy at the revelation. He'd never told a living soul the truth about his wedding day. How he'd turned up for his children, for his fiancée and the vile father he had perched behind his shoulder when he'd dared to eye back at the exit. It seemed to stretch further away the longer he'd looked. The look his father gave him still instilled the same fear now when thinking about it as it did that day.

"Brendan, are you alright?" Ste's voice smoothed like a sweet honey, despite his broad Mancunian accent. Brendan endeared to his words, his company and his acceptance.

"I'm fine Steven. Just reopening old wounds is all"

"So...if ya wasn't into marrying her, why not tell her?"

"I had a duty as a father. Besides, I wasn't entirely faithful"

"Ah. I bet she weren't pleased about that then. Threw ya backside out I bet"

"Something like that yeah." Brendan reached for his drink again, mouth all dry and scratchy. "A man can't help his urges, ye should know" Brendan glared up at Ste through hooded eyelids, watched him squirm on the spot.

"Dunno what ya mean"

"I've seen ye look at me, it's...obvious"

"You look at me an all! With them, mysterious eyes, glued to me they are" Ste defended quickly, mostly because of the embarrassment, and with that, caught the bait. Ste watched Brendan smirk, it was far too rewarding having the confirmation he'd needed. The pleasure it had produced contagious enough to catch, Ste hated his involuntary reactions but liked they now both shared the same thoughts.

Keeping their eyes tethered to one another, neither one backed down for many moments. In the end it was Ste who grinned first, accompanied by a wonderful flourishing Brendan could easily get used too. Brendan edged back into the cushioned sofa and laid back his head.

"My nightmares come from my childhood. Growing up in Ireland with my Da. He ran a pub, it was old and decrepit, a bit like how he is now." Brendan scoffed, his eyes looked full of anger as he reminised. Ste swallowed slowly. "Smokey, so bad it left a continuous sheen of it in the air"

"Against the law that is" Ste interrupted. "Not allowed to smoke in public places are ya?"

"Not now maybe. But back then ye could. I hated the smell of cigars, it's the one thing that ails me"

"Was you a lot younger then?" Ste asks, he's leaned forward on his knees now, eyes full of interest.

"A teenager, in the pub at least. It gave me a sense of achievement, when he gave me a job there." Brendan played idly with his finger nails. "Turns out it was another way to berate me"

Ste sat there and watched Brendan struggle with his vivid memories, a time passed by years ago that brought a lot of pain for him. Ste himself knowing all too well how growing up as a child isn't always so innocent and fun. Sometimes you have to grow up a lot quicker than you're meant too. Brendan didn't say anything more so Ste thought of his own youth.

"When I were a kid, my mam married Terry. He beat me up everyday of my life. I still have the bruises, perhaps not above my skin. Below it though, they're there. Made me believe I deserved it too"

"Ye never deserved that Steven. No child does."

"Got away finally, wanted to better myself. I met them lot at school" Ste points to the ceiling. "My friends, they know about it. We all made a pact to study at college and make ourselves better." Ste reveals, the proudness he radiates warms Brendan, encourages him to smile. Ste captures it and smiles back.

"My Da beat me too, I've lost count of the bruises, but my nightmares remind me. Why I don't like to sleep"

Ste nibbles his bottom lip, hesitates initially before striding across to the sofa and sitting on it with Brendan. "An he's still alive too"

"Hmm" Brendan nods, brings his body around to angle with Ste. He's sat up and crossed his legs again, fiddles with his fingers. "He's in Ireland though. I escaped and came here"

"I'm glad ya did"

"Are ye?"

"Yeah, I am. It's crap init? What did we do wrong, why us?"

"I stopped asking questions like that long ago. Your step dad, why did he seek ye out again?"

"Money. It's always about the money. They both drink"

"And ye give it to him, don't ye?"

Ste nods bowing his head. "Sometimes. He wanted money for me mam. I bet ya think I'm mad to bother, especially as she probs never sees any of it. She stood by...watched him for years. I used to ask her why, why she wouldn't help me. Think it was half because she was scared he'd turn on her too" Ste wipes the sudden tear from his cheek and instantly feels ashamed by it.

Another hand fleets it's way across his cheek, and Ste flicks his dark wet matted lashes up. Brendan is leant across now, thumb brushing the soft bronzed skin Ste has, his eyes dart freely with Ste's who brings up his own hand but the older man moves his away. Shuffles straight and looks like he's preparing to leave.

"You going?"

"Yeah, outstayed my welcome enough so"

Ste stands as Brendan does, walks him to the door and the older man waits around, looks at the rain still pouring down outside. Ste heaves a long sigh, arms wrapping around his chest. He gazes up at Brendan who looks down at him, watches his tongue move out its tip.

"Can I see you again?" Ste asks casually, bites against his lip. Brendan is silent with his thoughts."I mean if you want, doesn't matter. Whatever"

"Come to mine, tomorrow night?"

"Your house?"

"Yeah, not far to travel" Brendan smiles, gestures to the weather. "Best make a dash for it"

"Right, tomorrow then"