Hey everybody. Thanks for continuing if you have posted any view i hope to read them very soon. If there is a problems just say. Sadly I have to say that i do not own Power Rangers (Haim Saban) and I don't own My Little Pony (Lauren Faust) but they are both great people who thought of these ideas. Now enough with the pleasantries onward to the story.

Looking up at the moon, Princess Luna wondered 'Why did I every want to control the night for all eternity' Unknowing to the princess something dark and evil was on its way to her. Just then a vase fell on the floor Luna turned around and only though it was a guard messing around and thought nothing about it. Then the dark spirit managed to get closer to the night dreaming princess and surrounded her.

"Sister, help me" Luna screamed as the spirit started to control her body. Celesta galloped at full speed to help her sister but it was all in vain the spirit had controlled her changing her into the evil she did not wish to return Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon fired a beam of pure darkness towards Celesta who managed to avoid it. Celesta charged her horn and then Nightmare Moon prepared for an attack, then Celesta disappeared.

"HA, she's ran off, but won't she go and get those miserable Elements of Harmony who beat me before" Nightmare Moon wondered, "I could use a monster like I did before, all the rangers are gone and their morphers too. Yes a monster that will destroy the Elements before you can say eternal night."

Celesta magically reappeared to the castle of friendship, much to the surprise of Twilight and Spike who were just fast asleep

"Princess Celesta, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked only to not be answered by her other princess. Then Celesta finally spoke "Twilight get your friend and head to the castle of the two sisters."

A hour passes and Twilight headed with her friends though the Everfree Forest.

"Twilight, do we have to go through the Everfree, it scares me?" spoke a quiet voice coming from a yellow Pegasus with pink hair.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but with the way Princess Celesta was panicking we need to" Twilight said to her scared friend.

"Ha, nothing scares me i'm Rainbow Dash" a cyan Pegasus bellowed

"Except maybe th' dream ya had two weeks ago" laughed a orange mare only to be replied by a scowl from the cyan mare. Then the group of six reached the castle.

"I remember when we came here and thought it was haunted" A white Unicorn mare with a purple mane spoke

"Yeah and you were all like 'Ahhhh' and 'Get me out of here'" A pink pony said bouncing up and down,

"Pinkie!" exclaimed her travelling partners

Once they reached the castle Celesta was pacing around looking very worried and when she saw Twilight and her friends her face changed to happiness

"Good you are all here" Celesta stated

"What is the problem Celesta?" Asked Twilight

"It's Luna, she is back under the control of Nightmare Moon." Celesta said tipping her head to the side.

"WHAT!" exclaimed the six other ponies.

"It's true, I had to see her change a second time, I hoped never to see it again." wept Celesta

"Well let's get the element and beat her," Said the cyan Pegasus

"Not as easy as you may think Rainbow, the elements are locked in the tree of harmony now and there is no way to get them out." stated Celesta "but there is another way. Come, follow"

Sorry that end of the chapter but I hope to write more soon after you help me with the problem of ranger colours I am having. Any reviews just please give me some good or bad. Webbowriter out!