Elsa did her best to keep her eyes on the path before her as she walked behind Professor Colbert, her long seeded habits not leaving her. Even with gloves on her hands again, she was nervous with another person so close to her. By her standards at least. She knew that to other, the distance was considered impolite. It was a gradual thing, learning how to stand close enough so as not to offend for the political situations. She knew how to manage it, but that didn't mean she was 'past' it an any sense. But she wasn't in one at the moment, and given the circumstances, she felt keeping distance wasn't a big deal.

What was more important to her was getting information on where she was, and how things worked here. Obviously, she knew to expect a culture clash. Given what her parents told her, magic was feared back home, but here, it couldn't be more different. Openly taught and encouraged. But even with the knowledge of an inevitable conflicting viewpoints, what she learned of next honestly gave her pause.

"So… you are saying that, the people with magic are the ones in charge? By default?" She asked. It wasn't just that Zerbest girl and this Louise being Nobles. Every single student, magic users, were one!

"Yes. Magic is a gift from our Founder, Brimir. It is a mages duty to lead and protect the commoners."

The thought process couldn't be any more different from her own if she tried. All her life she had to keep her magic a secret. She was a dangerous anomaly that could topple all of Arendell if her magic ever came to light.

Now? People like her were rulers! Because of the magic! She was iffy on the whole religious angle on it though, but she wasn't outright dismissing it. She had a feeling dismissing anything as being too outlandish after today would not be a wise move, so she was reserving judgment on that.

Colbert noticed her look. "Is that truly so hard to believe? Hm, your amnesia is truly an extensive case. I'm just pleased you are retaining what you have learned. That truly would have made things far more complicated. Going to the library was a wise decision miss Vallière. It is reassuring that was among your places to go. You always were a dedicated student."

She didn't show much at the praise of this Louise, still thinking about the magical rulers. The notion, though alien and utterly confounding to her, she had enough of her wits to ask why. She needed to know why at the very least. Why they were allowed to rule, when she had to hide. "…Why? Why are magic users… well in charge?" I mean, I know of the.. holy right, but why? Is there any, shall we say, practical reason for that?" Really, what possible use could people who could explode entire rooms be in a ruling position?

A look of surprise, likely at questioning the religion, came over Colbert's face, and the albeit very brief, but telling grim look, told her that subject was particularly taboo. She really had thank her own calm wits when she came up with her excuse, the amount of trouble it was saving looked to be worth it in some areas.

"Well, if you wish for practical reasoning, the wildlife for one. It is a mages job to ensure creatures such as dragons, griffons, manticores and other dangerous creatures don't set up nests too close to towns and villages. Other jobs are only doable by a mage. Some mages are even responsible for enchanting farmland so crops grow better. Water mages are healers, and so on. Not to mention the bands of orcs and goblins that can easily match any non magical forces. " He explained. She would have to double check to see if what he was saying was true, but Elsa was betting on it being the case. He had no reason to lie to her, and her more political instincts weren't going off. But they were untested…

"I see…" That… truly was a good explanation regardless though, even if a bare bones one. The creatures she witnessed in the courtyard were proof that in this land, the wildlife was just as outlandish as this many mages at once. She could imagine the damage dragons could do to wooden boats, and who knows? Maybe some other monsters from her own mythology were roaming outside in the country somewhere.

"I should warn you against questioning such things in the future . Others may not be as understanding of your situation as I am, and it could lead to trouble. Espically in this political climate." He explained, a pained sigh escaping him afterwards.

One didn't have to be an expert to realize the far reaching implications of those words. So, trouble was brewing here then? Lovely. She made a note to find out more about it later. She didn't know if it would concern her or not, but one doesn't have the title of queen hanging over their head and not realize the importance of having up to date information. That, and she wasn't sure if it could possibly drag her into it, whatever this trouble was.

But back to the problem at hand.

"There is no way for me for me to stay here?" She asked again. Mostly for the sake of keeping the conversation moving.

He shook his head. "Sadly, without a familiar, that is not the case. And as I said, I disagree with it. Though, I will try and stop by at your estate when I get the opportunities. I still take full responsibility for what has happened, and I shall do what I can to ensure you have a full recovery."

She found her eyes widening in surprise at that. First impressions of Colbert had been remarkably positive, but she found herself taken a bit by surprise by his words. She was expecting a cold formality, not the gentle warm concern he was showing for her.

She didn't necessarily disapprove it was just… odd. Hearing such genuine warm concern rather than a by the numbers procedure to be worked through. Of course, maybe she hadn't the most typical of experiences. After all, Gerda had gone numb rather early when her powers were the most unstable, the decreasing outbursts were just another off day for her. A business of waiting for when it was safe to approach her, and begin cleaning up, before putting distance between herself and the castle staff once again.

She found herself stumbling slightly in choosing her words, not used to it at all, and Colbert gave her a questing glance at her silence.

"I… thank you, professor. Your dedication to your students is commendable." Elsa responded, managing a formal nod.

Colbert gave her a look that was between gratitude, then instantly weighted down by remorse as they finished the walk.

"But in any case, here is the library." He said opening the doors to the room proper. Elsa couldn't help but feel her gaze wander over the collection of books on the shelves. She could feel her curiosity stir at the sight of so much foreign knowledge… but only for a few moments. Now wasn't the time for childish things such as reading for fun, she had work to do.

He lead her over to a section of books, and gesturing with his staff towards one across from where she was. "Here is the history section, and there is the magical theory books, the things you should catch up on the soonest. It will be some time before your family arrives. You should have at least two hours to read whatever you wish. I need to return to my classroom at this moment, however, I shall send a maid to help you along and ensure you do not get lost. I wish you well in remembering miss Vallière. I hope we can one day see you returned to proper form."

"Thank you, professor." Elsa replied again, offering a small smile. It really wasn't everyday she had a conversation like this. It was mildly terrifying, and she was sure once he was gone she'd realize just how tense she'd been the whole time. But, Colbert was a nice man. It felt nice being able to talk without the ice of death threating to erupt at a moments notice. She could count the times that happened back home for the past years on three hands.

But then, it really wasn't every day she was forced into another body either. But she focused on the positives. She dared not test out her control over her new magic just yet so she let her control reassert itself over her mind, to stop the wandering.

He nodded, but didn't return her smile. She knew why though. The look on his face told her the guilt and regret made smiling towards the person you failed and hurt impossible. She didn't hold it against in the slightest when he simply nodded and left her alone with the books.

Once again, she let out a sigh and her tension relaxed, as she expected by now. These habits were too far ingrained with her to simply vanish now that she didn't have to worry about freezing everything in sight.

Regardless, she began her work. While finding out about this world did appeal to her on a curiosity level, finding out about some sort of mind transferable magic was her top priority. Second was researching this 'summoning spell'. That was the way this happened, it stood to reason that was the best way to get back home.

It was the second part that was giving her the most worry. How would they reverse this situation of swapped bodies? She didn't know. And unless she intended to sit around moping all day, she had to just focus on what she felt could be done. So… she studied. She read for a bit on the familiar ritual itself, reaffirming her knowledge of what she had on it this far. A sacred rite for mages, that would summon the familiar that best suited the mage.

She failed to see how that part would contribute to their situation though. And if anything, she was the one to mess it up. It did say that familiars tend to be summoned generally accepting of their role, and desire to be with their master. But Elsa remembered feeling downright terrified of the portal and struggling. Not something it looked like was normal. Not unheard of, but not the norm.

She just chalked it up to her being a human summons. But try as she might, it only said animals could be summoned, and not a peep on humans. This was just her getting the bare basics down on one subject. It was going to take more than this to solve the problem.

She was thankful she could understand the writings at least. She wasn't entirely sure how, after all, she was still talking in her native accent it sounded like if Kirche and Colbert were being honest. So how was she able to read their writings? Yet another mystery to add to the pile…

It was while she was collecting books that she heard footsteps approaching, felt anxiety return as she turned to face who it was approaching.

Conceal don't feel, went her internal motto, ad putting her gloved hands behind her as a young woman rounded a shelf into sight.

Standing before her was what looked to be a maid. Albeit, wearing an exotic uniform by her standards. And the maid herself was odd as well. Her facial structure was different and her eyes as well were unlike anything she had seen before. She had coal black hair, and a formal curtsy and posture as she began the conversation.

"Lady Vallière, correct? Professor Colbert sent me to help you." She explained."He explained the situation to me miss. I am truly sorry this has happened. By Professors Colberts request, I shall do my best to help you until your family arrives."

She picked up on the telltale signs of nervousness. She wasn't quite at the levels some of the maids back home still had over her, but it was impossible to ignore the fingers that played with each other, her toes in her shoe wiggling. There was an air of nervousness about the girl, and Elsa resisted the urge e to grimace. Focus on work. "Ah… yes. You wouldn't happen to know where the books about… mind magic would you?"

"Mind magic? Miss Vallière, mind magic is strictly outlawed. Even for a case such as yourself, magic pertaining to the manipulation of memories, and thoughts are not something that can be done, period. I would advise would going looking for such things. People might get the wrong idea." The maid explained.

Memories… huh. She actually forgot to ask about that. She did overlook the possibility of them trying to mess with her head, like those creatures did years ago to Anna didn't she? She wasn't sure how that would have played out, but now that she knew it was outlawed, it didn't matter now.

She focused on what she needed. She knew asking for such a thing would make her seem odd, but in this case, she would be willing to bear it. She needed answers. "I didn't mean like that. I mean... is there any books that you know of, that deal with... transferring the mind, or conciseness."

The girl was looking more uncomfortable now. Looking at a few shelves before answering, a small but noticeable gulp before she spoke."I… don't believe we have anything like that in here. I don't think such a thing is possible at all. I mean, I might be mistaken, but as far as I know, such a thing is impossible. I am sorry I cannot be of help, but I know almost nothing about magic." The maid stammered out, sounding on the verge of stuttering.

"I see…" Conceal don't feel. She was a maid. She could hardly be expected to be an expert on magic after all. She would ask one of the magic users to be sure. But it was mind magic. Things just keep getting more and more complicated. She could handle it... for now.

What was bothering her even more was the fear the maid had. She hated that. She hated seeing such an expression. Back home, there was always a few who just never got used to seeing her. They would tense up as if their lives would depend on how fast they could jump out of the way at a given moment, or watching what they say lest a freezing cold could erupt. Oh yes, those maids had a lot on their minds whenever she was around.

And this girl was far younger than any of them. She was younger than Elsa at least, and she was already abnormally young to be a ruler. She didn't deserve this.

"So… do you have a name?" Elsa asked, trying to make some headway into a decent business relationship, for how brief it will be.

She hesitated. "Siesta , milady." She replied eventually.

Elsa nodded. "Thank you. Now, Siesta, you don't need to be nervous around me. I know you are doing your best to help me, and will continue to do so. I-"

Siesta eyes widened, and she cut in with a slightly panicked tone. "I'm sorry if I offended you miss. I am truly sorry. I promise I will-"

"Siesta." Elsa cut in, letting very briefly a more royal tone of voice express itself. Really,with how stiff the maid went afterword, Elsa thought for a moment she really did freeze her.

She sighed. "I would appreciate it if you would let me finish. I was saying that, I want us to be able to work together in the short time we have. I promise no harm will come to you. I understand If you can't help me with everything, but what help you can offer I would greatly appreciate. Please, just calm down," Elsa said, trying to sooth the situation over.

Was this common, she wondered? The magicless being afraid of the magic users?It was the main reason she hid her powers. She didn't want people acting like this around her. She hated putting others under stress like this. But, even here it seemed, they seemed scared, despite it being classified as normal. Why? It wasn't a priority, but she had to admit, it was a nibbling thought.

"Yes miss. I apologize for speaking out of turn." Siesta replied, though looking faintly embarrassed, Elsa could tell she was thawing out. If it was enough to help her, thenfine by her.

"Good. Now, help me look through these books. I only have a few hours at best before my family arrives. What I need is..."


Colbert was walking back to his classroom with a weight on his back. He really should have kept a closer eye on her. He knew her spells ended in explosions, every one did. A snow storm was not an excuse and he knew it. Now, a girls life was irrecoverably altered. Never mind the failure, how many years would be spent trying to regain her memories? She doesn't even her own family. Karin... how could he ever look her in the face? The shame, and admittedly fear, might be too great, What of her sisters? How would they take Louise reacting to them a she would strangers? So much heartbreak and troubles... because of him. He would own up to them. Do what he could to correct it. It was all he could do. He needed to do. He owed her that much.

As he walked though, he spotted someone peculiar."Headmaster Osmond." Colbert greeted. He was looking out a window, staff in one hand, pipe in the other taking a few puffs. He turned to face Colbert as he approached.

"Just out for a stroll. Quite the commotion this day wouldn't you agree?" He began, his voice even.

"If you mean, the daughter of the Valliere family getting amnesia, on top of failing her summoning ritual, then yes. Today has been... taxing."

"Now don't go blaming yourself. You had no idea this would happen."

"I still knew what her magic was capable of. It was my responsibility to keep all students safe, and no matter how one looks at it, I failed. I will face the consequences. I surely earned them."

"Hm. Well, in any case, I wanted to talk to you. From what I was told of the event from the healers, it appears there was quite a snowstorm, enough to coat the ground, and give some students some mild frostbite. However, I must wonder how my students got such ailments with no snow to be seen at the sight."

Colbert gave him an dd look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I walked to the area in question not long after I had found out, roughly ten minutes after the summoning and found something most peculiar." He explained taking a puff of his pipe.

"All of the snow on the ground was gone. Now, I would expect some snow to be left given how much of it came through. Enough to go up to the ankles. And yet, not a single trace of it remained. In only ten minutes?" Osmond questioned, taking another smoke of his pipe, and raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"What does that mean?" Colbert asked.

The elder gave a small grin. "I'm not entirely sure, but an old man's instinct is telling me, perhaps we shouldn't call Miss Valliere a total failure just yet."


Whelp... Got lazy on this story. No other reason.

I am iffy on this chapter. I want to get across just how... well, frozen (Dodges Tomatoes) Elsa is when it comes to interacting with people on a truly personal level.

Also, keep in mind, In this story, Siesta was mostly told stories of nasty nobles a lot so that's why she's a lot more nervous here. I have no intention of bashing the nobles.