Hey everyone! Welcome to the next installment of First Comes Love!

As I promised in the last update, here it is! Funnily enough, this actually only took me 3 days to write, compared to god knows how long for previous drafts of this chapter. I guess that's what happens when the ideas start flowing.

Expect lots of fluff and feel good moments this chapter. I'm finally getting around to finish up this character arc of Akio Takahiro's. For the longest time, I had no clue where I wanted to go with this bit of depression he had found himself in. Last year I planned on getting super melodramatic with it, or even worse, some edgy revenge plot.

But, screw that. That sucked.

What I have now is something I actually feel good about. It ties up the loose ends on what Akio has become in this story, and it's transitioned into something that isn't all "hurdur I'm all angsty now because my author wrote my parents off for no good reason."

So, yeah. I feel good about this.

And before anyone leaves a review about Ryuko this chapter, yes I know this would be majorly out of character for her, but remember: the Ryuko I have written up to this point is vastly different than the genuine article. That's what OCs should do to a story, right? Shake things up, and make their impact felt on the characters around him- at least, that's what I look for.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kill la Kill. May contain some... suggestive themes (but what part of Kill la Kill doesn't, let's be real).

Akio sighed and leaned his head against the wall, content to just let the hot water from the shower head wash over his aching body.

That was the downside of being a teenage soldier: his entire body ached on days where he didn't get out and move around much. Sadly, that had become the norm for the young man as of late. Without a Kiryuin to fight or an organization to help, he really didn't have much to do. He was essentially a stay at home dad at this point, spending most of his days waiting for Akiko to come home.

As he thought of his little sister, the pangs of regret gnawed at his chest.

I never should have let her leave yesterday. I should have went with her.

Akiko wanted so badly to go see the Mankanshokus and to play with Mataro, but Akio… he just wanted some time alone. Some time to think. It felt like he hadn't had any since before the fight with Ragyo begun. He just wanted to be alone for a single day.

So, what better way to than to ship his little sister off to the Mankanshokus to babysit her?


If he knew a goddamned typhoon was on the horizon, he never would have sent her. Or better yet, he would have went along. At least then they could be together. What kind of self-respecting guardian would send their kid off just for their own selfish reasons? Hell, he jumped at the chance.

"What's the matter with me," Akio let out a mirthless chuckle. "Hitting my midlife crisis at the age of eighteen. When did I become such an old man?"

He shook his head. No. Akiko would be fine, and then she'd come home, and he'd continue to live his normal life. That's what he always wanted, right? A normal teenage life.

Except, it wasn't the way he thought it'd be… Nor was it the way he wanted to earn it.

Gah, what am I doing. Ryuko's out there waiting for me.

Ridding the thoughts from his head, he finished his bathing, focusing his mind on the heat of the water hitting his skin. That way, his mind wouldn't wander down the same path it had been as of late.

After a few more scrubs of soap, he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and turned off the faucet.

He already missed the warm water the minute he stepped out of the tub. There was a chill on the air that sent shivers down his spine. He had half a mind to hop back in the tub for a few more minutes of warmth, but he didn't want to keep his girlfriend waiting.

"Brrr," he shivered, grabbing a nearby towel and wrapping it around his waist. The towel was warm and clean at least; one of the perks of his new status at Honnouji Academy. He would have balked at the thought a year ago, but he had to admit: a working washer and dryer was pretty nice to have around.

Besides. Things change. Thoughts change.

People change.

Drying himself off, he put on a clean pair of clothes. The warm fabric was a blessing on his now cold skin.

As he pulled his shirt over his head, he paused

There was sound coming from the living room.

Was that…

"Music?" Akio quirked an eyebrow. Sure enough, the soft sounds of jazz could be heard echoing throughout the apartment. He didn't have a stereo, so where was it coming from? "Eh, Ryuko's probably just watching something on T.V."

Rubbing his head with the towel a few times, he tossed it in the nearby laundry basket and made his way towards the door. Ryuko was probably out there waiting for him to finish. It'd be rude of him to keep his guest waiting much longer; especially a guest such as her.

A guest such as her… wearing nothing but his button-up and gym shorts…

Akio smacked his cheeks and shook his head.

Let's not go down that rabbit hole again.

As Akio left the bathroom and made his way down the hallway, the sounds of music grew louder and louder. It was curious, but he paid it no mind. It was probably just the T.V.

"Ryuko?" he called out as he got closer. "I'm all done. Want me to make something to eat? I'm-"

His words died on his lips as he entered the room.

"Am… Am I dreaming?"

The living room was completely dark save for the lights coming from a few candles that were lit around the apartment. The soft hum of jazz came from a small, black speaker on the dinner table, really setting a romantic mood that Akio had entirely not been prepared for.

"What exactly is happening right now?" Akio asked Ryuko, who had been waiting for him with a nervous smile on her face.

Ryuko simply shrugged, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head as she averted her gaze. She looked a little goofy standing there in her the shirt that was way too big on her, but he'd by lying if he said she didn't look cute.

Now he knew really must be dreaming. Who was this Ryuko imposter?

"You did this?" Akio asked skeptically, hardly believing what he was seeing.

"Y-yeah," Ryuko nodded. "What do you think?"

"Well, uh," Akio hesitated and looked around. "I'm thinking so many things I hardly know where to begin. Where did you get all this stuff?"

"Satsuki," she answered. "You'd be surprised at all the random crap she has."

"I don't think I would," Akio snorted and sniffed a few times. "Is that vanilla I smell?"

"From the candles."

"Oh. Right…" Akio swallowed and glanced at Ryuko, who still hadn't made any moves. "So, er, what's the occasion?"

"W-well, I read about something like this in a book once."

"A book?" he raised an eyebrow. "You? Read?"

"Okay, fine," she huffed and rolled her eyes. "So, I saw it on an anime. There. Are you happy now?"

"Yes, extremely," Akio laughed. "But, that still didn't answer my question."

"R-right…" Ryuko gulped and stepped forwards. "W-well, I was thinking… You're always the one doing the gushy and cheesy things… so I thought… maybe I could…"

Her words were coming out painfully slow. Akio's heart was beating a mile a minute at this point. The poor boy could hardly wait for her to finish her damned sentence.

"Are you really going to make me say it, damn it?!"

"Why yes, yes I was."

Ryuko stomped her foot and slapped her cheeks a few times, earning an amused chuckle from Akio.

"Okay. I can do this. I got this."

She cleared her throat one more time. Her words said one thing, but the growing blush in her cheeks told a different story.

"I was thinking… that maybe we could dance a little?" she asked hopefully. "I-It's been a while."

Akio stared at her dumbfounded.

"Who are you and what have you done with Ryuko?"

"H-hey!" she exclaimed indignantly. "I can like girly stuff, too, can't I?"

"Are you insinuating that I like girly things?" Akio raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, duh."

"Fair enough," he laughed and offered her his hand. "Alright, then. It has been a while. Why not?"

Ryuko grinned and nodded.

The two took each other's hands and began to move, just like they did for the first time so many days ago.

It was nice. She was right, it had been a while since they last done this. He had almost forgot what it felt like to hold her hands in his as they strutted around a room. Her choice in attire made it a little hard to keep focus, but the music in the background helped him keep his teenage hormones in check.

Their movements were a little awkward, but unlike before, Ryuko was a little more sure of herself. They were also moving at a snail's pace as they stepped in unison around the room, which also helped.

Akio's smile strained as he thought back to the first time the two had danced like this. It was the day after the Ryuko's fight with the Elite Four and Nui Harime. The day that she had nearly lost control and had been swallowed completely by Senketsu. That had been… a hard day. He had nearly lost her forever.

He had nearly lost everything.

Thinking about the past left a bitter taste in Akio's mouth.

"So, what do you think of Satsuki's taste in music?"

"Hm?" Akio blinked, looking down at his partner who had been staring up at him.

"The music. I like songs with a little more… punch. What do you think?"

"Oh. Well, I've always pegged Satsuki as more of a classical music enthusiast, but I guess I can't say I'm surprised by her choice of jazz. It's not bad. The candles are a nice touch, too."

"Yeah, my new sister is full of surprises," Ryuko grumbled, blushing slightly. "She forced those on me, you know. I-In case the power went out."

Akio laughed.

"Sure, sure. Let's go with that. It was all Satsuki's idea."

Ryuko mumbled something about "a no-good smartass" under her breath, causing him to laugh even harder.

After that, the two fell into a comfortable silence, both content to just be close to the other.

"You know," Akio spoke, breaking the silence. "You continue to surprise me, Ryuko Matoi."

"Hm?" she looked up at him, quirking an eyebrow.

"When I met you a little over a year ago, I'd never imagine we'd be here together like this," Akio grinned. "I'd sooner think we'd start throwing punches instead of dancing."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

Akio frowned, caught off guard.

"What do you mean?"

Ryuko avoided his gaze, suddenly growing quiet. Akio waited patiently until she finally opened her mouth again.

"I don't wanna become like my past self again," she murmured. "Now that we're finally done fighting I just wanna… be me, you know? Leave the Kanto Vagabond behind and just be Ryuko Matoi for once."

"I see. You know, I didn't think you had it in you to be so poetic."

Ryuko stomped on his foot.

"Ow!" Akio yelped and giggled. "In all seriousness, I think that's a noble pursuit you have, Matoi."

Ryuko returned the smile for a split second, but it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.

"What's wrong?" Akio asked, concern seeping into his tone.

"I've been thinking about the past a lot actually, and I realized something," Ryuko said. "Do you know why I was able to be like that back then?"

Akio tilted his head to the side, shaking it slightly.

"It's because I knew you were right behind me, always backing me up," Ryuko replied quietly, lowering her head. "I knew I could take on the Elite Four, Satsuki, or Ragyo because I knew you'd always be there, waiting to patch me up or give me a pep talk when the fighting was done."

The mood changed as the two slowly came to a stop, their hands holding the other's as they simply stood there motionlessly in the dark room.

"I felt the same, you know," Akio said, squeezing her hand.

"I know, but it was different."

"How so?"

Breaking his hold on her hand, he pushed a stray strand of hair away to get a better look at her. Both of her blue eyes were cloudy with thought, her teeth biting at her bottom lip.

He had never seen her look so… pensive before.

"It felt like you always had the right things to say, ya know?" Ryuko whispered. "I just bumbled around with the subtly of a bull in a china shop, but you? You always knew how to cheer me up."

"That's only because I didn't have your strength," Akio said softly. "You could duke it out with the best of them. I just couldn't. A lot of the time, being your support was all I could do."

"Yeah, but I don't think you know how much that meant to me. And now…"

Ryuko raised her head, her eyes burning with a fiery passion. It was a look he was very familiar with.

"And now it's my turn to return the favor."

Akio's eyebrows raised. Return the…?

Ryuko pushed her weight against him to force him to move. The two began to dance around the room once more, however this time at a quicker, steadier pace.

For the first time, he followed her pace. For the first time in their little dancing sessions, Ryuko had taken the lead.

"'You see, Ryuko, you always have to keep your feet moving, and have confidence in those movements,'" Ryuko smiled as she spoke in a masculine voice, giving her best Akio impersonation. "'You have to believe enough in yourself that you won't make the wrong step and stumble.'"

Akio remembered that day vividly… It was one of his favorite memories with her.

Her smile grew warmer as her hand tightened around his.

"'And even if you fall down and stumble, a good partner will always make sure you get back on your feet and keep moving.' Do you remember dropping that line on me?"

"Of course I do," he mumbled. "But, why bring it up now?"

"Because…" Ryuko faltered momentarily before regaining steam. "It's time for me to be the guy that's dropping lines like that. It's time for me to be that partner."

Ryuko took a deep breath before continuing.

"That meeting you were supposed to have with Satsuki today? I set that up."

Akio furrowed his brow in confusion. What did that have to do with this?

"I'm not following you…"

"I don't know if you know this, but Jakuzure's father is apparently some bigwig doctor over in Osaka," she continued. "He's a pretty successful… therapist."

His eyes widened as the pieces fell into place.

"I had Satsuki get Jakuzure to contact him. He said he would see both you and Akiko free of charge."

Akio's feet slowly came to a stop.

Ryuko looked up at him, frowning slightly.

"I-it's just, I know it's been hard on you lately," she stammered. "With everything that happened, I'm worried about you. We're all worried about you. I-I just thought, maybe if there was someone you could talk to, someone that knew what they were doing, it might help?"

Akio dropped her hands as if they hurt to touch, his arms dropping limply back to his sides.

A therapist?

He was happy to send his sister to go see one. She probably could use it. But, himself?

They're all worried about me.

"Look, I know I overstepped my bounds, and if you don't want to-"

"No," Akio cut her off. "No, you didn't overstep my bounds. I'll… I'll go."

"What? You will?" Ryuko blinked.

"Yeah, of course," Akio's lips twisted into a mirthless smile. "It's just…"

Akio sighed and shook his head, collapsing onto a nearby chair. He rested his elbow on his knee and his forehead in his hand.

A therapist…

The thought had never occurred to him to seek professional help to get him out of this… funk he had been in as of late. Akio knew as well as everyone else that he hadn't been himself the past few months. Of course, the loss of his parents played a big part of that, but he was slowly coming to terms with that. What had happened had happened. There was nothing he could have done differently to get a different result. Everyone else had already known that, but Akio himself was finally starting to realize that as well.

"I know I've been different since that day," Akio mumbled, his eyes trained on the floor. "I tried to work through it. I really did."

Akio hung his head between his legs.

"But, that strength I used to have… I just can't seem to get it back. I feel like this broken shell of the man I used to be."

Ryuko frowned and stepped forwards, kneeling down in front of him.

"What you went through… It'd be tough on anyone, Akio."

"It's not even about that anymore," Akio continued. "I've… I've come to terms with it."

"Then what is it?" Ryuko asked.

He motioned to the surrounding room.

"It's this. I'm not ready for this, Ryuko!I'm not ready to be Akiko's guardian. There are some days I'm so worried that I can't even sleep, let alone eat."

Akio sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"But, I have to be strong, because it's not just about me anymore. She deserves a big brother that can give her everything, and I'm just so scared that I can't."

"What are you talking about?" Ryuko scoffed and slapped his knee. "You've done a great job with Akiko. She's lucky to have you."

"Is she, though?" Akio frowned and met her eyes. "I mean, I have no clue what I'm doing. I don't know how to be that little girl's parent! I happily sent her off yesterday just so I could have some time alone. Hell, I couldn't even remember her celebration dinner, and I planned the damn thing!"

"Akio, people make mistakes. It happens."

"It shouldn't. Not from me, not for her," he said firmly. "Did you know I had to carry her piggy back half-way across town that day? If it wasn't for Nonon, I probably would have passed out on the side of the road."

Akio shook his head, his expression filled with self-loathing.

"What if it happens again? Except this time, it's something more important. What if it's her first day of school? A parent-teacher conference? A doctor's appointment? A dentist appointment? God, there's just so many things! I haven't even started university yet, and I can hardly…"

He closed his eyes. Akio couldn't finish that sentence. It made him sick to his stomach to think about how he would probably have to put down his entire life, and even then, he wouldn't make half the parent that her actual parents would have.

It was around this time in his thought process that Akio's thoughts began to… change. Maybe Akiko shouldn't live with him… Maybe he should put her up for adoption. Let an actual family take her. She'd probably be better off in the long run.

It was when he had these thoughts that he truly, truly hated every fiber of his being.


Akio opened his eyes to see Ryuko's only a few inches from his own. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, she was smiling easily, as if everything he had just said-

Then she slapped him in the head.


Akio yelped and nearly jumped out of his seat.

"Hey?! What's the hell?!"

"You really are an idiot, you know that?" Ryuko huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "You act like you're in this thing alone."

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He just stared dumbly at her.

"I mean, you've got the Mankanshokus. I'm sure they'd babysit her or take her places. You've got Mikisugi. I still think that guy is a creep, but I'm sure he'd help out. You even have Satsuki and her bunch of goons. I mean, could you imagine the Iron Giant taking her to school? No one would dare lay a finger on that girl's head!"

Akio slowly began to smile. It was rather amusing thinking about Ira Gamagoori driving Akiko to school.

"And you just let me take care of the teacher conferences. If those idiots say so much as one bad thing about her, I'll kick their asses."

He tried to hold it back, but he couldn't help but snort. Beating up a smarmy teacher sounded exactly like something she might do.

"See? It won't be too hard," Ryuko grinned and ruffled his hair. "I mean, yeah, things will never be how they were, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing."

It… It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Ryuko's face began to go blurry as unshed tears flooded his vision. He blinked a few times to fight them back and swallowed the lump in his throat. Her words reverberated in his head over and over again.

Akio smiled, not caring that a single tear had rolled down his cheek.

"You should give yourself more credit," he said, taking her hands in his. "You're pretty damn good at this cheesy, gooey stuff."

Ryuko smirked and squeezed his hands.

"Hey, I learned from the best."

Akio laughed and nodded. He supposed he did have a propensity to do that.

"We'll go see Nonon's father. I'll make sure of it."

"Good. Because as it so happens, Osaka is also where me and the Mankanshokus will end up going. Satsuki and the others, too."

"Huh? Really?" Akio's eyes widened. "How'd that happen?"

"Well, originally it was just me and Mako's family. Then Satsuki said she wanted to be close by so we could give this sister thing a shot. Then of course, those four couldn't stray too far from the mother duckling."

The two laughed at that.

"It just kind of… happened," Ryuko shrugged, but she looked happy. "Which is why… I was hoping you'd come to."

"Like you'd even have to ask. Where you go, I go."

"I hope you don't mean that literally," she frowned. "Don't get me wrong, you're an all right guy and all, but trips to the bathroom are usually a one-person affair."

"Now look who's the no-good smartass."

Ryuko broke out into a fit of laughter, shortly followed by Akio.

After a few seconds, the two eventually settled down.

Akio squeezed her hands once again, marveling in the fact that they seemed to fit his just perfectly.

"I love you, you know that?"

"I know. And I-"

She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. Resting her chin on his shoulder, she perched her lips close to his ear.

"I think you're okay, I guess. Maybe a little clingy."

Akio growled and pinched her ribs.

"H-hey!" Ryuko protested, but her shoulders shook with laughter. "D-Don't d-do that! I'm ticklish you f-f-fucker!"

"This is your divine retribution."

Akio doubled his efforts on the tickling.

"W-Whahaha! Wh-what d-does that ev-even mean?!"

"I won't stop until you say it back!"

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!" Ryuko squirmed in his grip, smacking at his back halfheartedly. "Y-You'll hahaha have to do b-better th-than that!"

"What are you gonna do? Slap- Woah!"

Ryuko let her weight fall towards the floor, pulling Akio down with her.

The two hit the ground with a rather loud thud, but neither seemed to mind. Both were laughing too hard to care.

The next day…

Akio's eyes fluttered open, the white ceiling of the apartment slowly coming into focus. He was sprawled out over his bed, snuggled up between a mound of pillows, a mess of blankets, and his drooling girlfriend.


He yawned and rubbed his forearm against his heavy eyes. When he opened them again, he looked over at his alarm clock. It was only eight in the morning.

"No wonder I'm so tired," he yawned and settled back into his bed.

With a gentle smile on his face, he looked down at the slumbering face of Ryuko laying on his bare chest. One of her arms was draped across his midsection protectively, pulling him into basically a bear hug. Her mouth was slightly agape as she breathed slowly in and out, a bit of drool escaping the corner of her lips.

"Gross," Akio mumbled, but he didn't really matter. Compared to what they did the night before, a little bit of drool was nothing.

…The night before. He felt his entire face heat up as he recalled just how their night had ended.

Akio groaned and hid his blush in the crook of his arm. He can't believe he did that… that they did that.

He had never left himself so open like that… so vulnerable. He had let Ryuko see all of him, and she had done the same. Never in his wildest dreams that he thought he'd get to experience something so unbelievably amazing and frightening at the same time. It felt like a dream. He had never felt closer to her.

"…Heh. Hehehehe."

Akio began to laugh quietly, his shoulders shaking. He had to cover his mouth with his arm to not laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?"

He cursed silently and glanced down at Ryuko, who was watching him with one open eye. Part of him hoped he could watch her sleep for a brief moment before she woke up, but it looked like that plan was shot.

"Nothing," Akio sighed happily and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm just happy, is all."

"You should be," Ryuko grumbled, pushing herself further into the bed as she readjusted. "Taking advantage of a maiden like that. For shame."

"Hey now," he smirked at her. "You were the one that brought the candles. You knew exactly what you were getting in to."

"Like I said, Satsuki gave those to me in case the power went out," Ryuko glared at him.

"Then, why did you light them beforehand?"

"I-I just thought I should light 'em while we still had power, is all."

"Hmhm, hmhm. Did you read about that in that book of yours, too?"

"God, you're the worst."

Akio threw his head back and laughed.

"Consider this payback for suplexing me on to the floor."

"Hey, you started it. What did you think what happen when you started tickling me?"

Akio's grin turned devilish.

"Maybe this."

Ryuko blushed and stared blankly at him before promptly hiding her face in his shoulder.

"I bet you think you're sooo smooth, don't you?"

"I had to be if I won you over."

"Hey, you did not 'win' me over," Ryuko corrected indignantly. "It's the other way around."

Akio rubbed the back of her neck, using his other hand to brush away her hair.

"Yeah, you're right about that."

Ryuko peeked up at him, the hints of her blush coloring her cheeks.

Just as quickly, she hid her face again, mumbling something about a "no-good, smooth smartass."

Hey, it was an upgrade from a no-good smartass.

Akio continued to rub the back of her neck with his thumb, thinking back on the night before. His lips slowly curved downwards as a thought occurred to him.

"Hey, about last night…"

Ryuko gave a noncommittal hum, not bothering to lift her head from her makeshift pillow.

"I, uh, I hope I didn't cross the line," Akio fumbled over his words, a blush rising to his own cheeks now. "Things happened… kind of fast. I didn't stop to ask if you were ready."

Ryuko remained silent, neither moving nor lifting her head to look up at him.

Worry began to gnaw at his heart. Maybe he had taken things to fast? They had been dating for awhile now, and had even slept in the same bed dozens of times, so he just assumed that the next logical step would be… But, now he was doubting himself. Doing that for the first time was a big deal. Maybe he should have-

"Of course, I was ready, you idiot," Ryuko murmured. "I just didn't know if you were."

"Oh, I absolutely was."

Ryuko lifted her head, giving him a pointed stare.

"Pervert," she said and went back to hiding her face in his chest.

Akio opened his mouth to protest, but when he stopped to think about it…

"Okay. Yeah, maybe."

He could hear a stifled giggle come from Ryuko, her shoulders shaking against him with silent laughter. After a moment, Akio joined in.

Sighing once the laughter had stopped, Akio let his head rest against the pillow beneath him and turned towards the window near the bed. The pitter-pattering of rain pelting the window could still be heard and seen, but it seemed like the thunder had all but stopped.

"…Hey," Akio broke the silence, not bothering to take his eyes away from the rain. "What happens now?"

Ryuko hugged him a little tighter, a light purr escaping her throat.

"Whatever we want."

Akio smiled and closed his eyes.

"I like the sound of that."

And there you have it!

I had a boat load of fun writing this chapter. After reading the TV Tropes page, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with this chapter:

Swap roles.

A lot of times in Before My Body is Dry, after some big ordeal, it was usually Akio the one that cheered up Ryuko. Or Akio was the one that did some romantic gesture, because let's be honest, Ryuko doesn't scream "romantic." So, I decided I wanted to have them swap places and have the shoe be on the other foot.

Lemme tell ya, it felt surreal writing Ryuko this chapter. It was hard to tread the line between her character, and OOC. The candles thing was kind of a spur of the moment idea. I've been going back and forth on if her character at this point in the story would do something so... cheesy, but I couldn't help myself. That was for me, guys. The prospect of Akio teasing her for lighting candles was too much fun for me to not write.

And hey, the main point of this chapter is for the two main characters to show their vulnerabilities to one another, so I took a shot with it.

I took another chance this chapter with something else a little more... saucy, but I'll leave that up to the imagination.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys! I have a general outline of what I want the next three and final chapters to look like. The next two will cover the OVA, while the final chapter will be a seriously special treat. Look forward to it!

Also, to my guest reviewer and fellow writer Lightning, good luck on your story! I really enjoyed it, so I do hope to see it again soon!

See you all next time!