A/N: *Cough cough*. Okaaay I'm well aware that I haven't written for a long time. But life's just been rough, so well for once I tried to make a happy AU.

Jackson Overland, or more commonly known as Jack, walked down the streets with an annoyed face. Beside him went one of his greatest friends, Aster. The two of them where heading towards an arcade to play old games just for fun, but Aster had refused to go before he had his daily coffee. And so, the duo was heading towards the nearest café to pick one up.

"Coffee is foul, you really shouldn't drink that stuff. It's like addicting, not to speak of the taste and smell," Jack said and made a face.

"Eh hush, AARP made ah health study saying..." Aster started but Jack didn't want to listen and continued shortly with a complain.

"And why did you have to drag me with you? The whole place will just stink of it. It always does."

"We will just pick one up and leave, stop being such a big baby about it," the tall boy answered in an pretty amused tone.

Jack just huffed but there wasn't room for more conversations as they arrived. It was a rather small place with a petite sign over the door. It looked kind of cozy with coaches and lots of pillows in every different color visible through the clean window. The shop was stuck in between a big bank and an even bigger grocery store making it look even tinier and squished. Jacks original plan was to just wait outside, but he saw those twins and a laborious kid named Scott hanging against the wall nearby. Not in mode for any meeting with them he just decided to simply follow inside. Aster rose an eyebrow at that but didn't comment further.

Opening the door a small bell rang and Jack sighed to himself. The smell immediately hit him like a truck as he took in the view. There weren't many costumers this late in the afternoon so there were empty wooden tables. Low music was playing from a white stereo and all light came from the many windows on the two sides. It wasn't anything special about this shop, it looked just like those classic ones you always see in movies actually. That is until Jacks blue eyes fell upon the cash counter.

Well, rather who stood behind that counter.

It was a boy, probably a bit younger than Jack himself. We wore a light green shirt that reached to his elbows with jeans and a brown apron that simply looked way to big for his really skinny frame. Auburn hair and freckles showing clearly from where Jack was standing.

Not until clear and piercing emerald eyes met his icy blue ones he realized he was staring openly with mouth ajar at the most beautiful person he'd ever seen, for sure.

It took another second or two before he came to his senses and pulled himself together, rushing forward and grabbing Asters arm just as he was heading to buy his hot beverage.

"I'll buy it!" He blurted without hesitation causing the other male to give a very confused look back.

"Why would ya ever..." Aster started but Jack cut him of for like the fifth time that day.

"Okay, fine I'll do it, not a big deal," he said before taking a couple of quick steps forward, not caring a dust about the way Aster stared at him in turn.

And soon he found himself standing there, a mere meter from the other boy. He drank the small details such as the slim wrists and the minimal gap showing between his front teeth as he smiled slightly.

"Hello," Jack started, hating himself for the weird voice crack entering. Why the h*ll was he doing this so unsmoothly? He was usually a very talkative and social person without any trouble at all when it came to this kind of stuff.

"Hi," the boy answered. "What can I get you?" Was the taller boy imagining the small shyness in the voice? Well he was at least pretty sure of how the small hands fidgeted with the hem of the apron. Jack read the name sign saying 'Hiccup' and his smile grew just a little bigger.

"A black coffee to go for my friend please," Jack ordered without caring to gesture to his friend or anything, not letting his eyes leave the cashier.

"Okay... Anything else?" The boy, Hiccup, politely asked after tapping in the order.

"Yes, another coffee please," Jack answered without really thinking about it at all, perhaps just to keep the conversation going for at least a little bit longer. If he thought closer to it he would wonder why his mind was completely foggy and it felt like his actions where almost atomic. Why he couldn't refocus and why every noise around the two was dulled. But he didn't simply because he couldn't really care about anything else than the adorable boy in front of him, or the fact that they were talking.

"A-alright, that will be five dollars please," Hiccup said and turned around to make and fetch the beverages while Jack slowly put the money on the counter and followed the emerald eyed boy with his gaze. At one point the auburn head met his before quickly looking away again.

And soon the plastic cups stood in the desk, each one with a white lid on.

"Thanks," Jack said smiling as he carefully took the cups. In response he got a small nod and teeth showing smile making his heart flutter like he'd never felt before.

So in the exchange Jack had almost forgotten about Aster as he a bit sadly began to walk out knowing the conversation was over. That is until Aster grabbed his arm and grinned widely.

"Smoother than sandpaper Romeo," he snickered in the white-haired males ear.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about," Jack stated as he hoped he didn't blush to feverishly.

"Sure, sure..." The muscular boy almost purred in amusement. After another second of silence he added with a smirk so wide it must have hurt; "Maybe ya should just cover a bit between tha legs next time, mate."


And that's how Jack started visiting the small cafe everyday, straight after school. Though not once he brought Aster with him again. He would order a black coffee with "Jack" written on it in neat letters and then sit at a pretty nearby table, stealing glances at the freckled teen every so often. One time he purposely spilled his drink out for the boy to came over. Though he immediately felt guilty for the extra work he made and didn't do it again. But every time he would throw away the coffee and then leave.

He wasn't proud of this new scheme of his. Actually embarrassed by the fact that he didn't even dare to walk forward and ask the boy out straight instead of wasting money for a three sentence conversation.

Not once was he questioned. Though once or twice he could have sworn that he got own glances from Hiccup. Well... Aster of coursed questioned a lot and his other friend called Tooth was soon involved in the teasing and she even begged to join and see this guy that brought the bi to his knees without much of an effort. Not that Jack hadn't been with one or two guys before but this was a very new behavior from the seventeen year old. Because he'd been spacing out a lot the past days and hurrying away as quickly as possible when school ended. Well, that wasn't so very new but anyway.

This was the ninth time he went to the cafe and it was Thursday. He'd checked out the scheme on the wall showing exactly when he should arrive to meet the right worker. Though now when he entered and felled down his umbrella there was a huge problem. Behind the desk was a darker skinned young woman with beautiful black hair and an orange dress, face showing of some annoyance.

Jack could immediately feel his shoulders slump and the excitement explode into pieces. He pulled up his white iPhone and controlled the time. 17.04. The shift should have started over ten minutes ago. Looking around and trying not to look too frantic Jack ran a hand through his snowy hair.

"F*ck," he muttered quietly to himself as he stood next to the doorway. Though as if an answer to his prayers a soaking wet figure suddenly rushed past him and towards where he was just about heading.

"I'm so sorry Tiana, the weather stopped the buss," Hiccup excused sincerely as he hurried forward and put his bag in the locker.

"No problem, I've been holding it up. Pretty calm here," the one who was obviously named Tiana answered and took of her cream colored apron.

Hiccup thanked her and they bid goodbye before Jack put his hands in his jeans pockets and headed forward. "Quite the weather, huh?" He said and gestured out a window where rain and hail threw crazily through the wind.

"Yeah, no kidding," Hiccup answered and pushed wet bangs from his eyes, a gesture that the taller teen immediately put to the list of most adorable things ever. "So I'm guessing a black coffee then?"

"Of course, gotta love coffee, right?" Jack asked with a grin. Wow. Maybe sandpaper was the right word for this after all?

"Actually I'm kind of like a tea person," Hiccup said with a little smirk of his own, almost as if he knew something that Jack didn't. And then he turned around to wash his hands and make another coffee just as Jack pulled out money from his wallet that was nearly empty by this point. This 'plan' of his clearly wasn't optimal.

He was just just about to say he was one too for alike interests but caught himself in time. "Tea person in a coffee store, huh?" Jack said instead and looked as the smaller male worked.

"Yup, that's about it. But good way to earn some extra money," was the answer with a small shrug.

"Okay, I see. But aren't you like, fourteen or something?" Jack asked curiously.

"Sixteen, thank you very much," Hiccup said as he stood on his tiptoes to reach more coffee beans.

"Well then, you'll had to excuse me Mr Dwarf," Jack joked and hoped it was taken in the right way.

"Well, at least I'm not an old man," he answered with a soft laugh gesturing towards Jacks white hair.

And Jack laughed to, but stopped when the coffee was placed in the counter and he felt that daily disappointment that it was over. So he thanked the other male but for some reason Hiccup looked away with cheeks heated a clear red instead. Jack rose an eyebrow before seating himself at the nearest table he could find. Though just as he was about to sit down he heard a soft call from the cash.

"And by the way, Jack. Maybe next time you should order something else, you know, that you actually like?"

Jack almost fell from the chock and embarrassment quickly showed in his features. So with a quick glance to Hiccup and then to his order, he could clearly see a phone-number written on the side of the paper mug.

A/N: Yup. Does anyone want a part two of this or something? ~Stay awesome btw~