Sorry for the short chapter! I'm finally done with fall semester! So just need to get this rolling. Seeing how I'm having a difficult time with this story for some reason. I have a bunch of ideas! Just hoping it starts flowing smoothly soon. :)

Heads up!: This has mature contexts through out this whole story plot. If you are sensitive to sexual scenes, strong language, drugs and alcohol use, or anything of that nature. Then I suggest not to read this.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything other than the story plot.

Chapter 2

Kevin stood on his tippy toes as he was trying to hold up the intoxicated Eddward as they walked down the street. The club night has ended, all of Eddwards friends that Kevin met that night went their own ways. And Kevin was left to care for this tall, slender, beautiful boy, who was babbling drunk.

"You know pumpkin, you are very attractive."

Kevin huffed and bounced his body up to get a better grip on the slipping, drunken Eddward. It was unfair that he was left to deal with this and that none of Eddwards friends where the ones taking care of him. But if this was a common situation, no wonder they left little Kevin to deal with this big mess; they needed a break.

Warms, soft lips pressed against Kevin's cheek and he almost dropped Eddward as a response.

"What are you doing!?"

Eddward gave him a devilish smile. "You were not listening to me cutie."

"Please try to control yourself. You are drunk and I do not want you to do anything you'll regret later."

"How could I ever regret doing you?" The slyness in Eddwards voice sent chills down Kevin's spine. Was the chills from pleasure or annoyance though? Maybe a mixture of both.

Eddward stumbled upon the steps to his apartment as Kevin pushed him up from behind and tried to keep him steady. Honestly this turned out to be more of a babysitting job than meeting with his long time crush for the night. Even though Kevin sighed, complained, and rolled his eyes the whole time, he couldn't help but to think Eddward was a little bit adorable. His checks were flushed, the cool stud was now stumbling all over his feet and words, and the uninterested attitude was overpowered by all the interest this boy now had.

When Eddward opened the door he stumbled onto his couch and let out a satisfying sigh. "So pumpkin, how long have you had a crush on me?"

Kevin blushed as he removed his shoes politely at the door, only to bring his head up to see Eddward waving his feet at Kevin. Without a second thought, Kevin obeyed the unspoken command and started taking Eddwards shoes off. "Who said I ever had a crush on you?"

Eddward gave a low throat chuckle as he slipped his foot out of one of the shoes. "That steamy makeout session back at the club gave it away pumpkin."

Kevin pulled the second shoe off of Eddward and put them down neatly by the door. When he turned around, Eddward's shirt was already on the floor and he was taking off his pants. Kevin's face grew bright red and his body started to heat up. He knew he should've looked away, but he couldn't.

"May I ask what you are doing Eddward?"

Another sly grin danced along the taller boys face. "Giving you a view you seem to be enjoying."

"Don't be ridiculous."

The slender boys pants now dangled on the edge of his foot before falling onto the floor. "Now pumpkin, why would I say anything ridiculous?"

"Don't get yourself too worked up, you'll get sick after all the alcohol you've had."

Eddwards normally devilish grin was more like a child like smile. "Look at my pumpkin, already looking after me like a good pet."

Kevin huffed and rolled his eyes, going over to pick up Eddwards clothes off the floor; folding them neatly and placing them on the coffee table. He felt strong hands and long slender fingers wrap around his hips, pulling his small body into the basically naked boys body that laid on the couch. Kevin's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but to gasp.

"What on earth are you doing!?"

"I wanted my pet."

"You are ridiculous." Kevin struggled to get out of Eddward's grip, but he had to admit, he didn't mind having those strong arms around him.

Eddward held him close, as if of a child holding their teddy bear to sleep. And in a matter of minutes, Eddward was asleep himself. He kept his grip around the much smaller Kevin firm and held him close so he would be assured to know when Kevin would move to try to escape.

Kevin let out a long sigh and decided to at least get comfortable until Eddward was in a deep enough sleep for his grip to loosen. He studied Eddwards face as he fell deeper and deeper into his sleep. His eyes still had the dark liner he always wore around him, very unhealthy Kevin may add. His skin was smooth and flawless though, and as he slept, his lips parted slightly, showing his gap teeth that was oh so adoring.

Those lips.

Kevin began to blush as he thought about the earlier event. Eddwards lips against his, dancing together in ecstasy. Kevin falling week ands victim to the sly control Eddward had over him. And some how getting him to agree to be Eddwards pet!?

What does that even mean!? Being a pet?

Oh well, time will tell, and Kevin knew he would learn for sure what Eddward had up his sleeves.

Kevin looked around to actually study Eddwards apartment. It was dark, but with what he could make out, everything seemed cleaned and in a rightful place. But he wouldn't expect less from Eddward. He was one of the smartest students in the college, even with his reckless behavior sometimes. He kept his 4.0 GPA average proudly. He helped tutored at all of the tutoring tables in the library, even though most student were scared of him. He was also the star on the swimming team.

How could one who has everything so promising going on in life, also be such a delinquent?

As Kevin looked around more, he noticed that even though everything was organized, there wasn't that much in the apartment. Did Eddward live by himself? Maybe that could explain a few things about this mystery man.

"I guess one good thing about being a "pet" is that I will finally get to learn about what ticks in his mind."

Eddwards grip loosen and now his arm was merely draped across Kevin. But instead of getting up and leaving, Kevin decided to take his cap and glasses off, placing them neatly and safely on the coffee table in front of him. Maybe, just for tonight, it would not be too sinful to stay till morning.