
Love is desire, attraction and comprehension.

Nozomi and Nico arrive to one of their many dates at night by the park; Nozomi expects to take the next step into their relationship, but Nico has a secret on her that could make things go different from what she was expecting.

Two muses will meet at night and by dusk they will have shared an innocent desire.

Saturday, 7:19pm...

The date had finally arrived after all the planning she had made. Nozomi laid her hand on her chest, taking a deep breath as she carefully expected herself on the mirror. As she read the clock from the corner of her eye she acquired a more determined look, her cheeks still tarnished with a natural red color.

She knew what came with all this planning, if everything went as she expected, it would all lead to her making love to the person she cherished the most under the bright night sky. Finally being able to feel her lover's milky skin shudder against her touch. Hearing soft, sweet noises in the form of her name escape her lover's trembling lips.

All this to properly convey all the painfully deep feelings she had been stubbornly controlling and holding onto these last weeks... She knew that through real love making, not just simple sex, she would be able to reach Nico's oblivious self.

Preparing physically wasn't much of a deal; the chilly season had already began around two weeks ago, so it was a perfect chance to try out that new open chest turtleneck sweater that had been overwhelming popular recently.

She had noticed how Nico constantly eyed her chest with careful eyes. Being honest she wasn't still able to pinpoint any kind of hunger or lust in the pair of ruby orbs she grew to love, however she knew her assets constantly caught the attention of her cute girlfriend. That plus the fact that the raven haired girl constantly got excited by what was popular within Akiba made the sweater an obvious choice.

The white sweater accompanied by a pleated, black skirt that reached her thighs delicately completed her visible physical attire. Just in case, she changed her usual purple scrunchies into a pair of red ribbons. However Nozomi knew that the real physical preparation, being as wise as she was, was all in selecting the perfect set of sexy underwear to enrapture Nico's ruby orbs.

The day before she had spent around an hour and a half looking at different kinds of lingerie and underwear. After a lot of pondering she, with her heart constantly pounding on her ribcage, went to the cashier and with a timid smile paid for the matching set of a lilac, lacy thong and an elegant lilac bra with a black embroidery in the form of a rose.

With firm steps and a mixture of excitement and bashfulness, Nozomi left her apartment and walked towards the place they had agreed to have their picnic at with a calm pace. She carried on her purse a warm, soft cloth for them to lie over it, a bottle of wine her father had kept on her apartment for years and some disposable plates.

When she arrived to the lonesome part of the park where they would have their date, she was surprised to find the twin tailed girl already waiting for her, especially considering the small girl wasn't usually early and even had to take a train to arrive.

A small grin adorned her delicate, almost childish features while she waved at her purple-haired girlfriend, a medium-sized picnic basket with food resting on the forearm of her free hand.

In that moment, Nozomi realized once again that, though Nico could be childish and even incredibly stubborn constantly; everything was more than perfect about her in her eyes. The pair of beautiful ruby eyes, the cute and honest smile she always sent to her and -even to her annoyance- the childish phrase she repeated over and over had slowly turned into music to her ears and heart.

"Nozomi! Woah oh my brea- I-I mean! Nozomi, is that seriously your c-cleavage?! W-why are you showing so much?" Nico, who first brightly screamed the name of her beloved girlfriend, now had a flustered expression after looking at Nozomi's state of clothes. The small girl, began to flicker her eyes at everywhere but the figure in front of her, trying to avoid the exposed –and attractive- skin of the taller girl. Nozomi only let out a little giggle, giving her a mischievous smile.

"Well, everyone uses one, so I thought I would look cute in one". Nozomi, like a ruthless wolf, began to slowly approach her victim, attempting to grab her chest like she had always done so before. In her eyes, Nico had become a cute and small lamb with carmine eyes, and she, as a wolf, had already decided to do everything in her power to properly "devour" the innocent "prey" in front of her.

She, almost painfully, desired to feel her smooth skin and sweet lips, as well as her soft touch over her own skin. Each passing minute of waiting was becoming an unbearable agony for her.

"S-sheesh… O-Of course you look…" Nico tried to escape the gaze of those turquoise eyes she loved so much. Evidently embarrassed, she attempted to hide herself behind the food basket she had brought "really… beautiful and sexy… I-I guess"

The hungry and bold wolf stopped for a second, suddenly turning into a bashful puppy; Nozomi felt her face beginning to grow red, her temperature slowly increasing. The lamb could be innocent and small, but she was definitely capable of stopping the big hungry wolf with just a couple of words.

"Thank y-you" Nozomi began to have regrets about her "master plan"; was it possible that Nico wasn't really oblivious about sex and just needed more time? The issue was that they had already been dating for months, and Nozomi was beginning to feel… desperate and even frustrated.

"But! Amm, I mean it when I say you really look beautiful and all!" Out of nowhere, the petite lamb stole a quick kiss from the lips of the big hungry wolf, hugging her in the process. Nozomi couldn't help but smile and return the hug, pressing the girl against her bare cleavage.

As expected, the carmine eyed girl acquired a bright blush and desperately tried to separate from her well-endowed girlfriend. "Wait, Nicocchi, is that smell-"the purple haired girl shifted her gaze from her lover to the basket in her hands with eyes full of surprise "Yakiniku?!"

"Yes!" Responded the petite girl, freeing herself from the tight hug "The great Nico-nii can make any kind of food! And you can bet I'll get you your favorite food for this kind of romantic night for us. Nothing better than Yakiniku and salad with a great wine right?!" Nico crossed her arms and stood haughtily.

"Oh Nicocchi!" Nozomi gave the sweetest kiss and hug she could muster to her girlfriend, receiving a tender hug from the raven haired girl, leaning her head on one of Nozomi's shoulders. "It's great we already know so much about each other" the turquoise-eyed girl softly smiled.

"Yeah…" somehow, Nozomi could detect deep within the ruby-eyed girl's tone a troubling feeling. Edginess, almost invisible, with hints of coldness and fear hidden yet absolutely present, "we do know a lot from each other…" a bitter expression almost settled on Nico's features, but before Nozomi could actually react, her girlfriend was already back to normal, setting their picnic with precision and ease. This preoccupied Nozomi a bit, yet she soon forgot it when Nico sent her a calm smile.

Time passed away fast; second, minutes, almost hours. They didn't care at all, the night was amazing, the dinner was incredible (as expected of Nico, just as the petite girl proclaimed) and nothing in the world could beat the sensation of having your beloved one at your side.

Nozomi enjoyed every last second of it; Nico was always funny, she would eagerly talk about Idols, about μ's future and the stupid things Rin and Honoka did all day. About her siblings and even about what she wanted to do in the near future to fulfill her dreams.

At the same time Nico also loved to be this open to her, of course that in order to talk this freely both of them had needed months in company with each other. A lot of time had passed to reach this much security with her girlfriend, but it was all worth when she got to hear everything Nozomi liked and enjoyed in her daily life, and for herself to properly talk about everything she felt and cherished to her partner.

Or, Nico sadly thought, almost everything-

Meanwhile Nozomi had realized their date was close to finishing, and so she decided, gulping down her remaining nervousness, that it was time for her plan to begin. "Nicocchi, we haven't drunk much of the expensive wine I brought from home. We should at least drink a glass each to pay respect to the spirit of my father."

"W-wha?! Isn't your father still alive?" Nico opened her eyes surprised, worry present on her face, on the other hand Nozomi just gave a playful smile. "And he is! However his spirit may come to haunt us if he discovers I took his wine and didn't enjoy it properly you know?"

Nico looked at her girlfriend with a blank expression and face palmed "I swear one of these days I'll be able to recognize your idiotic talks… Pour me a glass please, but not much. Idols don't drink to keep their beauty"

"Sure Nicocchi" Nozomi smiled and carefully poured the thick, velvet drink on the glass, passing it to her girlfriend. Then she proceeded to pour herself the same drink, after all she was sure that a glass of wine would help her loosen up.

They continued casually chatting until both glasses of wine were empty, Nozomi could feel her previously asphyxiating apprehension dissolve into a fluttery feeling throughout all her body. She was sure she could now properly act as she had planned to, and so she started.

"Nicocchi!" Nozomi pounced the girl at her side, making both of them lie flat on the floor, and embraced her with affection. "Don't tell me just a glass of alcohol got to you Nozomi." Nico sarcastically gave her a smirk while poking the tip of the girl's nose.

"I just wanted to feel Nicocchi's body heat close to me. It's getting cold at these dates you know?" Nozomi rubbed herself slowly against Nico's arm, making sure to lightly and discreetly press her chest against the girl's forearm. "It's in these times that people get closer in order to stay… hot. Ni-co-cchi" the well-endowed girl let her voice drop a tone as she whispered to her lover.

Nico could feel her heart start to loudly pound on her ribcage, blood slowly yet increasingly beginning to accumulate on her face, and other parts of her body, as her girlfriend's body brushed her own by "accident".

"B-but autumn has just come to us. B-besides that's why stores sell warmer clothes you know? That's why you shouldn't use that kind of opened clothes i-idiot." Nico furrowed her eyebrows and turned to the opposite side, breaking Nozomi's grip on her arm.

"Hmmm, that is indeed true. Next time I'll bring… tighter clothes. But for now you'll need to warm me up Nicocchi. You can't let your girlfriend's body get cold if you're present. It's your job to keep me hot." Nozomi hugged Nico from behind, spooning the girl's petite body onto her own.

The fortune teller buried her nose on the neck of her girlfriend, the soft fabric of a pink muffler brushing her skin, and took a deep, calm breath, enjoying the smell she inhaled. "N-n-nozomi! I can just l-lend you my muffler if you want it! N-no need to be so indirect." Nico, as a reflex put her hand over her neck, driving off Nozomi's nose from her skin.

This caused the busty girl to frown slightly annoyed, puffing her cheeks she decided to be more direct. "And what do I do with my hands Nicocchi? They're cold and searching for warm places… Such as…" Nozomi's voice had begun playful, but with each word a sultry tone began making an appearance.

"Nicocchi's back" the girl sneaked one of her hand into the pink cardigan her girlfriend was wearing, and with her fingers trailed a path on the naked skin up to the girl's lower shoulder, causing the ruby-eyed girl to tremble by her touch.

"Nicocchi's broadside" the hand resting on the small shoulder plate swiftly snuck to the underarm of the petite girl and kept on descending. Though Nico was trying to keep the hand still by keeping her arms close to her body, it was clear Nozomi wouldn't stop because of it, as her hand was now resting on Nico's side, fingers almost brushing the girl's lower breast.

"N-n-nozomi! Don't you dare begin your Washi washi max! This is a date! Act like its one!" Nico yelled jittery as she began feeling something awaken inside her thanks to the "playful" touches her girlfriend was giving her.

"Then maybe Nicocchi's tummy?" Slowly and provocatively Nozomi's hand slid downwards, finally resting just on the girl's lower abdomen. Her soft fingers traced different figures on the trembling skin and every once in a while slid one of them over the tiny bellybutton.

"N-n-nozomi? Isn't that enough? Y-your hand must already be w-warm enough." Nico gulped, she could feel tension building within her and it was starting to get uncomfortable on her lower body. She could feel her underwear becoming slightly tighter with each caress. She had to end this whole deal before things went out of control and Nozomi discovered something bad.

"Well… it is warm… But I want somewhere…" the purple haired girl began moving her hand again, however her actions caused Nico's heart leap out of her chest and her eyes to widen; the girl's fingers had creeped beneath her skirt and were now impishly tugging on the pink elastic of her underwear.

"Hotter" the husky voice whispering on her ear and the moist tongue gliding over her earlobe caused Nico to almost go mad. Not only could she feel all her blood boil, but now an unwelcome yet familiar throbbing sensation had settled between her legs. And she hated it.

"Stop! Stop it with your stupid pranks already!" Nico shut her ruby eyes tightly and clasped her girlfriend's hand aggressively, taking it out of her skirt in a swift, abrupt motion.

Nozomi was startled by the aggressive reaction and instinctively backed out, separating her body from the one of the smaller girl.

"I seriously hate how you always pull these kind of pranks on me. Get serious for a moment would'ya." The raven haired girl marginally bent a bit, attempting to hide the bulk that was now present to anyone who would rest their eyes on her crotch.

Nozomi felt her girlfriend's words prickle her heart; all her efforts to show her seriousness to the other girl were dismissed as simple mischief from her part. Did she really think she would just do this as a joke? Sure she sometimes grabbed her breasts as a joke, but this was clearly different.

Clenching her jaw she forcefully turned the petite girl around and quickly sat on her hip, straddling over the girl and trapping her at the same time. Because of her adrenaline she didn't feel when her legs brushed against the bulge, on which she almost settled.

"I'm not joking at all Nicocchi! I… I've been planning this date all week just to be able to get more intimate with you!" Nozomi leaned over to look at Nico's eyes more directly and she found surprise, unrest and… was that longing? Feeling it was a small victory she decided to continue.

On the other hand Nico's mind was a big fuzz; she was sure she had unintentionally hurt her girlfriend (evident on the tone the purple head was using). She was now also sure the fortune teller was serious about getting physical with her. And boy was she sure this situation was getting out of hand for her with her growing problem becoming even more stimulated thanks to Nozomi's hip movements.

She was trapped in a state mixing happiness, shyness, anger, lust, desire and hate at the same time. Nico was such a mess she couldn't properly answer in any way to the girl hovering over her. A part of her wanted to just respond as her girlfriend wanted: physically. But her controlled part was still telling her to quickly stay apart and get things back under her control.

Her mind was hazy, and she had to give Nozomi a quick reason for her attitude before she noticed on just what she was sitting on… if it was not for the temperature she would definitely feel it under her sooner or later.

"I- I know I joke about this kind of stuff a lot. But I'm serious whenever I hold you… whenever I touch you… whenever I kiss you. Nicocchi… my most cherished one… I want to give my all to you. To show you just how much my heart longs for you" Nozomi clenched a fist over her pounding heart, her breath feeling short thanks to her anxiousness.

"But… whenever you shrug me off just like before it hurts… More than any physical pain could ever hurt. I-I know I'm just a nuisance with how I'm pressuring you. I really hate how I become such a crybaby with this stuff… But just thinking of being alone again… I-I" with the hem of her sleeve Nozomi wiped the tears that were escaping her eyes, a hiccup interrupting her sentence.

The sight broke Nico's heart, she didn't even have an idea of how much Nozomi had been bitterly restraining herself, drowning in negative thoughts every time she gave her the cold shoulder. She wanted to hold the taller girl against her, clean her tears and tell her it was all okay. That she would love her no matter what. But she was still scared of what her actions could cause, of course she couldn't feel nothing less than love for Nozomi, but what if she discovered it? Wouldn't she…leave her?

"Nicocchi is so cute. Maybe someday she'll get a boyfriend and leave me. Just the thought scares me… But what scares me the most is that this feeling, this painful bittersweet feeling, is one-sided and Nicocchi is confusing friendship with love. She's so nice, kind and dumb she might do it." Nozomi held Nico's face with affection and gave the girl a fond smile.

Nico couldn't bear it anymore, none of it, and exploded. "Dumbass! Of course what I feel for you is love! It couldn't be anything else. It takes all my might to keep my heart within my chest whenever I see you smile. I love you so much I no longer know how to act when I'm with you!"

The raven haired girl grasped with care the hands resting on her cheeks and gave each one a kiss. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, finally clearing her mind and deciding what to do. Nozomi deserved a real answer… and she would give it to her.

"I… I'm just so scared. I'm scared that when you find out everything about me you'll get sick of me and leave me. So I try to keep distance to avoid having you find something wrong with me." Nico averted her eyes from Nozomi's gentle gaze and bit her lower lip.

"It's ridiculous Nicocchi, I know your faults and love them all. They add up to make you cuter-"Nozomi tried to ease her girlfriend's fright but instead caused the girl to shrink. "That's the issue! Every time you call me cute I feel like I'm lying to you! I'm not cute! I'm not even normal to begin with." The small girl now seemed even smaller, her voice trembling and her forearm hiding her eyes.

"I… every time I arrogantly proclaimed I was the cutest was to hide just how disgusting I really am. I mean it… I can't even call myself girly. Everything is just a lie." Nozomi could feel her heart clench with just how pitiful and self-loathing Nico's voice sounded.

"The truth… the truth is behind all this false appearing I have something… just plain bad. It's so unnatural and wrong yet I have it." Nozomi didn't want to hear anymore and quickly attempted to deny all those negative thoughts. "You're wrong Nicocchi! There's absolutely nothing wrong with yo-."

"Can you call a girl with a damn dick as something normal?! Nozomi for god's sake I'm a freak. Literally an error. I'm always spouting nonsense about becoming the greatest idol when that possibility never existed. Who would like an idol with male genitals!? To begin with, who would like anyone with both genders..? I… I'll understand if you no longer want to see me… But I thought you deserved the truth. I'm the one wrong, not you."

Nozomi slowly blinked her eyes, and in that same moment she finally felt the hard bump digging onto her crotch. Dear god how couldn't she notice something that hot and stiff constantly poking her?

It was pretty funny; just a couple of moments ago, both were enjoying the starry sky and felt as if time passed in a blink of an eye. Now, Nozomi felt every second like an eternity.

Everything in her head began to have sense little by little; each time Nico would always arrive late to the concerts, how she would always be either ready before everyone or change until everyone was out of the dressing room. How uncomfortable she would always act every time the group would go to the beach. Even how she would uncomfortably react if Nozomi changed clothes in front of her, always hiding far away or playing dumb.

Nozomi never had loved anyone this much in her life, she had no one to whom she could compare how cute and innocent Nico was; she was completely honest when she said only Nico could make her feel this special.

Even with all of those signs, plus her very strong "spiritual power", she could have never imagined a situation like this happening, and it made her feel bitter how she never noticed how Nico felt about her situation.

Nico, indeed, was not a normal person. But-

With a blush adorning her face she tenderly looked at Nico; the girl had tears running down her eyes, she was hiding her flushed face behind her sleeve and had a dejected look on her face, eyes stubbornly evading her gaze.

Nozomi reached for the arms of the petite girl, trying to separate them and see the face that she loved so much. As a result Nico struggled to keep her away; she was so embarrassed, so destroyed. She was sure that Nozomi would run off or call her a freak.

However that never happened. The purple haired girl kissed her forehead, wiped off her tears and gave Nico the most gentle and cute smile that the carmine eyed girl had ever seen throughout all the night. As she felt her heart skip a beat, in her mind she compared the smile to a star; it was heartwarming and dazzling; comforting and bright.

"I understand, Nicocchi" Nozomi began, trying to choose the correct words for the insecure girl in front of her. "You…all this time, getting changed with each of us in μ's… it probably made you feel awkward… even guilty perhaps" Nico sniffed a little; her gaze, even though their eyes had met a moment ago, began to wander around, attempting to hide her insecurity.

"You may be different. You may not be normal. But, Nicocchi, always remember I'm not in love with your idol persona, or the girly Nicocchi… I'm in love with you, and no one else. I love everything that makes you be who you are. All that kind of stuff…" She giggled, feeling the blush intensify on her face.

She kissed Nico and hugged her, bringing her as close to her heart as it was possible.

"You don't need anything else to make you special" She whispered into her ear.

Nico felt like crying; she expected rejection, hate, desperation, and even the sensation that the only person that she have ever loved was going to leave her. But everything went in a 180 grades turn. Had she underestimated Nozomi fondness?

She returned the kiss first; a warmth embraced her heart, feeling the love and compression from Nozomi with only a few words. Her honesty was so pure that the weight of the world was lifted up from Nico's shoulders.

Then, she hugged her like she was clinging for dear life; everything she had thought throughout her entire life –that she would never be understood by anyone- lost any value after being shared with someone aside her family. And, that person that finally understood her was her girlfriend.

"No, Nozomi, you don't understand…I'm an aberration, I-I would never" the girl tightened the hug against Nozomi, feeling so secure and protected by the arms of her lover. She was so full with emotion that tears were already falling from her eyes and-

"You are not" Nozomi answered "And you have always been nothing less than special".

Nico, finally, felt relieved to have told the biggest secret she had to the most important person in her life.

"I…I love you, Nozomi" She was being completely honest, kissing her passionately, a smile clearly present on her lips; Nico felt finally able to be honest about her "real" self.

"And, I love you too, Nicocchi". Nozomi kissed back, biting playfully the lips of the petite girl below her. Her hands running all over Nico's neck, caressing pass it and going down her back; while she trailed her body, she noticed how her touches were stimulating Nico's "growth". Nozomi could feel it, the frustration in her body and the smoldering heat were beginning to gain ground over her reason once again.

With a sudden yet precise jerk from her hips, she brushed the lump under Nico's skirt, which had now become way more perceptible. Her bold action was immediately answered by the petite girl, with a deep moan immediately escaping her lips. This caused her already flushed face to acquire a bright red color reflecting embarrassment.

"N-No! Nozomi, w-we are n-not doing thi-" She was silenced by the purple head's lips. The petite girl struggled, again, to push Nozomi away from her lips, but due to their position and difference in weight she couldn't even mover her.

The puppy had grown back into a hungry wolf, who now that it had discovered the truth about its prey, was more than willing about taking a "bite" from it.

And she didn't waste any time; her hands were quickly descending down Nico's back, lowering and searching for her hips. She was going to touch every little part of her lover's smooth skin, and make her enjoy every second of it. "Nicocchi, now I understand how you feel, and I'm going to…" Finally having her hand hovering over the girl's throbbing bulge Nozomi licked her lips, almost excitedly. With an accurate touch, her delicate fingers felt its tip.

The purple head blushed in an instant; it was hot... Really hot. And feeling it throb and pulse against her fingertips was exhilarating. She couldn't deny she was enjoying it, but she couldn't control her blood, getting extremely flustered about the deep intimacy she was having with her girlfriend. It was almost scary how she still wanted more of it, "Give all I have to make you feel better".

"W-w-wait!" Nico almost shouted, face bright red and feeling as sexually frustrated as any teen left alone with his girlfriend can get; her heart was almost out of her body, and she could almost swear the deep secret she was holding back would be able to tear apart her underwear. And that would cause her to let her lust command her.

"What is it Nicocchi? Don't worry I'll properly take care of your friend" Nozomi's curious caresses were making Nico's control drop to the lowest levels, yet the petite girl endured, taking deep breaths.

"We…ahhh, w-we'll need…"


"…We will need c-condoms, alright? We'll need them if you really want t-to go all the way. I don't want you dropping out of school because of a baby." Nico's expression was very silly, bothered and embarrassed, yet it couldn't be compared to Nozomi's astonished one.

"H-huh? A-arara! It actually works? It can get me pregnant?!" Nozomi widened her eyes surprised, shifting her gaze to Nico's groin and poking her hidden member.

"N-n-nozomi! Number one: Don't poke it! I'm already losing control just by feeling you over me, so unless you want things to get out of c-control keep your hands to yourself!" Nico held Nozomi's hands with a bright red face, her words also causing the purple head to get red.

"N-number 2: My... Uhhh, c-condition is called True hermaphroditism. That means I have both sexual organs completely functional and present in my body. This extremely rare and almost non-existent condition is present on me, because Nico-ni has so much luck in these "lucky draws". So yeah... I-if I ever get to c-cum inside you, you'll probably get p-p-pregnant." Nico's voice lost its annoyed, sarcastic tone by the end, and instead became a gentle mumble.

Nozomi could feel her head about to explode, she was so embarrassed about the sole thought of Nico cumming within her when just a minute ago she was more than willing of taking a "ride" on her girlfriend without caring about the result.

Still what caused her embarassment to increase was that she couldn't get the picture of her and Nico living together, with Nico tending her while she was pregnant with their baby. The thought brought her extreme happiness yet she felt utterly ashamed for thinking that far ahead.

"I-I-I... Wouldn't mind... Having Nicocchi's baby." Nozomi's voice was soft, quiet and barely a whisper. Yet Nico had definitely heard it, evident on her mouth hanging open, her eyes opened as plates and her tomato red face.

"W-w-well... W-we'll need to s-save that for l-later. I don't want you dropping out of school thanks to me... B-b-besides... W-we'll have more than enough time when you become my w-wife" Nico averted her gaze, in her head she was sure that if she didn't have an erection, her head would have already exploded because of the excessive amounts of blood flowing to it.

Nozomi's face quickly acquired a gentle, whole-hearted smile. Nico's comment had made her heart skip more than one beat thanks to the meaning her words carried. "Then let's go get those condoms."

"Y-yeah... Just please get off me and turn to the other side."

"Huh? Why do you want me to turn around Nicocchi?" Nozomi cocked her head to the right confused as she got off the raven haired girl, almost letting a whimper escape her lips since she missed her lover's body heat... And body against hers.

"Look, I'm the one who needs the condoms, therefore I won't force you to buy them. I-I'll get them myself. However there is no way in hell I'll leave this place with an erection constantly tugging on my panties. So I'm asking you to turn around while I get rid of it" the carmine eye girl had serious expression.

"No fair! I don't want Nicocchi to jerk off right now! What if she losses her mood and leaves me hanging?" Nozomi puffed her cheeks and faced Nico with a small frown.

"Y-you're a girl you shouldn't be screaming "jerk off"! Geez… besides I won't lose my "m-mood" just because of that. Much less with you expecting me to… you know… do the t-thing to you" Nico crossed her arms and turned her head to the left, embarrassed.

"You mean having sex? Well I'm honored hearing you get turned on by me but I won't take my chances knowing you might get all flustered in the store and take hours to buy the condoms. So, Nicocchi, you either let me get rid of your erection or you keep it until we get to my apartment." Nozomi's serious stance, adorned by a blush, was ridiculous for Nico and she lost no time in expressing it.

"… Nozomi I've always been sure you were hiding stupidity behind that whole "spiritual" façade… but this is way too much. No, I won't let you touch me right now because I'll end up not wanting to leave this place. And no, I won't go to a convenience store with my skirt looking like a tent." Nico furrowed her eyebrows and made a cross with her arms.

"But Nicocchi!" Nozomi whined like a small kid. "I'll also won't resist knowing you're jerking behind me! You can't leave a lady frustrated like that! I swear I'll pounce on you!" though it was embarrassing, Nozomi was very adamant about the whole deal and would use any resource to avoid having Nico do what she wanted.

"W-wha!? I-I understand… but I can't be walking around in this condition you know?" Nico covered her groin with both of her small hands, attempting to hide the "annoying" bulge.

"Oh come on Nicocchi. You're small, how big can the tent get?" Nozomi scoffed jokingly, getting Nico's hands off what she wanted to inspect. As she lifted the skirt, troubling and embarrassing her girlfriend in the process, she felt her snicker die on her throat as she saw the upright member.

"… You're Japanese right Nicocchi? How can you have this!? If Japanese men got to discover this, they would complain to god." Nozomi kept her eyes glued to the big bulge stretching the cute pink panties her girlfriend was using.

"N-n-nozomi! The hell's wrong with you today!? Stop! Stop looking at it!" Nico quickly swatted away her girlfriend's grip on her skirt and once again tried to hide her apparently big boner with her tiny hands. "And yeah I'm Japanese, I don't why that has anything to do with this"

"You see Nicocchi, Japanese men aren't known for having a big dick you know. Yours is probably bigger than at least 70% of the male population. As your girlfriend I can't ignore that giant between your legs. It'll be difficult but I'll try to take as much as I can. Please do take care of me" Nozomi gave a small playful bow.

"This is so wrong… How do you even know all that in the first place?!" Nico no longer knew if she had to cover her lower body or her face from her lascivious girlfriend because of shame. "Huh? Isn't that general culture? I'm surprised it's you who doesn't know it Nicocchi. Considering you're the one carrying one." Nozomi giggled amused.

"Okay. Please let's end this discussion. Turn around already." Nico glared daggers at her girlfriend who had been embarrassing and making fun of her for the last minutes. "No… It really is big but you can still hide it! I'll let you use my purse! You even have your basket. Come on Nicocchi! I'll make it worth the wait" the fortune teller winked at the smaller girl as she hugged her and gave her best puppy eyes.

Nico knew she would always surrender when Nozomi gave her the puppy eyes, she really didn't want to do it, but Nozomi's request plus her promising reward was too much to for her to deny. "F-fine then… Just because it's for you! If someone notices I swear I won't let you close to it ever again! And… d-don't expect a calm sleep tonight… Get it?"

Nico seriously looked at Nozomi's eyes, evident traces of desire and lust flashing on her ruby eyes. Nozomi felt her face heat up thanks to the intensity of the girl's stare, but smiled happily. She snuggled against her girlfriend, basking on her warmth and smell. "Fine by me"

Suddenly she felt her abdomen be grazed by Nico's member and a shudder ran down her spine. She didn't pull away, yet it was almost painful not to actually grind herself against it. She still had to resist considering all the effort they had put to not do it out in the open without protection.

With a small, almost invisible scorn, she separated herself from her girlfriend and sent her a frustrated smile. "Let's get this over quick before I take you for myself here and now okay?" Nozomi lightly snickered at her girlfriend's troubled expression and nervous nod.

Both of the girls stood up, and Nico's erection obviously became more visible, Nozomi constantly eyeing the tent with mischievous eyes. After getting herself "presentable" Nico gave the purple head her basket and took the purse, placing it over her lower body to hide any visible bulge.

"I-I don't know why let myself by controlled by you" Nico sighed dejectedly as both of them began walking towards the nearest convenience store to Nozomi's apartment. "Easy question Nicocchi. It's because you love me as much as I love you" the fortune teller gave a happy smile and grabbed her girlfriend's free hand.

"Well… I can't deny that." Nico returned the gesture by giving a small squeeze to Nozomi's hand accompanied by a warm smile. "Besides, doesn't this make it more exciting?" Nozomi's eyes were sparkling with mischief, causing Nico's smile to drop and a growl to escape her lips. "I'm such an idiot for falling for you" Nico sighed while Nozomi kept her gleeful smile.

Now, standing in front of the convenience store, palms sweating, a purse the only thing covering a body part she had maintained hidden for so many years and having the job of buying a box of condoms, Nico was beginning to have doubts.

I'm and idiot. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. How could I let Nozomi make me do this? Oh dear god in what did Nico-nii get herself into? Nico couldn't stop her running thoughts as her heart attempted to escape her chest. She gulped and took the first step into the store, Nozomi silently encouraging her from behind.

With heavy steps and cold sweat accumulating on her eyebrows, Nico searched for the condoms. She knew she would find them on the isle of beauty products for women, after all she had previously seen them when she had gone to buy her beauty treatments.

She crouched, being careful to show nothing; sure it was almost 9:20pm and there were basically 3 people on the store, but she wouldn't take the risk. She shuffled through the different boxes, searching for the brand Nozomi had recommended.

She still had doubts and annoyance in regards about her girlfriend's knowledge about the whole deal of condoms and penises, however it had definitely come handy. When she found the label Okamoto she began shuffling through the different boxes.

Nico grimaced as she read all the different boxes; "Rose Pattern? Dot the Cool? French Kiss? What the hell is wrong with all these names?!" Nico muttered annoyed. "Ugh… well Nozomi told me to buy the one called B-big Boy…" Nico looked with a grimace at the black box showing the face of an elephant and sighed.

"This is so hard… How can I buy this with a straight face…? I should buy another box just to hide this." Nico whimpered when she looked at the prices but kept on her decision. After looking at the different boxes for some minutes she decided to also get the ones called Harmony, considering Nozomi's enjoyment of anything "spiritual".

Standing up, with the purse still hiding her lower body, she grabbed both boxes and walked to the counter with the straightest face she could muster. "E-excuse me, I'd like to pay t-this" Nico shyly placed both boxes over the counter and took out her pink wallet.

The clerk raised an eyebrow at the black box and looked at the petite girl in girl in front of him (thinking she was from middle school). He awkwardly charged the small girl, and gave back the bag with both boxes along with the change.

"T-thank you" Nico clumsily bowed, got the boxes into her purse and ran outside the store, being received by Nozomi's opened arms and playful smile. "I'm going to kill you! I can't believe you made me buy a box with a fucking elephant on the cover!" Nico pummeled Nozomi's chest with her small fists, to which the latter answered with a snicker.

"Well, my Nicocchi is bigger than most boys so she will need it. Your elephant is proof of this" the purple head giggled as she slipped her hand down Nico's body, lightly brushing the bulge that was still standing straight.

"N-n-nozomi! People may see, stop." Nico quickly hissed gripping Nozomi's arm. She felt her legs almost give in to her girlfriend's unexpected touch. Being so much minutes with an erection and not a single touch, with the danger of being seen of others and with her girlfriend impishly touching her was not only making extremely sensitive, but it was also starting to give her blue balls.

"Fine then… let's continue on my apartment okay?" Nozomi grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her to the apartment complex 2 streets in front of the convenience store.

All of a sudden, Nico's hand began to sweat, across her back she felt a strong current of chills and jitters that managed to reach her heart. Her face little by little was filled with a blush as she realized everything. She would have sex with her girlfriend. The person who she loved, who she wanted and desired completely, was going to hand her, and only her, her first time. Nico felt her knees begin to tremble from that single thought.

"It'll also be my first time. Will I be able to please her? I'll have to be very affectionate… no angry outbursts… I have to reassure myself; what's most important is to not hurt her a-and be very careful when I e-enter into her. Oh my god, I don't know how to put on a condom…" the smaller one face-palmed inwardly. Her stress began to raise at the same time her trembling knees almost prevented her from walking across the street.

"What if Nozomi says some of her jokes as always? God, she wouldn't laugh at me in our first time… right? She loves me, I love her; nothing should go wrong" Nico convinced herself with a small nod.

She looked feebly at the person in front of her; her girlfriend seemed so elegant; anxious yet surrounded by an aura of composure and tranquility, it was hard to explain. "I can't fail, I can't make this end wrong; god if I ruin it Nozomi will hate me for stupidly wasting her first time in a fool like me. Fuck, why did I agree to this? M-maybe if I tell her that I feel sick we could postpone it and practice; god I just don't want to end up destroying the relationship with the person I love the most in this worl-"

Nozomi turned around, only enough to see over her shoulder her carmine-eyed partner, sending her a beautiful smile. All the tranquility, affection and softness in the world slowly soothed Nico's raging heart; with only one squeeze on her hand, she began feeling more serene and her face formed a smile for her lover.

She could feel her knees stop trembling; her despair had disappear, a tinge of fear was still present, but she felt sufficiently prepared to do the purest action in the world with her girlfriend.

The instant Nozomi felt how Nico answered the hand squeeze, she softly bit her tongue as she tried to breath with ease. She couldn't believe she had really reached this point where in a few meters they would reach her apartment and actually have sex.

Honestly it did make a difference that Nico had a penis -and a big one-, but if anyone would ask her she didn't actually care much about the whole deal, since for her just sharing that sole night of love and passion was more than enough.

"But…" the purple-haired girl thought, "what if Nicocchi doesn't like what she sees…?" Nozomi lowered her gaze and inspected herself. Even with all the incitement her clothes showed, that Nico had definitely liked and to a large degree had aroused her, Nozomi still felt insecure with her appearance.

"What if below the clothes she thinks I'm flabby? Or she doesn't like my curves?" the older one repeatedly licked her lips, biting on them slightly upset. She couldn't get out of her mind the idea of Nico feeling disappointed, or even worse, grossed out by her nude body.

"What if she can't enter inside me? If I don't lubricate myself, or I get nervous she may struggle… I must not joke around, or else I may make her uncomfortable or troubled. Maybe I should have never brought up the subject; she would have never told anyone about her "Big Boy" yet now she's about to have sex. She must I think I'm a terrible girlfriend forcing myself on her. I was such an idiot on the park."

Her jitters began winning over the confidence she was showing, her back softly tensed as she felt the light touch of a hand smaller than hers; she could feel how soft and gentle it was, just as a silky whisper came from behind her.

"Nozomi… We've been standing in front of your house for a while. Are you okay?" Nozomi swallowed her saliva and tried to put a calmer face as she turned around. She sought to avoid looking at Nico directly at her eyes; she was scared of even looking at her and provoke a conflict between them.

She felt insecure; barely being able to think clearly with her heart a mile per second, her amorous desires stuck on her head, jitters and the guiltiness of forcing Nico to follow her up to this point.

She should stop, she needed to do it or else everything could get ruined -more like she could ruin everything-. After all it was only sex right? No need to get so hasty.

"N-nicocchi… I-I" the older girl looked up, thanks to Nico trying to meet her gaze while she tried to divert it. For a moment their eyes met, and there she was, stunning. Just how she had seen her when she first arrived to their date: visibly anxious and with her face in a flushed state, reflecting hidden carnal desires, but damn, her lover was undeniably cute.

Nico, the super idol; beautiful, innocent and, overall, her girlfriend to whom she wanted to surrender what she considered was the most significant thing in her life. The small girl didn't look repentant at all and showed no desire to leave.

"Nozomi" Nico made her look directly into her own eyes, coming close enough to give her a small kiss on the lips, that finished with a soft graze and a needy nibble on her lower lip. The raven haired girl hugged her around the waist, trying to show all the security she could muster, since Nozomi had been who had given it to her in the first place.

"It's s-sudden… but, and idol, never backs down on what she desires." The older girl could only return the hug and the kiss with a soft peck on the girl's nose. She felt a blush invading her face; the hungry wolf was being dominated by a lamb that hated backing down without a fight, not letting her have all the fun.

"Well…" the young maiden couldn't avoid smiling in a bashful way. "Nicocchi better keep her promise all night long" she still managed to wink playfully.

Nico's face turned completely red, she almost lit up the hall of the apartment complex where Nozomi lived, and she was so hot that her cheeks might as well been a frying pan. "D-don't you take anything seriously!?"

Nozomi turned around, opened the door and gave an honest smile with a wink "Always, especially if it's about Nicocchi".

Fierrin: Hello, I'm one of the co-authors of this story, you can call me Fierrin in case you have any question . So, we decided at last to write a fanfiction. And it's kind of funny, because we had a lot of fandoms to choose to write about, but Sati introduce me to Love Live; the idea of making this kind of fanfic appeared quite strong and so here we are. It was kind of difficult, especially because we got so much material in it that the whole "one shot" it's almost thirty pages long; and because I really suck at English Sati had to translate everything I wrote to "proper English". We worked around two to three weeks in this one shot, we are only finishing the final details about the second part. I hope you have enjoyed this and, we hope that you keep reading what we write.

Sati: Hmmm how to start. Well Fierrin is all seriousness and respect but I'm all about hypes and weaboo stuff y'know. However I'd still like to say thanks, after all you took your time to read this first part of this two-shot we made. Well what can I say; it's quite funny how we ended writing some NozoNico when we get extremely excited with NozoEri and NicoMaki, especially me lol. But we thought this was the pairing with which we could work the best in this kind of story. I won't lie, a part of me wanted to also write some NozoEri and NicoMaki, but "finish what we start" is our philosophy... so that'll have to wait. Well before I begin rambling, expect part two in around a week, there'll be some nice fluffy and smut moment lol. See you around!