I know it's short. I'm sorry. No one is reading this anyway.

When I wake up the next morning, I have a few blissful moments of ignorance. I always have them, the few seconds where I don't remember the crappiness of my life, but like always, the truth hits me, and it hits hard. I groan into my pillow as I remember that Sarah is here in Alaska, and maybe looking for me. Another groan makes its way out of me as I sit up, my head throbbing in doing so. I definitely drank too much last night. I sigh and get out of the bed, a thump being heard from my bare feet hitting the cold, hardwood floor. I slowly make my way to the bathroom, holding my head in my hands the whole way.

I cringe when I look ay myself in the mirror. Yesterdays makeup is streaked down my face and my dreads are in a shape that I couldn't make myself. That's when I decide that a shower is due, after some aspirin. I grab the small bottle and dump two pills into my hand, swallowing them dry. I turn the water to the shower on and start to rid myself of my clothes. A soft moan comes out of my mouth when I step into the shower and the hot water hits my back. The feeling is glorious and I think nothing could be better for a hang over. As I start washing my hair my mind starts to wonder to Sarah.

Does she still dress the same? Act the same? Do her eyes still sparkle when she laughs? Does she still love bourbon? Or does she prefer tequila now? Is the Sarah I love still there, or has she gone for good? I let the water run over my face, trying to drown these thoughts. It doesn't help of course, because why should I be let out of my own personal hell. I hum a random tune to try and quiet my thoughts as I finish washing myself. As I step out of the shower I hear a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I shout out. "I need to pee." Shay yells back. I laugh lightly and wrap a towel around my slim body. I open the door and Shay runs past me. I chuckle and walk back to my room to get dressed.

I get my clothes on and put my hair in a bun on the top of my head. I turn my head when I hear a knock on the front door and freeze. I take a deep breath and walk in the living room to open the door. I look through the peep whole and see her. The girl I abandoned years ago. "Shit." I mumble. "I heard that. Open the door." Her voice is rough and demanding, but it sounds like heaven after all these years. I slowly pry open the door and look at her. She's wearing her normal leather pants, a band tee, and a leather jacket. Her look hasn't changed a bit and it makes my heart swell.

"Umm...hi." I mumble. She quirks her eyebrow at me. "Hi? After four years that's all you have to say?" I flinch at the tone in her voice. "Amber? Who's at the door?" I jump and shut the door in Sarah's face. "It's just a friend from college. I got to go." I grab my shoes and keys and leave quickly. "Come on. Hide your face." I grab Sarah's arm and drag her towards my car. "Get in, keep your head down." She scoffs and opens the car door. "Glad I'm being treated so well." I roll my eyes at her and walk around to the drivers side, getting in and driving away. "You're safe." She lifts her head up. "Who the hell is Amber?" Is the first question she has. "Umm..." I hesitate. "Me." I answer. "Well, my new name after I left."

"Should I start calling you Amber then?" There is nothing nice about Sarah's voice. It's cold and malicious, like she's out to hurt me. "Please don't." I whisper. "Why? Why should I do anything you ask of me after you abandoned me?" There it is. "Sarah, it's not what you think." Another scoff comes from her mouth. "Really? Then what is it?" She yells. I sigh and try to focus on the road ahead of me. "I'm not explaining while driving." I tell her. She stomps her foot on the floor making me jump. "Then stop the bloody car!" She screams. "Stop it!" She yells again when I don't immediately slow down. "Sarah..." I am interrupted. "I said stop it!" Her shrill yell makes me pull over and turn off the car. "Sarah..."

"Shut up!" She interrupts. "You are doing nothing but explaining why you left me." Her voice cracks and my heart breaks. "Tell me." She half demands, half begs. "I was working on a cure!" I yell back. "You were chasing neolutionists and I wasn't safe! I couldn't study our illness if Dyad was there! They would have gotten involved and I couldn't have that. I needed to save us." I explain to her. "Why didn't you take me with you?" She's crying now. "I loved you so much. Why didn't you?" I cringe at the word 'loved'. "Your sisters needed you." I softly say. "Well I needed you!" She yells. "Did you ever think about that? About how awful I would feel?" She wipes away her tears. "I did, but I was coming back. I was planning on it next month." I try to defend.

"That's still four years without any contact. The only reason I found you was because of that letter you sent. I tracked your calls to Alaska." Sarah informs me. "Why didn't you call? I wouldn't have told anyone." I bang my hands on the steering wheel. "I didn't know who was listening! I couldn't risk Dyad finding me." She sighs and puts her head in her hands. "Alison is sick Cosima." I close my eyes when I feel tears in them. "How bad?" I croak. "Just started, so not too bad." I sigh. "I have a cure." I tell her. "It took me four years, but I have one."

"How are you still alive then? If you weren't getting Kira's stem cells?" Sarah husks out, her voice raw from crying and yelling. "I learned how to clone them." I explain. "It worked but I was still sick until now. My cure works." Sarah nods at me. "Then you're coming back with me and you're going to cure Alison." I nod. "Okay." She looks sharply at me. "And you are going to do whatever it takes to get into my good graces." I bow my head and nod once more. "When do we leave?" I ask. "Tonight. Take me back to your place so we can pack." "I cant. Shay's there." Sarah cocks her eyebrow at me. "Long lost twins, found each other online, just met. There's your explanation." I nod and start driving again.

Shay is sitting on the couch when I walk back into the house. She jumps up when she hears the door. "Amber! Are you okay?" I scratch the back of my neck and move sideways so that Sarah is in view. "What the hell?" Shay muses. "Who is this?" She stands up and walks closer. "I'm..." Sarah starts. "This is Alison." I interrupt. "My long lost twin." Sarah throws me a confused look. Shay knows the name Sarah as my long lost love, not twin. "Whoa. This is creepy." Shay looks back and forth between the two of us. "How did you find each other?" I look at Sarah for help. "I found her online after my parents told me I was adopted." Shay's eyes go wide. "You're British? That is so cool!" I laugh at her amusement.

"Anyway, Shay, I've got to leave." I tell her. "When are you coming back?" Shay asks. I realize that she probably thinks I'm just going to the store or something. "No, I mean, I'm moving. Tonight." Shay sits on the couch and puts her head in her hands. "What?" I sigh and sit down next to her. Sarah stands in the door way awkwardly. "I need to go with Alison, I cant explain everything, but I'm not coming back." Shay looks at me with tears in her eyes. "We've been roommates for three years, and you couldn't give me a heads up about this?" Her sadness turns into anger. "I'm sorry Shay." She stands up quickly. "Whatever, just go." She walks out of the room. "Well, that went well." Sarah remarks. I turn to her and roll my eyes.

Hope you enjoyed! Please review if you're reading this so I can continue this.