Happy Halloween everyone

here is the last story of this story. Hiccup is the longest one of them all and it is the darkest i find. This one is based of my favorite story of horror.

we will also have the official winner of this little contest. let's see who will be the king...

(Astrid: Hmm hmm.)

or queen of Halloween,

thank you everyone for your love for this little thing.

so please enjoy the last chapter.

and Happy Halloween or as berk calls it Dreadfall

"Ok," Hiccup said to the remaing people in his group. "Time for a story that is actually scary."

"Yeah, right," Snotlout comments.

"ah," Hiccup shushes him, "You had your chance. Now then, think back to the time when we didn't make peace with the dragons. Where we were under the cloak of fear. "

Everyone gulped, remembering that time.

"What you may not remember was that you guys labeled me as Hiccup the Useless. But one day, things took a gruesome turn...

I was on my way to Gobber's to do my work, just after my usual round of getting beat up. I had a black eye and bruises covering a lot of my body. But I try not to show it, I still wanted to prove that I was going to be a strong Viking.

Snotlout couldn't hold in his laugh, "you! Strong! That's hilarious."

He receives a jab from Astrid, as well as a mean look from her.

Thank you milady.

I walk in, and Gobber was busy with the iron and a sword. But it didn't take him long to see me with the black eye.

"Who was it this time?" He asks. "Snotlout or the twins?"

I shrug as I grab a wet cloth, "both," I said. "Well, all three of them."

Gobber stops working and grabs a chair for me to sit. "You know," he said. "This is the third time this month you let them treat you like this. When are you going to stand up for yourself?"

"When I grow about 50 pounds of muscle and fat," I answer with my usual sarcastic tone.

"Come on Hiccup," he said.

But I wasn't finished with my rant, "and if it wasn't bad enough with the twins and my cousin, everyone just stood and watches. They did nothing to help. It just seems like all of Berk is out to get me."

"Don't say that," Gobber said while putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure miss Astrid would've helped you if she was there."

"She was at the front," I admit.

Astrid slightly turns away, remembering how cruel she was back then. She's certainly made up with him, but some scars are tough to heal. Besides, it was part of his story.

We kept talking, trying to comfort me. Then my father came in with his usual glare.

"Hiccup!" He shouts angry. "I heard about your little spar in the square today."

"I wouldn't call it a spar," I shrug.

"Did you know you disturbed Sven from tending his sheep, and now five of them have gone missing. Five!"

"How is that my fault?" I argued.

"Snotlout told me you started the fight." He said.

"What?" I shout.

"Thanks to you, I have to delay a ship's send off just to look for sheep," he continued.

Gobber stood there and watches this happening, not knowing what to say.

"You won't be having super in the great hall tonight," my father orders before he leaves the forge.

I was so angry, but I couldn't do or say anything. I just slum in my chair feeling worst than ever.

"Well, that wasn't totally awkward," Gobber said before coming to me. "You ok lad?"

"What do you think," I scuff as I walk away to my little room.

I spent the next hour or so alone. Drawing whatever came into my mind. I usually do that to focus off my hurt and bruises. When all of a sudden, I heard a crash coming from the front. I immediately ran out to see Gobber and a pile of stuff from in the floor.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well," he explains. "I just wanted to get my mug from the top shelf, and ended up taking the whole shelf with me."

I look on the ground to see a lot of stuff on the ground. From weird souvenirs to old books.

"Where did you get this stuff?" I ask.

"A lot of it was from my younger years," he said. "I was actually hoping to tear some of it with Trader Johann, but keep forgetting about it."

I look out the window to see the sun was setting, almost becoming dark.

I knew I wasn't allow in the great hall, so might as well be useful. "Why don't I clean up here while you get something to eat?"

"You sure?" He asks.

"I'm sure," I answer. He shrugs, grabs his mug and leaves for the great hall.

I started to pick up all the stuff of the ground, making piles from the thing-a-bobs to the books. But then, one book got my attention.

It was a big, black book. On the cover was a bunch of purple circles and weird blue writing. The pages looked old and stained, probably from how old the book is.

Curiosity got to me and I opened the book.

The writing was in English, thank Thor, and it looked like a book full of incantations and spells.

"I'm not sure I like where this is going," Fishlegs said while his body shivers.

"That makes two of us," Astrid admits.

I flip through the book and I found one particular spell that looked interesting.

The hidden devil.

"The hidden devil?" Snotlout said. "Why would you be interested in that?"

The title was interesting enough. It also had a picture on it. It was funny though, the page said devil but it was a picture of a woman with wings on it. I think those things are called Angels.

So I scan the page, and there was a paragraph on the bottom of the picture. But I didn't know what some of the words were, so I read the whole thing out loud.

"Bringer... of darkness, heed my call.

Light the fire in my heart, from death's hall.

Per-se-cute my foes, let them...scorn

Let the light shine on them and me, never more!"

As I finished reading, the wind around me grew violent, blowing away all my work to keep the place clean.

But that was the least of my worries; I felt a pain in my heart. I drop the book on the floor, and clutch my chest. I can feel my heart beat grew faster and faster. The pain then grew in my head, pounding harder and harder.

I then felt a twitch of fear, and my body grew cold. But inside I felt hot, like something burning inside me.

I cry out in agony, trying to call out for help. But none was coming.

But that wasn't the scariest part, it was when I felt a breath, a breath that came from inside me. Like someone else was being born inside of me. Before I can react, I blacked out.

All I can recall before passing fully out was a word coming from my lips in a harsh tone...


Everyone in the circle gave a little shiver, feeling the cold wind on their skin.

I awoke the next morning, on my bed. But my head was pounding so hard I thought I was going to be sick. I tossed and turn to try to recover, but it wasn't working.

But I knew it didn't matter, I had to wake up eventually. So I sat up from my bed, but then I don't remember even going in my house. That would be it, but then I saw my hands, they were all red. As if I was washing something off and I couldn't get it all off.

As I look at my hands in fear, I heard my father yell for me downstairs. I quickly ran down the stairs and found my father's face as white as a ghost and cold sweat on his face.

"Thank Odin," he said almost out of breath.

I've never my father being so scared in his life. "What's going on?" I asked.

"You mean you don't know?" He said confused.

I slightly nod my head with that same look.

"There's been a murder last night," he said.

Panic and fear found its way in me, I stumble on the stairs hearing the news. We've been living where take people on a daily bases, but never had we witnessed a murder.

"Who got murdered?" Fishlegs shakes, praying it wasn't him.


Fishlegs blew a sigh of relief.

But you and Ruffnut were the witnesses.

"That's almost worst," Fishlegs yells in terror.

Last night, you guys were walking out of the great hall together, when you met someone. A man in a heavy cloak, with a hood covering his hair and half his face. According to you, you witness Tuffnut approached the man, and without warning the man stabbed Tuffnut. And if that wasn't enough, the man the grabbed him by his open wound and ripped out any vitals that was there.

Fishlegs gave out a small shriek hearing this.

Before the others could call for help, the man ran off and disappeared in the shadows.

Throughout the day, people gave their condolences to the family, and everyone was on high alert for this murderer. But there was no such luck to finding him.

"I'm starting to get a sense who it is?" Astrid said.

Don't ruin it for everyone.

Also that day, Gobber thanked me for doing a full cleaning of the mess last night, though I remembered that the wind made a bigger mess, and I don't remember cleaning it up.

But I pushed that aside, and went to my room to sleep on the thought tonight.

Dawn broke the next day, and I woke up feeling the same feeling as before. My head was pounding, and it felt like my arms were sore. I look at my hands, not seeing the deep red as before, but the smell giving off of it reeks.

Then I heard that another murder happened last night. Ruffnut was found hanging off the old fisheman's shop, with hooks in her flesh and a slit in her throat. What was terrifying about this one, was a note was found scared in her back saying...

You all are next!

"Wow," Astrid said in almost awestruck. "If people weren't frightened before, this will do it."

The following night, my father posted guards all over the village, hoping to catch this killer. I was up with Gobber in his forge. He was pounding a sword with his hammer while I was sharpening a dagger. But my mind was on other things, like how this was happening. I had a sick idea that this murders started after I read that book. But how that explains the red on my hands, and the pain I've been feeling. It just didn't make any sense.

I reacted with a jump as Gobber spoke to me. "Feeling alright?"

I was nervous; by I had to play it cool. "Yeah," I said.

But Gobber didn't buy that for a second. "I've never seen you so scared lad, not even during a dragon attack."

We both stopped what we were doing so we can talk.

"I just...trying to get my head around these recent events," I said.

"I know what you mean," Gobber said. "Who will have the gull to kill his fellow men? It would just make the man worst then any dragon. He would be truly a monster."

"I wish I can understand why whoever is doing this, IS doing this?" I said while walking a bit away.

"I wish I knew," Gobber shrugs. "Maybe the person had a personal grudge against the twins? Or an invader is trying to scare us into submission. But we will catch the guy in the end, and we will end him."

I listen as I walk to my little room, but there was something there I've never put in. On my desk was a long black cape with a hood on it. On the bottom was a bit of dust and what looked like blood.

"Gobber!" I shout as I grab the cloak and hand it off to him. "Look at this."

He took it and studies it for a bit. "This looks like something the killer might've worn. We should take it to Stoick and-"

All of a sudden, the pain in my head came back. My skin became cold and my heart beat became faster and faster. I lean on my workspace to keep my balance, but pain was really taking over me.

"Hiccup," Gobber said with concern. "Are you alright lad?"

He ran to me to get a better look. I look at him with pleading eyes.

Then I saw his eyes shot open. His breathing was halting, and blood was starting to cough up. I look down to see the dagger I was working on in my hand and the blade in Gobber's chest.

I was in total shocked at what I done, I didn't see my hand moved by itself and grabbing the cloak. Then, I felt my lips move, making a cruel smile. My head was becoming lighter and lighter, almost blacking my vision. But I saw Gobber going to the floor, becoming weak.

I felt my hand grabbing a weapon nearby, and my mouth speaking using an unfamiliar tone.

"Sorry Gobber," it said. "But you know too much for your own good. But thanks for the book."

"Book?" He whispers before I saw my hand used the axe to chop my mentor's head off.

I wanted to cry, to call for help. But my vision was becoming darker and darker. All I remember before passing was this thing in me saying...

"Sorry Hiccup, this is for your own good."

I awoke the next morning, in my own bed.

"Let me guess, feeling the same pain you felt the last number of nights," Snotlout said.


"So who got murdered that night?" Snotlout said impatient.

"Obviously Gobber." Astrid said.

Not just Gobber, but someone else too.

Fishlegs was dead too.

Fishlegs screams like a girl, but tries to hold his spot around the fire. He was trying to outlast Snotlout in this game.

"What happened to me?" He asks.

Stabbed to death, you had a number of holes in you. But what scared everyone was the fact the murder happened in your home, and there was writing on the wall, in blood.

It reads...

'This is for what you did to me!'

at the men looked at the big writing on top, i saw a little something on the bottom that no one else could see.

it said, 'this is my gift to you Hiccup, from Jareth'

"Jareth?" Astrid asks.

That's the name. I couldn't use what you had in your story.

Anyway, I figured out that this... Jareth was in me, and he was going after everyone in Berk. But I wanted to know how and why. So while everyone was looking at the carnage, I ran straight to the forge.

Thank Thor they cleaned up Gobber so I didn't have to look at him. But I ransack the place until I found the same black book. I quickly flip through it and found the devil page. All that was on the page was the picture and the spell. I flipped the page to see there was more on the back.

The hidden devil spell makes you inner hatred come forth in the black of night, and manifests itself as a being of pure evil and rage. It will stop at nothing until the darkest wish of the person will be fulfilled. Then it will consume the host and be an entity of pure darkness.

I closed the book after reading that, not believing what I've done. Four people are dead because of me, and more will die. Was my darkest wish was everyone dead?

I can hear a distant laugh inside of me, as if someone agreed with me. But then that voice became louder and louder.

Then, it spoke to me, "quiet the thing you did."

I look around to see if I can find where the voice was coming from. But as I look, I saw my reflection in a mirror hanging down from the ceiling. As I step forward to get a better look, my reflection spoke to me.

"I must say last night was the best one yet."

I jump a bit seeing this. Then my reflection changed a bit. His eye pupils became a light yellow and his skin became pale. The colour of his hair changed from aubarn to almost pure black.

"I'm guessing, you're Jareth?" I asked him.

He laughed with a cold tone. "At your disservice."

Questions began to circle around my mind. "How...why are you here?" I ask.

"Why, I'm here because you brought me out," he said. "By the way, before I forget, I thank you for that."

"But," I continued. "Why are you killing all those people?"

"I was just doing what you wanted to happen for so long," he answers.

"What I wanted?! I never wanted this!" I argue.

"Please, you wanted this since Snotface hit you with that first punch," Jareth chuckles. "You wanted everyone to pay for hurting you."

"But not like this!" I yell. "You need to stop!"

"Oh I don't think so," he said. "Not when I've only just begun. Just wait till you see what I have plan for our baby cousin, and then that wrench Astrid. And ooh, maybe our dear father will be after that..."

"Leave them alone!" I scream. "Leave ME alone! I don't want your kind of help."

"Oh I'm not going anywhere," Jareth said with a wicked smile on his lips. "I will never let you go. After all this is over, you will become me."

"NO! Never!" I shout as I pick up the book and flip through the pages.

"Good luck finding a speed that turns this whole thing around," Jareth sarcastically said. "But I'll give you a hint, there isn't any."

I threw the book down and went to our supply of weapons and grabbed a dagger.

"Wait, what are planning to do?" Astrid asks in fear.

I was planning to end it. If I die, so will him. But I prepare to push the dagger into my chest, my body felt cold and stop me.

I felt like Jareth was taking control of my body, moving the dagger away from me. "Nice try," he said. "But I am here to stay." He then threw the dagger away and moved my legs to walk away from the forge.

Even though I couldn't see his reflection, I can still hear his voice in my head. "Soon, everyone will pay, and I will be complete. And you can't stop me."

I look to the sea, seeing the sun was setting fast. Soon he'll take control and do who knows what. I have to stop myself from becoming him again, but how?

Just then, I saw Astrid in the distance, walking home. I think, maybe she can help me.

With all of my might, I ran to her and nearly trample her.

"Hiccup!" She yells with anger. "Will you watch where your-"

"Please, you have to kill me," I interrupted her.

"What?" Astrid screams in surprise.

That's what she said too.

I told her it was the best way to save everyone. She scoffs and thought I was making a cruel joke. I was being serious, but she wouldn't by it. I then ask her to lock me up in jail, figuring I couldn't do anything locked up. She finally agrees to do it to shut me up. So she took me to the jail and threw away the key. When she asks me why I'm doing this, I told her I was responsible for all those deaths.

"That's not funny," she said with anger.

"I know it's not," I said eyeing the window, seeing the sun set more and more. "Now you have to get as far away from here as you can."

Though getting a little worried and curious, she did leave the prison just as the sun sets.

I then felt the pain again; I knew Jareth was taking control again. Before I blacked out, I heard him laugh using my voice.

"Think bars can hold me?" He said as I fade. "Think again..."

He was right, when I woke up the next morning; I was lying on my bed again. I heard Jareth laugh in my head, seemly happy at what he did that night.

It didn't take me long to figure what that was, Spitelout was killed by being burned alive.

"What? Father?!" Snotlout yells angry.

Not only him, but mildew too.

"Well, at least that doesn't seem that bad," Fishlegs comments.

But the worst thing that Jareth's done was he put someone else to blame this on. Astrid.

"What did he do?" Astrid asks.

He knocked you out and put his cloak around you as well, making you look like the culprit. You were placed in the same cell I was and no one wanted to listen to you.

By the time I made it to you, you were pissed.

"I would be," Astrid said.

But the important thing was you believed me. You saw me as Jareth and wanted to help stopping me. I wanted to get you out of the cell, but Jareth wouldn't allow me. He was getting stronger and stronger, almost taking over me.

Realizing I was going to hurt the people I cared about, I ran. I ran away from the village and into the forest. But everywhere I looked, he was there, in my head, laughing at me.

"You won't escape me," he said. "I will always be here."

As I run, I soon grew tired and weak. There was one point I stopped running and rest to catch my breath. But during that time, I felt that familiar cold through my body. I try to shake it off, try to fight it, but it was too late.

Jareth was back in the driver seat of my body. He made me walk back to the village and hide in the shadows.

We spot Snotlout in the distance, alone, being very scared.

"You wish," Snotlout said while hiding his fear.

I didn't want to go up, but Jareth forced me to go.

The sun was setting in the back, but my head didn't pound like it used to. My guess was that Jareth wanted me to see what he was about to do. To crush any hope I had.

So I walk right up to Snotlout, and stood in his shadow.

He turned around a failed to see the difference in my eyes, skin and hair. "Oh hey cous," he said with a smug look. "Want a little beating tonight."

I wanted to scream, to tell Snotlout to run, but Jade Jareth n took control of my vocal cords. "Something like that," he said before kneeing Snotlout so hard he kneeled in the ground.

Before Snotlout could react, Jareth started to choke him around his necks. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this," he said before grabbing the side of Snotlout's head and snapping his neck.

Snotlout's body limped as it collapsed to the floor, dead.

That made the real Snotlout flinch a bit, rubbing his neck nervously.

Jareth laughs as he looks at what he's done. "I really wanted to make it messy, but I have other plans tonight."

With that he walks to the great hall, where his next target is. Before he walks through the doors though, he picks up a double edge sword and twirls it like a toy.

When he enters, everyone in the village was there, having a meeting about something. But when Jareth walked into the light, they looked at him...or in this case me...with a confused look.

"No need to panic folks," he said in a mock tone. "Not yet anyway."

My father stood from his throne and walks down to meet me. "Son, what are you doing?" He asks.

"What I should've done a long time ago, 'father,' "Jareth said as he raises the sword to do an uppercut.

But as he was about to do that, Astrid (who was on trial there) ran and tackled him away. She pushed him to the floor and held him there.

"Missy me pretty?" He said.

"Hiccup," she yells. "You need to stop."

He laughs like a maniac. "There is no Hiccup, only Jareth."

He then threw her off and got up with his sword. He ran towards dad, with the intent to kill. But Astrid thought quickly and grabbed an axe to block the blow.

"Please," she pleads. "Stop."

"I don't think so my dear," he said while forcing her weapon to the ground.

Everyone around was either to shock or too scared to move or do anything.

Jareth and Astrid continued to fight. While Astrid was holding back a bit, Jaden was going for the kill. All I can do was watch, I truly felt useless.

At the climax of the fight, Jareth pushed Astrid's weapon out of her hand and knocked her to the ground. He picked up the axe and stalked her. She shuffles back, having fear take over her.

"It's time to die!" He yells raising the axe overhead. The crowd gasps and Astrid tries to be read for the blow.

But I don't want her to die. I didn't want anyone to die. I just wanted it all to stop.

"No!" I yell.

At that moment, everything stopped. I felt a little more control of myself and I dropped the weapons and backed away.

Everyone can see my eyes returning to normal, but that was it. My hair was still black and my skin was still pale. I was back in control, but I don't know for how long.

"Hiccup?" Astrid quietly spoke as she gets up from the floor.

I look at her, struggling to keep in control. "You know what to do," I told her. "You have to end this. Please."

She slowly picks up the sword, but shakes her head. "I can't...I can't do that. I'm not going to do this to you!"

"You have to!" I scream with tears starting to flow out of my eyes. "It's the only way to save me."

Astrid looks at me, still shaking her head. "I know you're right, but...but..."

Then, my father stepped between us. He had a sad look on his face, but he took her weapon. "I'll do it," he said as he steps closer to me.

I knew that look in his eyes, the inner struggle of killing a threat and a son. But he knew it was best for Berk.

"Dad," I said while I had the chance. "I'm so sorry...for everything..."

He nods to me while letting be some tears fall too. "Me too."

Without a second thought, he sliced me in the chest.

The blow was quick and painless, how I wanted to go. The world turned black on me but I didn't feel cold, or in pain.

I felt at peace.

Everyone was a little shaken from that story; Fishlegs in particular couldn't stop shaking this body.

"Wow," Snotlout said, "that was deep. I'll admit that."

"Yeah," Astrid said. "Not enough for me to jump out my seat and scream, but you'll give me nightmares tonight."

"I'm glad you enjoy that." Hiccup said with a half-smile. "Maybe if dragon riding isn't for me, maybe I can have promising career as a writer."

"Speaking of stories," Fishlegs stutters. "What's gonna happen now? We all told our stories."

"Maybe we just wait here till the lapis dragon shows up," Astrid shrugs.

"Or we can all be winners?" Hiccup suggests. All three of them looked at him as if he was nuts. "Yeah, kinda guess not."

But then a strong wind came into the cave, blowing out the fire.

"Ah great," Snotlout complained as he and everyone stands up.

Then something above them start glow a bright shiny blue. Illuminating the ceiling.

"Ummm guys...what's going on?" Fishlegs asks.

"It could be that dragon?" Hiccup said unsure.

"Oh come on! There's no such thing," Snotlout yells.

But the rattle of bones catches him off guard. Everyone looked to the big dragon carcass and see it getting up and shaking its body.

"What in Thor's name?" Astrid said as she looks at it with a twitch of fear. The dragon then roared, shaking the cave. Another roar can be heard from a ledge on the side of the cave. A faint blue light was lighting a smaller cave up there, and a dragon was there.

"Ok, this is a joke right?" Snotlout said while he shivers with fear. "Someone is up there, I know it!"

"How?" Astrid screams. "We'll all here and the twins are at the hideout."

The dragon in the cave walked into view, and looked at the intruders. Thanks the glow coming from it, it was almost impossible to see this dragon's face, but it roared angry.

The group of kids started to back away from the dragon, except for Hiccup.

"Whoa," he said with wonder. "Will you look at this thing..."

"I'm trying not to, or his undead friend," Snotlout snaps.

As the dragon roars, something black and dark circle around the group, making them scream.

"That's it!" Fishlegs yells. "I am outta here!"

He makes a break for the exit, followed by Snotlout.

"Snotlout is out-lout!" He screams.

They jumped on their dragons and head back to Dragon's edge.

Astrid and Hiccup are still trapped in the cave, surround by something too dark and fast to tell what it is.

"Hiccup! What do we do?!" Astrid screams at him.

"I want to get closer to this dragon, see if I can maybe train it," he answers.

"Are you nuts?" She said.

"Maybe," he shrugs as he tries to step out the little vortex of darkness. When he did, he calmly puts his hand out and gentle talk to the beast. "Easy big guy."

At that moment, the dragon roars at him and blasts him away to the other side of the cave.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouts as she tries to reach him. Seeing she couldn't go that way, she resorts to yelling. "Get out of there!"

"No!" He shouts as he gets up. "I know I can train this thing."

Before she can respond to that, the dragon looked at her, ready to blast her. Fear took over her and she ran out of the cave to get some cover.

Stormfly was there by the entrance, ready for when she needed. Astrid the thought she can use Stormfly and toothless to help battle against this lapis dragon.

But then she looked around to see Toothless was nowhere in the area.

Astrid became confused; Toothless was always where Hiccup is. And surely he would leap into action whenever Hiccup was in danger, no matter what.

Astrid turned to the cave, and heard the dragon roar. But it sounded different, like a roar she's heard before.

"Wait a minute," she said with narrow eyes as she walks back in the cave. What she saw was a complete shock.

Hiccup was laughing with the lapis dragon right beside him. But this 'lapis' dragon was half covered in some glowing stuff, and it was the body and face of a Nightfury.

Astrid couldn't believe Hiccup could trick her like that. She angry walks to Hiccup and punch him really hard in the arm.

"Ow!" He flinch.

"Why you little-" she said as her angry grew. "I can't believe you did that! It was all a set up! Wasn't it?!"

"Yeah," he said as he rubs his arm. "Toothless and I set up this little scare for a while now. I just needed a good excuse to get everyone here."

"That's why you wanted to pick the location," Astrid yells angry.

Hiccup nods. "Yep, that was all me. Pretty cool spot though."

Astrid took a step back, calming down a bit. "But what's all that stuff on Toothless?"

"It's the same stuff on the walls," Hiccup explains as he grabs some of the glowing stuff off Toothless. Astrid took a closer look to see it was a moss like substance that was glowing blue. "Whatever it is, it only shines like that in complete darkness. I had to get the fire going before you guys could notice it. And our big gush of wind was produced by our very own Stormfly."

"Stormfly?" Astrid asks as her dragons stepped inside and nuzzle her. "You were in on this too?"

"Once we started telling stories, Toothless sneaked in the back and rolled around in the moss. Then when the room was light up, he came out and played the part of the lapis dragon."

"But what about the bones?" Astrid asked looking at the carcass. Just then, a couple of smaller, black dragons, as well as one white one, came out of the bones and fly near her. She instantly recognized these little guys.

"The night terrors, of course."

Then a lot of them circle around her, making the vortex from earlier. They then dispersed and followed the white one out of the cave.

"So all of you plan all of this," she asks Hiccup.

"Had for a while," Hiccup admits. "Who do you think made up a whole book of the 'lapis dragon legend' for Fishlegs. I found this cave a couple of months ago and saw the magic effect here. So I came up with the tale and let everyone else buy it."

"Hiccup, this is the sickest, dumbest, meanest thing you've ever done!" Astrid rants.

Hiccup flinch a bit, waiting for the inevitable punch.

But instead, she gave him a small kiss on the cheek, "it also was pretty cool and fun. Especially seeing everyone so scared."

Hiccup was a little surprise she reacted like that, but then smiles. "I guess this will make us the king and queen of Halloween."

"I can go along with that," Astrid shrugs as she takes his arm and leads everyone out of the cave.

"Wanna fly in the moonlight?" Hiccup suggests as he mounts Toothless.

"Sure," Astrid said as she jumps onto Stormfly.

Together, everyone flew to the clear sky and celebrate the night.

In the cave, the lapis ghost dragon looked at the Vikings and dragons, thanking them for coming to her cave, and sharing stories of the darkest night.

So we have our king... and queen of Halloween. so it is officially..

The End

Happy Halloween! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

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