Chapter 25 – Odyssey

So, we've finally reached the end of this story. Bearing in mind the first drafts of this were started before I even began 'Homecoming', I've been working on this story for a very long time, by my standards, at least.

The reaction to it has surprised me at times. I never quite expected so much debate regarding the exact capabilities of magic in the Harry Potter world, while I had expected more on the morality issues that fighting the Muggles would present. I guess I should have realised everyone would come firmly down on the side of Harry and his fellow Magicals. I never did like those pesky Muggles, anyway…

Once can I state my massive gratitude to Arnel for her help and support throughout this story (even if she wanted to dismember me after I nuked Hogwarts). Oh, and thanks to GHL for those additional pointers, too.

Right, I'm off to write my next story: Harry Potter meets Hammer Horror! Should be fun.

A message issued from the office of the President of the United States at nine hundred hours this morning.

"My fellow Americans. I speak to you in a time of deep national crisis. America currently faces the greatest challenges it has ever faced throughout its history, and we are beset from terrorist elements in our own borders and even more insidious threats from outside.

Yesterday, I spoke with the President of Russia to demand that he cease all military action against India, and to also withdraw his forces from the independent states of the Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Despite him making some vague assurances on ceasing action against India, this was conditional on 'certain conditions' being met. Also, I was met with a flat refusal to withdraw the Russian army from the Eastern European countries they have occupied, supposedly on the grounds of national security. This is unacceptable. I therefore issued an ultimatum, demanding that the President confirm that our demands will be met within twenty-four hours. I have received no such confirmation.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, the US government feels that we have no choice other than to react with a level of force we feel is appropriate to the situation. Two hours ago, US Navy ballistic missile submarines launched two missiles. One was targeted at the Russian city of Murmansk, this being the location of the North Sea Fleet headquarters and a viable military target. The other missile was fired at the Chinese city of Qingdao, which serves a similar function for the Chinese fleet. Dentation on both targets has been confirmed, and substantial damage has been inflicted.

I say now to the people of both Russia and China that we did not take this action lightly. The virtual annihilation of India as a functioning state is a crime without comparison, and those countries must learn that they cannot use nuclear weapons with impunity. I now call on Russia and China to formally announce they have ceased military action against India, for China to confirm it has no intentions to attack Taiwan, and for the Russian army to pull back to within its own borders.

I will expect a response to these demands from both countries within forty-eight hours. If I do not receive this, then America will have to consider taking further steps to ensure world peace and stability.

God bless you all."


Harry looked around him, uncertain how he had reached this place. The last thing he remembered, he'd been asleep at Grimmauld Place with Ginny in his arms. Now, he was uncertain where he was.

He appeared to be in some vast field of golden wheat that was swaying gently in the breeze. The sky above him was a strange golden hue, as if sunset was about to fall, which was strange as the sun was high in the sky and bathing him its warmth.

The ground started to slope downwards perhaps two hundred yards ahead of him and the golden wheat gave way to lush grass with trees interspersed at random intervals. At the bottom of the slope a river could be seen trickling past lazily. The air itself seemed full of dandelion heads, floating in the breeze. Despite his confusion, he couldn't help but smile. The place was truly beautiful.

"It's breath-taking, isn't it?"

Harry turned, for some reason completely unsurprised that Ginny was with him here, too. Her appearance was unusual, however. She seemed a little older, and her body had come into full womanhood. This was emphasised by the simple, sleeveless, white dress she wore. He'd always thought she looked like a goddess, but today that was quite literally true. Looking down at himself, he realised he wore a short, white smock, such as he would imagine the Greek Gods wearing. He laughed to himself, realising that he was dreaming.

"Oh, no, young Harry. You're not dreaming."

They both turned and saw Hadraniel standing there, in a spot which had been empty just a moment before. He still wore his baggy tweed suit which looked ridiculously out of place in their present surroundings. He grinned at them mischievously.

"Where are we then?" Harry asked in amusement. For some reason, he felt completely at peace in these strange surroundings, and unconcerned at anything that was happening.

"You should know, my dear boy; you created this world. At least, you and your delightful young companion did. This is a place created by your conjoined imaginations. Really, it's no surprise it's so beautiful. After all, you two are quite the most beautiful souls I have ever encountered."

"What do you mean, we created it?" Ginny asked in puzzlement. "I think I would remember creating a place like this! Besides, where exactly is this? I don't think this would all fit in our bedroom."

"Quite so, Miss Weasley," Hadraniel agreed with amusement evident on his face. "I suppose when I said you weren't dreaming I wasn't being totally correct, although what you are experiencing is completely different to what you would normally refer to as a dream. This place has substance and form, and is as real as you or I. However, the moment you wake up it will cease to exist."

"Did you ever meet Albus Dumbledore? He liked to talk in riddles just like you," Harry snorted.

"No, I never met the man, with good reason, actually. Still, talking in riddles is a habit many people develop if they wish to appear more intelligent than they actually are. It's a bit of a get-out clause, really. You can spout off any old rubbish and then twist it at a later date to fit actual events. Easy!"

"At least you're honest about it," Harry conceded. "Still, would you like to explain why Ginny and I have suddenly started creating new worlds in our sleep?"

"The simple answer is necessity," he replied, looking suddenly stern. "The more complex answer has to do with your own unconscious desires and dreams. Did you, Miss Weasley, not express a desire for humanity to change? For you all to live to a higher, more noble standard? Was that not in itself a subconscious appeal to start again, somewhere new?"

"What, and we've created this new world for that purpose, have we?" Ginny asked, sounding slight exasperated. "Just me and Harry? Like a new Adam and Eve?"

"Naturally not! Adam and Eve is a ridiculous myth created by men who should have known better, but had been corrupted by powers much greater than themselves. And no one is suggesting you should populate a whole planet all by yourselves. Heavens, no! I strongly suspect that the pair of you will one day be blessed by a clutch of children, but I'm quite sure that you wouldn't want them to have to resort to incest to maintain the line. Besides, I know you would never desert your friends and remaining family."

"So, what is the purpose of all this?" Harry demanded.

"Consider this a trial run," Hadraniel informed them. "Just think, the pair of you, without consciously even realising that you were working together, created this beautiful world. Note the detail you have put into it: crops that can be turned into food, water to drink. A whole ecological system created in the blink of an eye."

Harry just stared at the small man for a moment, feeling he was missing something. Something very important.

"Where are we, exactly," he asked forcefully.

"Ah, I don't believe we're in Kansas anymore, Toto," Hadraniel replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"That's not very specific," Harry said disapprovingly.

"No, it isn't, is it? The truth is, I'm not entirely sure where we are. It was you and Ginny, after all, who created this world and its actual location is down to you. Suffice to say that this place doesn't exist within the confines of your own universe. You have both managed to reach a higher plane of existence, one that appears to be mercifully free of interference."

"Wait! When you told us how to banish the Dementors, you told us they came from another dimension. Is this where we are? In the dimension that Dementors come from?" Ginny asked with a note of panic in her voice.

"Oh my, no!" Hadraniel exclaimed, evidently amused by the idea. "Dementors are demons from the lower worlds. You two, being creatures of light and goodness, naturally have come to one of the higher worlds. This place, this reality, it's on a higher plane of existence than the one you have just left."

"So, no Dementors, then. But do other beings live here?" Harry asked.

"Not in this place, no. You might travel to other dimensions that are inhabited, but the chances of that are extremely small. In a sense, you two have also created this dimension, along with this individual planet."

"This is ridiculous! I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to make all this," Harry argued, waving his hand at the surrounding countryside. "How would I know how to create plants, for instance?"

"Didn't you once create a whole new type of flower, just to show your girlfriend how much you love her?" Hadraniel challenged.

Harry nodded. He'd completely forgotten that first training session with Dumbledore that both he and Ginny had jointly attended. His soul desire had been to create something unique, just for her, and he hadn't for a moment considered that he had no idea how to make a living thing such as the flower he had made for her.

"So, what you're saying, is that I don't need to know the specifics of how this is all created, I just need the will and intent?"

"Quite so, my dear boy. Albus Dumbledore, for all his faults, was a marvellous educator. That was part of the reason I was prepared to step back all this time and let him guide you to understanding. He has, I must say, done a wonderful job."

"I still don't understand all this," Ginny admitted.

"I would be immensely surprised if you did," Hadraniel smiled. "Remember, this was just a trial run, to prove to yourselves what you are capable of. I suggest you both discuss this further when you wake up."

"Will we remember this?" Harry asked.

"Oh, without a shadow of a doubt. Here, let me demonstrate!"

Hadraniel clicked his fingers and, in an instant, the golden field disappeared, to be replaced by total darkness. Harry gasped and leapt up, only to feel something falling away from him. In a panic, he fumbled for his wand which was lying on his bedside table, and with a swish caused the lights to come on.

Immediately, he realised he was in his bedroom in Grimmauld Place and the object he had roughly pushed from him was Ginny. With a disgruntled look, she pulled herself back onto the bed.

"Nice work, Potter," she growled.

"Sorry, luv," Harry apologised. "I was just having the weirdest dream, that was all."

"Yeah, yeah," she groused, slipping back under the covers. "Golden fields of wheat, strange little men in tweed suits, us creating a bloody planet. I had it too, but at least I didn't feel the need to kick you out of bed afterwards."

"You mean that was real?" he gasped.

"Real? How the bloody hell do I know if it was real? I'm as bloody confused as you are. I'm just saying that I handled the shock with a bit more decorum than some people," Ginny snorted.

Harry was about to retort, but the words died on his lips. Suddenly, he was filled with a mounting excitement, such as he had not felt since his early days training with Dumbledore. He felt exactly the same as when he'd discovered the ambient magic swirling around him, ready to tap into. The old wizard had constantly tried to impress upon him that he shouldn't set himself limits, that anything was possible. Now, finally, he was beginning to understand just exactly how far the implications of that went.

"Ginny, we need to talk," he said eventually.

"You think, genius?" she with a sarcastic smirk on her lips.

Harry snorted with laughter. He might apparently have just tapped into the power of the gods, but Ginny certainly was never going to let it go to his head.


Jeff Mayer stared out of the window of his hotel room, a large glass of scotch in his hand. At least the blasted rioters appeared to be giving it a rest tonight, he thought gratefully.

In truth, he was feeling extremely apprehensive. The deadline the President had set for a response from the Sino-Russian alliance was fast approaching, and he had no great hopes that they would hear anything. His gut instinct was that rather than cave into American demands, they would probably trade blow for blow. Which city was next in line for a nuke?

Taking a sip of his drink, he let the liquid burn down his throat. Never before had he been so confused or dispirited. He was a man who had never failed at anything in his life. He had built up a vast business empire, crushed his foes ruthlessly, and extended his influence to all four corners of the globe. But tonight, he was just a passive bystander, forced to watch from the side-lines as his plans unfurled around him. Silently, he prayed for a sign from God; something to guide him back to the right path.

"You know, it's very rude not to offer your guests a drink."

Mayer nearly jumped out of his skin. He spun round, and was horrified to see two figures sitting calmly on his couch. One of them was a thin, dark-haired youth who stared at him hatefully through bright green eyes. The other was a pretty young girl with vibrant red hair. Unfortunately, he recognised both of them. It was Harry Potter and the witch who had blown the top clear off the Security Services building.

And they were sitting right in front of him.

"How the hell did you get in here?" he demanded, wondering whether to yell for his security guards.

"Oh, didn't you know? We're magical!" the girl said, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

"How did you even know where to find me?" he asked, playing for time.

"I can read minds," Potter said casually. "I learnt where you were staying when we talked a while back. I did think about paying you a little visit before now, but I think now is the perfect time."

"So you can kill me?" Mayer demanded. He was unsurprised to find that he wasn't afraid to die. He was, however, appalled at the idea Potter could just pull thoughts from his head. He was a man who knew things about others, but remained in the shadows. This was a shocking turnaround.

"You deserve to die," the girl spat. "Because of you, my mother and two of my brothers are dead! I've already lost two other brothers fighting Voldemort, and that was to protect you ungrateful Muggle bastards!"

"Ungrateful? You forget yourself, witch!" Meyer retorted angrily. "How many non-magicals have died at the hands of your type? How many wars have you started? How much suffering has your magic caused? Well, it's time for the world to be rid of your satanic ways."

"Satanic?" Potter laughed. "I think you've been watching too many Hammer Horror films, mate! We don't worship the devil!"

"The only thing Harry worships is me," the girl giggled. "Oh, and treacle tart, I suppose."

"Do you have no god?" Mayer demanded.

"Not in the sense you do," Potter replied. "Oh, some witches and wizards do have individual codes of worship, but no, we don't believe in some great, all-powerful god in the sky. Likewise, we don't believe in some bloke with horns and a pitchfork, either."

"Did you know that us Magicals, as you call us, can speak with ghosts?" the girl asked. "That's the spirits of actual dead people, mind. We have an insight into the afterlife, and a clearer vision of what comes next than you Muggles do. There's no heaven up in the clouds, and no fiery pits down below, either. We just move onto the next great adventure, as I once heard a wise man describe it."

"That's not to say there aren't enormously powerful beings out there, though. Beings of pure energy and light, which live on higher planes of existence. One such being created this world, you know. I suppose you would call him your god, but believe me when I say he's radically different to how you imagine him," Potter added.

"Don't you dare blaspheme in my presence!" Mayer raged. "My god is a god of light and purity. Don't you dare slander his good name with your evil."

"That's what he wants you to think, anyway," Potter replied with a casual shrug.

"What do you hope to achieve here?" Mayer asked in a hard voice. "If you're going to kill me, just get on with it, damn you."

"We're not here to kill," Potter said in surprise. "No, we're here to ask you a question."

"What question?"


"Why what?" Mayer spluttered. "What are you talking about?"

"Why all this?" Potter demanded. "Why start this war? Look at where it's led us. How many millions are dead because you wanted to stamp out a race of people who are a bit different from you? The world stands on the brink of total destruction, and it's all because of your crusade. Are you proud of yourself? Are you pleased with what you've achieved?"

"I don't have to answer to you," Mayer growled.

"Then answer to me," the witch yelled, pulling out her wand. "My mother and half my family are dead because of you! Let me tell you, you bastard, I'm about a hair's breadth from inflicting such agony on you that it would probably drive you insane within a few minutes. Would you like that, Mayer? Would that make you a suitable martyr for your god? Well, answer the bloody question or you'll find out!"

"And you have the nerve to say you're not evil," Mayer taunted them.

"I could just tear the answers from your mind," Potter said in a cold voice. "I could look into your eyes and rip the information I want from your thoughts. I could violate every private memory you've ever had, and probably leave you scarred for life. Do you want that?"

Mayer paused. He wasn't afraid of death, or even of pain, but to have his mind raped like that? No, he'd tell this blasted heathen exactly what he wanted to know.

"Alright, I'll tell you. Why did I start this war? Because it was the right thing to do. You types are freaks; abominations that are an affront to nature. No human being should have the powers you have, and the way you all abuse those powers are proof enough of that! Am I proud of what I've done? Yes, immensely! Oh, I'm sorry those blasted Russians and Chinese decided to ruin everything by trying to take advantage of the situation, but that was not my intent. But I am proud of every single Magical that we've managed to kill, and let me tell you, we won't stop until you're all dead. The world will be cleansed, by the mercy of God!"

Potter and the girl exchanged a look. Mayer had the feeling they were somehow silently communicating, but what was being said he had no idea. Eventually, Potter turned back to him.

"You know, Mayer, by your reckoning, you're going to be a very lucky man. You're going to get exactly what you want," he said.

"What, your deaths?" Mayer asked vindictively.

"No, to serve your god for all of eternity."

Mayer was somewhat taken aback. Why was Potter saying this to him? Surely he realised that as a good Christian, this was exactly what he wanted.

"Someday, however, you'll realise that it's a curse, not a blessing," the girl added. "Your soul will be locked in slavery for all eternity."

"If it's slavery, then I welcome it!" Mayer said proudly. "For it is a profound form of slavery. A slavery of love! I rejoice at the very thought, and nothing you say will convince me otherwise."

"I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise, because I don't think you're ready to hear the truth," Potter said sadly. "The fact that you're ready to see millions if not billions die just to appease what you believe to be the will of your god says everything. The really terrible thing about this is that it will go on forever. You'll grow old and die eventually, and then just be reborn straight into slavery. You'll probably be glad about it, too. But one day, perhaps a hundred years from now, perhaps a million years ahead, one day, you'll realise what is happening to you and want to escape. And you know what the truly terrible thing about that is?"

"What?" Mayer demanded irritably.

"That you were partly responsible for your only means of escape vanishing."

Potter and the red haired witch stood then, and silently joined hands. A moment later, they blinked out of existence with just a small popping sound. Mayer stood and stared at the empty space for some time, before he squared his shoulders and called for his assistant.

"Sir?" Simon said as soon as he entered the room. His clothing was rumpled and he had bags under his eyes. Jeff knew he'd been sleeping on a couch in the neighbouring room so he'd be nearby if he was need. He was a damn fine man, was Simon.

"I need to speak to the President," Mayer said bluntly. "It's top priority. If he's sleeping someone will need to wake him up."

"Of course," Simon said warily. "Is there something I should know, sir?"

Mayer looked at the man with a kindly smile.

"No, Simon. It's just time for us to end all this. Now, if you could arrange that call as soon as possible, please."

Simon hurried from the room, while Mayer took a seat on the couch that Potter and his witch had been sitting just moments before. He drained the glass of scotch that he'd been clutching so protectively, and refilled it from the bottle that was conveniently placed on the coffee table in front of him. He refilled the glass three times before the call came through.

"Bill, yes, it's Jeff. No, I'm sorry to drag you out of that meeting, but I've just received some vital information that you need to hear. No, this came from my other sources, the military weren't involved. No… no… just listen, Bill! I've just heard from a contact in Russia. They've decided their next move… no, no that's not right… I… Bill, will you just listen to me, for Christ sake! It turns out that they believe that our nuclear forces have been weakened sufficiently that they can take us out in an all-out first strike. No, I'm not joking. As we speak, they're moving all available nuclear assets into position. ICBM, subs, long range bombers, the works! My intelligence says they're only waiting so they can co-ordinate with the Chinese. No, joint effort. Yes, that's right. No, listen, Bill; we need to strike first! If we wait any longer then those damn Magicals might actually weaken us too much. We need to hit every major Russian target as hard as we can as soon as we can. Yes… that's right. I'm sure your intelligence assets can confirm that. Yes. Okay, I'll stay here in London. I'm sure the Brits will commit their remaining assets, too. Okay, I'll speak to you later."

Mayer put down the phone and looked up to see Simon staring at him in horror.

"Sir, we haven't heard anything from the Russians! We don't even have any human intelligence assets left in Moscow!" he protested.

"I know," Mayer replied simply.

"But… this could mean all-out nuclear war! This could be the end of the world! Why, sir, why?"

"Because it's God's will," Mayer smiled. "Earlier, I had a visit from some of our Magical friends. I think it was their intention to make me second-guess myself and stop the war. Well, they made a major mistake. They tried to convince me that God was some fallible being that just plays with us and doesn't care as to our fate. But I saw through their lies. God is love, Simon, and he will preserve the souls of the righteous. I see what we have to do now… these Magicals… these devil worshipers… the power they hold is obscene. We can't hope to stamp them out completely, no matter what we do, and that is an abomination. They must be swept from the earth, by whatever means available. They must be destroyed, and we must put our faith in God."

"What do you mean?" Simon asked fearfully.

"Rapture," Mayer said simply.

He lifted the glass of scotch to his lips again, even as Simon stumbled out of the door, his expression one of total shock. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore, it was out of their hands.

God would prevail.


"How many do we have here now, Hermione?" Harry asked.

His friend raised her wand and cast a spell with an elegant swish. A moment later, numbers began to glow in the air in front of her.

"Just over a hundred and sixty thousand," she replied.

"That's all?" Ginny asked, sounding disappointed.

"We didn't have much time to spread the word, and travel has become pretty difficult in a lot of places," Hermione noted sadly.

Harry looked around him. Twilight was gathering, but wherever he looked he could still see the thousands of witches and wizards in the failing light, all seated on the grassy slopes. They were dressed in a multitude of different colours and styles, reflecting their different nationalities. They'd barely had a week to gather them from every corner of the globe, mostly through radio messages and via whatever working administration the various countries had left. They had come in dribs and drabs, many from certain countries but only a handful from others. France, for instance, was well represented, but no one from Russia, India or China had come. Amazingly, one of the first to arrive had been a small family from Argentina, who had told a harrowing tale of the fate of many Magicals in South America. Just yesterday, over two thousand had turned up from Australia and a hundred from the Philippines. Worryingly, there had been no new arrivals today.

Very few non-human creatures had joined them, either. Just a few hundred house-elves. The other species had either ignored his pleas, or were already dead. There were, however, a splattering of Squibs and even a few Muggles. Cho had contacted Harry just a few days before, begging for her fiancé and his family to be allowed to come. It was almost with relief that he'd told her they were welcome. Despite everything, he hadn't become like Malfoy, after all.

They'd chosen Stonehenge as a meeting place, in the end, mainly as its location as so well-known rather than for any magical or symbolic importance the place had. They'd cleared the Muggles away the day before, including the last of the military who had bases nearby. The roads had been blocked and a perimeter set. Harry had worried that such a gathering would present a juicy target to the Muggles, but so far they'd been able to hide their presence here successfully. No doubt the Muggle governments had other things to worry about.

"How long are you…" Hermione began but was cut short by a flash of light which briefly illuminated the darkening sky. As one, the small group of friends spun around and peered eastward.

"Where did that come from?" Ron asked.

"London, I suspect. We're less than a hundred miles away," Hermione replied. "Still, it must have been a pretty big blast for us to see it from here. Several megatons, I should imagine."

"It's started, then," Ron said sadly.

Harry nodded, saddened that they had all become such experts on nuclear weapons. He looked around at the closest of the assembled crowd, who were by now staring eastwards nervously. There were many familiar faces there. Luna and her father sat with Arthur Weasley. Seeing him look at her, Luna gave him a radiant smile. Next to them, Bill was sitting with his arm around Fleur, with the rest of the Delacours nearby, including Gabrielle who waved at him. He smiled as he saw Hedwig ghosting between the stones of the henge, clearly enjoying the open space in which to fly. For a moment, he thought of all of those who should have been here, but had died either by Voldemort's hand, or that of the Muggles. He sighed deeply, and came to a decision.

"It's time," he said loudly. "We can't afford to wait any longer."

"I'd hoped we could leave it a bit longer, but I suppose you're right," Hermione lamented. "If they've taken out London…"

"Then the end is near," Ginny finished for her friend.

Hermione nodded, but said nothing. Harry wondered if she was thinking of her parents.

"Come on, love. We need to make a start," Ginny said, taking his hand.

All around, the crowd began to stir, perhaps sensing something was happening, and began climbing to their feet. Taking a deep breath, Harry led Ginny to the edge of the massive stone circle. He stopped and looked at her, and saw only love and trust in her large, brown eyes. For her, he would do the impossible.

Wordlessly, the two of them reached out and began to pull the raw, ambient magic to themselves. There was no doubt or hesitation in either of their minds. They both knew exactly what they had to do.

Raising his wand, Harry made a swift downward motion. In front of him, the very fabric of the universe split open like a rip in a piece of material. He peered through the gash in reality and through the shimmering haze he could see a wide open field that spread out under a golden sky.

"Let's go," he said simply.

With Ginny's hand in his, he stepped forwards, leaving a fractured, burning planet behind.