One thing needs to be certain, this fic will mainly be friendship, followed by angst, adventure and family. There might be romance too but here's the thing: I'm leaving it up to you guys to decide. Whatever couple gets the most votes in the reviews section will be used.

Also, there will be OC's, in this case:

Motomiya Ruri - Daisuke's cousin, child of Life, partner is Ryuudamon

Yuki Norimi - a mysterious transfer student to the trio's class, child of Darkness, partner is Plotmon (BlackTailmon)

Both Ruri and Norimi can be applied to whatever couple you guys end up choosing, the couple (or maybe one more) can be het, boyxboy or girlxgirl. It's all up to you guys! The ages (in order of importance to this fic) are:

Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari and Norimi - 14

Ruri - 8

Taichi and everyone but Mimi, Koushiro and Jyou - 17

Jyou - 18

Koushiro and Mimi - 16

Iori - 13

Miyako - 15

SPOILERS for Tri ahead but this is an AU... sadly xD

Thank you for reading! :)

Digimon Adventure Zero

The Light Is Gone

"Hey, Daisuke..." the brunette looked up from the homework he was doing over at the Takaishi's at the blonde's question. "Do you think that something is wrong with Hikari-chan? She has been acting quite strange ever since she befriended that new transfer student, even Taichi-san is worried."

"Well, maybe a bit." he replied. "Okay, make that a lot. She even seems to get angry with you, which I've never seen before!"

"You are probably enjoying that!" Takeru teased, taking a seat on his bed next to the second generation leader who huffed.

"In your dreams, TA."

"The nickname is 'TK' for the last time." the blonde was too worried about his other best friend's behaviour to get truly annoyed. "Do you think it's possible that this Norimi person is connected to that Digimon that attacked you guys three years ago?" the pen Daisuke was writing with snapped in his hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"It's fine." the leader sighed. "We didn't want to fight it - it looked way too strong for us to defeat without our Jogresses - but it wanted to take away Ruri so I couldn't just stand there and watch..."

"... I understand." Takeru patted his back. "... Ryuudamon was taken but that is not your fault. Like you said, he was too strong..."

"Let's go back to our math homework, TA." the brunette interrupted him. "Don't worry about Hikari-chan, she will be joining us before you know it..."

"... it's not TA ... and thanks for listening."

Motomiya Ruri was walking home from the supermarket, the white necklace her partner Digimon had given her glistening around her small neck as she did. It had been three years since her beloved Ryuudamon was taken from her and the gift was all she had left of him. Sighing, the little girl realized that she was passing by big brother Daisuke's school when she noticed a petite girl across the street, staring at the ocean in a strange manner. It didn't take her long to recognize her as Yagami Hikari, her cousin's former crush and classmate. What was she doing there?

"Hika-" a truck driving by in front of her stopped her from crossing the street and, by the time it was gone, so was the child of Light.

Worried as humans shouldn't be able to vanish so easily, the girl checked from both sides before running to the spot where she last saw Hikari, only to find her school bag along with her D-3 and D-Terminal inside. Picking it up, she didn't notice the strange teen with neon green hair looking over at her from the school yard, clearly having moved to leave having finished after-school clubs.

In her arms, the greenette was holding a cat pure black in colour, with some purple details.

Not again.

For the first time in her life, Hikari wondered if she was cursed. Once more, she woke up to find herself in that place that she swore she would never visit again a couple of years ago and yet... here she was. Distantly remembering someone calling her name, she hoped that at least somebody was out there (back in the Real World) looking for her.

"Onii-chan... Takeru, Daisuke... Miyako-san ... anyone?"

There was no answer and Hikari felt foolish for even expecting one. Some miles ahead, that familiar cave resided as though nothing had ever happened. And who knows? Maybe in this world, her and Takeru's short 'adventure' was all but a forgotten fairy tale. How she wished it was that easy for her to do the same. Even after all the help from Takeru and Miyako (and even Daisuke somewhat), Hikari still felt ill at the mere thought of this place. And now that she was here...

"Welcome back, Queen Hikari."

Her scream got lost in the unnatural silence of the Dark Ocean.

Meanwhile in his class, the girl's older brother Taichi was bored. Math was never really his thing either and yet...

His trail of thought was interrupted by his digivice beeping quite loudly. Getting up from his seat and out of his classroom before the teacher could even say anything, the older brunette headed quickly down to the school's entrance, meeting Yamato and Sora on the way.

"You guys got it too?" he asked, slightly out of breath.

"Yes." the redhead looked amused for a moment. "Maybe you should train harder if you are this tired after only a couple of stairs, Taichi."

"Very funny... whose Digimon is it?" the dark-skinned youth questioned his other best friend and rival, Ishida Yamato, instead. The older blonde shook his head as he looked at his own digivice.

"No one's."

"But then what...?"

"It's Hikari." Yamato stated firmly. "The pink dot..."

Sora gasped as Taichi felt onto his knees, a stunned look on his face. His little sister? Not again. At the same time, all the other Chosen Children began to feel their digivices react, causing Koushiro to call up a meeting at his house.

Operation: Rescue Hikari was under way.

While all the Chosen Children will have cameos, this fic focuses on Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari and my OCs. So any couples you guys decide on should be within that group, aside from Ruri since she is too young. Meaning, you guys can pair off Daisuke, Takeru, Hikari and Norimi as you wish. The two couples who are most voted for in the reviews section will be the couples for this fic, if I don't support it I will take it as a challenge :)

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!