I do not own Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho
'People's thoughts and memories'
people speaking
Harry's POV
I woke up to a lot of noise coming from outside, bombs went off and a surge of power came from the other side of the mansion. I sit up as the door to my prison for the past 7 years opens. Tarukane walks in with two unknown people and his guards.
"Boys roll him to the observation room to enjoy the show. Make sure the cuffs and shackles are on tight. Wouldn't want him to try and escape." Tarukane smirks and moves closer to the foot of my bed "We have some unexpected guests that are providing entertainment and Yukina is already in the room, all that's missing is you, Miko."
I don't say anything, just stare at him with a blank look which unnerves him. One of the guards takes the cuffs off the bedpost while the other one lifts me and places me in the wheelchair carefully. I stare blankly at Tarukane, trying to read his mind while they place the cuffs tightly on the armrests and checking the shackles to make sure they have not tampered.
"It has been a few weeks since I took you out of your room. Are you happy to get a treat Miko?" He snickers but stops when he sees I don't respond to him. "See what I mean that there wouldn't be any reaction. Miko is worse than Yukina though and is resistant to torture more so," he says to the unknown people in the room before leading the way to the elevator down the hall.
The guards push my wheelchair to the elevators. We pass many of the demons that Tarukane has bought over the years. We pass Helens' enclosure and see her ripped in half with blood all over the walls. I lift my hand to touch the glass but can't move too far because of the shackles. I feel my tears start to fall, as I hear her ghostly screams, and turn to emerald diamonds but I remain blank and silent.
Tarukane picks up the diamonds and laughs as we pass more cages and enclosures. "It's been a while since you have cried. Today has been a profitable day indeed." We reach the viewing room and there standing in front of the glass were four guards surrounding a girl with blue-green hair and red eyes in a blue kimono with a blue obi. I knew this was Yukina that the bastard was talking about.
"My what a lovely specimen you have there Tarukane."
I turn to look at the speaker on the screen with a blank look. They all flinch at my stare as I look at them and I read their minds, seeing their lives and deeds were done throughout them.
"Now now Miko, be nice to my friends." Tarukane said with a smile "Sorry boys Miko is a bit guarded. And yes, Sakyo, Miko is a very lovely specimen but has a little bite in him."
"Where did you get this little specimen from Tarukane?" One of the guys asked.
"Bought him off of his relatives when I bought the Grunnings Company. His uncle was an accountant and wanted to get on my good side. My guard at the time was a demon and he sensed one in their house. I thought they were trying to kill me off and accused them of so. They were so surprised that they brought out their nephew." Tarukanes' grin grew bigger "I bought him for a hundred thousand and they were happy to be rid of him. Oh, the show is about to begin. So, what is your bet, Sakyo?"
I ignore them and their gambling while in the arena three people managed to make it as the doors closed. Two boys, one with slick black hair and a green suit and the other with orange hair and a blue suit, and a girl with blue hair and in regular clothes.
"Toguro, I'm counting on you," Tarukane says nervously
It seems the stakes are high and either of the gamblers had a lot to lose. Once the two unknown people get to the arena I felt a powerful presence to my right and another behind the door. By the power level, I feel they aren't a low class but not high class either.
'I wonder if they can free me from the shackles, cuffs and maybe the muzzle/mouth mask. They seem to be here for the girl.'
Both the men, the Toguro brothers, that were with Tarukane, are in the arena ready for the fight. They don't emit power but that is just a facade to misguide lesser beings. They have high-class power and are way too calm.
'This is setup but who would go to this much trouble anyway?'
"You have guts." the taller one of the Toguro brothers said
The smaller of the men transform into a weapon while the other powers up and increases his muscle mass. the fight goes on and the boys are getting badly injured. The boy with orange hair is thrown to the wall leaving a human-size dent and part of the wall crumbles. Then Yukina turns away as the fight gets worse and I'm not the only one that notices her, though I wish I was.
"Well look!" Tarukane grabs her chin and forces her to watch, "The deaths of your saviors! Just like the last one!" he sneers.
Just as the fight between the Toguro brothers and black hair boy got worse, the other boy rises up from his place on the ground and his energy becomes stronger. He has fire in his eyes with fury and determination. I see the memories that were exchanged between Yukina and the boy, Kuwabara.
"It's not you who I want to defeat." he says as he glares at Tarukane "But the pig who's behind you."
'He has a strong justice sense and has a great spiritual awareness'
"Who? Are you talking about me?" Tarukane laughs "He has a sense of humor that one! Come if you can! Go Toguro! The final blow!"
"You have agreed? That's too bad." he crosses his arms while the boy charges.
"DIE!" he charges and attacks Toguro but Toguro blocks every hit without moving. Toguro hits him in the stomach and sends him flying towards his friend and hits the wall barely missing his friend, Yusuke.
Both of them started talking to each other and seem to start to form a plan and with each passing second, Tarukane keeps getting more nervous. By the way that the boys are arguing and a quick glance at Kuwabara's mind, he was about to do something risky. They both stand up and Kuwabara charges again with his spirit sword and Yusuke shoots a high powered blast from his finger giving Kuwabara more momentum and pierces Toguro in the stomach.
"Game over. You owe me sixty-six million." Sakyo, the only one I couldn't look at in his eyes, was smoking and a long scar went across his right eye said. I take the chance to look in his eyes and saw that he planned it all and that the brothers are very much alive. "Have it ready for me by the end of the month." the screen cuts off and Tarukane pales at being bankrupted. I wanted to laugh at the trickery of what happened.
"Sakashita prepare the Helicopter!" he yells frantically, "I'll save myself along with Miko and Yukina! With them, I won't have any problem…"
"You're not going anywhere," someone says from the doorway and slices through all of the bodyguards. "I saw the talisman cards on the tower, that explains why I couldn't see nor find her with my Jagan eye. However you can't run from death forever." says a demon, who was as short as me, with black clothes and a sword, as he walks towards Tarukane.
'So he is finally making his presence known. Smart, learn what was going on to know how to act on the situation. Now what about the other person to my right' I look over in the others direction but the shadows are surrounding and obscuring him.
"Wait! I don't know who the hell you are but" Tarukane yells "If it's money you're after we can talk! Listen hear, that broad over there make jewel like you wouldn't believe, I can pump millions from her!"
That seemed to be the wrong response because the demon punches Tarukane into the bulletproof glass that cracks on impact. He jumps on Tarukane and continues to hit him over and over until he was unrecognizable, but is stopped by Yukina before he could kill him.
"NO!" Yukina grabs onto the demon's' arm "please! no more!" she pleads with her eyes watering "I beg of you."
"Are you crazy!" he yells angrily "Is this not the man that tormented you and made you his slave."
"He is. I have to bear that, taking his life won't wash away what he has done to me, his death will only bring more pain, just more nightmares. Please no more, I can't take it." she cries and the sound of jewels fall to the floor.
"Understood. I won't make you cry, your tears aren't worth it." he let goes of Tarukane harshly
"How can I ever thank you?" she says softly and looks at him closely "You seem familiar, but I'm not sure why. Who are you?"
"No one... Just a member of the team." He looks away towards the boys in the arena
"Oh no I forgot about them" she runs off but stops at the door and turns my way, "I'll be right back in a minute" she doesn't leave until I nod my head in understanding.
"I guess I didn't need to come here after all," said a male voice to my right. He had long red hair and in a white suit
'So he was here to keep an eye on him. hmm…'
"How long have you been standing there? Long enough, right?"
"Why don't you want to tell the girl? She deserves to know who her brother is."
'He was her brother… '
"She deserves to be happy."
"Are they not the same" they watch as Yukina arrives at the side of the two boys and check out their injuries.
"This is how I want it"
"I see… well then what should we do with the kit." they turn to look at me, I give them a narrowed blank look as they look me up and down, assessing if I was a threat or not. "It seems that these shackles have talismans keep the kit from being more than an average low-class demon as well as the muzzle to keep him from speaking and both are feeding on his power." He moves towards me with a smile "Would it be okay if I take the muzzle off little one?"
I stare at him for a second, looking at his memories and past, before nodding my head. He comes close and unties the muzzle and drops it on the floor.
"How does it feel?" the redhead, Kurama, asked
"Better" I flinch at the soreness and childish sound of my voice "It has been a while since I talked. Thanks for that."
"How old are you? And how long have you been here?" he asked
"I have been here since I was seven, so about seven years since I was sold to Tarukane, so I would be fourteen or fifteen," I said remembering the day I was sold to the pig.
"You were sold?!" he exclaims while his eyes widen
"Yes, hard to believe I was sold after my demon blood became active. My 'relatives' were angry when I sprouted ears and tails."
"That's horrible!" Kurama yelled angrily
'why would he be angry. It is not like he knows me'
I stare at him and his expression saddens at my blank look before he realizes something
"Oh yes, how rude of us, we forgot to introduce ourselves." Kurama said while pointing at himself "My name is Kurama and this is Hiei" Hiei glares but doesn't say anything "The one in the green suit down there is Yusuke and the one in the blue is Kuwabara, while the girl in human clothing is Botan and you already know Yukina. May I ask what is your name?"
"You may ask but I can't tell you," I said
"And why not?" asked Hiei harshly, both staring at me with narrowed eyes. I looked into his memories and knew he likes straight answers.
"I don't know my original name. I was never called by it and Tarukane just named me Miko. I suppose you can call me Miko then. Other than that I have no name. Freaks don't have names." I told them while whispering the last part
Their eyes widen a bit before they looked at each other as if they were having a conversation. they seemed to come to a conclusion when Yukina came back and ran towards me with the others from the arena.
"Are you alright? You seemed to be in pain earlier with those restraints." she tries to touch them but I raise my hand to stop her from getting hurt.
"Don't touch them. They will shock you and cause extreme pain for both of us." I told her looking in her eyes seeing her memories more clearly. "You have already suffered much with your stay here. The shackles will have to be removed for you to be able to touch me."
"What do the shackles do to you?" asked Kurama with curiosity in his eyes
"They suppress my power to that of a low-class demon. My body is under strain because of the suppression being on for these past 6 years after I tried to escape." I said watching their reactions tense and look in disbelief. Quickly looked in their eyes and saw each of their memories and found out that two were working for Spirit world; and that both Kurama and Hie are under restrictions, while Kuwabara was love-struck by Yukina and thinks that I am a girl.
' My childlike look doesn't really help with that' I thought to myself bitterly'
"Let's get those off you!" Kuwabara said forming another sword of pure spiritual power and tries to slice the shackles but rebounds making him lose balance "why won't they cut?" he asks confused
"They are protected by barriers and wards. You need to have a key and the only one for these are in Tarukanes' possession." I look over at the man still lying out cold on the floor. "He has them in his pocket."
Yusuke looks in all the pockets until he found it in the inside coat pocket. He hands them to Kurama to unlock the shackles.
"I must warn all of you that there can be a backlash and could cause me to go into shock and fall asleep for a period of time or my powers will destroy me from within. Before you do unlock them I want to say thank you for setting me free." I said, giving them a genuine smile instead of a blank look. I nodded my head to Kurama to unlock the shackles when I saw him hesitate.
As soon as the last shackle came off, I felt three cores flood my body like a torpedo then a burst of power disintegrated the cuffs on my wrists. The others backed away at the sudden power. One core surrounds my body in a green aura while the other two cores energy made me glow and changed my body. My hair grows longer and darkens while more tails are added to my original two. I stayed at 5'2" but that never mattered to me. Being small has a lot of advantages and more likely to be disregarded as non-threatening.
Once my cores settled my vision darkened and I felt my body falling forward and then caught by a pair of arms. I lost consciousness and became vulnerable to the people that helped me.
' At least I can finally be free… '