Chapter 3: The Final Battle

"Dex!" Rage yells as the robed figure vanishes. Rage then stood there a dark arua emitting from him.

"Rage…" Sonic says "We'll get him don't worry."

"Hold up I am confused!" Rainbow Dash yells "Who's Dex Rage?" she asks him

"He's nobody…" Rage says walking into the entrance of the castle alone but the others follow and catch up soon after in a room where Rage was standing with blood on his claws from monsters Rage was panting his eyes indicated he had been crying not caring to notice the others Rage continues in.

"What's with him?" Twilight asks

"Dex was the one who trained Rage after the incident with his parents. To him Dex is a father… to see him like this…" Sonic sighs

"…fatherly figure or not I am going to kill him." Rage says "He has gone too far…"

"We're right behind you Rage." Sunset says "We can take him!"

"no." Rage says "This is my fight…mine alone I can-" he is then stopped by Sunset

"Don't say another word Rage!" Sunset says "We are your friends and we are going to stick by you until the end. You have tried to take on too much alone Rage and we are not going to just stand by and let you tackle things all on your own."

"Sunset is right." Applejack says "No matter what we are your friends and we stick with each other through thick and thin so don't you worry you are not alone!" she says putting a hand on Rage's shoulder "That lone wolf stuff is over Rage you have us now." She smiles and Rage looks at them

"But… if we go in there who knows what could happen to you guys…I don't want to take the risk of what Dex might do to you…" Rage says "If he speeds the curse up on you guys you might just become monsters and…I don't want that."

"Well he can do the same to you." Shadow says "Besides it must be you he wanted to lure here in the first place."

"Exactly but then if he can then why hasn't he done it yet?" Rage asks "He has had all of this time instead he just lets me run around like some kind of rat."

"Rage has a point." Twilight says wiping some blood from her lips "If Dex really wanted to do that to Rage he'd have done that by now."

"Oh perhaps he can't…." a voice says as a familiar face walks down from the other end of the hall.

"Rebecca!" Shadow says running over to her but she puts her hand out and he is thrown to the side with a telekinetic energy.

"What…what are you doing?" Shadow asks as she walks up to him claws extended.

"SHADOW!" Sonic yells running for him but a barrier of energy blocks him "NO!" he yells trying to break through…soon it shatters but it was too late…Shadow was stabbed by Rebecca by then. "Shadow!" Sonic says as the group runs over

"How could you do this?!" Fluttershy cries looking at Rebecca

"For Lord Dex…" she smiles

"You're not Rebecca…" Rage says looking at her

"What do we do?" Sonic asks

"I can try to heal him." Sunset says using what magical power she could muster to begin healing Shadow's wounds. Rebecca then leaps for her to prevent her from healing him but Rainbow blocks her with the large spear.

"You can't be Rebecca…" Twilight says

"I am…" she snickers evilly "Only difference is I am with Dex…the power he offers is amazing! You shouldn't fight it…"

"Then the Rebecca we knew is long gone…" Rage says "sorry guys…" he then walks up

"No Rage I will take care of this." Fluttershy says growling like wolf

"Fluttershy?" some of them ask looking at her as she walks up to Rebecca

"What are you going to do? You're the softest person I know!" Rebecca laughs before Fluttershy begins to maul her brutally. Blood and body parts flew everywhere as Fluttershy went berserk on what was once their friend. She finally stops panting and the others looked in horror at her outburst.

"damn…" Sonic says

"Meanie…" Fluttershy spits walking away as if nothing had happened.

"We need to be moving…" Shadow says standing up finally healed thanks to Sunset effort. No one said a word and they just moved farther into the castle.


The group stood outside of the room where Dex waited and Rage stood at the door ready to open it "You guys ready once we go in we won't come back until Dex is dead or…we won't come back at all…are you guys sure you want to join me?"

"Of course Rage!" Rainbow Dash says "we are not going to just let you go in there alone who knows what might happen!"

"You guys all agree?" Rage asks and they all nod in agreement to the statement given by Rainbow Dash. Rage then sighs and breaks the doors off of their hinges as they look at Dex who was sitting in the throne with a devious smile on his face.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in…" he chuckles

"Dex this ends here and it ends now!" Rage yells putting his hand out to summon his sword but nothing happened. "Wha-?" Rage asks in surprise looking at his hand wondering why he could not summon his weapon for battle.

"Heh sorry Rage but you are powerless ever since I placed that curse upon CHS all of you have become interlopers between light and dark…as such none of your chaos powers will work…even your faithful little sword Bureijingukaosu cannot aide you here!" Dex laughs "There is no way you can stop me in an hour and fifteen minutes without your power! You will all become monsters and forever cursed!"

"You mean we came all this way for nothing?" Twilight asks

"Indeed…" Dex smiles

"Tell me Dex why didn't you just change them into monsters the minute we came here?" Rage asks

"Simple." Dex smiles as the other scream in pain as he takes control of them but one of the girls was able to resist it…Twilight "I wanted to use them against you. Now get over here…" he says to Twilight the only other one who wasn't behind him

"I am not joining you your just a-a-a monster!." Twilight yells

"Hmph very well it matters not…So what will it be Rage? Will you give up and accept your fate as a monster? Or do you actually think you can stop me?" Dex laughs looking at Rage who was looking at the ground and on his knees in defeat…he wasn't sure what he could do…'monster' the word echoes in his head and then he gets an idea…it was crazy but…he had no other option at this point…anything for his friends.

"If I kill you the curse is lifted right?" Rage asks

"Correct but that is impossible." Dex laughs "You have no powers while I am chock full of darkness!"

"Is that so…?" Rage asks standing up and looking at Twilight "Twilight I want you to bite me."

"What?!" She gasps

"You're insane!" Dex yells not knowing what he was doing "You're just asking her to bite you?!"

"Come on Twilight quit wasting time." Rage says firmly

"But Rage I might…kill you…" she says

"Twilight…please…just do it." Rage says looking at her. The whole offer was sending the monster side of her crazy and she couldn't help it she ran over and bit him.

"you are crazy!" Dex says "What kind of man lets a vampire bite them?!"

"Ha ha ha…" Rage chuckles in a scratchy voice as the blood on his neck flowed down his arm and hardened to form a sharp blade like appendage and the blood forming a spikey mask over his left eye the same side his "You want to see a real monster?" Rage laughs

"You…you're not Rage! How is it you have this power…" Dex says in shock unsure what to think about what was going on "There is no way you can have this power!"

"Not Rage he says?" Rage chuckles "Oh I assure you I am still Rage…" he laughs looking at Dex "What? Surely you knew I had this deep inside me didn't you?"

"B-b-but that power…it's the…curse!" Dex says in shock

"the curse you bound to my family!" Rage yells running up to Dex and stabbing in the chest before the blade turns into more of a claw and he rips out the most important organ in the mans chest… Rage had taken out the mans heart it sat in Rage's hand beating still. Unlike most hearts though… Dex's was black…black with darkness "You are a black hearted man Dex… I am going to enjoy this!" Rage smiles

"You…what happened to you?" Dex asks "I can't believe it…" he pants "Beaten by a kid…this cannot be true…" he then gasps as Rage squishes the heart and then the solidified blood shatters and the wound from where Applejack bit him was healed... snapping back Rage looks at his friends who cheer

"Why are we still monsters?" Rainbow Dash asks before suddenly a bright light glows and they all change back to normal. "There we go!" she cheers

"You did it Rage!" Sunset cheers hugging him as they turn to walk away…

"Ressurrectiõn…" Dex's corps says and suddenly it glows and a large winged creature emerged from behind him making the group turn around "I am not done with you bugs yet! You may have spoiled my plans to take over CHS and turn them into monsters but you will not leave here alive! I will kill you and bring destruction on this world!" Dex says releasing a wave of energy making everyone struggle to stand up. "I am not a simple mortal being…I am god himself the righteous ruler of all things living and dead! I judge light and darkness and now it is time I stamp out the dark!"

"He's…he's so powerful…" Sonic says as Rage stands up right panting "Rage?" Sonic asks as the crimson haired boy walks up the heavy winds blowing his hair and clothing.

"You claim to be a god?" Rage asks with a chuckle "You are nothing but a demon…a fallen Chaos Guardian…" Rage then glows dimly.

(CHS Gym)

The whole school was cheering knowing that the ten had done it. But then a bright glow comes from Rage's bag which he had left of the stage from earlier. Slowly the students turn their attention to it as suddenly the Chaos Emeralds shoot out of the bag. "What the heck was that…?" Shining armor asks as they feel the ground rumble. All of them run outside and notice that somehow Rage and the others were not too far they were in fact back at CHS in the courtyard!

"What happened?" Twilight asks

"Dex transported us back to CHS using Chaos Control!" Shadow says

"But that is impossible!" Sonic says

"No…he was a Chaos Guardian remember what Rage said?" Sunset says "He can use that power without the emeralds." But then they look to see said emeralds fly past them and to Rage.

{A/N: if this was a movie scene or something like that this would be where I would put in Solaris Phase 2: His World Orchestrated mix}

"Alright Dex…" Rage says "Time for me to finish this…" he glows brightly as the Emeralds super charge him not so a Super or Hyper form but to the strongest form of them all… Ultima Chaos, Rage then summons his sword.

"You…you have the power of Ultma Chaos!" Dex says "I knew it…you were the one."

"Silence!" Rage says in an echoing voice… the light that had enclosed him dies and he was floating in midair. His jacket was white and golden and his hair flashing colors as it flailed with energy. "We settle this now!" he yells charging and the two clash spear to sword making a large power resonate from the clash. The group bellow watched in amazement as the two began to fight.

The two seemed equally matched… suddenly though Rage was hit by a beam of energy and sent barreling into the ground creating a large crater that Dex then lands in front of looking at the by standing crowd. "Looks like your savior was too weak…" he laughs "Bow before me!"

"Rage!" Sunset cries…he wasn't getting out!

"I…am not done with you yet!" Rage's voice echoes after a few minutes as he floats out of the crater. Dex turns around in shock

"How can this be?! You weren't moving!" he yells watching Rage take an inhibitor ring off "No…he can't possibly…"

"I have grown a lot since you abandoned the Chaos Order." Rage says clicking the other one to take it off and then he transforms again…

"I-I-It can't be! P-p-possible!" Dex stutters "He has th-th-the Ultima Chaos Unleashed p-p-powers!"

"You're finished Dex." Rage says as he appears now behind the angelic looking creature and lunges his sword into it… Dex gasps and screams in agony before vanishing into particles of light which scatter as they go into the air. Rage watches them as he powers back down…he had won the final battle against Dex was over…he had saved Canterlot High… Rage's friends then run up and hug him cheering and congratulations came from them among the other students and teachers as well.


Rage now finally all recuperated sat and was talking with his friends. "So Rage…what was that thing that happened to you after I bit you?" Twilight asks "Cause you scared me…W-was that really you?"

"Yes…" Rage sighs "That is what a true monster is… that power was cursed upon my family generations ago…Dex should have known that…I never use that power because it almost feels too good to use it and…it is easy to become lost in it…I was desperate." Rage sighs "I had failed to protect the one thing that matters the minute he took control of you all… The only thing I thought I could do was at least avenge you…"

"What of Rebecca?" Shadow asks and Rage looks away

"I am sorry Shadow…I could not detect her life force…she's gone…" Rage says

"No…" Shadow says grabbing Rage "It can't be true! It can't!"

"I am sorry Shadow but I did everything I could to find her!" Rage says pushing Shadow back "I'm sorry…she's dead." He says rubbing his left arm "I couldn't find a way to save her…"

The end…

A/N So there it is my Halloween 2015 Story with the Cast from The Transfer Students if you enjoyed this then be sure to check the original out to see more crazy and wacky adventures with gang!

Disclaim (Not required to read only technical stuff)

The following story was written by the fanfiction user Chaosfire0987 all content of "The TransferS Students" and "The Transfer Students: Halloween Edition" falls under the "Fair Use" in United States Code Title 17 §107 all content of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to HASBRO Inc. All Sonic the Hedgehog content belongs to SEGA. The Character concept and design for Rage Chaotic, Human Sonic, and Human Shadow are all works of my own and may be used with permission for noncommercial purposes. All content of this fanfiction is intended for sole purpose of entertainment any selling of this work for any gain financially or personal is strictly prohibited and illegal,