Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry I have been away from this story for so long, sometimes I just can't write what I want:(

But anyway, here is the new chapter, hope you all enjoy!:)

Allan, Will and I discreetly snuck the gates of Nottingham.

"Watch out scum!" A guard snapped pushing through us dragging a villager with him by the arm. Allan pulled me closer. Soldiers ran around the town collecting taxes in the name of the king.

"You three!" A guard snapped at three men at a table drinking ale," have you three paid an ale tax?!"

"Ale tax?" I breathed quietly in disbelief.

"Take them away!" The guards grabbed the men and pulled them away. A few other soldiers waltzed over to a man playing checkers.

"Gamblin' are we? Well I bet you don't have a listens!" The guard hissed throwing the board off the table, "take him away!" Will stepped forward in anger, but Allan caught his arm, "we can't help everyone, we got to find my mate's wife, and make deliveries." He pushed him back.

"There she is." Allan pointed to a woman begging in the street, a small boy clinging to her dress. We walked over to her discreetly and handed her a pouch of coins.

"From Robin Hood." Allan spoke softly.

"God bless you." The women spoke happiness gleaming in her eyes. We moved to leave and continue but a rough voice caught my ears.

"What you go there?!"

I glanced over my shoulder and saw knights grabbing the money from the women.

"Allan." I grabbed his arm and glanced towards the women.

"Take her and the little brat!" One of the guards snapped grabbing the boy.

"Oi!" Allan turned and kicked one in the chest, while Will hit the other on the head with the hilt of his axe. I grabbed the boy from the guard and ushered him and his mother giving the gold back. Will and Allan had defeated the guards, and the crowd that had gathered was cheering. Allan was punching the air. In victory. I laughed looking at him.

"Guys, run!" Will demanded as more guards came running towards us. Allan grabbed my hand and we began to run navigating our way through the market. I kicked baskets to the side hoping to slow the guards down. Will was in front of us, we rounded a corner and I felt something hit my face sending me backwards onto the ground, my hand being ripped from Allan's. I looked up to see a black knight standing over me, quickly I kicked him in the face sending him back. Allan and Will were fighting other guards trying to get out of Nottingham. I took out my sword and began to fight beside them.

I hit the sword out of the guard's hand, and then jabbed my sword through his side. Strong arms grabbed me from behind pulling me back, I thrashed back and forth trying to get loose.

"Ardwin!" I saw Allan running to me but was quickly knocked to the ground by another guard.

"Allan!" I yelled trying to get my arms free, "let me go!" I was almost free when a sharp pain burned in the back of my head, then black.

My vision was blurry…it was dark, and the air seemed wet. Turning my head to the left I saw bars. I shot up quickly realising where I was.

The Dungeons

"No, no." I got up looking around through the bars. I didn't see Allan. But the dungeons were full. Full of farmers and villagers. Some didn't notice me, others just glanced. I grabbed the bars and pulled on them.

"No, no, no…" I whispered looking around frantically for key. I cursed under my breath leaning my head on the bars.

The door opened with a creak, fast feet climbed down the stairs. I back away quickly and sat down at the back of the cell my heart beating faster. My face steeled over as I saw who was coming down the stairs.

"Ardwin." Guy said softly rushing over to the cell.

"Oh look, the cavalry's arrived." I replied sarcastically crossing my arms.

"You got caught." He said in a deep voice as if he was scolding me.

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow, "I thought the bars were just for decoration."

"They said you were disrupting the town, beating on guards." He said glaring. I scoffed, "we were giving some money to a widow trying to provide for her son. We just fought back when your guards attacked."

He sighed before walking away muttering to himself. I sat back against the cell wall listening to the dark, and murmurs of its prisoners.

A few hours later he was back, he didn't say anything, but just unlocked my cell and opened the door. He looked at me and gestured with his hand to get up and come closer. I stayed where I was.

"Ardwin." He said sternly. Slowly I got up and walked over to him, he gripped my arm roughly and began to pull me out the dungeons.

"What are you doing?" I asked as we walked down the hall of the palace. Guy didn't answer, he just kept pulling me through the halls. I swallowed thickly as I saw Marian. She stopped walking and stared at me then to Guy.

"Guy what are you-"

"Not now Marian." Guy snapped walking past her. Slowly I realised he was taking me to the grandhall. He pushed open the large doors and pulled me in. I saw the Sheriff sitting in his chair looking smug. Then I noticed another person kneeling on the floor before the sheriff.

"Ardwin." The Sheriff got up and walked over as Guy stopped and set me in the middle of the room.

"Wonderful of you to stop by." He chuckled. I stood straight as he looked at me.

"Come now." He moved behind me, "here I thought you knew common manners." I felt a sharp sting in the back of my legs as I felt to my knees. Guy shifted uneasily.

"We bow to others higher than ourselves." The Sheriff sneared holding up a now bloodied dagger. My blood. I bit my lip as the pain grew.

"Now." The Sheriff straightened and twirled the dagger in his hand, "I have a question to ask you." He waltzed over to the other person kneeling on the floor grasping the bag on the person's head he pulled it off and my stomach dropped.

Little John

"Do know who this?" The Sheriff tisked pointing at the man with the dagger. I looked at him, before looking back at the Sheriff, shaking my head.


"Really?" The Sheriff asked grabbing John's head and holding it up, "take a good look." I shook my head. Suddenly his hand slapped across my face knocking me to the ground. I looked up at him slowly glaring.

"I truly hope you aren't lying Ardwin." The Sheriff warned.

"I've never seen him before." I replied through gritted teeth.

"Hmm." The Sheriff sighed, "well, then take…that." He pointed to John, "back to dungeons. And put her wherever you plan on keeping her for the time being."

Two guards stepped forwards and grabbed John dragging him out of the room. I let out a heavy breath and grabbed the table to help me get up, pain shooting through my leg. I felt a soft hand helping me up. I looked to my left and saw Guy. He looked a bit sorry and his grip was much softer than before.

"Taking me back to the dungeons." I questioned harshly standing straight ignoring the pain.

"No." He said much to my surprise, "I'm taking you to a room you can stay in until I figure something out." He grabbed my arm again helping me walk.

"Figure what out?" I asked skeptically. He didn't say anything more, and his face became expressionless. My cheek was throbbing and I was sure it was red. I didn't really pay attention as we walked. I was mainly trying to figure out how to get out, I knew the castle well enough. Suddenly we stopped and I looked up to see Guy opening a door and pulled me in.

It was a room…it was my room. I turned to look at Guy.

"Why?" I questioned quietly.

"You don't deserve to be kept in the dungeons like a dog." He replied softly before clearing his throat and walking out, "I'll have some dinner brought up for you."

He left and things were quite. I stared around my old room…Everything was where it was the last time I had seen it, but it didn't seem like I belonged there anymore. I sunk into a chair touching the back of my leg, my hand came away red. I limped over to my closet, pulled out one of my old shirts and shredded it into strips wrapping them around my leg.

A soft knock sounded at the door, I didn't reply.

"Ardwin?" Marian's voice broke the silence. I looked up slowly as she opened the door.

"Are you alright?" She walked slowly into the room.

"Sure." I replied, "I need to get out of here. I need to get John out of here."

"You can't go anywhere with that leg." Marian

"I can try."

"You'll be captured, and then you're father-Guy won't be able to help you." She argued.

"I don't want his help. I want to get out of here." I finished tying the fabric around my leg.

"You won't be able to fight as well…just stay here for the night. I'm sure Robin and the others have a plan to get you and John out."

"I don't want to stay here Marian. This place makes me feel sick." I tried to get up, but my leg was throbbing. She kept quiet for a moment, then spoke up.

"You just have to make it through tomorrow. The is holding an event to teach the people a lesson…The Festival Of Pain."

I raised an eyebrow, "that doesn't reassure me."

"Robin will be there to stop him." She added quickly, "you can get out then. No question on whether or not you'll be there."

"Will John be there?" I inquired.

"Most likely, I'll ride to find Robin and make more plans. Stay here." She walked towards the door, "and don't get into anymore trouble."

"No promises." I scoffed, "I can not be held accountable for my actions if I am provoked."

"Please try to the best of your abilities then." Marian added before leaving.

I sunk back into the chair sighing. I don't want to be here…the dungeons would be better…

The door opened and Guy entered with a plate of food.

"You dressed your wound." He gestured to the bandages.

"It is something that I often do."

"In that forest." He sounded skeptical, "it's a wonder you haven't gotten any infections…"

"We live in the forest, we aren't idiots, we know how to treat wounds." I shot at him.

"Well, I know I didn't raise you to be an idiot." He set the food down but didn't leave.

"You didn't raise me to be a murder either…" I looked up at him, "but then you didn't exactly enforce that rule."

"Is that what you think of me?"

"Isn't that what you are?"

"I'm trying to negotiate your release." He changed the subject.

"Good luck."

"There is no doubt Hood is coming to rescue you." His voice was lighter, "if you join us and help us-."

"No." I cut him off, "no."

"I am trying to help you Ardwin!"

"I am not betraying Robin, or Allan. I'm not some piece on a game board you can move whenever you please." I stood ignoring the pain, "so leave!"



He looked shocked at my outrage, before slowly backing away. I dropped to the floor as soon as he left the door locking behind him.

"I can't breath…" I whispered breathing heavily, "I need to get out…" Quickly looking around my room. Carefully I stood and sat in a chair at the desk in the room, rapidly opening all the drawers.

"Found it!" I grinned holding up the spare key to my room. Limping I unlocked the door and swung it open only have by blood go cold. Guy was standing in the doorway glaring.

"For a moment I thought you might not try that." He grabbed the key from my hand. I stepped backwards quickly as he pushed into the room.

"Well if you thought I was simply just going to sit here, you don't know me very well." I turned sat on chair. Guy laughed shaking his head.

"Yes well, apparently not. Which is why I am assigning you a guard." He motioned with his hand and a armored guard came into the room, "he won't leave this room. Then if you wish to sleep he'll be in the hall. Behave." He shot a glare at me before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

"Great." I mumbled sinking further into the chair ignoring the guard, "are you really going to stand there all night?" The guard simply looked at me, saying nothing.

"I take that as a yes then." I sighed before leaning back against a chair. This was going to be a long night.

When the sun rose, I was still awake, and the guard was still standing at the door.

"I cannot believe you never moved from that spot." I spoke. The guard never moved, and never talked. Soon after the sun, Guy came back into my room.

"How did you sleep?" He asked dismissing the guard.

"I didn't." I replied and began to stand wincing as I stretched my leg.

"I wouldn't think that helped your leg either." Guy spoke looking around, "I see you didn't eat either."

"I wasn't hungry." I shrugged, "I'm guessing you came to get me for the Sheriffs event?"

"I wish you would agree to stop all of this nonsense, Ardwin." Guy groaned, "all of this trouble would be over!"

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am never going to stop." I stood and walked over to him, "and you are simply going to accept that, or deny it for the rest of your life, I don't care." Guy stared at me for a moment before walking towards the door, "come on." He ordered. Slowly I walked over to him looking straight ahead. With one hand holding my arm we walked down the hall, and the closer we got to the great hall the louder my heartbeat became. We stopped a few away from the door, and Guy turned towards me. I looked up to meet his gaze, but it wasn't harsh, it was soft. I thought I saw glimpses of regret in his eyes.

"I am sorry, Ardwin." He spoke.

"We are all sorry about something." The words left my mouth without thought. My breath hitched in my throat as he gently pressed a gloved hand to cheek, "I'm sorry." He whispered before turning and opening the door of the hall. I glanced at him one last time before walking into the room and down the stairs. The sheriff smirked at me as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Lovely to see you Ardwin, please have a seat." He spoke just before a guard forced me to my knees in the line of prisoners. Wincing I looked to my left, and had to keep my mouth from falling open.

"Will?" I whispered, as the Sheriff began to talk. Will glanced over at me, "Robin has a plan." Relief washed over me.

"What about everyone else?" I asked quietly.

"Are you handcuffed."

"No." I spoke confused, "why aren't I…" My eyes wandered to Guy, as he watched the wall.

"When you see the signal, begin taking on the guards while I free the prisoners, alright?"

"Yeah, okay." I agreed watching as the Sheriff walked around explaining the event.

"These people think they are above the law!" The Sheriff exclaimed pointing to the line of prisoners, "but we are here today to let them know that even children are able to be punished!" The sheriff gripped a small boy from his hair and pulled him from the line. I saw John groan in frustration as he watched the Sheriff lower the boys face to a pile of burning coals.

"I say we start with the young first, since they are so impressionable." The sheriff smirked and began to lower the boys heads to the flames.

"NO!" John shouted struggling with his constraints.

"Hold him down." The sheriff ordered. Just as two guards walked towards John he broke loose yelling with rage. At the same moment the guards sprung into action, and the other prisoners got up and began trying to escape. John grabbed the Sheriff and tossed him to the side making sure Luke and Alice got out. I turned just as a guard aimed his sword at my head but before he could strike I ducked and kicked him back into the stairwell.

"Where's Robin?" I called to Will as I took the guards sword.

"He'll be here." Will called back taking on another guard. I whipped around to block a guards blow, the swords clashing together.

"Get the Sheriff out of here!" Guy yelled trying to round up the villagers.

"Stop this Gisborne!" The Sheriff shouted, before Will knocked him backwards. I ducked away from a guards grab sending him falling into the wall. I sucked in a breath as my leg began to sting. My head snapped up and a smile appeared on my face as a familiar figure came into view on the stairs.

"Sheriff!" Robin called, "I think you forgot payday this week!" Robin and Allan began to throw money onto the floor, the guards immediately stopping to grab all the coins they could.

"Put my money back!" The sheriff growled before Robin shot his shoe with an arrow. In a flash he was hanging upside down from a rope as John tightened the rope around a post.

"Come on!" Robin called to us and began to help the villagers out of the hall, and the castle. I helped an elder women up the stairs as Robin lead them from the castle before Gisborne and the guards could catch us. I tuned as someone called my name, before immediately wrapping my arms around Allan as he pulled me close. Laughing I closed my eyes.

"I thought I lost you." Allan muttered before away looking me up and down, "are you alright. What's this?" He gestured to my leg.

"Nothing. Just a scrape. It's healing." I shook my head before bringing his eyes to look at mine, "are you alright?"

"Fine. Much better now." Again Allan pulled me closer. Wrapping my arms around his middle I buried my head face into his chest, taking in his familiar scent, letting out a deep breath I hugged him tighter.

"Ardwin," Allan pulled away, "your shaking." I nodded, before looking at him, "you know I don't like the castle." He nodded hugging me again, "I know."

"Do you think it's weird?" Allan asked as I fiddled with a carving knife and a piece of wood.

"What?" I questioned not looking up from my work.

"We used to not know each other." He sat up, "at all. Well I mean, I had heard of you. But when I first met you I was in jail."

"Oh really?" I looked up with a small smile, "I had no idea. See, I thought you were sitting behind the bars, in the dungeons for fun." Allan laughed before nodding, "now look how far we have come."

"Oh yes, the uh, the yet camp in the middle of the forest is such an improvement." I laughed lightly, gesturing to the tent we were under, but Allan scooted closer, "I meant us." My eyes flickered towards him as he stared at me.

"I know what you meant, Allan A Dale." I confessed, resting my hands, "and yes, sometimes it seems weird."

"But worth it, of course." Allan said with a firm nod as he laid back, resting his head on his hands. He eyes me when I stayed quite a moment longer. A wide grin broke out over my lips, "yes, of course worth it. Every single thing, is worth it. Especially you." Content Allan closed his eyes. I gazed at him for a while, my mind wandering back to the castle. There was still a sting of pain within me...but it was not from the wound on my leg. This was something else. A sting of pain from the words I, and Guy had shared. While part of myself was convinced I no longer cared, a small part of me, a younger part of me, a seven year old girl deep within my bones flinched at the words I had shouted at him.

But, when I looked at Allan it all seemed to fade away. All that I had done. All I had cast aside of my old life...

It was no doubt worth it.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you thin if you so desire!

Till next time my lovely reader, I promise it won't be so long this time:)