-Levy POV-

I jumped, as I heard someone call my name.

"Oi, Levy!"I heard someone call.

"Hmm?"I reply turning around only to see that it was Natsu.

'Weird, what would Natsu want with me?,' I thought.

"Would you like to go on a mission with me?"Natsu asked me.

"Uh, sure!"I replied, with a little bit too much enthusiasm.

'Oops, can't let Natsu think I have a crush on him or something.,' I thought to myself, blushing internally.

"Well then, let's go!"Natsu said, as he grabed my wrist, dragging me out of the guild.

We had gotten outside, before I stopped him.

"Huh, what?" Natsu looked back.

"Hey, wait! You never told me the mission!"I squeaked out, embarrassed that he had nearly held my hand.

"Oh, yeah. I should probably tell you. We have to find Erza, she sent a message, something about a request for backup. So, naturally I am responding."He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Ok then, so why did you pick me?"I said, internally cheering at my luck. Me, taking a mission, with my crush! I must be so lucky!

"Oh, well, uh... no reason!"Natsu nervously responded.

"Hmm, ok, let's go!"I said, not wanting to pressure the poor guy any more.

"Yeah, I'm all fired up!"Natsu shouted, throwing hist fist in the air.

-Scene Break-

-Forest outside of Magnolia-

-8:30 P.M.-

-Natsu POV-

"Haha, you're so scared, it's funny!"I said, watching Levy jump at every small sound.

"H-hey, it i-isn't f-funny!" Levy yelled back in retort.

'Should I make a move? Would she hate me for it? Aw, screw it. It's worth a shot.'I thought.

"We're setting up camp here."I announce, stamping my foot, as a sign of claiming.

'Hopefully not the only thing I claim tonight,' I thought.

"Finally! Well, I'll pitch the tent, you get the wood for the fire."Levy replied, with a smile of relief.

"Got it. I'll get the wood, and you get the tent."


-30 Minutes Later-

-Normal POV-

"Hey, Levy." Natsu muttered, staring at the fire.

"Yeah, Natsu?" Levy replied, looking at him.

"Are you...uh... seeing anyone?" Natsu said, not keeping eye contact.

'I-is, Natsu... going to confess his love to me?! Please yes!' Levy thought to herself, looking at the fire, as a chibi Levy was waving pom-poms in her mind.

"No." Levy said in a small voice.

"Oh, ok then." Natsu said.

'And now...' Natsu thought.

"Look at me, Levy." Natsu lowly rumbled.

"Huh..." Levy said as she turned, only to feel a pair of lips forcefully press themselves to hers.

Levy moaned as she started to kiss back, wrapping her arms around Natsu.

'FINALLY, I have his love!' Levy cheered in her mind.

'Is she...is she kissing back?!' Natsu said to himself.

They kissed for a few minutes, before separating for air.

"Sorry Levy, for forcing myself on you. I just couldn't help it." Natsu said , while shrinking back.

"I liked it..." Levy said in a tiny voice, while poking her index fingers together.

"Wha?! You did?" Natsu said incredulously.

"Yeah... why do you think I kissed back?" Levy said, much to Natsu's disbelief.

"Well... I don't know why. Umm... would you like to, umm... be my girlfriend?" Natsu muttered, but loud enough for Levy to hear.

"Well, you are a dragon slayer, so how about more?" Levy said flirtatiously, hoping for something more.

"You mean, like a... mate?" Natsu said quietly.

"YES! A mate... please...would you let me in?" Levy yelled, petering off at the end.

"Of course, if you wanted to. But remember, it would be for forever, could you deal with me for that long?" Natsu said hopefully, grinning by the time he finished.

"OF COURSE I COULD! I mean, I am the one who asked." Levy replied in an overly joyful voice.

"Ok, come here so I can mark you." Natsu said, fully accepting her love.

Levy crawls over to Natsu, and he bites her on the neck.

"OWW OWW OWW! It hurts!" Levy cried out in pain.

"It will feel better in a few seconds, don't worry."

The mark appears, as a blue dragon holding a red flame in it's claws.

The pain subsides, and Levy opens her eyes, only to see Natsu looking at her lovingly.

"So, how about we hit the sack, I'm tired. That mark sure does drain the magic!" Natsu said tiredly.

Natsu and Levy crawl in the tent, and snuggle into the same sleeping bag.

"Oh, so warm!" Levy sleepily said.

Natsu leaned towards Levy, and gave her a goodnight kiss.

"Good night, my love." Natsu said, and afterwards, a pair of snores could be heard.