A/N: I wish I could tell you all this was the start of regular updates, but unfortunately, this is I wanted to get something out to you all before my daughter decides to make her entry into this world. I may have some time to write while on maternity leave, and I will certainly try to do so. However, I would hate to make promises I can't keep. I hope you all enjoy, and thank you to everyone who has reviewed. I apologize if I have not gotten back to you; it has been a crazy few months for me!

The night after her dinner with Jonathan and his cousin, she heard an unexpected knock at the door as she studied. Of all the people she might have imagined, the mix of five pages and squires that ranged outside was not even on the list, though this would not have excused her utter lack of response in Satinder's eyes. She just stared at them, recognizing each as the ones she had eaten dinner with at the pages' hall all those months ago but having no idea why they were there.

"Lady Alanna, are you going to invite us in?" Jon said with a pleased smile.

"Of course, yes Your Highness, please come in." Her rooms, which had felt fairly large when it was just her and her trunks, suddenly felt like a cramped dressing room as boys arranged themselves on her desk, bed and the floor. It was a good thing she had been trained to keep a tidy room, though she did have to go quickly hide one undergarment that Raoul almost stepped on. Jon came over beside her as she surveyed the room for anything else.

"What are you all doing here, Highness?" She asked bluntly. None of her etiquette lessons had included what to do when a horde of knights-in-training invaded your room.

"Jon… and we often meet at night to help each other with our studies." He managed to be just as matter-of-fact as she was, though he looked like he was enjoying himself more.

"I can see that." She motioned to the books and papers they all had with them. "But what are you doing here... in my room, Jonathan?"

"Well, I could hardly come here by myself, rumors would be flying by tomorrow." Suddenly, Alanna's cheeks matched her hair. "Besides, the other boys wanted to be reacquainted with you."

"Why?" She asked genuinely perplexed.

Jon laughed. "You leave quite an impression, Lanna."

She pondered that for a moment. Was he mocking her? All she could remember doing was embarrassing herself. Another thought interrupted her though.

"Where is Thom?"

It was Gareth that answered; she should have realized a conversation could not be truly private in such cramped quarters. "Your brother rarely deigns to spend his evenings with us anymore, always in the library or with Duke Roger."

"Oh," she said in disappointment. Aside from their one evening dinner on her first night back, she had barely even seen her brother. It would have been nice to have him here too.

"If you start joining us regularly, maybe he would come more." Raoul offered helpfully though not necessarily hopefully.

It was a nice thought, but she doubted it as well. Not that she doubted her brother loved her, she just knew how important learning magic was to him. If he had the opportunity to learn from a mage like Duke Roger, he would take it.

"I think your academic classes are a lot like our own. We are all good at different subjects, so we help each other out so no one falls behind." Alex smiled as he looked at Gareth before adding pointedly. "Or falls behind less."

Raoul chimed in again as Gareth reached over the bed to playfully punch his fellow squire. "And you can practice healing on us; we have plenty of bruises and cuts."

"Oh, I'm not allowed to actually help people."

The boys all laughed at her statement. They found the oddest things funny.

"We won't tell, if you don't." Gary told her with a wink.

"Now where were we?" Jonathan brought back their attention. "Oh yes… Alex can help you out with arithmetic."

She didn't want to tell the boys that they were interrupting her usual time to practice with her sword, and it would be nice to get some help with her work. It was true academics still weren't her strong suit. Besides, she could always wake up earlier to practice in the mornings.

Alanna was on her way to dinner, when a call stopped her in her tracks.

"Lady Alanna, do you have a moment?"

In her haste, she had passed through the wing that contained the pages' classes, and now, Duke Roger stood in his doorway watching her.

"I have been hoping to speak with you since our dinner together, but we have not crossed paths since."

"Your Grace, of course I can spare some time. The apprentice dinner will not start for a bit longer." She silently hoped he would take that as a hint that she shouldn't be long, and if he thought someone was expecting her, even better. Then she immediately regretted those thoughts, something about the Duke just unnerved her.

"Please call me Duke Roger, I am not so much your senior that we need to keep up those formalities. And I won't keep you long; come in to my classroom."

Unconsciously, she looked down the hall to see if anyone would see her enter, but it was deserted. Staff and trainees alike were preparing for dinner service. She practically jumped when he closed the door behind them.

"Please, sit down." He smiled graciously as he helped her towards a seat in front of his desk.

She genuinely did not want to, but it would have been rude to refuse. "Thank you."

"How are you enjoying your training?"

"I don't know that I am meant to enjoy it," The duke laughed so she quickly added, "but I am learning a lot."

"Your brother and you are so alike. He can be just as straightforward sometimes, but it is odd to hear from a lady."

Alanna shrugged as Roger picked up a jeweled rod. "I didn't finish my training."

"No, indeed. There are a number of odd occurrences surrounding you. In fact, you are a bit of a mystery at court."

The redhead shook her head, though her now long hair was braided back and did not move. "No mystery here, just Alanna."

"Alanna who has impressed the greatest healer in our country."

"And almost died doing it." She could not squirm as she wanted to under this man's scrutiny, but her thumbs twirled round and round each other, tucked in her lap where he couldn't see.

"And my aunt, uncle and cousin…" He continued on as if she had not spoken, but the way he spoke so casually of the rulers, made her even more uncomfortable, if that was possible.

"I only came because I thought Thom was dying."

"Even Sir Myles seems quite taken with you, despite your limited acquaintance."

That was the first she had heard as much, but she had enjoyed her time with the older knight as well. "He was nice enough to help me return to the City of Gods."

He stared at her for what felt like an eternity before speaking again.

"I was wrong before. You are nothing like your brother, are you?" The Duke stopped twirling his rod with a smile, and Alanna realized she had a pounding headache.

"He's the brains; I'm the brawns, Your Grace." They had been told that so much as children; it just slipped out. It was perhaps less true now, though she had heard he was still barely passable on the practice courts.

"I am afraid I have kept you too long, run along to dinner. I am sure we will have time to converse again."

Rather than reply, she bobbed a curtsy and retreated as quickly as propriety would allow.

It was the first time she had been given leave to go to the city, and George had promised her a big surprise through one of his notes. Unfortunately, women of her station were expected to bring someone along with them as escort, a point Duke Baird made very clear. She had hoped Thom would be available, but he was banned for speaking back to one of the Mithran priests. Instead, Jon offered to come instead, and she could hardly explain to him why the Prince might not want to accompany her to the Court of the Rogue. So here she was, taking what felt like three quick steps to keep up with each of Jonathan's long strides.

"Could you slow down? Skirts and short legs do not make for fast walking."

Jon sighed dramatically but slowed down, maybe a little more than necessary. "It just feels good to be out of the castle. I do not even remember the last time my Lord gave me leave to go to the city."

"Perhaps if you all got in less trouble, you could come more often." The redhead informed her Prince.

"Yes, but where would be the fun in that?" The prince replied with a wink, walking faster. "Now pick up the pace, little one, or we will spend all day just walking there and back again. Didn't you say you had a relative to meet?"

"To tell truth, we aren't actually related," Alanna blushed sheepishly at the lie, "but he has helped Thom and me both since we arrived in Corus. Thom had already told Duke Gareth that George was our cousin, so I thought it would be easier to tell Duke Baird the same."

Jon raised an eyebrow but remained silent on the subject. It was probably for the best, Alanna felt like she was jogging to keep up now.

The Dancing Dove was practically empty when they arrived, but Solomon was present as always.

"Morning Solomon, we're here to see George. He's expecting… me." She had not had time to make him aware of the last minute addition.

"Very good; I'll get his Majesty." Solomon called back as he lumbered off.

Jon looked confused but didn't get a chance to question as George swept in the room.

"Alanna! So glad you could finally make it, and you brought a friend." George really looked at Jon for the first time and whistled. "Solomon, don't you have some mugs to wipe clean?"

The thief waited until the old man was out of earshot before continuing. "And what a friend indeed! Your Highness, welcome to my humble establishment. Alanna, you could give a common man fair warning before you bring royalty to see him. I'll not be underestimating you again."

Alanna just shrugged. It was fun to see George flustered, even if it was just for a moment.

"Well, come along then, you'll be wanting to see your surprise."

George led them out back as Jonathan began to chat with him. "So you own this place?"

"Solomon runs the bar and such, but the place is mine." Alanna smiled at the thief's misdirection.

"You seem a little young to be in charge of a place like this. You can't be but a few years older than us."

"True, the last man to run the operation was a bit older, but we find that if you are too far along in years, you can't keep up." The redhead tried to stifle a laugh and choked, prompting George to fall back and give her back a few good pats. Jon looked like he might step in to do the same, but Alanna waved them off.

"Forget how to breath, lass?" Alanna glared at him; he knew full well why she was laughing. "There, there, all better now."

A horse whinnied nearby, and Alanna realized they were almost at the stables.

"Ready for your present? She's ready to see you, apparently."

The healer instantly forgot why she was glaring as her jaw dropped opened. George chucked her lightly under the chin before leading her on.

Inside the stables was the most beautiful chestnut mare Alanna had ever seen. It butted her gently when she approached, giving Alanna full view of the light star on her head. Jon approached as well, expertly going over the horse inch by inch.

"She's stolen." Jon accused when he found no faults.

"Oh George, please tell me she isn't."Alanna pleaded, fingers combing the horse's mane.

"Hand to the Gods, I didn't; gotta bill of sale and everything."

He launched into some tale about a Bahzir, but Alanna was too busy to pay attention. She was already doing sums in her head. She had next to nothing left after paying back Cyth. A good horse would be necessary with all the travel that Duke Baird would want her to do once she was actually allowed to touch sick people, but she didn't think she could afford one right now, especially not as fine as this. Maybe she could ask George to hold on to her for now. Would that be asking too much?

"How much is she, George?" Alanna tried to keep the trepidation out of her voice.

"She's already paid for. If you can afford the two gold for her tackle, you can ride her out of here today."

She could afford that… barely, but she just wouldn't be buying anything else any time soon, but none of this made sense. "I can't accept this George. I am sure she was expensive, and I can't let you take a loss like that."

She took a step back from the mare, tucking her hands behind her back. The purple steel in her eyes did not match the ache in her heart. The horse had been made her for, but she could not accept a pity gift.

"You've misunderstood, lass. Your brother got a good deal on a horse thanks to some connection of Duke Roger's, so he wanted to use the money he'd been saving towards a mount of his own to get one for you; knew your father'd never bother to get you a proper mount."

"That doesn't sound like Thom." She said skeptically.

George sidled up to the girl like a spooked horse. "Said to think of it as pulling one over on your old man."

"That sounds more like Thom."

"It's his money'll pay for a mount now or later, better to take it now when it's a mount you can trust. How often does Thom get ya present?"

Never, that she could remember, at least not what normal people would consider a present. You can't just drive off a would-be stepmother and then call it a gift. George was right, she could be dead from old age by the time her father thought of her needing a mount, and if it was his money anyway, who was it hurting?

"Okay, I will get Thom something nice for our next birthday to make up for it."

"There you go!"

"I think I will name her Moonlight." She said as she once again approached her horse. "Do you like that girl?"

Jon pulled George to the side as his friend talked quietly to her mare. "How did you ever convince Thom to spend money on something other than books?"

George studied the younger boy for a moment. "I didn't, but he was happy enough to put his name on it. I knew Alanna'd never take a gift like this from me; her pride won't let her, and Thom really did get a horse from Duke Roger. He didn't think twice about it….. You gonna tell her?"

It took a moment as the prince thought it through, then he begrudgingly shook his head. "No, she deserves this. And you're right; she would never accept it, if she knew."

The smug nod from George had Jon wrenching a sapphire ring off his finger. Alanna, still talking to her new mount, remained oblivious to the men behind her.

"You still shouldn't have to take a loss like that. This should cover the horse and any loss you took on the tackle."

"It would, indeed." The thief took his turn to contemplate, rolling the ring around between his fingers. "You know, I picked up another horse from that Bahzir. He was too high spirited for the lady, but I think he may suit you well..."

As Alanna's free time drew to a close, she rode back slowly on her new horse, Moonlight. Jon borrowed some tackle to bring Darkness back to the palace, and the two rode in silence. On the redhead's part, she was still trying to figure out why George had helped orchestrate this whole thing; she never even considered why Jon might be so quiet.

"You need to stop going there." The prince finally broke the silence.

"What?" The younger mage looked up at him.

"You need to stop going to the Dancing Dove or seeing George."

"Excuse me?" Her head cocked to the side as she

Jon looked exasperated at having to repeat himself again. "You can't see—"

"I heard what you said! I just don't understand why you said it."

"Lanna, I have heard enough from my Lord Provost to know George is the King of Thieves."

"Is that all?" The redhead snickered. "I knew that already."

"And Thom knows?" The prince looked at her incredulously.

"Of course, they met first." Alanna just stared at her friend, still trying to figure out what had him in such a tizzy.

"Frankly, I cannot believe Thom allowed you to continue to associate with George, but if he will not say anything, I will. It just isn't proper for a lady of your standing to be fraternizing with thieves, especially the Thief."

Alanna, who had apparently missed the entirety of the Prince's speech beyond the first sentence, pulled Moonlight up short. "Allowed me?!"

Darkness was none-too-happy when his rider did the same. "You know what I mean."

"No, your Highness, I don't know what you mean. Thom is not my liege lord to make any decisions on my behalf, and I will have you know that the only reason I was even able to save your life is because that King of Thieves helped me get into the castle. It might behoove you to reserve hasty judgement in the future!"

With the last word, Alanna pushed Moonlight forward at a pace just safe enough for the city streets that were thinning out closer to the palace but fast enough to make it clear she did not desire company.

"That went well." Jon informed his mount when the dust had settled.

A/N: I have always loved the juxtaposition of how well Jon knows Alanna and yet how often he doesn't seem to understand her. Look forward to more of that in the future! I had a fun time trying to imagine how knowing Alanna is a girl from the start would affect the dynamic between George and Jon, so hopefully you all will enjoy exploring that with me!