A/N: Okaaay, so here's one of the most delicate chapters of this story. In the previous chapter, there were no descriptions of the feelings of either Kakashi or Genma, which was a mistake on my part. So, this chapter has been dedicated to only that. It doesn't really take the mission forward, but it is quite important. Anyway, I'll cease blabbering so you can proceed. As always, reviews/PMs are most welcome!
Kakashi was widely known for his rather lackadaisical ways. But at that point in time, he was using up every ounce of self-control in his being to refrain from rushing about wildly in blind anxiety. Taking a deep breath in, he tried to stabilise his thoughts.
How the hell was Shizune? He would give anything to find that out. He fervently prayed that she was still alive and that whatever damage had been inflicted on her was curable. And, if she was dead...Life would never be the same again. He had admitted to himself that Shizune was someone special and quite close to his heart. His sensei's words replayed in his mind.
But slowly, with time, they fall. And it's a beautiful feeling.
That kiss in the hospital had been no accidental on-the-spot brush. Though Kakashi had never been of the romantic type, he firmly believed that it had been meant to be. Could these be the first stirrings of love?
Kakashi sighed. His feelings had to reach equilibrium. Otherwise, he would spend the rest of his life riding on the high waves of spontaneous sentiment. When he was with Shizune, the world instantly took on new meaning and flavour. Even the simplest of things seemed magnificent. He ached to see her smile, to hear the musical sounds of her laughter, to see mirth dancing in her eyes. And, now that he had no idea whether she was going to survive this ordeal, he was working himself up into a perfect tizzy.
He imagined rushing back to Konoha after Haruka and Souta had been defeated, sprinting up the steps of the hospital and bursting into her ward to find that her corpse was being taken into the morgue. He wondered if he could maintain his sanity with that kind of grief.
"Huh?" Kakashi turned to see Genma standing beside him.
"Woolgathering?" The Senbon Ninja asked casually.
"You could say that," Kakashi nodded.
"Well, I wish you luck. You belong in the third team, right?" Genma questioned. The first team had already left. It consisted of Kurenai, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji.
"That's right," Kakashi replied.
The grey-haired jounin had returned to his quotidian imperturbable facade, but years of training had made Genma's eyes as sharp as sharp could get. Kakashi's expression just a few minutes ago had not escaped his notice. It had been of something that was beyond worry. Beyond anxiety, even. They were all extremely concerned about the well-being of Shizune and about collaring those who had put her into such a miserable condition, but Kakashi had seemed to be boiling in some internal turmoil.
But Genma was not all that oblivious. He had begun to place pieces of the jigsaw together some days back. Whenever Shizune was with Kakashi, she was just...something else. Something shone from within her. That day at the ring shop, Kakashi had appeared to be rather vexed when Genma had been chatting with Shizune. Besides, he had heard that Kakashi had more than willingly donated his blood to her. Only a remarkably obtuse person would not have realised that there were feelings between the two.
"It's Shizune, isn't it?" Genma asked abruptly.
"Of course," Kakashi intoned, cocking his visible eyebrow, "This entire mission is all about her."
"Don't give me that stupid act, Kakashi," Genma said, shaking his head, "You know very well what I'm talking about."
"I honestly don't."
Genma could not deny that he too liked Shizune. But did his own feelings towards the kunoichi go any deeper than that? Her simple beauty appealed to him, as did her sweet, good-natured and helpful personality. But he wasn't tearing his hair out. For that, he felt almost guilty. And then, all of a sudden, it struck him. Just like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Like a wave crashing against a rocky coast with all of its powerful force. Like a darkened room flooding with bright light.
What he felt towards Shizune was just a twinge of sentiment; there was nothing more mature or serious than that, he finally comprehended. And half of even that had emerged from their friends' more-than-obvious attempts to match them together. But he couldn't make himself love her any more than he could make her love him, and that was reality. It was about time he came to terms with his feelings. If he created a barrier between Kakashi and Shizune, he would positively burn inside. He was sure of it. And this was the time to bring that to light.
"It's time you told her how you really feel," Genma said suddenly, a slight smile coming onto his face.
"I don't..."
"Kakashi!" Genma interrupted, "Don't argue. I know. And she feels the same way about you."
Kakashi sighed. "You noticed, then?" He asked softly, deciding to give in. There was no point in beating around the bush any more.
"I would have to be visually impaired to have not noticed," Genma said simply.
The grey-haired jounin exhaled heavily. "I noticed a few things too," he spoke silently, "That day, at the ring shop, you were looking positively inebriated while speaking with Shizune."
"The feelings of a few passing days," Genma explained serenely, "And there're not at all as serious as yours are. I've finally understood how I really feel. I would be a buffoon of the first order if I claimed her, and I'm not just being flippant."
"But, Genma, you like her too."
"Doing the right thing always involves a sacrifice," Genma smiled tranquilly.
Kakashi gasped as his philosophy ricocheted towards him.
"Yes, and it's not even that much of a sacrifice for me," Genma continued, "since I have had never had really serious feelings with her. Over time, whatever I had with her would have dried up."
"This is very sudden, Genma."
"Realisations are often that way. Though I've been thinking over this for some days, it struck me just a few minutes back. The more deserving shinobi shall emerge triumphant. I don't want to be an uncalled for barrier."
"But Shizune..."
"Apart from that," Genma resumed as if Kakashi had uttered a single word, "there are plenty more fish in the sea. I'm sure I'll find a woman one day for whom I care about as deeply as you do for Shizune. I, Shiranui Genma, am telling you this as confidently as I can – go to her, grab her, give her a kiss and tell her everything."
Kakashi stared at the Senbon Ninja. He was standing with his hands shoved into his pockets, his senbon perched between his lips. The Sharingan Hero felt his respect for the other going up by multiple notches. "That's...extremely gracious of you, Genma," Kakashi whispered.
"Oh, I enjoy playing matchmaker sometimes!" The Senbon Ninja twinkled, "It's good for the heart."
"I haven't an inkling of how to thank you," Kakashi said, his voice cracking slightly.
Genma grinned, "Just don't mess up your job, okay? Make sure the setting is perfect. And maybe at some point in the future, we'll be able to see the two of you up at the altar."