Border Agents are the protectors of Mikado City, maybe some could even say they protect the world. However, they are the ones out there risking everything to protect the people; to destroy the monsters that appear wave after wave to invade. There are C-Rank trainees, B-Rank agents who patrol, A-Rank teams that are the most well-known and are considered the strongest, S-Rank members who fight using Black Triggers, and the higher-ups who keep Border running. But there is a class that no one seems to realize exists - The rank known as O-Rank, the Floaters.

The Floaters are few and far between, but they are often comparable to A-Rank or S-Rank agents. They are agents of Border that are very different as compared to the others thanks to their Triggers. The O-Rank agents all call a certain branch their home, and there is one Black Trigger User in each of the 3 squads. On top of this, each squad can be put on missions for many months at a time without ever returning to base. Because of this, they often are deemed as loners.

One of these O-Rank agents is a woman named Akemi Aihara. She has been associated with Border for many years, even before it was an official agency, and fought against the Neighbors in the First Invasion. She watched many of her friends die, unable to save them, and thus turned to being a full time agent as soon as she was done with high school. She attended the same school as Soya Kazama, being one year his senior, as well as Shuji Miwa's older sister, who was killed before Akemi was able to save her. She witnessed the death of the boy her sister held dear and her brother was nearly killed. Even as a Black Trigger user, she was unable to do anything in these instances, so she wanted only to get strong enough to prevent the loss of anyone else.

Akemi and her squad are returning to Tamakoma Branch after a 3-month mission, and the woman is about to find herself in quite a troublesome situation involving her former classmate's little brother and her underclassman. On top of that 3 new members of Tamakoma Branch who are trying to move up the ladder and a certain pair of attackers who share a very similar attitude about things get involved. All of this drama creates quite a situation for the oldest child of the Aihara to handle.

Name: Akemi Aihara

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Ash Blue

Height: 156.5 cm

Noteable Features: Large bust, short hair that gets wavy at the ends, doesn't smile much, glasses, and drinks a lot of coffee. Often seen carrying around a black case when not in her Trion body.

Uniform Style: Blazer that resembles Konami's, but minus the glove portion. Wears shorts with stockings with garter and tall boots. Her outfit is mostly black, but the trim is lavender and there is a white stripe along the sleeves. Her Trigger Uniform Glasses have lavender half-frames.

Casual Look: Black high-neck tank top over a grey plaid skirt, stockings, ankle boots with fur trim, and a grey hoodie. Her casual glasses have all black rectangular frames.

Trigger Type: Black Trigger – Mukou , Border Trigger – Shooter

(Hi there everyone ; v ;

I'm sorry for keeping people waiting on my other stories, I'm trying to find a good way to continue them. But I just got into this anime thanks to a friend and I really liked it so I'm hoping to get to write a good fanfiction for World Trigger~

I hope you all like what's to come ; 7 ;

-Winter Cheshire)