Okay, this is another "Will Resurrection" fic! Takes place in the spring of 2019. Allie, Johnny, and Sydney will also be in this fic. They should be 12 and 10 respectively, but, I'm aging them up six years. So, the twins will be 18 and Sydney will be 16.
This will mostly take place at the DiMera Castle in Italy. This will also contain spoilers for future characters that have yet to debut on Days of Our Lives. I will try to follow as much canon as I can.
April 3, 2019
Sonny sat alone in the Kiriakis mansion living room. The same room where he and Will got married exactly five years before. It has been almost three and a half years since Will was killed, and he still missed him. He missed his scent, his smile, his voice….
He moved on and got through his death, but, that doesn't mean he didn't think about Will at least three times a week. Often, he would go through something exciting, like a career achievement, and he'd wonder how Will would react. On Arianna's first day of kindergarten, he wondered how Will would have handled it. Would he have stayed? Would he have worried the entire time?
After a year and a half, he moved on enough to start dating again. He went on a couple dates in Paris, then moved back to Salem and started dating Paul. That didn't last long. He realized that Paul didn't really love him and vice versa.
Sonny took a deep breath and headed back to his apartment. Darkness had fallen. He was about to head to the kitchen for a late snack, when he was jumped from behind and knocked out with chloroform.
In the DiMera Castle in Italy, Andre stood at the living room window, drinking a glass of wine, and staring out at the Italian landscape. The castle is set atop a mountain overlooking a river near the village of Antrodoco, which is 81 miles east of Rome. The castle was bought by the DiMera family after the Bubonic Plague outbreak.
Andre's phone rang. "Is it done?"
"Good." Andre smiled and hung up. His plan to destroy the Kiriakis, Horton, and Brady family was off to a good start.
Sonny woke up on a thin mattress. The room was only very slightly lit by the sunlight streaming through a high window. He sat up, and a thin blanket slipped off of him. He stood up and ran to the window, and was pulled back by iron shackles. He blinked and surveyed the room. He was in some sort of old dungeon. He turned and adjusted the shackles to look out the window. He couldn't see much. Just grass. He turned to the door, which opened with a loud creek. He glared at the person who walked into the room.
"Hello, Jackson." Andre greeted. "Comfortable?"
Sonny glared at Andre. "Let me guess: I'm at the DiMera castle in Italy."
"Smart boy." Andre nodded.
"You are aware that my uncle is going to send out his people to come looking for me once he notices I'm missing." Sonny said warningly.
"Oh, I'm already taking care of that." Andre replied. "I took your cell phone. As far as your family knows, you hopped a flight to Paris."
Sonny tried not to show that he was scared. "What do you want from me?"
"We'll get to that in a minute. I just want to make sure you know what I'm capable of." Andre said. "There is no escaping the castle. You try, and my men will shoot you. You know my father has very gifted scientists and doctors. We may kill our enemies, but we have an amazing ability to bring a very special someone back from the dead." He gestured to the door.
A very much alive Will Horton, dressed head to toe in dark red, walked into the room, smiling. "Hello, Sonny."
Sonny was completely shocked. There stood his long-deceased husband, alive and well, smiling. "Will…? Is that really you?" He walked forward, but was pulled back by the shackles. "I never thought I'd see you again."
"Don't get too excited." Andre said. "I said I brought him back- well, more like stole his body and injected him with a revival drug. I never said everything would be the same." He glanced at Will. "Maybe you should tell him, darling."
Will stepped forward, addressing Sonny. "Sonny, I love another." He stepped back, put his arms around Andre's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.
Sonny was dumbfounded. How is this possible?! He's heard of the term "Late in life gay", but…Andre wasn't gay. What's going on? Something in him clicked, and anger bubbled up inside Sonny. He glared at Andre with purest loathing. "You son of a bitch. You brainwashed him!"
"Sonny, I know this is hard for you, but, from what I hear, you moved on, too." Will replied. "Andre and I love each other."
"He's not even gay!" Sonny exclaimed.
"Oh, Jackson. Surely you've heard the term 'late in life gay'?" Andre winked.
"You know what? Keep selling that." Sonny seethed. "I'm not even gonna do anything. 'Cause what I had in mind for you is nothing compared to what Sami, Lucas, Kate, and Roman are going to do to you when they find out!"
"Oh, I think you'll find I can take care of myself." Andre grinned. They left the room. Once up to the main floor, Andre turned to Will. "Darling, why don't you head to the writing room? I have a meeting."
"Okay. Don't be too long." Will replied.
"Don't worry, I won't." Andre watched Will disappear around a corner and turned back to another tall, British man.
"I cannot believe you managed to brainwash that kid." The man grinned. "I so would have loved to have seen the look on Jackson's face."
Andre chuckled. "I can assure you, it was quite amusing, Alexandros."
Xander nodded. "I'll certainly pay him a little visit."
"No qualms about me holding your family hostage?" Andre asked, to make sure.
"Not at all." Xander said honestly. "He's my uncle Victor's favorite nephew. I want him to suffer."
"Oh, indeed he will." Andre smirked. "Just a gentle reminder, if you were Victor's favorite, you'd have been stabbed to death by that hayseed, Clyde Weston."
Xander scoffed. "Please. That hillbilly would be dead before he could harm me. Jackson is a wuss."
Andre chuckled. "Don't kill him. We still need him."
"Very well." Xander smiled.
I understand it's a little rushed, but, it'll make sense, I promise.