Hi all,
Here's a random one shot I wrote in my sleep deprived state. I apologise for any errors a my computer and phone are glitching out quite a bit.
I don't own pokémon
Sitting in the middle of the shopping centre, Dawn felt her hands shake.
She couldn't believe the words that came out to the mouth before her.
'Please don't give me that look, you had to have seen it coming. We were getting boring, I've been with you for a year,' Barry rambled, not seeing Dawn's lip tremble.
'Is that all you have to say? We were getting boring?' Dawn hissed as her eyes narrowed on the man. Sure, she didn't feel as much as she used to, but she still cares about him. Besides, he was breaking up with her every other week.
The man blanched, apparently realising his error upon hearing her tone.
'N-no that's not what I meant,' the man floundered as surely as a Magikarp out of water.
'Then tell me what you did mean!' Dawn snapped back, her angered volume attracting the attention of some bystanders.
'I,' the blond man began, only to falter, his expression distraught.
'Unbelievable, I'm done with you yoyoing with my emotions. Goodbye, Barry,' Dawn scoffed before slamming her hands on the table and storming off.
She didn't see the man who followed her until she heard an amused chuckle as she punched a wall nearby.
' Don't hurt yourself for Barry, Dee Dee,' someone chuckled, pulling her attention away from her bruised hand.
'Lucas!' She whispered before punching the man's arm promptly.
'I deserved that,' the man winced as she continued her onslaught, tears brimming in her eyes.
'Hey, don't cry,' the man whispered before pulling her into a hug, capturing her arms at her side.
'Where were you? Kenny said you didn't want to see me!' Dawn growled into his shirt, her voice muffled by the cloth.
'Well you'd just started dating Barry, who knew I was going to ask you out for myself. Of course I was going to disappear,' the man mused as he scratched his hair under his hat unsurely.
'Really? You were going to ask me?' Dawn gasped before feeling another stab of irritation at th belong man she'd just left. He'd known she preferred Lucas and insisted the man wasn't interested in her.
'Yeah,' the man mused, noticing her frustrated expression with some amusement.
'Would you still ask me?' She asked, more forward than she would normally have been.
'Of course, but you need some distance between yourself and Barry first,' the man grinned back at her, registering her smile with clear satisfaction.
'Hey! That's my girlfriend, hands off or I'll have to fine you!' Barry's voice snarled from nearby, though neither of them moved.
With a grin, Dawn said, 'consider it done, no need to worry!'
'That's when everyone worries the most,' Lucas teased, seeing her pout up at him.
'Did you hear me?' Barry snapped as he walked towards them.
'Barry, we're over. You've said so yourself, we're not compatible. I hope we can still be friends, but this isn't going to work. I'm sorry,' the Sinnoh beauty whispered at the blond man before giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
With a spring in her step, she left both men behind, knowing that Barry wouldn't hold it against her. After all, they'd both been ending and rekindling their relationship more times than Ditto was out in daycare.