Chapter One: Secrets and Bribes

A/N: Heyyy. So, when I first drafted this story, it was originally supposed to focus solely on Trunks and his shenanigans while Bulma and Vegeta were out of town, and only have them featured in a couple of scenes. Buuuut, two weeks ago my mind was going crazy with all kinds of sexy and steamy situations I could put Bulma and Vegeta in while they were on vacation, so I couldn't resist adding that into the story ;) I mean, I love writing lemons for my glorious OTP! So this story is still going to feature Trunks being a goofball while his parents are gone, but it will also focus on Vegebul, and their time spent on vacation.

Oh, also, I guess you could say this is a somewhat sequel to my other story "Babysitter for a Day". If you haven't read it, you don't need to in order to understand what happens in this story; this fic can stand on its own. But there are a couple of things that occurred in that story that inspired this fic (mainly Trunks being told by Vegeta that he would be on babysitting duties when he and Bulma took a trip together, and Trunks' 'hot date' mentioned in that story ends up being his girlfriend in this story). Just wanted to add that as a side note.

Holy shit, I've rambled far too long. Please go ahead and read chapter one :)

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters.

"Ooooh, Veronica, you are one smokin' hot babe!" eighteen-year-old Trunks Briefs grinned like a loon, lying down on his bed with his phone right in front of his face as he opened up a new Snapchat from his girlfriend. The picture he received was a selfie of her clad in a skimpy red dress, her ample breasts practically spilling out of the leather fabric. They had only been going out for a little over a month, but Trunks was smitten with her. She was smart, funny, and insanely hot; what more could he ask for?

Just as he was about to respond to her Snapchat, there was a loud knock on his door, startling him. He then lost his grip on his phone and it landed right on his face. "Fuck," he muttered as he removed his phone from his forehead.

"Truuuuuunks," his little sister drawled from the other side of the door. "Mommy told me to tell you it's almost time for dinner!"

"Okay, I'm coming," he called to Bra, taking a picture of himself winking and giving a thumbs up to send to Veronica before heading downstairs.

Bra was skipping around the kitchen when Trunks entered the room a few moments later, nearly bumping into him. "Lou, Lou, skip to my Lou!" she crooned as she continued to skip, this time almost knocking over her mother, who was carrying a large bowl of pasta in her hands.

"Bra, you need to settle down," Bulma chided her daughter as she set the bowl down in the center of the table.

With a nod of her head, the little girl complied and sat down in her seat, placing her face in the palms of her hands as she waited for dinner to be served.

"Trunks, can you get some plates out?" Bulma asked her son as she walked over to the drawer to get out eating utensils.

When he didn't respond, she looked back over her shoulder at her teenage son and saw how his eyes were glued to his phone, a sly smile on his face. He was practically drooling at whatever he was looking at. "Trunks, did you hear me?" she quizzed, using a more severe tone of voice than before.

Still no response. But his smile was even wider and drool was now running down his chin.


His mother's screeching caused him to flinch, tearing his eyes away from his cell phone. "Huh, what?"

"Put your damn phone down for one second and get out some plates like I asked you to!" Bulma growled, barely resisting the urge she had to throw his phone against the wall. Ever since he had started going out with Veronica his phone was hardly ever out of his hands, which annoyed her greatly.

"Okay, okay," Trunks huffed, placing his phone into his jean pocket, and then turning to the cabinet beside him to gather four plates.

"Bra, did you tell your father it was time to eat?" Bulma asked her daughter as she grabbed a tray of bread off of the counter and set it down next to the bowl of pasta.

"Yeah, I knocked on the GR door and told him. He said he was coming," Bra responded, adjusting her pink bow in her hair.

"Ugh, well he needs to hurry up. I'm starving," Bulma muttered as she grabbed four glasses from the cabinet and began filling them with water.

Once he had finished setting all four plates down on the table, Trunks took his usual seat next to Bra and immediately began checking his phone. He was pleased to see he had received a flirty text message from his girlfriend, and his thumbs moved rapidly as he typed a response.

The sound of Bulma slamming his glass of water down in front of him resulted in him instantly snapping his head up, catching sight of Bulma's exasperated expression. "Trunks, I already told you once to put your phone away! Dinner time is family time."

He scoffed and once again placed his phone in his pocket, groaning as he leaned back slightly in his chair. Oh yes, how he loved family time. Every night it was the same; Bulma would talk about all the work she did in the lab that day, bragging on herself, while Bra would talk a hundred miles an hour about her day at school (which usually consisted of how she went through the lunch line ten separate times because one serving of food just wasn't enough, or how she was faster and stronger than all the other kids in gym), and Vegeta would mainly stay silent, except for a few snide remarks he would make to Bulma, which always resulted in their usual banter. Yeah, good times.

As Bulma sat down in her chair, she took a copious sip of her water before speaking to her children. "You two, don't forget that early in the morning your father and I will be leaving for our anniversary trip. So Trunks, you'll be in charge while we're gone." Now that Bulma was president of Capsule Corp., she was dealing with a tremendous amount of stress daily, and rarely ever had a chance to relax. She had decided that a much-needed vacation was in order, and since her and Vegeta's wedding anniversary was tomorrow, she thought it would be the perfect opportunity for them to take a trip together. And Vegeta had actually welcomed the idea of them going on vacation alone together without hesitation. Well, she conceded, that was probably a result of what she told him they would be doing on this trip.

Trunks merely nodded at his mother as he did his best to hide a smirk. While babysitting his little sister wasn't his favorite thing in the world, she was easy to please and bribe, which he was grateful for, since he planned on inviting his girlfriend over tomorrow night once Bra went to sleep. Him and Veronica would practically have the large mansion all to themselves.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Bulma questioned Trunks as she placed her napkin in her lap.

"Oh, no reason ha. . .ha. . .ha," Trunks laughed awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck. "So how long have you and Dad been married? I keep forgetting," he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Too damn long," a rough voice answered for Bulma.

Vegeta entered the room, smirking at Bulma's acrid glare she was directing at him. He could never get enough of bringing out that fierce temper of hers. He loved seeing that fire in her eyes. "Oh, be quiet!" Bulma chastised him as he took a seat next to her. "So nice of you to finally join us."

"Hn. I had to fit as much training into my schedule as possible before we leave on this silly trip," he retorted as he began serving himself some pasta.

"You'll be getting plenty of exercise on this trip, don't you worry," Bulma winked at her husband, placing one of her hands on his thigh under the table, her fingers rubbing against the fabric of his sweat pants, causing him to tense up slightly.

"Oh my God, Mom!" Trunks shuttered, covering his ears in case she had any more innuendos up her sleeve.

"Huh?" Bra inquired, having no idea why her brother looked like he was about to be ill. Was there something wrong with her parents exercising on their trip? Wasn't exercising supposed to be a good thing? She was so confused.

"Trust me, you DON'T want to know," Trunks informed his little sister as he grabbed the bowl of pasta and began piling it on his plate.

Bulma rolled her eyes as she took the bowl of pasta from Trunks when he was done and began scooping some out for Bra. "Now Trunks, since you're going to be left in charge of the house I expect you to act responsibly."

Trunks made eye contact with her as he swallowed a bite of his food. "Mom, I promise you have nothing to worry about."

A sigh escaped her lips as she finally got around to serving herself, the other members of her family all gorging themselves. "You know, I was a teenager once too."

"Wow, shocker," Trunks muttered under his breath, earning a light kick under the table from Bulma.

"Anyway, what I'm saying is I know what it's like to be young and carefree. So I don't want you to be throwing some crazy house party while we're gone."

"Mom, I'm the quarterback of the football team; I'm a role model of sorts. I gotta set a good example for all my younger peeps, so I'm not gonna throw a party; I promise," he swore with a convincing smile, taking a sip of his water. He wasn't as mischievous as he used to be back when he was a kid, nor was he a total party animal, even though he had attended a couple of parties in the past year where things had gotten out of hand, resulting in him having massive hangovers. And even though he did live in the perfect sized house to have a huge party, he didn't care to do so; having alone time with Veronica was far more important to him.

Bulma glanced at Vegeta to observe his reaction to Trunks' words, but the Prince was deeply engrossed in consuming mass quantities of food and hadn't paid an ounce of attention to the conversation.

Some help he is.

"Well, if we come back home and I find out you disobeyed me, you're gonna be in trouble for a LONG time. Do you understand me?" she warned, pointing her fork at him.

"Yes, Mom, I understand."

Netflix and chill with Veronica is waaay better than a party hehehe.

Bra slurped a piece of her pasta and smiled at her mother. "Don't worry, Mommy, I'll make sure he behaves himself!"

"Thank you, my little princess," Bulma smiled in delight at Bra. Her daughter was easy to get information out of, so she knew that if something crazy occurred over the weekend the five-year-old would inform her of it.

Trunks couldn't help but groan internally as Bra shot a secretive look at him, giving him an impish grin. He was determined to have this weekend run smoothly, and he would not let his little sister ruin it for him. He couldn't even imagine what the kindergartner would make him do in return for not telling on him, but he would do whatever she requested. Veronica's hot self was well worth it.

After dinner, Trunks rushed back up to his room, eager to respond to the multiple text messages he received from Veronica. He had just finished sending her a lengthy text, telling her how amazing she was, when he sensed Bra's ki down the hallway. He ran over to his door and caught sight of his sister preparing to enter her room.

"Hey, squirt, come here," Trunks whispered to her as her hand began turning the doorknob.

Bra looked down the hall at her brother and paused, raising an eyebrow at him. "Why?" she quizzed, her hand still resting on the doorknob.

"I wanna talk to you about something real quick."

"Hmmm. . .okay," Bra said after musing it over in her head for a few seconds, stepping away from her door and following Trunks into his room.

"Ewwww, your room is so dirty and smelly!" she squealed dramatically, pinching her nose. She then kicked a pair of his dirty underwear out of her way. "These are stiiiiiiinky!" She was like Vegeta in the sense that she was neat freak, while Trunks was a complete and total slob like Bulma.

"Hush, Bra, this isn't the time to be a laundry cop," Trunks snapped as he shut his door behind him. "I don't want Mom and Dad to overhear anything because I have a secret to tell you," he spoke in a low tone, squatting down so that he was making direct eye contact with her.

"A secret?" she repeated with a curious look.

He nodded. "Yeah, and I need you to promise me you'll keep it between us."

She rubbed her chin momentarily before flashing him a puckish grin. "What's your offer?" she inquired, having become an expert at making deals with her brother.

"I swear I'll do whatever you want, I mean it."

"Alright! While Mommy and Daddy are gone, I want you to bake me chocolate chip cookies, with extra chocolate chips, as well as make me an ice cream sundae. Oh, and brownies too!"

"Okay, I can do that-"

"I wasn't finished," she scowled up at him.

"Ugh, fine what else do you want?"

"Read me ten bedtime stories every night! And act them out with my Barbies!"

"Uhh, alright, I-"

"I'm STILL not done, Trunks!"


"Dang it, Bra! What else do you want then?" Trunks groaned, doing his best to not use foul language in front of her.

"Watch Frozen with me, as many times as I want!"

"I will watch anything but Frozen."

"The Little Mermaid?"

"No, not that either!"

Bra stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "You said anything but Frozen!"

"If we're going to watch a Disney movie it needs to at least be one we both like, that way I won't want to poke my eyeballs out the whole time," Trunks sneered, also crossing his arms.



"Sleeping Beauty?"



He paused before speaking, mulling it over in his head. "Okay, fine. I guess that movie isn't as bad as the others."

"You know you like that movie! You started crying when Flynn Rider told Rapunzel she was his new dream!"

"What!? That's a lie, I didn't cry! I. . .just had something in my eye, yeah that's it. Anyway, is that everything you want?"

"Yup," Bra nodded, rocking back and forth on her heels. "So what's the secret you want me to keep?"

Trunks ran a hand through his hair, staring down at the floor. "Well, you know my girlfriend Veronica? I was gonna have her come over tomorrow night. But I know Mom and Dad wouldn't like the idea so you have to promise not to say anything."

"Why wouldn't they like the idea?" Bra interrogated him, raising both of her eyebrows.

"Um. . .they just wouldn't, okay? So do we have a deal?" he asked, sticking out his hand for her to shake.

Bra stared at his hand for a few moments before a small grin appeared on her face. "Deal," she confirmed, shaking his hand.

"Thanks, kiddo," Trunks smiled down at her, ruffling her hair. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call Veronica and let her know she can come over tomorrow."

"K," Bra responded with a nod, skipping out of his room and closing the door behind her.

Once Bra had exited the room, he gave himself a quick look in the mirror, smirking at his perfect complexion, and then grabbed his phone so he could FaceTime Veronica.

"Hey, sexy," she said with a coy smile as she appeared on the screen.

"Heyyy," Trunks grinned widely at the beautiful raven-haired girl, who was sitting on the edge of her bed. "So, uh, my parents are going to be out of town for the weekend, and that means you and me will have this entire house to ourselves," he winked, tousling his hair back as he sat down at his desk chair.

"Oooh. . .Trunks Briefs, you naughty boy hehe. But, what about your little sister, won't she be there, too?"

"Don't worry, she'll be asleep by the time you come over, and I made a deal with her just now so she'll keep quiet about the whole thing."

"Oh, I see," she smiled. "Well, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night." She leaned down slightly, giving him a better view of her cleavage that was on display in her tight dress.

"Me too," he agreed as he ogled her chest, feeling his hormones racing.

Veronica chuckled at the lustful stare he was giving her, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I've got to finish my History homework, but I'll see you tomorrow, baby."

"Yeah. . .see you tomorrow," he sighed dreamily as she hung up. He was reaching over for his phone charger plugged into the wall when he felt his mother's ki fast approaching his door. Oh, shit. . .did Bra already break our deal?!

The door then flung open, banging against the wall. "Gosh, you could at least knock, Mom!" Trunks frowned as he placed his phone down on his desk after hooking his charger up to it.

"This is my house; I'm the one that pays all the bills. I don't have to knock," she frowned, standing beside his desk, leaning against it with crossed arms.

"Uh huh," Trunks responded, stopping himself from rolling his eyes. "So what is it, Mom?"

"Your father told me he could sense Bra in your room a few minutes ago. . .so what were you two up to in here?" Bulma queried, examining her newly manicured nails.

"She was just coming to me for advice, that's all," Trunks easily lied through his teeth, his face not showing an ounce of the anxiety he felt staring into his mother's questioning eyes.

"Advice, huh?"

"Yeah, you know. . .kindergarten can be rough!"

Bulma gave him a skeptical look, not buying his story. She was far from stupid; she knew that Trunks would occasionally make deals with Bra, and she had the sneaking suspicion that was the reason her daughter had been in his room. "Well, just know that no matter what, a mother ALWAYS finds out when her children are keeping things from her," she spoke in a stern tone, giving him her most intimidating glare.

"Nobody is keeping anything from you, Mom," he responded, managing to still a keep a calm expression as he stared back at her, placing his feet on the edge of his desk so that he could lean back in his chair.

"Mhm. . ." she hummed, raising her eyebrow, letting him know she still wasn't convinced. "If you say so."

"No more worrying, okay? This is supposed to be a relaxing weekend for you, so don't stress anymore. I have everything under control!" Trunks assured her, giving her a thumbs up.

"Alright, alright," Bulma muttered under her breath, spinning around on her heels and walking towards the door. She halted as her hand reached out for the doorknob, looking over her shoulder at her son. "Also, I know earlier I was only concerned about you throwing a party, but I can tell you and your girlfriend are starting to get more serious, so I do not under any circumstances want her over here without parental supervision. I know how teenage hormones can get out of control."


"Yeah. . .don't worry I won't have her over while you and Dad are out of town; I wouldn't dare do such a thing," he spoke with a surprisingly steady voice, even though his heart was thudding wildly against his chest.

"Just remember what I said. . .a mother ALWAYS finds out," she uttered as a final warning before shutting his door behind her.

"I swear there's nothing for you to find out!" He called from inside his room.

Bulma snorted at his words, shaking her head, and walked into her and Vegeta's room, leaning against the door momentarily after closing it. She could hear the shower running from inside their private bathroom, knowing Vegeta would probably be in there for a few more minutes (and would no doubt use up all the hot water). Her eyes then wandered over to the two empty sets of Louis Vuitton luggage lying on the floor. She was exhausted from all the meetings she had been in earlier that day, and she regretted not packing sooner. But she was disorganized by nature, and usually waited until the last minute to get things done.

The trip was only for two-and-a-half days, so she wouldn't need too many outfits. She grabbed the larger of the two suitcases before strolling into her massive closet, which was the size of a small house practically, and went towards her rack of dresses. She picked out two low-cut, short dresses and sloppily folded them before putting them in her luggage. Next, she went to her drawer containing her casual outfits and selected two sets of simple, yet stylish shirts and shorts, placing them on top of the two dresses. Lastly, she walked over to the back of her closet, reaching for a Victoria's Secret bag she had hidden in the corner. A wide grin spread across her face as she pulled out the new lingerie she had bought earlier that week. "Hehe, Vegeta's gonna die when he sees me in this," she giggled as she admired the lace corset and black g-string.

After packing the lingerie and gathering a couple more outfits (a woman could never have too many outfits on hand), she exited her closet and made her way over to her vanity, scooping up her makeup and hair products, putting it all into the smaller luggage bag. Once she had finished with that, she sat down in front of her vanity and stared at herself in the mirror, gently touching her cheeks. She wasn't as young and flawless as she was all those years ago back when she first got with Vegeta, but she still looked damn good for her age. Hell, she even looked better than most women that were twenty years younger than her. She snapped her fingers in a brassy manner as she continued to gaze at her reflection. "Damn right, girl! You are fiiiiine! Yeah, you're the hottest mom around! Mhm, mhm!" she declared out loud.

". . .What in the hell are you doing?"

Bulma let out a small squeak as she swirled around in her chair to face her husband. She didn't even hear the shower stop running, so she was rather surprised to see him. He was dressed in only his boxers, his hair still slightly damp from his shower, tiny drops of water sliding down his chest. He was staring at her curiously, watching as she bit down hard on her bottom lip, blushing from his close examination. She then turned back around in her chair, seizing her hairbrush and hastily running it through her short locks.

"Nothing!" she finally responded with a wave of her hand, her heart leaping into her throat as she caught a glimpse in the mirror of him approaching her. A pleasant warmth filled her body as Vegeta came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her slim waist, the back of her head resting against his bare chest. He smirked as he looked down at her, his eyes gleaming with mirth. "Woman, I have excellent hearing. I could hear you from inside the washroom rambling to yourself like some kind of inane fool."

"Hmph. I was just admiring my beauty that's all. It's hard not to take notice," she said with a wink, tilting her head back to look up at him.

Vegeta shook his head as he looked down at her, his smirk deepening. Her arrogance always amused him. His fingers then lazily began to stroke the sides of her arms, his lips lightly caressing her neck. The temperature in the room suddenly felt as though it had rose 100 degrees as Bulma allowed him to do as he pleased, reaching up and brushing one of her hands through his wild mane. She couldn't deny that he was completely irresistible; the spark between them hadn't dulled a bit after almost twenty years together.

He was groping her breasts when a knock on the door made him snap his head up from her neck, glaring at the door. "Dammit!" he growled, his hands still remaining on her chest.

"Hey, calm down there, tiger," Bulma giggled as she stood up, placing a kiss on his cheek, massaging one of his shoulders delicately. "We have the whole weekend to ourselves without any interruptions, remember?"

"Hn," he grumbled, accepting a quick kiss on the lips from her. He then sat down on their bed, reaching for the remote on the nightstand next to Bulma's side of the bed and began mindlessly flipping through tv channels as Bulma went to open the door. She was greeted by Bra, who was clad in her pink pajamas, a frantic expression replacing her usual cheery disposition. "What is it, baby?" Bulma asked her daughter, smoothing out her hair.

"I swear that there's a big, scary monster under my bed! I'm scared!" the little girl whimpered, sniffling slightly.

Bulma bent down so that she was on Bra's eye level and wiped a tear away from her cheek. "Sweetie, I promise you there's no monster under your bed. But would it make you feel better if your daddy checked under your bed for you?"

"Yeah!" Bra nodded, practically zooming past Bulma and diving into the bed right next to Vegeta, accidentally knocking her head against his chest, making the prince grunt. "Please, Daddy, come check!" Bra begged, tugging on Vegeta's muscular arm.

"Bra, there's nothing under your bed. I don't feel like wasting my time looking for something that doesn't exist," Vegeta scoffed, cracking his neck.

Bra glanced over at Bulma as she walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. Vegeta glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything as he continued to flip through the hundreds of channels they had. "But Vegeta, you're the Prince of All Saiyans. You just checking under her bed will help make Bra feel safer, because if there was a monster they wouldn't dare challenge such a powerful, strong Prince."

"Yeah, Daddy! You're the strongest in the whooole universe!" Bra agreed, smiling wide at him.

He glanced back and forth between the two blue-haired females before setting the remote down next to his pillow. After hesitating for a few moments, he got to his feet and flashed them a small smirk. The two of them knew just how to stroke his ego. "Well, now I can't argue with that, can I?"

"Yay!" Bra cheered as she quickly followed behind her father, taking hold of his hand. Vegeta immediately tensed up at the contact, but didn't remove his hand from her tiny grasp as they walked towards her room.

Bulma took a quick picture of the moment on her phone, beaming at how adorable her daughter and husband's relationship was. Bra had Vegeta wrapped around her little finger, there was no denying it. Once she set the picture as her lock screen wallpaper, she put her phone down and began rummaging around Vegeta's small corner of the closet, musing over what to pack for him.

A couple of minutes passed before Vegeta returned to the room, closing the door behind him, and Bulma smirked to herself as she heard his footsteps move across the room. "Did you chase away that monster, you big sexy, strong man?" she asked playfully, her voicing echoing from inside the spacious closet.

She caught wind of him muttering something under his breath as he flopped down on the bed, the mattress making a faint creaking sound. "Hey, what outfits do you want to wear while we're on vacation?" she asked, poking her head out from inside the closet.

"I don't care," Vegeta responded in an indifferent tone, placing his hands behind the back of his head, becoming interested in the gory movie he left the tv on.

"Well, in that case I'll just pick out whatever I want to," she smirked at him knowingly.

Her words caused him to freeze in place. He knew that the woman had a history of sometimes forcing him to wear embarrassing outfits for her own sick amusement (the pink 'badman' shirt being the worst of all). With a disgruntled sigh, he got to his feet and brushed past her to go into the back of the closet. He never understood why the woman was so obsessed with fashion. Yes, he didn't want to walk around dressed like a clown or anything, but fashion was of little importance to him. As long as something was comfortable and didn't look ridiculous he would wear it. Besides, neither of them would probably be wearing clothes all that often on this trip. Bulma especially if he had his way. He grabbed a couple of shirts and shorts, folding them neatly before he handed them to Bulma, exiting the closet and lying down on the bed once again.

"Simple choices," she remarked as she examined the items of clothing before packing them.

"I wasn't aware this was a fashion show," he retorted, watching as she bent over to zip up the suitcase, admiring her behind.

"I just want you to look nice," she responded as she set the large luggage down next to smaller one on the floor. "I always win best dressed in all the magazines, so I don't want you walking around looking like a bum," she grinned playfully.

Vegeta just rolled his eyes as she crawled into bed next to him, setting her alarm on her clock. "Now, we have to get up early in the morning, Vegeta, so make sure you're ready on time."

"Hn," was his only response, stretching his arms over his head. He was always awake at the crack of dawn, so he wasn't concerned with waking up early. Bulma, however, was the one that struggled to wake up on time every single morning so he would be surprised if she was actually prepared and ready to leave on time tomorrow. Bulma yawned as she nestled against her pillow, draping one of her legs over his. He glanced at her out of his peripheral vision as she responded to a text message from Chi-Chi on her phone, unaware of his intense gaze. Though he was controlling his desire for her tonight, tomorrow night he would hold nothing back.

Honestly, the reason he agreed to go on this trip was because he knew it would be an opportunity for them to do nothing but fuck without any interruptions. The only other trip they had ever taken by themselves was their honeymoon many years ago. Every vacation they had ever went on since then included the children, though they went on them more frequently since Bra was born, which could be contributed to the fact that Vegeta was much closer with his family now than he was when Trunks was Bra's age. And while he was fond of his two children, he desired nothing more than having alone time with his wife. It would be nice to be as loud and rough as they wanted, without having to worry about Trunks and Bra overhearing them, or barging in on them and cutting their time together short. He was determined to make sure that these next couple of days they spent together would be full of white-hot passion that would leave them both breathless and desperate for more.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

"Trunks, wake up."

The teenager could hear his mother's voice calling him, and he could feel her gently shaking his shoulder, but his eyes refused to open. He had stayed up all night texting Veronica and had only gone to sleep three hours ago, so waking up was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Trunks, come on, your father and I have to leave in a few minutes. Your sister is already dressed and ready for school," Bulma informed him, shaking his shoulder a little bit harder.

"Noooo," Trunks grumbled, burying his face in his pillow, while swatting Bulma's hand away at the same time.

"Trunks, wake the fuck up!" Vegeta's voice boomed as he entered the room, standing by Bulma.

Trunks practically jumped out of his bed, his father's tone nearly making him shit himself.

"Thanks for the assistance," Bulma smirked at Vegeta, who gave her a curt nod before exiting the room.

As Trunks stumbled into his closet to pick out an outfit, Bulma leaned against the wall and checked the time on her phone. "I know I usually take Bra to school, but would you mind taking her today? Her school isn't too far away from yours."

She could hear him sigh in frustration from inside the closet, before he came out dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. He went over to his mirror hanging on the wall and ran his fingers through his silky lavender hair, attempting to make it look presentable. "Yeah, sure," he mumbled as he sprayed on cologne.

"Thanks," she smiled. She then walked over to him as he began to tie his shoes, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry if I was being a nag last night; I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong while your father and I are gone."

"Mom, you have my word that I won't let anything go wrong this weekend."

Bulma tossed him another smile before disappearing out of the room. She knew her son all too well, and even though he was well-behaved for the most part, he was still a teenage boy. She couldn't help but have her suspicions. Little did Trunks know that she had reinforcements on her side that would be checking in on him to make sure no funny business occurred at all for the next two days. She strolled down the stairs into the kitchen where her husband and daughter were eating breakfast at the table. Bulma reached for her hot cup of coffee on the counter, blowing on it before taking a sip. "Bra, Trunks is going to take you to school today, okay?"

"Okay!" Bra smiled, taking a sip of her juice. "Mama, there weren't enough marshmallows in my Lucky Charms, can I have some more?"

"May I have some more," Vegeta corrected her with a grimace, pausing his shoveling of food into his mouth.

"Oh," Bra said with a nod to her father before turning back to Bulma. "May I have more, Mommy?"

Bulma shook her head as she took another sip of her coffee. "No, sweetie. You'll be on a sugar rush all day if you do." She then looked back towards the stairs after checking the time on her wristwatch. "TRUNKS! Hurry up and eat your breakfast before it gets cold!"

The sound of racing footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, and Trunks entered the room seconds later, tossing his bookbag down on the floor before sitting down at the table, pouring a massive amount of syrup onto his pancakes.

"Trunks, I'm excited you're taking me to school! I want you to drive really fast like last time so it'll feel like a roller coaster!" Bra exclaimed to her brother.

"Trunks Briefs, you are never to speed, especially with your little sister in the car!" Bulma scowled at him, setting her empty cup of coffee down next to the sink.

The teenager began devouring his pancakes, merely rolling his eyes at Bulma. He found it amusing that she was lecturing him about driving fast when she was the one who got a speeding ticket at least once a month. She was the craziest driver he had ever seen. Vegeta, who had been tuning out the entire conversation, set his fork down next to his plate once he finished his last bite of food and looked over his shoulder at Bulma. "Alright, woman, let's get on with this trip."

Bulma gave him a secretive smile as she picked up her purse that was sitting on the counter, digging around inside of it until she found her sunglasses buried at the bottom of it. "Alright, you two, we're leaving now. BOTH of you behave while we're gone, okay?"

"Yes, Mama," Bra promised, running over to Bulma and giving her a big hug. She did the same to Vegeta, even though the Prince wasn't as enthusiastic about the hug as his daughter was.

"Yeah, have fun," Trunks muttered with his mouth full, giving them a quick wave as they exited the room.

Bra walked them to the front door, giving them both another hug, and closed the door behind her parents. She sprinted over to the living room window, watching as Bulma forced Vegeta to carry all of the luggage and load it into the hover jet. They both then entered the aircraft, and a few seconds later sped off, leaving behind a trail of dust. Once the hover jet was completely out of sight, Bra ran back into the kitchen and jerked the pantry door open, jumping up to the shelf that contained Lucky Charms. Grabbing the box, she then dashed back over to the table, pouring nearly every single piece of marshmallow into her bowl.

"Uhhh. . .what the heck are you doing?" Trunks asked, swallowing a bite of his pancake.

"Mommy told me I couldn't have anymore marshmallow pieces, but now that she and Daddy are gone she'll never know," Bra giggled, shoveling her spoon into the bowl and taking a big bite.

"Nice," Trunks responded, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"You won't tell on me, right? Just like I won't tell on you when your girlfriend comes over and you two get all kissy-kissy?" she queried, playing with a blue moon marshmallow before tossing it into her mouth.

"Mhm," Trunks nodded, munching on his last bite of pancake. "I won't say a word about your marshmallow feast. Just pleaaase remember not to tell on me when Veronica comes over. Mom was already suspicious of me last night."

Sticking out her pinky finger, she smiled sweetly at him. "I pinky swear!"

Deciding he had no choice but to trust her, Trunks gave her a smile of his own and intertwined his pinky finger with hers. Bra was a mischievous child, and at times she had a big mouth, but when they made deals she always came through. The only times their deals had failed was when he messed up on his own and ended up getting caught by Bulma. His mother was a genius after all. And he knew she was already suspecting he was up to something, so he had to make sure he didn't screw anything up. This would be the best weekend of his life, and it was his sole mission to make sure everything went according to plan.

"I love being rich," Bulma chuckled an hour later as she and Vegeta landed on the private island that she had bought a couple of years ago. She had shelled out a pretty penny to purchase it, but it was well worth it. She was one of the most renowned public figures on the planet, and paparazzi loved to follow her. But here, there was absolutely no one around. It would just be her and Vegeta for the next few days, completely alone; they could do whatever they wanted. Hell, they could even have sex on the beach if they wanted to without having to worry about someone seeing them.

Ah, sex on the beach sounds nice. . .

"About time we got here. This vehicle is ridiculously sluggish," Vegeta quipped, unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the aircraft.

Bulma rolled her eyes as she removed her sunglasses, stuffing them into her purse before getting out of the hover jet. Some of the warm sand managed to seep into her shoes as she began walking towards the enormous beach house, but she ignored the discomfort, seeing as how she didn't have too far to walk. "Hon, can you get the luggage and then put the jet back in its capsule?" she called over to Vegeta, who was a few feet behind her.

He sighed heavily as Bulma tossed him the capsule, catching it easily with one hand. She giggled as he muttered a few curses under his breath, stomping in the sand towards the aircraft. "Look at you being such a good hubby," she called to him, beaming as she dug the key to the beach house out of her purse. "You being helpful reaaally puts me in the mood."

"It better," he muttered after unloading the luggage, setting it down in the sand so he could put the hover jet back into its capsule. Bulma grinned as she watched him and then unlocked the door, stepping inside. The house was nowhere near as large as Capsule Corp., but ordinary people could only dream of living in such a spacious home. She kicked her shoes off in the entry way, and then went towards the back of the house where the glorious master bedroom was. She set her purse down on the dresser in the corner, searching for her compact and a tube of lipstick so she could freshen up her makeup.

Her husband entered through the front door a few moments later with the suitcases in hand, grumbling to himself about how ridiculous it was that she needed so many belongings for a weekend trip. He sensed her ki in the bedroom and made his way to her, hastily throwing down the luggage, which dented the hardwood floors slightly from the impact. "Hey, be careful with my stuff!" she huffed, looking up from her compact momentarily before going back to applying lipstick.

"There was no need for you to bring all this shit anyway," he retorted, leaning against the wall a few feet away from her.

"Jeez, Vegeta, no need to be so crabby!" Bulma remarked, smacking her lips together as she closed her compact and put it back in her purse along with the tube of lipstick. "This is supposed to be a fun trip!"

As he was about to respond, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened as Bulma shamelessly raised her tight black dress up slightly, revealing her frilly thong before she removed it. "Why are you giving me that look, Vegeta?" she asked innocently, flinging the panties down to the ground, right in front of his feet.

When he didn't say anything, she simply giggled and stepped closer to him. She slipped her dress down off shoulders, exposing her creamy white mounds that were being contained by a lacy red bra. "I guess I don't need this either," she mused, smiling seductively at him as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her dress was now around her ankles, so she stepped out of it, kicking it next to her discarded bra and underwear.

Even though he still remained silent, his arousal was quite evident as she looked down at his pants. "It's just so hot," she stated casually, fanning herself with her hand, smiling internally at how his dark eyes were hungrily studying every inch of her exposed flesh. "I just don't see a need to walk around in clothes. Unless of course you want me to-"

It only took Vegeta a fraction of a second to have her up against the wall, his lips smothering hers as she wrapped her bare legs around his waist, her hands resting on either side of his cheeks. He then sucked on her upper lip, allowing one of his warms hands to cup one of her breasts, teasing her nipple with his thumb. "Mmmm. . .see I told you this would be fun," she breathed against his moist lips, circling her arms around his neck.

He smirked in return, bringing her lips back to his, sighing into her mouth. He could feel her trembling against him as a few of his fingers grazed her lower back, his tongue intertwining with hers, savoring her sweet taste. Gripping onto her the back of her thighs, he carried her over to the bed, never once breaking their fiery kiss. As he settled himself on top of her and fondled her soft, naked skin with his hands, he couldn't help but smirk to himself.

Oh, yes this is going to be one hell of a weekend.

A/N: Soooo, as you can tell by the way this chapter ended, there will be a lemon in the next chapter ;)) and it will be a very spicy one at that. ;) The next chapter will also feature Trunks trying to prepare for his evening alone with his girlfriend. . .but unfortunately, the poor guy is gonna have some issues lol. I really hope you guys have liked this first chapter, and I would love to know your thoughts on it. I will do my best to update very soon. . .if you guys want me to that is *sweat drop*