I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT OR ANY OF ITS ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. Warning: there will be lemons, limes, dark themes, and over all messed up situations. A/N: Thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed. I'm very happy with how this story went but also sad that it's over. I hope you enjoyed it as well and also hope to see all of you when I put up other stories. ;) Enjoy.
Chapter 31: Weddings and happy endings all around.
Diana smiled, tearing up as she looked at herself in the long mirror of her room as her friends ran around making sure everything was perfect.
She petted Chloe who held the proud title of being the first vampire dog.
It was by the end of the school year when Diana and Edward had realized they were simply to impatient to wait for their graduation.
They decided that they would tie the knot after their older siblings walked across the stage.
Leah, Rose, Alice, and Angela were going to be her bridesmaids with a surprise addition of Libby.
The short vampire had showed up and was happy to see that everything had worked out, shocking them all when she locked eyes with Embry and turning out to be his imprint.
She got her own house close to the reservation and they were moving his things in. He was sweet and mellowed her out while she was almost as energetic as Alice with a little extra sass.
It was when buying her house that the previous owners son, Adam, had met Leah and she imprinted. They fell head over heels in love.
With how the wolves and their imprints always acted lovey dovey, the vampire girls now had a bet to see how long it would take until a new litter of little wolves were running around.
Seth, Colin, and Brady were just fine with staying un-imprinted for awhile.
Diana couldn't believe how much her life had changed in a little over a year.
She was a vampire and had a whole new family and friends and now she was getting married to the love of her life.
She had her dress designed after the movie the Swan Princess. At first she had felt foolish but now seeing it she was very happy with her choice.
The top of the sleeves were a light teal and fell off her shoulders while the bust was heart shaped and came in at her waist.
Her shoes matched her sleeves and her veil went down to her waist.
Her hair was its all natural color and she even took her lip ring out for the occasion.
Her hair was in a half up half down do and Rosalie had done an amazing job on her makeup. Intense eyes with teal and cream shadow with a black cat eye liner and soft pink lips.
She looked perfect.
Alice had a light blue flappers dress.
Angela an empire styled one. Leah's had the back opened almost to her rear with a slit in the side to show some leg.
Libby had a 50's style dress and Rose's was styled as a 40's movie star.
All in all everyone looked amazing.
The guys all wore black tux's with teal ties.
The imprints were sitting down and smiling at their wolves, they sat by a proud Carlisle and a weepy Esme.
The Denali's, who were all quite happy since Laurent had found them and met Irene, were sitting and looking around the beautifully decorated forest.
Tanya wasn't very happy but had been warned to behave.
Colin and Brady were the ring bearer's while Quill helped little Clair in her fluffy dress throw flowers as the flower girl. The others were groomsmen.
They invited a lot of the town since people kept hinting they'd love an invite and they saw no harm in it.
Though this did mean that the human teens from Forks were here and still checking them out. Yet, even this couldn't dampen the mood.
"Are you ready dear?" asked Carlisle and Diana gave a small nod, with one final look in the mirror she stood and took his arm.
Each girl gave her an encouraging smile before walking out as the music began.
"I'm nervous" Diana admitted in a small voice to Carlisle.
He smiled with a knowing look in his eyes and took her hands in his.
"Diana there is nothing to be nervous about. Let's be honest this is probably the first of many weddings you and Edward will share, though the first is always special. You look beautiful and I am so happy to have you officially in the family" he finished and Diana hugged him before pulling back and letting him lead her down the isle.
She looked around at everyone and her mind drifted over everything that had happened.
She had felt guilty when she saw Charlie walking around looking heartbroken. So she made sure that she went with Jake to stop by a few times to keep him company, much to his surprise and joy.
He was doing better now thinking that Bella was away and happy.
Diana was grateful she couldn't cry.
Jake and the others had assured her that Bella was the only one to blame for what happened, well her and James, and they had to move on with their lives.
Diana was thankful and knew they were right but still she felt bad.
It really helped that Jasper and Emmett admitted that they remembered the first person they had killed and that it was ok that it upset her.
It was good because it meant she still had her humanity and wasn't an emotionless monster.
She'd always feel bad about it but she'd move on eventually and be happy.
Edward caught her eye and broke her thoughts with his beautiful butterscotch gaze.
'I love you' she thought and his smile was blinding before he mouthed it back.
Finally Carlisle handed her off with a kiss on the cheek and Edward looked at her with so much love she could have sworn her heart almost started beating again.
It came time for the vows and Edward went first.
"Diana" he said and one could hear the catch in his voice. "I have loved you since the moment I saw you. You took everything I believed in, believed myself to be and dumped it on it's head" he got some chuckles here.
"I may have gone a bit over board wooing you" and here she raised an eyebrow and smiled teasingly.
"Either way, I promise to spend the rest of our lives showing you just how much I love you. You gave me back my soul, thank you. Mate" he whispered the last word.
"Diana you may now read your vows to Edward" the priest said and Alice and Libby had to stop themselves from squealing in excitement.
"Edward" she said and took a deep breath trying not to get lost in his stare.
"I thought I was living before I met you. I admit you did come on a bit strong with the uh wooing", this gained more chuckles. "But now after everything I can honestly say that I wasn't truly alive until I met you. I love you and I plan on spending forever to show you how much".
He had misty eyes as well and gave a watery chuckle. Leaning forward he kissed her until the priest's cough and everyone's laughter broke them apart.
"Now with the power vested in me I pronounce you man and wife. You may NOW kiss the bride. May I introduce the new Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen".
After pulling apart they laughed as they walked back down the isle hand in hand.
The reception, like the wedding, was being held outside the house and was a big and exciting affair.
After hours of talking to guests, thanking people, and still fending off the opposite sex from themselves and their mate, the newly weds broke away for a moment alone.
"I love you Mrs. Cullen" Edward said with a big smile and a kiss.
"And I you Mr. Cullen" Diana answered in kind, dreamy smile still in place.
"Forever Love?" he asked and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss.
The End
A/N: And here it is! Once more thank you all so much. See you soon and as always have an awesome day!