Chap 1

First Fic Ever, you will have to forgive my English since I'm not from the US neither from the UK or from any other country that speaks english.

Annoying-Disclaimer-Nobody-Reads: I own nothing, not Naruto Shippuden or Classic neither Fairy Tail, only thing that I do own here is my story and my oc character.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I fear that the poorly made summary and it's lack of typing space has affected somewhat the popularity of my fanfic (that or me and two other people are the only ones who think that the story's plot is worth reading), so allow me to clarify this to you, this is NOT Sasuke centric, the protagonist is not a OC, anyone can guess whom he is just by reading the first chapter, however, for the sake of maintaining any semblance to mystery I ain't gonna say whom he actually is; the OC is actually the little girl that is Mirajane's daughter, Lisa. Also, please try and read up to chapter 3, I have posted the first two chapters a year before I have posted the third and I have become a better writer, while I have revised the first two entries, they are really short, not as well writing and thought out and I may have missed some minor plot points that I had reconsidered over the last year. Rambling over, enjoy.

-Magnolia Town, Kingdom of Fiore. X779

The raindrops fell soundly against the rooftops of the small town, the moon was hovering proudly on the sky, bathing the dark and empty streets with the little light it could. In amidst the darkness of the midnight, a lone building stood out, with a single shining window that led to the last illuminated room of the town, in that room moans could be heard from the bed, where a couple made the most sacred of acts that two humans could practice together, the male's soaked raven hair hid his face and danced around his head with every thrust he gave. The female lied on the bed, with her long silver locks sprawled over the pillow, her face was just as wet with sweat as her companion's, both her arms hugged gently her bulging belly, she was pregnant, suddenly she took hold of her lover's hair, by the neck, and brought him closer to her, smashing both of their lips, her navy blue eyes stared loving at him, and his onyx ones stared back, with the smallest of emotions showing through. Just as his legs were about to give out, he pulled back his hips and with a mighty thrust he led them to absolute ecstasy, both of them screamed out all the air off their lungs. They stood still and silent for several seconds, until the woman's body slumped into the white sheets and the man quietly settled at her side. She snatched his arm and rested it between her generous mounds, and, shortly after, she fell asleep, he was about to follow suit and reached to the small candle on the end table, but he was brought to a stop when he felt that something did not feel right, the air became increasingly heavier and dryer, the temperature dropped so that he could see his own panicking breath, the light was extinguished by the shadows that started to grow ever near. A vicious pair of savage ruby eyes stared back at him, he couldn't see the owner of those two horrible things, but he was sure it was in front of him when he felt something grab his neck and raise him from the bed, he struggled but it did no good as his hands found nothing, the cruel eyes glared at him as his skin paled, his vision darkened and his chest stopped slowly stopped moving. He desperately looked to his left, but his companion had disappeared and the bed was empty. just as his end seemed near, he saw a light and heard a faint and soft voice from afar.

"da... w...e ...p"

"dadd... wa...e up."

"Daddy wake up!"


-Magnolia town, Fiore. X784

Onyx eyes snapped open with fright but were quickly shut by the sun that invaded his living room and bypassed the security of his curtains.

"Daddy~ wake up." groaned a feminine but childish voice. "We are late. Again."

Looking down to his belly, he felt something, or rather someone, bounce on top of him; a little girl, no older than 5, with platinum locks that reached down to her shoulders and playful sky blue eyes, she used her petite arms to push the man's chest in a vain attempt to move him.

"Get up. Mommy is already at the guild with Shiro-chan and you are late." She exclaimed vehemently.

"Tch. I'm going, Lisa. There is no need to yell." with a heavy sigh he poked her forehead and made the girl yep and fall off him and into the fluffy carpet. He stood and sat up, showing that his torso was bare, all his muscles were sore and his bones were hurting, his back was put back in to place with a series of "poping" sounds, sleeping on the couch was bad for him it seemed. "Alright Lisa, I'm going to get ready, but wait in the kitchen so I can take a shower."

"Okay Papa!" she chirped happily and ran away, sprinting through the corridor. He headed to the bathroom at the end of the corridor and looked at his reflection on the mirror, his silk-like hair did not suffer from hours of sleeping, it covered his right eye like a dark curtain but left the rest of his handsome face exposed; he was not a over muscled fellow, but had a well defined body, yet the bad night of sleep in that hard couch had taken it's tow on him, his left cheek was red from the uncomfortable position he was sleeping in, also he had, under his onyx eye, a heavy dark bag, caused from insomnia most likely.

"I look like shit." He concluded to himself.

After taking a quick shower and a even faster breakfast, the man led his daughter through the door and down the stairs, now donned in a midnight-blue cloak that covered everything from the neck down; he stopped after locking the front door when he felt a tug coming from the end of his cloak, his daughter was looking up to him with a pleading face and hands stretched upwards. He knew what that meant, he took her by under her arms and settled her on his shoulders, she grabbed his forehead and gave a little bounce of joy on top of him. "Is good to have you back home daddy!"

The man allowed a small smile to form at his daughter's sweetness, he looked up to the hill by the lake, where a towering oriental-like building stood out from the rest of the town, towering over all the brick houses around it, it's roof was orange, and the golden dome at the top reflected the sun rays across the town, like a beacon, signaling the greatness within the three stored edifice.

"Home... eh?"


The man and his daughter walked towards a big pair of round doors that formed the entry of the tall, oriental building, adorned in the wooden the arch-way, in bold, however, elegant, orange letters, the name "Fairy Tail" was displayed proudly for any passerby, showing to the world the home of one of the most successful mage guilds of the kingdom. Lisa was put on the ground by her father, who reached for the doorknob, though the man stopped before he did opened the wooden gateway, rather he grabbed the small child and jumped out of the way as a blue haired missile flew through the doors and crashed on the hard stone ground. The middle aged man lost conscious from the blow and stayed put on the street, head pressing against the stone and bottom raised high in the air. Lisa's Father stoically beheld the scene before him as his daughter giggled madly. Lisa took hold of a small stick and proceeded to poke the man in the ribs, grinning in amusement all the while.

"That should teach you who's the one that rules around this turf, Macao!" Exclaimed an angry voice from inside the building. A flaming boy sped past the double doors and proceeded to drop kick the downed man, or would have, if not for the over-protective father that would not let his daughter witness any sight of unnecessary violence. The boy grounded his teeth in pain as a feet found its way to his sides and sent him back flying through the entryway. "Who the hell...?" He asked himself, looking up, his eyes shined in recognition. "Sasuke! You're back! Fight me you asshole, this time I'll kick your fuc-" his rant was interrupted when a gigantic hand fickled him, sending him flying past the town's borders.

"No swearing in front my goddaughter, you morons! I swear, kids these days need to learn to have some respect." Grunted out a midget old man, the size of a toddler, garbed in funny orange clothes with a jester's hat and a horse-sized right arm. Behind him, a sweet-looking, however, gorgeous woman accompanied him, garbed within a red, frilly, dress that hugged every curve of her voluptuous body, her angelic visage was accentuated by the long silver hair that fell all the way to her lower back, her forehead was exposed due to the rather odd ponytail that gathered a small portion of silver strands and pointed them upwards; her serene blue eyes twinkled in amusement. Lisa runned to the embrace of the older woman and pressed her head on the female's bosom.

"Mommy! Grandpa!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning Lisa-chan, had fun with your dad?" The mother asked, giggling.

"Not at all! He slept all morning, I just woke him up!" She complained

"That's so, Sasuke?" The woman asked her husband. "Too much... excitement last night?"

"It was a tough job to accomplish." He apologized lamely.

"Oh, I'm sure it was very hard to do it; however, see to it so that doesn't happens again, next time I won't be so forgiving as to send you to the couch, understood?" She smiled dangerously. Sasuke merely grunted his way out.

"Right, Mira." He scratched his neck with a small blush. Mira took her daughter's hand and led her inside the guild.

"Problems in paradise, my boy?" The old midget asked.

"Hm. She smelled a woman's perfume on me when I got back, it was from one of the prostitutes of that one brothel that, at some point, I crashed in last night." He paused, realizing the implications of what he said. "Part of the mission." And quickly provided an explanation.

"Huh, sure it was." The old man snorted, disbelievingly.

"Whatever, Makarov." He grunted, yet again, and walked inside.

Fairy Tail's guild hall was full of life, friends celebrating for no reason, cheering and drinking beers until they would fall off their chairs. Mirajane was busy at the bar, with Lisa sitting on the counter, with, what looked like, a two years old baby on her lap, he had snow-white hair tainted by a few black strands that were clustered in a dot above the left side of his forehead, pale skin was what truly set him apart from other toddlers, giving him the look of a cold and delicate being; across of them, sitting on high-legged stools, a brunette and a blond girl chatted happily, the first was drinking from a barrel of beer while the latter looked in awe of her friend's drinking abilities. On the center of the hall the guild members were having a big brawl. Sasuke sighed and ducked his head out of the way just as Natsu tried to surprise attack him from behind but instead went flying through him and crashed at the brawl's epicenter.

"The Hell you doing here you shitty ash-for-brains idiot?" Shouted a surprised, angry and naked teen.

"Shut Up you exhibitionist freak!" He retorted hotly.

Susuke headed towards his wife that gave him the cold shoulder and went to serve drinks to the other members. His daughter giggled at his misfortune but one stern look from him made her quite, the brunette stopped drinking and looked at him with a mirthful smile while the blond looked a little intimidated. He took the babe into his arms, rocking him back and forth as the child giggled in delight. The man turned his gaze to the golden haired girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He blurted out, putting his younger child into his sister's lap. The girl was taken back at his sudden bluntness.

"L-Lucy, just Lucy!" She managed to respond. "I am the newest member. And you are…?"

"Lucy-san joined while you were gone daddy, Natsu brought her here after they destroyed the port of Haegon Town."

'But I didn't do anything!" Lucy thought to herself in an alarmed manner. But nonetheless she expected an answer from the handsome, however, intimidating man.

"Hm. Another destructive moron, then." Was all he said, as he left, off to sit on one of the still undamaged tables within the hall. Lucy was left gaping at his rudeness.

"That's just how daddy is Lucy-san, don't worry, he doesn't like most people."

"He's your dad? What is his name?" She asked, surprised. The pale baby spluttered some senseless sounds as if protesting against the older woman's statement, his sister recognized the meaning behind it and smiled, hugging the little boy a little tighter.

"Well, he's Shiro-chan's daddy too. His name is Sasuke, but I call him daddy 'cus his my daddy." (1) She smiled, seeing her baby brother trying to reach out for a plastic bottle that her mom settled by her side earlier. All the while Lucy was paralyzed, unable to comprehend what she had heard. Finally, she snapped and fell of her seat.

"EEEHHH? Your mom and dad are that much famous, how was it that I never heard of you two before?!" She screamed, sitting back on her bench. Lucy was somewhat slow, it would seem, having realized the fact several minutes after it had presented itself to her.

"Ummm. Some time ago there was this rude man that tried to publish about me on the Sorce-something-something, that weird famous magazine, but my dad didn't want his perso- his person-"

"Personal?" The drunken brunette provided.

"Yeah, thanks Cana-chan! He didn' want his what-she-said life out in the open, so he said that if he tried to write something about us, he will castrate him, whatever that means." She smiled innocently.

"Would castrate him, Lisa." Cana corrected and Lisa pouted.

"Tha-that's Creepy." Lucy stammered.




"What? It's already time?" The little girl cried out, giving her brother to Cana and jumping from the counter, then she sped through the double doors, out to the streets.

"What's gotten into her?" Lucy asked.

"Every Tuesday, on three of the afternoon, she just runs away from the guild without saying a word, we have already tried to tail her but she always seems to evade everyone without us even noticing." Cana answered.

-Magnolia, Central Square.

Lisa was running around town with a big and excited smile plastered on her face, deftly deflecting any person or object in front of her, her grin grew even wider when she saw the small bench under a great oak three, there she sat for the next couple of minutes, until she felt a shadow behind her, she turned around and jumped out of the bench, smiling, and looked up to the person behind her. A tall man, garbed in a black cloak that covered his body from the feet to the neck, where there was a collar so high that hid his head from the cheeks to the chin and bent towards his shoulders; covering his skull, preventing any attempt of recognition of his identity, a hood of the same color, came from beneath his cloak, which hid his face in shadows, revealing only his mouth and chin.

"Hi, Gaitō-san (2)." She smiled cutely, but pouted when the man ruffled her hair with his left hand. "Gaitō-san I already asked you to stop messing my hair." She whined.

"Can't help it, you are just too cute when you get excited, Lisa-chan." The man laughed, taking his hand off her hair and sitting on the bench; once he was settled, he patted the spot beside him so she would seat. "So, Lisa-chan… anything new happened since last time we talked?"

"Of course! A new girl joined the guild she is really nice her name is Lucy – no last name, funny huh? – She arrived with Natsu after they kind of destroyed a town. Aunty Erza hasn't not came back yet but-" She ranted rapidly without stopping to breath.

"Whoa! Whoa! Stop, take a breath and pause when talking." He chuckled at his young companion's excitement.

"Ok." She said, blushing in embarrassment.

-Magnolia, Central Square. Night

It was already dusk when Lisa had finished ranting, she was panting heavily trying to recover from the hours of speaking, Gaito smiled at the scene, but dropped it when he turned to the sky and put a hand on her little shoulders.

"Listen, Lisa-chan," he began seriously, making the girl look at him attentively. "I won't be able to come and see you for some time-" she made as if to protest but he held up his left hand to shush her "there is some things that I need to take care of, but that doesn't mean we will not see each other again, it's just that, there're some things, some bad things, that will happen in the next couple months, things that will put you and your guild in danger, especially if I come keep coming back to see you everyday, that's something I can not and will not risk. But I promise that as soon as things calm down I will come here for you again; I might even bring you a little gift when I come back, Okay? " He tried to lighten the mood with a smile, the little girl had her head down, obviously sad, but raised herself and nodded. "Come on, don't be sad, give me a hug so we can say our farewells, it's late, your mother will be worried if you do not come back."

"No." she replied simply.

"Eh? Why not?" he asked alarmed by the response

"It's not a farewell hug, it's a see-you-soon hug, you promised me that you will comeback when you can and I'm holding you to that!" She said with conviction that did not fit such a young infant, Gaito stood still for a second or two, dumbfounded, before he started laughing and hugged the little girl, settling her in on his chest.

When he finally let her go, Gaitō got up and started walking towards the tree behind them, once he stopped by the bark, raising his hand to wave at her, his body began to glow and fade away into hundreds of little lights that slowly transformed themselves into several small beings, tiny golden girls with bright butterfly wings and long pointed tails. The white-haired girl laughed softly in delight when she saw them and ran after the little creatures.

"Yes, keep that smile on your face always, Lisa, you will need it to survive the dangers that are coming after your family, it will be hard, but do not despair, I will always protect you... you are, after all, my precious little daughter." He whispered. A voice lost in the cold wind that swept through the night.


Her poor gramar is intencional, she is a 5 year old child after all.

Gaitō means hood.