Lying in bed that night, she tosses and turns. She finds herself tangled up in covers. She is nearly ready to give up, and give into sleep, when her husband sighs in frustration.
"Claire, just lay still."
She rolls over, and flips on the light in his face.
"That was unwarranted," he tells her.
She sits up in the bed, "Phil we need to talk."
He looks over at the clock, "It is three o'clock in the morning. Can't this wait?"
"No. It can't."
"Okay," he sits up, realizing that neither of them are going to sleep, until she says whatever it is that she has to say.
"I know that you think I am being unreasonable. I am sure that you think I am being selfish. You think that my behavior lately is because I feel uncomfortable, because I didn't want another child. Phil, that's not what is going on."
"So tell me what is."
"I'm scared," she admits.
"That's okay."
"I am scared that something is going to be wrong with one, or both of the babies. Are we really prepared for that? We could have a child, or children who are disabled, and that we have to take care of for the rest of our lives, are we really ready for that? What if I'm too old, and they come too soon, and something is wrong, and it is my fault? What if something happens to me? Who is going to help you?"
"Claire, I'm scared too."
She furrows her brow, "You are?"
"Those are all possibilities."
"Why are you so happy?"
"We have no control over any of that. What I know is that I love you, and we can get through anything."
"What if we can't? What if this drives us apart?"
"I won't let it. Claire all of those things could happen, or none of them could, but we have to stay positive."
"I know that you want to tell people, because you're excited, but I want to wait a little while."
"How long?"
"Until after the genetic testing."
"What are you saying?"
"I just want to have all of the facts before we start telling people."
"We never had this conversation."
"What conversation?"
"We never discussed what happens if something is wrong with one, or both of them. We never discussed it with the other three, because we didn't do any testing."
"Do you not want me to do the testing?"
"No, I think we need to be prepared for what we are dealing with."
"What are you asking me?"
"If something is wrong, what do you want to do?"
"If there is something wrong with one of them, or both of them?"
"I don't even want to think about it," she tells him.
"What does your gut say?"
"My gut says that we should have this discussion after the testing."
"It isn't for another two weeks. Claire just tell me what you want to do."
"I want to go to sleep."
"You are the one that woke me up," he reminds her.
"I would want to make an educated decision, whatever that was."
"Fair enough."
She gives him a kiss on the cheek, "Now go to sleep." She turns off the lamp, and untangles herself from the mess of covers.
In the morning she wakes up, and finds Phil staring at her abdomen with a suspicious look on his face. She furrows her brow.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you feel like one of them has a tail?"
"No. I wasn't considering that possibility, why?"
He presses his had to her stomach. She pushes it away, "Phil what are you doing?"
"I dreamt that we were at the hospital, it was just the two of us, and the babies. You were holding one, and I was holding one. Your baby looked completely normal. When I looked at my baby it had green scales, and a tail, like a lizard."
"Phil, I think that it is safe to say that these are human, not lizard. I am not certain of many things, right now, but they are not lizards." She reaches over to her bedside stand, and open the drawer. She pulls out a stack of pictures, and hands it to him.
"Why are you giving me these?"
"Look at them. There is not even a hint of a tail."
"At least we wouldn't have to worry about having bugs," he jokes.
She hits him with a pillow, and then vacates her position in the bed.
"That's not funny, Phil."
"If one of them does have a tail can we name it Lizzy?"
"If it is green with scales, and a tail you can name it whatever you want, because you'll have to put me in an institution."
"Don't be silly, Claire. They don't institutionalize people anymore."
"I know," she grins, not missing a beat, "That's why you're free to roam among the general population."
"That is not funny."
"Neither was the bug joke," Claire counters.
"Fair enough. However, this conversation brings up a very important topic?"
"Lizards?" She cocks an eyebrow.
"A serious subject."
"You are the one who suggested that we're having a lizard baby," she points out.
"We should discuss names."
"We will discuss names when we find out the gender."
"You are such a fun-sucker, Claire."