Disclaimer: -Man belongs to Hoshino Katsura and the AU settings and past!characters are Fruitloop-chan's. I'm just having fun with them.

Two Pair, Four of a Kind

# Passing By

Mana and Neah followed their mother into town today, riding in their family horse carriage.

Allen and Cross went grocery shopping for their master; they're in the open market.

Neah got bored and stared out the window as the scenery pass by them, while Mana chatted happily with their mother, wondering if he can get her to buy him some sweet buns.

Cross is grumpy and tired as he didn't get much sleep last night, while Allen was humming happily to himself; he got to buy his favorite sticky buns.

The family horse carriage rolled into the open market street.

The magic apprentices finally finished shopping.

Neah blinked and lean against the window, something outside caught his attention.

Allen looked up from his purchase, noticing something heading towards them.

It was brief, an instant moment and their eyes met.

Dark brown meets silver grey.

Eyes blinked and that instant gaze broke.

They just passed by each other today.


"Oof!" Neah grunted when Mana tackled into him, causing him to squish his face into the carriage window.

"Mana! What'd you do that for?" He groaned, rubbing his nose.

"Sorry, sorry!" The other boy laughed, not feeling sorry at all, "But you were spacing out, did you see something?"

Did he see something?

"Oi, Allen!"

"Oww!" Allen yelped when Cross pinched and pulled at his right cheek, he almost dropped everything.

"Cross! That hurts!" He pouted, rubbing the sore spot on his cheek.

"Hn, don't be such a crybaby," The redhead smirked, "You were spacin' out just now, saw somethin'?"

Did he see something?

At the same time, as if in synch.

"Nah, it's nothing." Neah grinned.

"Nope, it's nothing." Allen smiled.
