Operation Japril

Calling ALL Japril Fans…

I have condensed, changed and added to the stories I have posted on here for a story submission on Inkitt. The story is called Operation Japril. The reason, Dear Japrilites, for this little note is that Inkitt has a Fandom Writing Contest running at the moment with votes closing on the 28th of October 2015 & I would appreciate the support – for myself & on behalf of the Japril Fandom. So please go and vote…

Spelling out the link here ;-)

3 w's dot inkitt dot com forward slash stories forward slash 35050

Happy Reading and Voting Everyone & if you're so inclined would love to receive reviews too.

Many Thanks…


Relying on the kindness of strangers...and friends

Thank you so much to all you wonderful readers who voted and supported this submission on Inkitt. Please forgive my presumptuousness and extreme self-promotion, it was never about a popularity contest but perhaps just reaching other avenues and of course Japril lovers unfamiliar with this fanfiction site.

For those of you who enjoy reading the stories over here I am posting the completed story submission on Inkitt over here and follows in the subsequent chapters.

Although it's basically everything I've written so far (with the exception of "Red", which is a stand alone story) I've added 2 completely new chapters and changed up some chapters for a consistent story and time line. So it's not really a regurgitation of an old, tired idea - I've freshened it up dear readers ;-)

Hope you enjoy this and please feel free to drop a review. I'm always encouraged by the readership here so a heartfelt thank you once again!


Aah, so the fandom competition on Inkitt has come around again, if anyone is so inclined to vote here's the link again ;-)

3 w's dot inkitt dot com forward slash stories forward slash 35050

Thank You
