Rubble rained down from the tops of buildings, people ran in fear, aliens shot at any moving target, and over the whole display of chaos and invasion there sat a man.The man wore strange garments, presumably from another world.Green and gold shone brightly over the streets of a petrified New York City.
One by one this monster took down the special team that had been assembled to put an end to him.None stood a chance against the scepter he wielded.They fell by a single touch of the thing, but they fell to their knees, rather than to the great beyond.All were taken but one.He stood proud and fought on, but in the end his former comrades pinned him and it appeared death was near.
However, when the emerald clad warlord sauntered over to the last of his opposition he merely laughed.His hand changed to a dark shade of blue-grey and his eyes glared red for only a moment as he reached down and gripped the other man's throat.In a flash the blue color spread all over the victim and he froze - quite literally - with a horrified, yet defiant expression on his face.
Councilor Agwe slammed his fist onto the ancient table and all of the other council members tore their gaze from the screen that displayed the horrors occurring in the United States. The old man, Agwe, took a deep breath and looked to the head of the gathering.
"If those heroes have so easily been taken then what will become of the state of the world?" He rasped, emotion pouring into his voice.
"Surely the American military will…" Councilwoman Oria started but was cut off by the first speaker.
"Do you not see the might of this Loki's army? They come from another world with weapons far greater than even ours and numbers untold! You saw how Captain America and the Asgardian fell, and how Iron Man was frozen! If this enemy can do such things then there is no doubt he shall do exactly as he pleases to anyone who stands in his way."
"We will be safe," An older woman, Vea, said firmly, "Our Lyron has stood away from all others in times of peace and war, it is an island unknown to all but ourselves. We cannot be found by men and this extraterrestrial invader will be no different. Even if he claims the entire globe how would he find us?"
"He wields magic greater than our own! You saw the scepter!" Agwe argued, eyes darting back to the television, where the alien had begun to give a speech to anyone left around him.
"We are but one small island. Lyron has no exports of great interest; we might be grouped with the rest of the Caribbean and left alone even if he could detect us." Vea said calmly.
"And if he doesn't just forget us? If he manages to secure the planet as his kingdom and then finds us and takes an interest, what then?"
Another voice spoke up from the head of the table. "Then we will talk to him and convince him to leave us in peace. If he does not listen then our forces will blow him back to whatever world he slithered out of."
The council bowed their seven respective heads in the direction of the new speaker. Vea smiled slightly, Oria nodded, and Agwe bit the inside of his cheek from speaking out. The queen had declared her will and he dared not speak against it without the sway of the council behind him.
"Your Majesty." The seven members murmured, and that was that.
The queen rose from her chair and froze the image on the television as the camera zoomed in on the warlord's face. She poked the screen and met the eyes of each of her advisors.
"I know Lyron is small, and I know I am young, but I also know that when the Lyronites band together we can be unstoppable. Magic runs through the veins of our people as well as the very soil of this island. If that man," She tapped his face on the screen, "Thinks he can conquer the world then fine, see what he can do, but if he dares to even carry a hope of laying foot on our land then he will regret ever coming to Earth," There was fire in the young monarch's brown eyes as she gestured to blue and silver tiara on her head, "As long as I wear the crown Lyron shall be protected against destruction."
A brisk round of applause went through the group and she nodded her thanks. Turning off the screen behind her she set her jaw and exited the council meeting. The members saw a fierce queen leave, but the woman herself felt like a small girl tasked with an impossible job.
How would she, who'd just reached the age of twenty-four, protect her kingdom if that monster of a man did decide to wage war on them? She didn't know, but she was certain that her country would never be destroyed, no matter what price there was to pay.
Loki stood on the balcony of Stark Tower and smiled grimly. He'd done it. The Avengers were defeated, the Midgardian authorities to frightened to take action while his Chitauri roamed the streets, and he was king. Admittedly, he'd thus far only conquered a city in one of fifty states in a single country out of hundreds, but with the so-called heroes out of the way he knew that the rest of the planet would soon be under his boot, quaking in fear of his next action.
Once the Midgardians were under his rule and afraid he would begin on instilling a respect for him in their hearts. A feared king was one thing, but one that the people actually wanted on the throne was entirely another. He would gain this from his new realm and then he would rule like the king he was born to be.
No one would get in his way. No one who faced him would stand a chance.
A/N: Hi buddy! Thank you so much for reading this prologue to my new story Alliance. Since I'm writing a lot of ongoing stories right now this story will not take priority and I probably will not update it for some time after the first few chapters. However, once I finish a few of my other stories this one will be updated more regularly. Until that time I hope you enjoy the odd chapter here and there. Thanks again for reading, please follow/favorite/review! :)
P.S. I made up the island of Lyron as far as I know as well as all of its council and royalty, but I do not own the Avengers, Loki, or anything Marvel.