Maijima High.

The peaceful high school wherein the students, boy and girl alike, coexist in tranquil harmony. Where knowledge fountains endlessly and abundantly. Where-

"Nii-samaaaa!" A high pitched female voice echoed throughout the hallways of the school.

Wait, did I say peaceful?

Katsuragi Eri, the once demon now legitimate sister of a certain Otoshigami, ran throughout the somewhat wide hall in pursuit of her brother.

Finally convincing himself to pay attention to the source of the disturbance, he saved whatever game he was playing and returned his PFP to his pocket. He turned around to see his sister panting for air.

"What is it now?"

Said Katsuragi Keima. The infamous Otoshigami, who has conquered at least ten thousand game heroines, former buddy to the New Hell Demon Elucia De Rux Ima whom is now his sister Eri, and has conquered seventeen real girls, six of whom were hosts of the Goddesses from heaven.

"Uhu…." Eri poutfully replied. "That's so mean, Nii-samaaaa….."

Maybe it was the fact that she was his real sister now that he finds her expressions less annoying and somewhat cuter. She really hit the spot on Keima's guidelines on being a younger sister. It was still irritating for him time to time though.

Regaining her posture, Eri proceeded to deliver God-knows-what kind of report she supposedly had for her brother.

"Anyway, Nii-sama! Look!" Eri said proudly holding up a test paper, almost rubbing it on her brother's face, much to Keima's annoyance. "I passed the test! I got 51! It's all thanks to you, Nii-sama! Tee-hee!"

Eri continued to giggle while she cradled the piece of paper on her hands.

True, Keima did spare some time the last night to help his sister study for their exams, but mostly because she and their mother wouldn't stop bugging him, costing him a lot of game time. It finally occurred to him that teaching her would waste less time than trying to ignore his family. But how she just barely passed the exam despite Keima drilling the test questions he deduced into her brain was beyond the God of Conquests.

"Congratulations." Keima said to his sister with a perfect poker face.

Nonetheless this was more than enough for Eri. She leapt forward to hug his brother.

"You're the best, Nii-samaaa!"

Through unknown means, Keima somehow summoned ninja-like reflexes and lithely dodged his sister's affectionate display of… affection.

"Hehe, I missed…" Eri said while scratching the back of her head, causing some nerves to pop out in her brother's head.

"What am I, a target!?"

Keima however, managed to quickly regain his composure and pulled out his PFP and resume his game. Eri spotted her brother walk away and quickly followed his trail.

"Nii-sama! Wait up!"

"Look Eri, I-" Keima's sentence was cut off when he felt a small body collide with his own. The force from the impact was sub-par at best however, and despite his frail physique, Keima managed to avoid falling down, unlike the person he bumped into.

"Hey, watch it!" A small and commanding but familiar voice demanded, instantly catching the attention the attention of the Katsuragi siblings.

Blonde hair.

Twin tails.

Ridiculously high heels.



Flat chest.

Piecing gaze.

There was no mistaking it. It was her.

"M-Mio…?" Keima inquired instinctively, a second before he remembered that her memory was erased by New Hell several months before.


Mio stood up to gaze at the person who bumped into her. Slightly squinting her eyes, she took a closer look at the boy who just called her by her first name.

Aoyama Mio. The second real girl Keima conquered. The once wealthy daughter of the Aoyama company who is now currently working at a bakery with her mother.

"Am I supposed to know you, commoner?" She said to Keima. Not that she knew his name, or remembered for that matter.


Keima apologized to her and proceeded to walk past, his sister awkwardly bowed to the proud Aoyama before following his brother. Since she had no goddess, there was no way she'd remember him. So as to save gaming time, he elected to end the conversation right there.

"Oi, hold up for a moment!"

But it wasn't a unanimous vote.

"Answer my question! Do I know you? You look really familiar." Mio asked. No, it was more like she ordered him to answer her. A small blush appeared on her face after realizing what she just said.

"D-don't'get the wrong idea! I'm not interested in you or whatever alright! I was just… umm… curious! Yes, that's it! I'm just a little curious!" She basically shouted while pointing at him.

As expected of the tsundere type of character.

After another round of electing in his mind, Keima arrived to the conclusion that answering her question in the most simplest of ways will result in the least time consuming and painful outcome. He had no idea if she was still carrying that whip around after all.

"No, you don't. Excuse us,." Keima expressionlessly replied without even bothering to look at her and continued his walk.

And Eri awkwardly continued to follow him after fidgeting for a while.

Mio watched as Keima's figure increasingly got smaller as he and his sister walked away from her.

"Do I really not know him?"

Mio thought to herself with a small blush when she was sure the boy was out of sight. There was no denying that he was very familiar. Something about him just made her feel comfortable in his presence, almost as if he was her lover in a past life. Reality quickly snapped back to her however, resulting in her face going up two shades of red because of what she had just imagined.

"W-what the hell am I thinking!?" She said while she stormed off the hallway, much to the confusion of the people watching them.

There was no possible way she'd remember him.

That's right. A goddess-less conquest should have no memory of him. They may have some memories of the conquest, but never of him.

Keima dismissed the thought and proceeded to go up his room and enter his paradise of games. His mother was away so that takes away one possible disturbance.


There were still some left however.

Eri knocked on her brother's door, all the while calling for him and pleading for the door to be opened.

No way in hell he could play peacefully with her pounding on the door.

Keima stood up from his throne and opened his door, causing Eri to fall inside.

"What is it now, Eri?" Keima demanded with a hint of annoyance.

"Nii-sama… that hurt…" Eri pouted while rubbing the sore spot on her forehead.

Did he just think to himself earlier that she was less annoying? Well he certainly doubted that thought now.

"That aside, Nii-sama… Tenri-san came over!"

Eri stepped aside to reveal said girl standing behind her.

Keima's eyes slightly widened upon seeing his childhood friend. The closest girl he could call his best friend. She was the friend who loved him for who he was. The one who had the heart he broke through a ten-year old letter.

"T-Tenri… Good evening…" Keima awkwardly greeted her.

"Good evening, Keima-kun." She greeted back with the usual sincere smile she always had. To other people, it would never seem that she had a broken heart at the moment.

"Come in." Keima fully unlocked the door and let her inside, along with Eri. She led them to his bed and motioned for them to sit down.

"How are you?" Keima asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just the usual stuff, practicing magic tricks. And Diana is still well, Diana." She replied without a single tone of bitterness.

This was getting really hard for Keima. It was their first meeting since he confessed that they'll never be together, and worse, he didn't even do it personally.

If there was some way he can make it up to her then he'll gladly do it.

"Um, I'll go out for a while…" Eri excused herself before exiting the room.

Keima thought that she finally learned how to read the mood, but in reality, she just couldn't take the awkward atmosphere.

"So, what did you come for?"

Keima tried to sound normal, but unbeknownst to Tenri, he was trying to hold back all the guilt he was feeling.

"Oh, well, Diana wanted to talk to you. She said it was very urgent."

"I see."

So Tenri didn't come to talk to him after all. She never seemed the type to harbor grudges but what he did was unforgivable so it wouldn't surprise him if she did.

In the split second that Keima entered a depressed state, Tenri's body glowed orange as a halo appeared on her head and wings sprouted from her back. She opened her eyes to reveal red irises, confirming that it was now Diana in control.

"Hello, Katsuragi-san." Diana greeted in her usual calm tone.

"Diana…" Keima nonchalantly acknowledged the Tactician Goddess, much to her annoyance.

"What's with the sudden change in tone!? Anyway, I've come for a very urgent matter."

"So it seems…"

Keima was really depressed at that point. Seeing Diana now just made it worse for him. And to top it off, she and Tenri weren't the only ones he hurt. He was beginning to doubt if he really did make the right decision.

"Before that, are you alright? You look like a mess." Diana asked him, obviously concerned for his well being.

The Goddess did have feelings for the God of Conquests, but she tried not to sound too obvious. Seeing as Keima had no intention to answer, she continued her inquiry.

"Did it have something to do with that Chihiro girl? I wouldn't forgive her if she hurt Tenri's fiancé."

"Fiance? I told you, I… can't be with Tenri…" Keima replied, somewhat annoyed.

Now it really hit him hard.

If he wasn't depressed earlier then he certainly was now.

"Please, let's just get to the main topic." Keima requested.

"Well all right." Diana agreed to Keima's request and corrected her posture.

"It seems… there is one more Goddess in this world."

Hi guys. So this is my first KamiNomi story and seeing the lack of Mio fics here, I decided to make one. Honestly, I still don't have a concrete idea as to what plot this story will have, so I'm really open to suggestions. So please review if you have time, alright? See ya.