I just want to thank you all again for the enormous support I received for this story. It is my most successful story to date on this site, and I thought I wrote some pretty good pieces for TMNT.

What really inspired me to write about the Predator was the fact that we are so heavily teased with them. We are introduced in the 80s to this wonderful antagonist, who I was always rooting for anyway ( sorry Arnold). We know nothing about him really, other than that he is a killing machine presumably without a real motive. We do find that he has some kind of thought about what he is doing, when he refuses to kill the only woman in that original group. At the end we see that he is no mindless beast, as he appears to think about what he is doing, and we can see he has some technology as well.

In the second movie we get to see that there are many more of them, and they will travel in a group. We even get to see a leader, and we see again that they know how to speak. We can even see that he spares the policewoman because she is pregnant, even though she is armed. So we have to rely on these bits and pieces of movie scenes, to piece together what the predators are like. AvP gives us their rites of passage, and even as lame as the sequel was we can see the Wolf predator pausing in a moment of silence for his fallen brethren.

There are of course comics, which I have never read, and books, and other types of media available, but I'm not actually satisfied with it. We need more predator stuff, and a better look into their lives and way of thinking and doing. And for goodness sakes we need a movie where he DOESN'T die! I'm gonna need a predator to live through the final credits. I do appreciate the numerous websites that people have put up. I got a lot of information from them, as well as they simply inspired my own head cannon about what an alien like a yautja might be all about. In any case, I was moved to try to write about this character simply to fulfill my own need to know more about it. I know my stuff will never be cannon, but it can be my cannon until proven otherwise.

I was glad to see that my OC got a warm reception. She was not a self-insert, but I did borrow from some of my personal life experiences to shape her past and her mindset. I was hoping not to make them move along too fast as a couple, but then I had to cut some stuff short, because I could have gotten into some pretty boring stuff telling every bit of minutiae of what they were both going through as characters. I wanted to make Kujhade deeper than a hunt and a kill, but not too sensitive or too human-like in his responses and reactions. I hope that I succeeded in that.

In my head cannon, the yautja do not verbally express strong emotions other than anger or perhaps extreme joy. I believe they are passionate about the things that are important to them, but are not encouraged to discuss those kinds of feelings. I think they are very practical creatures, doing things that must be done regardless of how it makes them or those around them feel. I think they feel things very deeply, but giving voice to any emotion that show weakness, or is not conducive to anything is highly discouraged. I think that's why it's intriguing for me to introduce Jasmine into this. I also think that's why Kujhade loves her so much. She brings the human element into things, and sort of interjects it without overwhelming him. This is why I don't want to ever fall into the mode of making him too human. They will become more comfortable with each other, but only because that's what couples do. I want to keep creating the stark differences between them, and then make them try to work around or through it as a couple.

I also can't wait to write Jasmine's pregnancy and birth. It will be interesting for the both of them to do something neither of them have ever done, which is raise kids. Both of them will be trying to do what they think is best, and I personally believe they will make awesome parents.

Well, I guess that's enough of my rambling and prattling along. I was going to write an epilogue, but I figured the story really doesn't need one, especially considering that part two will be on its way sooner than you think.

Now it's time to talk about the real stars of this story, which is you guys. Thanks to all my reviewers:

write more soon




guest (10/27/2015)



guest (11/6/2015)









guest (12/23/2015)



This also goes for all the followers, favorites, and all who read my story whether you enjoyed it or not. I appreciate that you took time out to even click it. I love you all, and hope you continue to follow Kujhade and Jasmine.