The audience is left shocked and appalled that this got an update. Fangirls can be heard screaming with happiness. The world may never be the same again.

Or, you know, I just updated this because I was in a weird mood and no one is going to read it. Whatevs.

Chapter Seventeen: Baymax Inexplicably Stops Teaching

The setting is a full five seconds after the last chapter. Everyone is stretching their legs. Cliff opens his mouth to gripe about how boring all of this is. Suddenly, the door crashes down and in comes Overlord Katie.

KATIE: Grins guiltily. You can stop studying now.

HIRO: I thought you were going to Overlord Overlord Becky.

KATIE: I did. Ages ago. During the major time gap between updates.

HIRO: And?

KATIE: She was as unhelpful as always. Turns to Erick. Did you know I based your mother on her?

ERICK: Oh you poor, poor thing.

KATIE: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?

ERICK: A hint? Maybe I was too subtle.

KATIE: Ha. Ha. I can still kill you.

ADDIE: But you wouldn't kill me.

KATIE: Watch me.

HICCUP: Didn't she just allow her sister to kill us all and then reverse time so we didn't die?

TADASHI: Then how would you remember that.




HICCUP: Katie?

KATIE: False smile. Yes?

HICCUP: Did you change fandoms again?

KATIE: Looks at the decorations that sprung up in the last few seconds. I... may have.

CLIFF: No. I can't handle another fandom change. What's next, all of them getting together to study with us?

KATIE: Ahh I canceled that test ages back. I'm working a totally different job now. And I'm planning a move to Atlanta.

FINN: Atlanta? As in Georgia?

CLIFF: You'll still write our story, right?

KATIE: Of course I will! This is just the first official announcement. Turns to the readers. If any of you are in that area, please let me know. It would be nice to know people there.

TADASHI: Why are you talking to the wall?


KATIE: Ignore him, he's kind of psycho. Just don't let him absorb your SOUL.

WASABI: Umm... good to know?

FRED: Wait, I know who all of these strange characters are!

HONEY: Why would you suddenly know that?

FRED: I'm canonically the most likely person to know who they are. Seeing as I'm a geek and all. And this game is taking the internet by storm.

KATIE: For good reason.


ASTRID: Does this entire chapter exist for the sole purpose of announcing your move and change of fandoms?

KATIE: Hey, I updated something, didn't I? Be happy for what you've got.

HICCUP: I would be but I'm your victim, not your reader. Updates may not bode well for me.

ASTRID: Or any of us.

FRED: Nice to know she's abandoned two of the stories starring us.

KATIE: Not abandoned. Just put aside.

BAYMAX: So we're not going to keep talking about insurance?

KATIE: Never again.

GOGO: So why are you updating this at all?

KATIE: To show I haven't forgotten about all of you. Group hug!

Only Cliff runs forward to hug her.

KATIE: This is why I don't put you though nearly as much trauma as the others.

SKELETON IN THE HOODIE: Be thankful for that. She's about to traumatize me for no reason other than the fact that she's grown very fond of me getting emotional.

KATIE: What can I say? You don't come off as a guy with feelings so when you do have them, canonical or otherwise, they're just so cute.

SKELETON IN THE CAPE: At least she's not torturing me!


KATIE: Nah, you're my friend. I couldn't torture you. I can't even kill you outside of the complete Genocide route.

FINN: So let me get this straight. You'll kill Benen, my best friend, but you staunchly refuse to kill a skeleton in a goofy cape unless your reward is impossibly hard boss battles that stress you out?

KATIE: I reset it when I kill him!

FINN: But you won't reset Benen's death. Your determination is horribly cruel.

KATIE: It was important to the story. Cinnamon roll skelebuddy here is important to the story by staying alive.

SKELETON IN THE HOODIE: Should I be commenting on how weird it is that she's killed me more times than she's killed him and my battle is about a thousand times harder than his?

KATIE: I was determined to get those bragging rights.

GOGO: You do realize no one has any idea what you're talking about, right?

KATIE: Well if they'd just give it a shot, they would be able to read my derivative works, now wouldn't they? Maybe this whole fic was a giant advertisement.

HICCUP: Weirdest ad ever.

KATIE: Well I did consider throwing you into the game world in an Alice in Wonderland type story but I ultimately decided against it for no reason other than laziness.

SKELETON IN THE HOODIE: A woman after my own heart.

KATIE: You stay with goat mom.

BAYMAX: I don't mean to interrupt but this story has been derailed enough. Perhaps it should be given a proper end.

KATIE: Okay!


What? You thought it would make sense? You naive reader. Don't you know that this story was never meant to make sense?

Now go play Undertale or watch in on youtube so you can read Soulless.

Don't forget to review!
