Sheldon had gotten an email Sunday night about a meeting at Caltech that he had to attend. He had a restless night's sleep because he had an idea about what the meeting was about. He hoped he was wrong.

Now he was pacing in the hall, 10 minutes before the meeting was to start. Penny had come over to 4A earlier and helped him pick out a jacket and tie to wear. His tweed jacket and white shirt, red tie. She had kissed him gently and told him that it would be okay.

Dr. Gablehauser rounded the corner and Sheldon nearly ran into him. "Oh, sorry… good morning, Dr. Gablehauser," Sheldon stammered.

"Doctor Cooper… it's a bit early but we can meet now." Dr. Gablehauser walked ahead and opened his office door. He motioned for Sheldon to enter and sit.

Sheldon did just that. He sat up straight and waited. He took a few calming breathes.

Dr. Gablehauser set his coffee on his desk and briefcase on the floor. He glanced at Sheldon, whose leg was bouncing.

"Dr. Cooper, you've been at Caltech for how long?" Dr. Gablehauser asked before he sat down across from the physicist.

Sheldon replied automatically. "Almost 13 years." He looked down at his hands that were resting on his knees.

"Yes, and you haven't made any major breakthroughs or advancements in that time." Gablehauser produced a dossier from a drawer in his desk. "You have had some work published, and have shared in some small accomplishments. But it seems your failures have outshined your accomplishments here." He opened the folder and glanced at the pages.

Sheldon watched him turn the pages. That was his life in that blue colored folder. All of his accomplishments, his grades since preschool, copies of his doctorates, letters of recommendations from top scientists and professors. Among other things, it also clearly had his failures. And, apparently, those tarnished anything he'd accomplished. Ever.

"We've sent you on expeditions but those proved futile. Your research into Dark Matter isn't yielding any results. You're making mistakes; others are fixing them for you." He turned another page, "And I don't even want to bring up your display before Hawking." Gablehauser looked at Sheldon as he closed the folder.

Sheldon felt like he was being scolded, as if his mom was going to march through that door and drag him back home by his ear.

"You are a brilliant man, Dr. Cooper… but in this day and age, it can only get you so far." Gablehauser almost sounded sorry. "I'm thinking you'll be more suited assisting some of the other scientists… maybe it would help you-" He didn't get to finish.

"Did you get my letter applying for the teaching position?" Sheldon asked quickly.

Dr. Gablehauser nodded. "Yes, but… you've tried that before and it didn't work out."

Sheldon thought about it. His heart started to race and he almost felt sick at what he was about to say. "Then I guess you'll be getting my letter of resignation by this afternoon." Sheldon said as he stood up.

Dr. Gablehauser was stunned, "Dr. Cooper, don't be brash."

"I can't be here another 12 years. Not if I can't do what I love." Sheldon looked away and walked out the door.

He was sitting at the usual table, only he had his laptop in front of him and cup of tea.

Howard, Raj and Leonard walked over with their trays of food. They looked at each other awkwardly. Howard spoke first. "Are the rumors true?" He asked.

Sheldon sighed, annoyed, but nodded quickly before he went back to typing.

They finally sat down and started to eat quietly.

"Where will you go?" Raj finally asked, sounding upset.

"Yeah, it, um… won't be the same." Howard added quickly, his tone betraying him a little.

Sheldon finally looked up. He thought he'd been mistaken, but they did look a little sad, which he hadn't expected. He glanced briefly at Leonard who was calmly eating his lunch. He'd expected that.

"Sheldon, I heard they were going to offer you a good position. You wouldn't be getting tenure, and you'd be knocked down on the totem pole a little bit, but you love physics, why leave it?" Leonard was eyeing Sheldon as he spoke.

"The Arctic put me in a place I could never crawl out of. I've been treated worst here by my "peers" then I did when I was back in elementary school… I'm done standing still." Sheldon said resolutely.

"And you think that teaching will be a good career move?" Leonard asked.

Raj's eyes went wide. "You're thinking about teaching? What grade?" Raj was suddenly interested.

"I'm not sure. Probably an age where no one knows who I am," Sheldon replied.

"You know, I have a cousin who is married to a guy whose sister is a vice principal at a local K through 12th grade school… I could put in a good word for you." Howard offered.

Sheldon looked up from his laptop. "Thank you, Howard." He even gave a little smile.

Leonard snorted; all three sets of eyes looked at him confused. "Oh, come on, Sheldon and little kids?!"

"Why not? I've seen Sheldon interact with his nieces and nephews… he's good with kids." Raj defended. Everyone looked at him oddly. Raj sighed. "I chat with Missy when Penny calls her… they talk about you and her kids," he explained.

Sheldon was trying to figure out why Raj was still in contact with his sister, let alone that Penny talked that frequently with Missy. However, he shrugged it off. "At any rate, how will I know unless I try?" Sheldon said. "Can't go through life without taking chances, can we?" He said it so nonchalantly.

Howard started choking on his juice. "What?"

"I swear he's a pod person." Raj said as he reached his finger out to poke Sheldon. "First, no relationship agreement, now he wants to take chances?"

Sheldon swatted his hand away. "At any rate, I need to take a test. If I'm going to teach children I need a teaching certificate," Sheldon said as he typed some more.

Leonard was feeling troubled about this version of Sheldon.

Sheldon had been feeling perturbed about everything that had happened, all in one day. So after work, he found himself walking to Penny's office. He needed to see her and hear her voice. He found himself entering the lobby of her building and taking the elevator up.

The receptionist waved at him and he kept on walking towards Penny's office. He ended up stopping short when he spotted her in one of the conference rooms. The room had glass walls so it was easy to spot her. He stopped walking and leaned against the wall to watch her for a moment.

She was standing at the head of the large 20-person conference room table. The table was almost filled up with men and women, mostly older, all smartly dressed. They were watching her intently. Some were taking notes.

Penny stood by a flat screen monitor as slides appeared on and off the screen. She was dressed smartly, in her usual pencil skirt and buttoned blouse combo. Today's was gray with a peach colored top.

Penny was speaking and keeping their attention. Sheldon wasn't sure, but he was sure the slides had to do with sales. She seemed confident and in control.

Sheldon moved closer and leaned against the doorway. Her voice traveled to his ears and he found for the first time, he wasn't listening to what she was saying, just her voice. It was pleasant and serious and captured him, and probably everyone else.

He watched her move and speak and then before he knew it, she was done and people started to stand and leave. An older man walked towards her and shook her hand with a smile. She seemed nervous as she smiled back.

Most of the people started to file out and then a man in a suit with salt and pepper hair walked up to her. He smiled and leaned towards her as she gathered her laptop and notebook.

Penny was uncomfortable. Sheldon could tell that the man was flirting with her. Well, trying to at least.

Sheldon knocked three times on the glass as he entered the room, which caught the attention of Penny, creepy flirting guy and the four people left in the room who were chatting away.

No one saw him silently knock six more times with his knuckle as he entered.

"Sheldon, hi, I wasn't expecting you," Penny said, surprised to see him there. She smiled warmly at him.

Sheldon smiled back at her as he walked past her and grabbed up her laptop and some other items. "I needed to see you," Sheldon said as he turned back to her.

Penny nodded, as if she could see the tension behind his blue eyes.

"Oh, and this is?" Creepy Guy asked as he looked Sheldon over. He didn't seem impressed, even though Sheldon was taller than him.

Penny arched an eyebrow at Creepy Guy, almost challenging him. "My boyfriend, Doctor Sheldon Cooper." Penny said, emphasizing the 'doctor' part. "Dr. Cooper, this is Steve… he's also in sales."

Steve extended his hand, but Sheldon was holding the laptop and he looked at Steve's hand with slight disgust.

Steve withdrew his hand. "Nice to meet you, Doc." Steve said. "I'll catch you later, Pen." He gave her a little wink before he turned and left the conference room.

Sheldon glared after him, not liking the weird feeling that suddenly bubbled up in his gut.

Suddenly an older man walked up to Penny and smiled at her. "You did a good job up there, Miss Lane." He said as he shook her hand. The older man glanced at Sheldon who was just standing there, clutching the laptop.

"Mr. Schneider, this is Dr. Sheldon Cooper." Penny said quickly. "Sheldon, this is my boss," she said with a smile.

Sheldon realized he had to shake his hand. So he did.

The older man's grip was strong. "Doctor? Medical?" He asked.

"Physicist." Sheldon corrected.

Mr. Schneider's eyes grew wide. "Impressive!" He said, although it wasn't clear if it was directed towards Penny or Sheldon.

He continued. "I saw you at the door, you must be proud of Penny! This was her first presentation to the board members! I sure was proud." He gave Penny a smile.

Sheldon looked at Penny who was blushing. "I am very proud of her," Sheldon said.

Penny looked at him, startled.

Mr. Schneider then gave his goodbyes and walked out, followed by the rest of the people left in the conference room. Leaving Penny and Sheldon alone.

"So what brings you here? Aside from just wanting to see me… even though that's a good enough reason," Penny said as she gathered the rest of her things.

Sheldon followed her out of the conference room to her office. "I didn't intend to stop by, but something happened at work and I needed to see you."

Penny looked worried. "What happened?" She asked as he set her laptop down at her desk.

"You were remarkable in there by the way, and I've never seen you so focused. I see why you're getting paid what you do." Sheldon said as he walked closer to her.

Penny blushed. "Thank you… I mean, it was nothing." She said shyly. She wasn't used to this much praise from him.

"What happened at work?" she asked again.

Sheldon took in a deep breath. "I quit. I put in my two weeks this afternoon." Sheldon said it quickly and his gaze dropped to the floor. "I hope you are not disappointed in me."

Penny walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his middle, her head on his chest. "What's for dinner tonight?" She asked, still pressed to him.

Sheldon arms went around her back and he squeezed her tight. "It's Thai night," he murmured.

"Let's go pick up some food then." Penny let him go and walked to her desk to grab her purse.

"So you're not mad?" Sheldon asked. She shook her head as she turned off her desk lamp. "But what if I never find another job and I become some jobless hippie who's living off his wife?" Sheldon asked.

Penny had to try to ignore the "wife" part; she smiled at him, "Believe me, I will never have to worry about that when it comes to you." Penny patted his chest before she walked past him.

Sheldon sighed as he followed her. "I guess I could be a stay at home dad." He grumbled.

Penny was walking ahead of him, her heart racing; he just casually tossed those things out there. At least one of them was thinking of the future.

Sheldon and Penny ate Thai food while looking up online classes he could take to get his teaching certificate. It would be easy, he had more than enough qualifications and degrees and he didn't need to take any prerequisites.

"You should take classes with me." Sheldon said after he swallowed a bite of his food. He glanced at Penny, who had stopped eating.

"Sheldon… if you tell me that I need to be going to school just because we are dating, I swear to God..." Penny was getting defensive.

Sheldon furrowed his brow." No, of course not, I just thought it would be enjoyable… I could have a study buddy." Sheldon said. He gave a little smile, his way of lightening the mood.

Penny narrowed her eyes at him before she sighed and smiled. "What classes would I be taking?" She asked as she scooted closer to him.

"Well anything you want to, it's all online," Sheldon said as he set his food down and picked up his laptop. He set it in his lap and typed something in. "A creative writing class perhaps?"

Penny leaned her head against his arm, "Tell me more," Penny whispered.

Sheldon started to talk about the classes, potential ones she could take and how many hours his courses would take.

Penny listened to everything he said, enjoying the soothing sound of his voice.

Penny had enrolled in some creative writing classes and Sheldon enrolled in his teaching certificate classes. Her classes didn't start for another week, so Sheldon held off on his classes.

What he hadn't expected, was that Howard had already sent his resume to the principle. He'd gotten the call for an interview the following Wednesday. He explained his trying to obtain the teaching certificate, but she wanted to interview him right away.

Which is why, that Thursday, Sheldon found himself standing in front of a three story brick building. It was on the newer side, it wasn't a massive school. There were kids playing in the fenced in playground. He took a deep breath and walked up the steps.

Inside, the smell reminded him of when he was little and going to school. A memory came to him as he walked past the lockers lining the hall. They were green and blue. It was a weird feeling that washed over him, but he also felt some excitement over it all.

He found the main faculty office and walked through. There were chairs lined up next to the door and a reception desk with a woman smiling as she talked on the phone. He stepped closer.

She looked over at him and said something on the line before she hung up. "May I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper… I'm here for an interview." Sheldon said.

The woman looked him over and then she motioned to the chairs. "Have a seat, honey, Mrs. Chen will see you in a moment."

Sheldon glanced at the chair and pulled a handkerchief from his inside blazer pocket. He wiped the chair off before sitting down.

He sat there for a few minutes, the clicking of a keyboard and the sound of the filter on the large fish tank making it not that awkwardly quiet.

His mind was running a thousand miles a minute; he was trying to remember not to be condescending, to smile-no, not like that… to be himself.

Penny had packed his lunch-peanut butter and jelly with the crusts cut off. He had ignored Leonard's scoff at the child-like lunch. He was wearing his best clothes-his tweed jacket, blue shirt, black tie, dress pants. He tapped his foot on the floor.

The receptionist peaked over at him. she was a kind looking woman, dark skin, kind of plump. "Do you want some water or coffee?" she asked him.

It took Sheldon a second to realize that she was talking to him. "Oh, no, thank you." Sheldon said, and then he was back to sitting straight in the chair and holding his messenger bag.

"May I ask what kind of doctor you are?" The receptionist asked after another long moment of silence.

"I am a theoretical physicist." Sheldon said.

"Oh, my son is going to college and he'll be graduating with a degree in Astrophysics next summer," she said with a smile.

Sheldon stood and walked to the reception desk. "Oh, really, what's his plan after that?" He asked, genuinely interested.

"NASA, he'll take the test after he graduates," she said proudly.

"Oh, I have a friend who went up in the International Space Station and another who is an Astrophysicist." Sheldon said.

"Oh! What are you doing getting a job here?" She asked, confused.

"Looking for something different." Sheldon replied.

"I hear that, sometimes we just need a change in our life." She nodded as she spoke. "I'm Cynthia, by the way." She reached her hand out.

Sheldon took her hand. "Nice to meet you." He replied. "I'm a little nervous, if I'm being honest. I haven't had to apply for a job… ever."

Cynthia nodded. "Trust fund baby? No offence."

Sheldon shook his head. "No… grew up in a trailer park in Texas. I have an IQ of 187. It's the only thing that got me out of there." He said it quickly.

Cynthia's eyes went wide. She privately realized it was probably why he was a little awkward and twitchy. "This interview will be a piece of cake for you, hun.".

Sheldon shrugged, he honestly didn't know.

Cynthia's desk phone beeped and she picked it up. She nodded and hung up. "Looks like Mrs. Chen will see you now." She gave him an encouraging smile and Sheldon nervously swallowed before making his way towards the Vice Principal's office.

He turned the doorknob and peaked in.

"Come in, Dr. Cooper." The woman behind the desk said.

Sheldon nodded and entered the office. It was nicely decorated, simple but cozy feeling. He shut the door and walked to her desk.

Mrs. Chen stood up and reached out her hand.

Sheldon shook it quickly.

"Nice to meet you Dr. Cooper, Howard has told me a bit about you." She said with a smile as she sat down.

Sheldon sat down across from her; he furrowed his brow, suddenly worried. But he shook it off. "Thank you for giving me this interview."

"Of course. I took one look at your very impressive resume and had to at least see you for myself," Mrs. Chen said.

Sheldon felt relieved. This was a better, opposite experience than when he had sat down across from Gablehauser almost two weeks ago.

"I wanted to start this by saying that you're pretty much overqualified to work here. In fact I'm shocked that a man of your stature isn't trying to be a teacher or professor at a much more prestigious school." Mrs. Chen looked through the file she had on Sheldon.

Sheldon wasn't sure how to take that. "Circumstances beyond my control have prevented me from pursuing such positions." He looked down for a moment.

"Don't get me wrong; I would love to hire you, I just feel like this wouldn't be your speed." Mrs. Chen said. "Small kids are very different than college age students or other scientists." She stated.

Sheldon was feeling like he should cut the interview short, leave while he still could. Then he thought of his sandwich that Penny so lovingly made for him. He looked up the vice principal. "I can assure you that teaching younger children isn't below me. If I can get them interested in the sciences, or even math at a young age, well, I feel like that's more important than trying to prove something to another scientist."

Sheldon sat up straighter, feeling more confident. "Maybe one of those kids out there is the next Nobel Laureate." Sheldon motioned to just outside the window that overlooked the playground.

Mrs. Chen furrowed her brow as she looked out the window. Sheldon looked over and saw a little kid eating some mud.

"Maybe not that child. Or it could be that child!" Sheldon looked back at Mrs. Chen. "Give me at least a week."

Mrs. Chen nodded. "Okay. I need a sub next week anyway. You won't be making what you did at Caltech… but benefits are good and the lunches here are pretty decent," she said with a welcoming smile. "And when you get your teaching certificate, and if next week goes well… I think I'd like to hire you." She added on

Sheldon smiled back. "Oh, thank you!" Sheldon stood up. He reached and took her hand again as she stood up as well. He shook it vigorously.

"Okay, meet me here at 7:30 tomorrow morning, I'll give you a tour, introduce you to a few people and show you your classroom."

Sheldon gave her a nod and started to leave. "Thank you again," Sheldon called over his shoulder.

He closed her office door and looked at the Cynthia, who seemed to be waiting. "Well?" she finally asked.

"Oh! I got the job!" He exclaimed. "well sort of. But I'll be subbing tomorrow." He said with a small smile.

Cynthia lifted her fist to him and he put his hand around it and shook. "I'll be here tomorrow. See you later!" Sheldon said as he quickly walked away. A little hope in his step.

Cynthia was amused. Mrs. Chen stepped out of her office and glanced at her. "What do you think of him?" she asked.

"He seems a little odd." Cynthia pointed out.

Mrs. Chen smiled. "He'll fit it in perfectly here."

Cynthia nodded and laughed, thinking that Sheldon was going to be very happy at his new job.

Sheldon was sitting on the front steps of the school, eating his sandwich. He'd been deep in thought for a while; he was pondering how different his life would be. This was such a dramatic change, but he supposed it was a good one.

The school was only 6 blocks from his apartment so he could walk there. He wondered how Penny would feel about him not making as much money. Although he had enough saved up that he didn't have to worry about bills or rent for a while, it still niggled at the back of his head.

Suddenly, a pair of red heels and shapely calves were in his line of sight as he stared at the sidewalk in thought.

Sheldon looked up, confused. "Shouldn't you be at work?" he asked.

Penny was smiling. "Well, I thought that we should celebrate my boyfriend getting a new job!" Penny said, getting excited.

Sheldon stood up and dusted himself off. "I told you over the text that it wasn't a sure thing and it's only for a week.

Penny was still smiling, "And you're acting like its nothing!? This is amazing! I'm so proud of you." Penny leaned up to peck his lips.

Sheldon was blushing. He stuffed his hands in his pants pocket and looked at the ground. "You helped me, you know." Sheldon said when he finally looked at Penny and met her eyes.

Penny was confused.

"It was the peanut butter sandwich," he admitted.

"I'm not following, sweetie," Penny had a bemused look on her face.

"I started to feel like I couldn't do this… I've been feeling very inadequate in my career, clearly, and then I remembered the sandwich you made me and the things you've said to encourage me." Sheldon stepped closer to her so he could kiss her forehead.

Penny smiled warmly at him. He was so sweet when he wanted to be. "You ready to party tonight? This party turned from a going away into a new job party!"

Sheldon nodded, "I suppose that would suffice. I guess I'm expected to celebrate via societal norms." Sheldon shrugged before he picked up his messenger bag.

Penny laughed and shook her head. He was so weird. She loved it.

The party was held at a local bar. Penny invited a couple girls from work who had met Sheldon before, Susan and Clara. Howard and Bernadette were present; Stuart and Kripke showed up a little later. they were all awaiting Raj and Emily's arrival.

Sheldon sat at the table with a beer in hand, taking slow sips. He had figured he could handle beer, as long as he drank it slowly… and only had one. Penny was next to him laughing and talking with her work friends and Bernadette.

"So… are you giving up physics all together?" Stuart asked over the loud music and voices of the packed bar.

Sheldon shook his head. "No, I could never give that up… I plan on continuing my research, only independently." Sheldon leaned over so he could be heard.

Howard leaned over to listen in. "I think that's a good idea… if you ask me, Caltech has been holding you back. I mean it's a great place, don't get me wrong… but…" Howard was trying to find the words.

"He means to say that they treat you like shit, Sheldon." Bernadette said suddenly. She had already drunk a couple glasses of something. She was far past chill.

Sheldon furrowed his brow. He thought about that for a moment. "Well, I suppose they haven't been the most gracious of hosts." Sheldon didn't like to think about how he had been treated; now he was worried about new people. A new job, would he be treated the same? Would people find faults in him because he was… himself?

"Stop overthinking, honey." Penny's voice was in his ear, she was leaning into him. "Wherever you end up working, they'll love you," she whispered.

Sheldon glanced at her by his side. Penny's hand was on his bicep and she was talking to her friends again.

Sheldon looked around the table; everyone was laughing and talking, enjoying themselves. His eyes caught Raj and Emily walking in and the table erupted in greetings as the couple approached them.

Sheldon relaxed a little bit, he finally let himself grin and take a deep breath.

They entered his bedroom; Penny was close behind him, giggling. "I do believe that you consumed more alcohol then you should have tonight," Sheldon was using his teacher voice as he searched around his room for something.

Penny watched him and giggled again. She shut his door and snuck up behind him. "You know, I didn't actually want that book… it was just an excuse so that our friends wouldn't want to stay longer." Penny said as she ran her hand up his back.

Sheldon spun around. "Why would you want to send them away?" Sheldon asked, puzzled.

"I wanted to keep celebrating with just you," Penny stepped up to him and pulled on his slightly loosened tie. "You look so sexy in your tie." Penny purred.

Sheldon arched an eyebrow. "Penny…" he warned.

"Yes… Doctor?" Penny asked as she rubbed her hands up his chest.

Sheldon yelped when she shoved him back onto the bed. He sat there and Penny was quick to crawl into his lap, her legs falling on either side of his.

"Penny, you're drunk. I don't think…"

Her lips were on his and he let out a deep breath, his hands were on her hips and her back holding her close and her fingers were in his hair.

Sheldon slowly fell back on his bed their lips locked. And then Penny sat up, her hands on his chest. He left his hands her thighs as she started to undo his tie and then unbutton his shirt. She made a little happy noise when she discovered that he wasn't wearing an undershirt.

She ran her fingers through his sparse chest hair-counterclockwise-and she swore he made a low growling sound. Penny leaned forward and kissed his lips again.

And then his bedroom door opened.

Penny leapt off Sheldon and onto his bed and Sheldon sat up quickly; he put a protective hand on her leg and put himself between the door and her.

They found Leonard standing there.

"Oh! I didn't think you were home…" Leonard said. Hurt flashed over his face as he took in Penny and Sheldon's disheveled appearance.

Sheldon was confused. "You go in my room when I'm not home?" Sheldon started to stand up and Penny kept him from doing so by grabbing his shoulder.

"Don't." Penny pled. She was also glaring daggers at Leonard.

"Leonard, did you find the condoms?" A female voice asked from Leonard's room.

Sheldon and Penny were confused. "Do you have Miss Jensen in your bedroom?" Sheldon asked accusingly.

Leonard was mortified; "it's not what…" he tried to lamely explain but gave up as Penny's glare turned to complete anger.

Penny looked pissed. "Really, Leonard?!" she shouted. She stood up and grabbed her heels that she had kicked off and pushed past Leonard and left Sheldon's room.

Sheldon stood up and quickly went after her, he stopped in the doorway and turned back and motioned for Leonard to leave his room. Leonard did as he was told and Sheldon shut the door.

Penny was in the living room looking annoyed. "Are you coming, Sheldon?" she snapped.

Sheldon was again confused, "Oh… I thought you were mad at me," he said as he walked up to her.

"Why would I be mad at you?" Penny asked before she turned to the front door.

Sheldon shook his head. He really didn't know. But he followed her out of his apartment and into hers.

They wound up in her bedroom, only he was sitting on the edge of her bed, still rumpled and confused. And Penny was pacing back and forth with Sheldon's eyes following her

"I'm not mad that he's with Alex… I'm mad that he keeps trying to get me back… while simultaneously sleeping with other woman? What logic is that?!" Penny shouted.

She had pushed her skirt off and was undoing her blouse, it joined her other clothes on the floor and then her stockings were off as she paced around.

Sheldon's eyes were watching her the whole time, he was overwhelmed because she was clearly upset and still a little drunk and he was in her room and he felt frustrated. The kind that bothered him because it made him want to reach out and touch Penny.

Penny went to her closet and pulled out an oversized superman t-shirt, she tossed it on the bed and then her bra came off as she walked around grumbling.

Sheldon's eyes were wide at the sight, he thought he should look away but she was his girlfriend so he was allowed to look. So he watched her walk around her bedroom in only a pair of her tiny panties. He swallowed hard, his eyes not staying above her neck.

"The nerve of him!" Penny said as she walked into the bathroom and got her toothbrush. She brushed very quickly before she walked back out and walked to bed; she grabbed the t-shirt and pulled it on.

"Damn it… I shouldn't let him get to me like this, but he's so… just ugh!" Penny let out a sigh to try to calm down. She pulled Sheldon's tie off him and then she pushed his jacket off his shoulders. He let her. She was standing right in front of him, her knees between his as he sat on the bed.

"Why can't he just relax… we're over and it was his fault… he's so damn possessive." Penny said as she tossed his tie and jacket onto her floor. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders. "Don't you agree?" Penny asked, getting a little distracted by Sheldon's suddenly very bare chest.

Sheldon had been staring wide eyed up at her the whole time. "What?" He finally asked.

Penny furrowed her brow, and then she remembered the last 10 minutes. "Oh, no, sweetie! I'm sorry!" Penny laughed a little at the still very bewildered look on his face. "I must have traumatized you… taking all my clothes off." Penny said with a sigh.

Sheldon was finally able to get his brain back. "No, I wasn't traumatized… definitely not traumatized," Sheldon said as he dropped his gaze to her legs that peaked out from under her oversized shirt.

Penny had been so lost in her rage towards Leonard that she had forgotten that this was Sheldon. She felt a little disappointed as she realized that she wouldn't be getting any tonight… she needed it. A terrifying thought crossed her mind of him never being ready for that.

Then Penny felt his hands on her hips. "Are you okay?" he asked.

His eyes were wide, big and blue; he had a cute earnest and shy look on his face. Penny nodded and ran her fingers through his hair before she moved to get into bed.

Sheldon stood up and started to unzip his pants, he stopped when he realized that Penny was watching him. "Don't look." He said, embarrassed.

Penny rolled her eyes but smirked and rolled onto her side. She soon felt the bed dip in and Sheldon slide in behind her. He rested his arm around her waist. His hot breath hitting the back of her neck.

"Are you shirtless?" Penny asked.

"And pant-less… you've given me no choice." Sheldon yawned around his words and pulled her closer to his chest.

Penny smiled happily.

"I love you, Sheldon." Penny whispered into the dark.

"I love you too, Penny." Sheldon replied in a sleepy voice.

Penny's heart was racing. And the world didn't implode. Sheldon didn't run back to his apartment. She didn't have a nervous breakdown.

She fell asleep soon after that.

Penny was looking at her computer screen; her mind was not on work. It was on what had happened last night. The words they exchanged with ease. She couldn't help but smile. A light knock to her door got her attention. She looked up and had to force herself not to roll her eyes.

It was Steve. He was a few years older than she was, had specks of gray in his hair and a neat, full beard. He was handsome by most people's standards. However, personality wise, she wished he didn't work with her.

"Drinks later?" he asked casually.

"No, Steve, I have a boyfriend." Penny replied after she checked the time and realized she had to leave. She stood up to gather her things.

"Just drinks. Come on, Penny," he prodded.

Penny sighed. "Steve, I'm having dinner with my boyfriend tonight, okay?"

Steve sighed. "What do you even see in that guy?" He asked, confused.

Penny looked at him annoyed. "None of your business," Penny said firmly.

Steve smirked. "So I looked him up online, you know, curious. He's pretty damn smart… but I also checked him out on YouTube." He chuckled.

"Steve. Shut up." Penny finally said before she turned to leave.

"Oh, come on… that man cannot hold his liquor." He chuckled. "So come on, have a drink tonight with a real man."

Penny turned to him. "I am, I'll be drinking Mountain Dew and eating Chinese food while we play vintage video games." Penny said. She never thought the night would make her excited and happy. "With my boyfriend," she said with an arched eyebrow.

Steve smirked. "You'll change your mind… they're putting us on a project together." He chuckled and sauntered off.

Penny shut her eyes and shook her head. "Fuck," she muttered.

Penny walked up the stairs tired and a little annoyed. She was hungry and wanted to just sit and eat quietly. She could hear the boys in 4A. She debated on going over; she could smell the Chinese food.

4A's door opened and Sheldon stepped out. She was having hard time not seeing him in superhero hero shirts these past few days; he was still wearing his dress shirt and tie from today; he'd gone to the school to be shown around.

"Penny, are you all right?" He asked as he walked quickly to stand in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm tired and hungry." Penny murmured into his chest.

"Well, get changed and come over. I have your Chinese food ready, we're playing Mario Cart… but Raj wants to play Donkey Kong next." Sheldon said as he rubbed her back.

Penny wanted to cry, he was so sweet. "Okay, Moonpie, give me 10 minutes." Penny whispered.

Sheldon let her go and watched her until she had disappeared into her apartment.

Penny sighed and she undressed from work and changed into comfortable clothes. She locked up her place and walked across the hall, the door was open slightly and she walked in, shutting it behind her.

She saw Sheldon in the kitchen waiting for her food to reheat in the microwave, he hadn't seen her yet. Raj and Howard were smack talking each other as they played Mario Cart. She was a little surprised to see Kripke and Stuart there as well, also playing the game.

She sat in the middle cushion and watched the boys play. They still hadn't noticed her yet. She smiled at them and their antics.

Then Sheldon sat next to her. He handed her a plate of food and set a water bottle on the coffee table. She smiled and breathed in the food. Then Sheldon planted a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth before he leaned forward to grab the controller Kripke had tossed aside.

"Gentlemen, prepare to be trounced." Sheldon said with a smirk and all the guys groaned.

Penny laughed slightly before she dug into her food.

A/N: so…. Worth the wait? Sorry for the delay loves. Holidays and dog sitting and there was a lot going on. Hopefully this was worth the wait?

I wanted to point out a couple things, I realize the whole teaching thing may be kinda a stretch… at least with him being allowed to teach kids… next chapter though; we'll go over his first day at the school. Also, next chapter will be more Penny ... Penny and Sheldon as study-buddies... c'mon, that's cute.

I feel like I'm bad at OC's... but whatever.

also! I am open for any legit critiques... i am not above going back and fixing something. (like the whole teaching cert thing.)

I hope everyone has been having a good holiday season. And if I don't see ya before the year is up: Happy New Year!

(There may be two really late Christmas themed fics coming up.)


And you all know the drill! Drop me a review and I really hope you enjoyed this!


(mad props to my BETA Lizwontcry! Thank you dear!)