Hi so this is not an update or a new one shot, it's a rant, a vent, an announcement or whatever.

I usually don't give much shit about haters and hate comments. I don't really care what people think and I don't really think much about them. I used to not get them before, but I did today. I'm assuming that the two hate reviews I got was from the same person, yes. And yes, there are only two, so what kind of rod had gotten stuck up on my ass, right?

I just wanted the chance to be heard since the guest who left the review can't be bothered to go off anon so I could talk to them like a decent human being, I'm just writing a long ass post. For all I know, dear guest, you'll be reading my updates anyway, to find something to hate on again. Isn't that how all of you work?

I'm going to say this about everything you wrote: Don't fucking read my fics if it upsets you so much. I'm not holding you at gunpoint to read my fics. This is a free world and you're allowed to do what you want, but hating on something that someone worked hard for that you get FREE of charcge and that no one even asked you to read in the first place is ridiculous and just stupid. You're being stupid. Was it very hard to click the x button rather than continue reading and posting two long ass reviews about how disappointed you are and how I'm the devil's spawn for the plot?

Was it really hard to just leave and not go through with it and say mean things?

Also, don't tell me what to do, as well.

On my fix it fic: If you want to continue making yourself believe that Robin isn't the father, then by all means, continue. But my fix it fic is them dealing with it like adults, which clearly you aren't (if you're gonna go at me saying you're on your 20s or 30s or even 50s, don't. Don't embarrass yourself that way). My fix it fic isn't writing the child off or giving it a new paternity, unless that's what they did or do in canon. Either way, I follow along the storyline and give it a better way of dealing.

I hate it as much as you but it was clear to me and my readers that what I wanted to fix what the fact that they weren't talking about it. That's what I wanted to fix. My better way is them talking about it and accepting it and talking about it and not just ignoring the big pink elephant like they did on the show. That's my fix it fic. That is what I wanted to fucking write about, not a story about how Robin isn't the father. I wanted them to talk in my fic and that's what I bloody did.

You don't like it, find something that fits what you like. I'm sure there is an army of you who wants the same thing and who write that. Not to say that I hadn't wished that Robin wasn't the father, just that I don't see the point of trying to ignore the facts. The fact is: THEY AREN'T CHANGING THE PATERNITY. So, deal with it. Find other ways to vent out your ugly hatred and get the fuck off of my fics. Or if you don't want to deal with that and want to continue believing that things might change, go ahead. I'm not stopping you. But get the hell away from my fics.

And the death/miscarriage fic? Do you wanna say the same thing on the other fics that had used the same event/circumstance as plot? Zelena won? This is fanfiction, darling, an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE fanfiction. I don't see how this affects the show or even Zelena in any way. Again, there was a fucking trigger warning on the author's note. Was it so hard to heed the warning and not read it? Did you read it just so you could hate? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I get that I can't please everyone, I accept it, and to be honest I don't strive for it because that will be such an exhausting business. But I do ask for respect because that is the only thing you can give me after I spend hours getting a chapter or a fic done. It's not easy to write. I know some of you think it is, but it's not. You try doing it and then let's see how easy you'd think it is after. So respect because I'm human, you're human, and it's common courtesy.

What I'm about to say next has been said so many times that I'm not even sure how it's not drilled in your minds yet: If you haven't got anything nice to say, shut the fuck up. And if you don't like the fucking fic, don't fucking read it. No one is forcing you. It literally costs nothing to click on the close button. And it literally costs you 0 dollars to be a decent human being. And this goes not only for me but for every single fanfic authors who have shared to you the gift of their talent, who tried so hard to write and hone their abilities to give you a form of free entertainment.

I can't believe how people from the same fandom, from the same ship, can be so hateful towards one another, but it's happening, it happens, and I just want you all to take the time to find within yourself where your humanity, good manners and logic had gone, because some of us seem to have lost it. We are shipping the same OTP yet we find ways and reasons to tear each other apart and it disheartens me.

Having said that, I am now taking a very very long if not permanent hiatus from all this bullshit and will not be updating any of my fics or posting any story (OQ only). I'm not being a drama queen, but today has been an experience and I need to find it in myself to get over it. I also need to find my will to write again. I understand that this person is just one hater among the few people who read my fics, but I've lost faith today and need to find it and get it back.

This is where I leave you. Thank you for all the kind and nice reviews and for all the love and support, I appreciate them and I love you all for it. Thank you.

Much love,

Celina 3