Forgotten Love

Description: A Pokémon fanfic – Sequel to The Night Where It All Started

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon! Or anything related to it! There, enough said.

Rating: T plus mature subject matter

Note: thoughts

Ages: Misty:26 Brock:30 Ash:28

Shout Outs: Hey guys! I FINALLY managed to finish this sequel! Lol I'm WAY too happy about this. xD But since this will be the ABSOLUTE end, I decided to make it a suuuper long chapter. Before you guys go on, and meet your end (it's a Halloween sequel remember? :P) I just wanted to give a HUUUGE shout out, to all you guys. Without your support, I wouldn't have made it this far. So, THANK YOU! *sends digital hearts to everyone*

P.S. I used a little bit of inspiration from a song from All Caps, Trainers In Love. Right before the big battle. Check it out! It's a cheesy song, but it's a good one! :D

Part 10 (B) – The Night Where It All Ended (FINAL CHAPTER)

Stirring awake, Misty opened her eyes to see the morning sunlight, shining through her bedroom window. Slowly getting up, she looked at her bedside table, and picked up her watch. Luckily for her, she had a few extra hours until she had to be at the Gym.

She stretched and got up from her bed. Still a little groggy, she picked up her towel and her clothes that she would wear for the day, and headed towards her bathroom.

Opening the door, just like any other day, Misty was shocked to see a surprise visitor in her bathroom. Ash was soaking wet. His hair a drenched mess, and his abs glistening from the water. Luckily for her, his bottom half was wrapped around by a towel. He almost didn't notice her as he was brushing his teeth.

"ACK! I'M SORRY!" She quickly closed the door, completely tomato red.

Holy crap! W-what just happened!? WAIT! Was that Ash? But how...

Suddenly she remembered what happened the night before.

Storming inside the apartment with Pikachu right behind her, she left the apartment door open knowing that her two best friends would eventually come in.

UGH! I can't believe him! He's so... so... impossible!

Storming into her room, she slammed the door shut behind her, and threw the little package that Ash gave her earlier, towards her small dresser against the wall. She sat on her bed and took off her high heels, massaging her feet.

Okay, yes... I am glad that he's here. But that doesn't mean that all is forgiven. And besides, who confides in loving someone, OVER THE PHONE!? And then he leaves me for four years! How could he!

Her door opens, and she looks up to see none other than Ash, looking at her. "Misty... please hear me out."

She looked away from him. "Not now. I'm tired. It's been a long day."

Ash smiled at her sadly. "Oh, right. Congrats on that win. That makes it what? One more to a thousand?"

Misty quickly looked up at him. "What? How did you know?"

He smiled a small smile. "Brock told me after you stormed off... with Pikachu by the way." His smile turned into a mischievous one.

Misty narrowed her eyes at him. "Your point is?"

His smile never faded. "You do realize that Pikachu is mine, right?"

She reflected his mischievous smile. "Yea, he was. And then you abandoned him four years ago. As far as ownership goes, Pikachu is mine."

With that, she got up from her bed and walked to her closet. "And if you don't mind, I like to change now, and get some sleep."

She turned around to see Ash sitting on her bed. "Right, about that... Looks like I'm finally sleeping in my room tonight."

Misty just stared at him, and narrowed her eyes again. "What are you talking about? This is MY room."

Ash looked around the bedroom and then he smiled at her. "I don't know about that. Looks exactly the same as I left it. Well, besides that ginormous closet." He looked at her and gave her a seductive smile. "So, yea. I'm sleeping in MY room tonight." He stretched his arms on her bed, not losing that seductive smile of his. "Of course, we can always share." He winked at her.

Misty didn't care that Ash could see how utterly red she was.

She grabbed a couple of extra throw pillows on the ground.

"What is..." She threw one pillow at his face. "Wrong with you!?" She threw the last one with all her might. "You are not sleeping here tonight! You'll have to sleep on the couch. There! End of discussion!"

She quickly turned back around towards her closet, still completely red. Meanwhile, Ash was laughing at her.

Suddenly, Ash wrapped his arms around her stomach, hugging her from behind. "Mist... you have no idea how much I missed you."

The warm sensation from him completely overtook her, as she felt herself melt in his arms. "Ash... I... I missed you too."

He leaned down and kissed her neck from behind. Shivers ran down her back, as she found herself enjoying this warm sensation.

However suddenly, she remembered why she was mad at him to begin with. She grabbed her pajamas, and elbowed him away.

"Ow! Misty! What...?"

She stepped away from him, while hardly looking at him. "Ash... we can't be like this. I know how you feel about me, but four years ago, you... you broke my heart." She looked straight at him, a tear flowing from her cheek. Leaving a trail of mascara behind. "I know you had to leave to save the world... But you can't just finally tell a person that you love them, and then disappear for four years." She looked away, desperately trying to avoid his gaze. "I think it'll be better if we just remain good friends."

With that, she opened the bathroom, which was connected to her bedroom, and closed the door behind her. When she came back out, fresh faced and clean, in her pajamas, Ash wasn't there.

She tiptoed to her bedroom door, and peeked out to see Ash and Pikachu, spread out and sleeping on the couch. She smiled, and closed the door.

Completely red from seeing Ash practically naked, the washroom door opened and Ash stepped out. He side glanced at her. Ripped jeans, wet hair, and completely shirtless, he greeted her with a condescending tone.

"Mornin' Misty. Hope you don't mind me using YOUR shower."

She was busy staring at his eight-pack abs, until she realized what he just said. "What?"

He shook his head. "Whatever. I shouldn't care right?"

She scowled at him. "Why are you being like this?"

Angrily, Ash blocked Misty. He placed a fist over her head against the wall, and his other fist on her left side, also against the wall. She was trapped.

"What? You don't remember? We agreed to be JUST friends, right? So why should that change?" He lowered his head down towards her own, almost touching her lip. "Unless of course, you changed your mind?"

Gulping, she closed her eyes and moved her head away from him.

A disappointed smile crossed his face. "That's what I thought."

He stepped away from her, and looked down, as his hair covered his eyes in shadows.

"You may hate me now, but Mist... I need you to know that I'll never give up on you." He looked up at her. "Even if you hate me to the ends of the Earth, I will never give up on you."

He smiled a small smile, and left towards the living room, greeting Pikachu and Brock, while Brock complained to Ash asking him if he owns a shirt.

Dazed, Misty shook her head, and left towards the shower. Ash... you idiot. Of course I don't hate you. But, I can't exactly forgive you either.

About an hour later, Misty ready for the day, headed towards the living room, where a big breakfast waited for her on the dining table.

"Good morning, Misty. Sleep well?" Asked Brock happily.

She looked up at him, and smiled. "Yea, I guess you can say that."

She noticed that none of the breakfast was touched yet. "Were you guys waiting for me?"

Brock laughed. "Yea. You should have seen Ash. When I told him that he couldn't touch anything until you got here. He was pretty mad. It was actually pretty funny."

On one side of the dining table, Ash scoffed. "Oh yea, HILARIOUS."

Misty laughed out loud. She sat across from Ash, as she took a cup of Orange Juice.

Brock sat at the head of the table, in between Ash and Misty, as he asked Ash a question. "So, Ash. What are your plans for today?"

Ash looked at Brock, mouth stuffed with croissants, he swallowed.

"I was actually hoping to get a tour around the city. Since it's been a long time for me." He looked towards Misty, expectantly.

Misty glanced at him, and sighed. "Sorry I'm busy, Ash. I got a match today."

Ash questioningly looked at her. "A match?"

Brock looked at Ash. "What? You didn't know? Misty is a respected Gym Leader."

Ash practically choked on his food. "What!? You're a Gym Leader!? Since when!?"

Misty narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed. "What are you talking about? Don't you remember challenging me for the Cerulean Cascade Badge?" She sighed. "But yea, thanks to all the chaos going on for the past few years, and since Viridian was a pretty safe city... Well, I had to do something to earn my half of the rent. So I opened a Gym here in Viridian." She looked towards Brock, giving him a thankful smile. "With Brock's help, of course."

Ash looked between Misty and Brock, slightly disappointed. "How come no one told me?"

Misty smugly took a croissant, and got up from her chair. "Well, it's not our job to keep you updated, Ash. Look, I gotta go. See ya later boys." She looked at Pikachu, who was patiently sitting on the floor, watching them. "Let's go Pikachu."

"Pika." Pikachu happily agreed.

As they left, Ash turned to Brock. "So you guys only build the Gym, right?"

Brock nonchalantly shook his head, as he was cleaning up. "Nope. She also opened up a Water Park."

Ash was genuinely surprised. "Seriously?"

Brock took a piece a paper and a nearby pen, and scribbled something down.

"Here. These are the addresses to the Gym and the Park. Since you got time today, I suggest you check them out. I can't show you around, I'm also busy."

Ash smiled at Brock, thankfully. "Thanks man! Don't worry about it, this helps a lot!"

Entering the Gym with Pikachu right behind her, Misty heads towards the front desk, where a young blue-haired girl sat as secretary.

"Good morning. Are all the Pokémon and Trainers ok?"

The bluenette answered with a bright smile. "The Pokémon are all fed and ready for battle. And the Trainers are all ready for your next challenger."

Misty returned the smile. "That's good to hear. Let me know if anything comes up."

Misty turned around to go, when her secretary stopped her in her tracks. "Actually, you have a special match today."

Misty turned back around to her bluenette. "What do you mean?"

The bluenette responded nervously. "Well... I just got a call from a news anchor, that you will be challenged tonight, by a veteran Trainer. It's going to be a pretty big deal."

Misty just stared at her. "How big?"

The bluenette gulped. "National News big."

Misty stared at her secretary with widened eyes. "What!? I should have been notified!"

Her secretary flinched. "I'm so sorry Miss. I just received the call only an hour ago."

It took Misty a few moments to calm down, as she rubbed her forehead from a small headache. "Well, alright. You said tonight right? What time?"

The bluenette quickly checked her notepad. "At 9:30 tonight."

Misty looked at her questioningly. "Why so late?"

"Apparently the Trainer couldn't come earlier, and that's the only time they can. But, do you want to allow other Trainers to challenge you, or just close down the Gym, besides for tonight?"

Misty thought for a moment, and then sighed.

"Well, by then, the news of something like this would spread. Meaning, that by nine, the Gym would be packed. It would be too much for my Pokémon to handle, fighting more than one team. Especially if it really is a veteran Trainer."

The bluenette nodded. "Understood. But, what happens if the bleachers are packed and there are more people?"

Misty smiled at her. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

With that, Misty walked towards her pool, to find Michelle swimming alone. "Hey Michelle. Morning swim as usual?"

Michelle looked up towards her and smiled brightly, waving her hand. "Oh hey, Misty!"

It only took a moment for Michelle to get out of the pool, and greet Misty with her smile. "Hey! Did you hear!? You have a big match today!"

Misty stared at her in surprise. "You heard?"

Michelle nodded. "Yup! Everyone is talking about it! There are even rumors about it being live on TV!"

Misty just stared at Michelle, dumbfounded. "What?"

Michelle smiled excitedly. "Yup!" Suddenly her expression turned worried. "Thing is... the Trainers here are a little worried."

Misty furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

Michelle scratched the back of her head. "Well, rumor has it that whoever it is... they are a seasoned Trainer. Meaning, they are tough. Really tough. We're worried that we won't stand a chance against them."

Misty herself was getting worried, but gave Michelle a smile instead.

"Don't worry. I know you and the rest of the Trainers will give it all you've got. Even if they make it past all five of you, then they'll have to deal with me. And you know I'm tough enough to take them on. Especially after battling all five of you at once. Every single one of you is pretty tough. So don't worry about it that much and just have fun, ok?"

Michelle smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks, Misty."

Misty gave her a wide smile. "Alright. Now go and get ready. I'm counting on you guys."

Michelle nodded with a wide smile of her own. "We'll take them down!"

Just like that, Michelle left, leaving Misty alone in her empty Gym. Looking around her deserted Gym, she could just imagine the bleachers packed with people and Pokémon for later tonight. She shook her head with a sigh.

"It'll just be like any other day. Nothing to it." She told herself, as she called out all her strongest Pokémon, as they swam up to her, from below the surface of the pool.

"Listen up guys. We have a big match tonight. We need to train hard until then. I'm counting on all of you. I know we can do this. Especially after everything we've been through. I believe in you guys. So let's give this everything we've got!"

Her Pokémon cheered, as they divided into partners to train with one another. Misty looked down towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu... I need you to fight by my side tonight."

"Pika?" Pikachu just stared at her a little confused.

Misty smiled at him. "I know you've been on the sidelines for a while now. But for tonight, especially tonight, I need you on my team."

"Pika..." He didn't sound sure at all.

"Please, Pikachu? It's just for tonight. I promise I won't yell at you anymore. Heck, you can even go back to Ash. If you want to of course."

"Pika?" He looked questioningly at her.

Misty nodded. "Yup. I promise."

Pikachu sighed, and then smiled widely at her with a nod. "Pikachu!"

Misty smiled widely at her little yellow teammate. "Awesome! Thank you, Pikachu."

"Pi Pikachu!" He responded happily as he joined the other Pokémon in their training sessions.

Misty nodded as she watched her Pokémon and Pikachu, tackling and dodging each other. Hopefully this will work...

She didn't even notice the time fly by, when Michelle walked up towards her. "Misty, you're still training?"

Misty looked up at Michelle in surprise, and then looked down at her watch. It was seven in the evening. "Woah! I didn't even notice."

Michelle sounded a little stressed. "Misty... people are already starting to come in. The waiting area is already packed. There is even a line forming outside. On top that..."

Suddenly a bunch of people barged into her Gym, with cameras, microphones, and lots of film equipment.

Michelle continued a little annoyed. "They're here already."

Misty quickly turned to her Pokémon, telling them to go back to their pools and wait until they are called. They dived underwater, and Pikachu came to her side.

"Well that's just great." Said Misty, heavy with the sarcasm.

"Tell me about it." Michelle matched her sarcasm.

On that moment, a local news anchor greeted her with a smile. Misty looked at him, and noticed that he was handsome in person. Short blonde hair, light blue eyes, average slim build, and baby faced. But comparing him to Ash... was just like comparing a ruby with a diamond. Both are pretty to look at, but the diamond always wins.

"Well hello there! I'm Jake from VTV, do you mind if I interview you before your match tonight?"

Misty looked towards Michelle. "Go and make sure that the rest of the Trainers are completely ready. Not only their Pokémon, but also their stomachs. Don't want anyone getting hungry tonight."

Michelle nodded. "Will do. But, Misty... you've been training all day. You should eat too."

Misty nodded. "I will. After I finish with this."

Michelle was about to leave, when Misty stopped her.

"Good luck tonight, Michelle. Send my luck to everyone else."

Michelle smiled thankfully and nodded, and then she turned around and ran back towards the entrance to the Gym.

Misty turned around towards Jake. "Alright, let's do this."

Jake nodded happily. "Alright!" He turned to the TV crew. "Get cameras ready! We've got an interview!"

Suddenly an older man, with a massive camera, came right up towards them. With a mic person, and people in charge of the lights, right behind the cameraman.

The cameraman counted down from three, when the camera lights suddenly turned on, facing Jake.

"Good evening Viridian! I'm here live at the certified Viridian Water Gym! In just a mere few hours, this beautiful Gym will be jam packed with fans, far and wide, to witness this grand battle!" He turned towards Misty, and the camera followed. "I'm here with the Viridian Water Gym Leader, Misty. Now Misty, everyone is talking about your opponent. How do you feel fighting such a Legendary Trainer?"

Legendary Trainer? "Well, I would be lying if I said that I was nervous."

Jake grinned. "Well of course! Since this is not only a match between a Gym Leader, and the Legend, but it's also a comeback match for your challenger! With this match, the world will know that the Legend himself, has returned!"

Returned? Legend? Who the heck is he talking about?

"Now tell us, what did you do to prepare for such an event? Did you do any special training?"

Misty plastered a smile on her face. "Yes, I did do some intensive training. I've got to be prepared for anything that comes my way. No matter who they are."

Jake laughed. "Well looks like our Gym Leader is ready for battle! But rumour has it that this could be your thousandth win. How do you feel about that?"

Misty smiled at him. "Win or lose, I know that I'll have the time of my life. And that is all that matters."

Jake gave her an inspired smile. "Now that's what I like to hear from our Local Gym Hero!" The camera focused now on Jake. "You heard her Viridian! No matter what happens tonight, we'll all have the time of our lives! This is Jake Smith from VTV, and we'll see you live at 9:30!"

"Cut!" Yelled a crew member from somewhere behind the cameraman.

The cameraman shut off the camera lights, and went back to his crew members, followed by the mic person, and the light people.

Jake turned to Misty, giving her a light hearted smile. "You did a great job! You didn't seem nervous at all."

Misty smiled at him. "Thanks."

Jake returned her smile. "Anytime. By the way, are you free after the match? I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner."

Misty looked at him, a little surprised. However, she replied with an apologetic smile. "Sorry Jake, but I'm spoken for."

Jake nodded, a little disappointed. "Well of course you are. A beautiful and successful girl like you, obviously has someone."

Misty shrugged, and kept her apologetic smile. "Sorry Jake."

"It's alright!" Jake laughed it off. "By the way I'll be your announcer during all the fights, including yours. Are you okay with that?"

Misty nodded. "Yea, of course. Go ahead."

"Awesome!" Jake replied happily, as he went back to his TV crew.

Meanwhile, Misty sighed and went straight for the lockers. As she was finally alone, she checked her watch to see that it was nearly eight in the evening.

Well... at least I still have time to eat before it all starts.

On that note, the locker doors open, and Pikachu comes in, looking for her. "Pikachupi?"

She looked down at him. "Hey Pikachu. Want to grab some food with me?"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded happily.

Misty walked towards the back door, located at the back of the locker room. She opened the door, and stepped outside, while Pikachu followed her. Once outside, she placed a wooden plank in between the door, so they could easily come back inside the locker room. Misty really didn't want to go through all the trouble, going through the front of her packed Gym.

She turned around to see Brock waiting a few feet from the door, with brown food bags in hand. "Brock? What are you doing here?"

Brock smiled. "Well, with everything that's going on, I figured you'd try to sneak out from the back. And I brought food, just in case you and Pikachu were hungry."

Misty smiled thankfully at him. "Thanks, Brock."

"Pi, Pikachu." Pikachu jumped on his shoulders, as Brock fed him some Pokémon food.

Misty walked up towards Brock, took a lunch bag from him, and sat down on the grass, against the fence of her Gym.

Brock looked at Misty a little surprised. "You want to eat here?"

Misty nodded as she looked in her bag. "Might as well. If we go anywhere else, we'll be spotted. And I really don't want to do another interview."

Brock laughed and sat down next to her. "Yea, I know what you mean. But I thought you did pretty well."

Misty looked up at him. "You saw it?"

Brock smiled at her. "I'm pretty sure all of Viridian did."

Misty didn't say anything, as she unwrapped a cheeseburger. However, she let her mind wonder aloud. "I wonder if he saw it."

Brock raised an eyebrow at her. "You mean Ash?"

She lowered her burger. "Yea... we had a fight last night, and I haven't heard from him all day. He didn't bother to call me or send a text." She shook her head and angrily took a bite from her burger. "Then again, I'm not surprised."

Brock didn't say anything as he too took a bite from his burger.

Misty continued. "I bet he's angry at me. I mean... I did say something hurtful to him, that to be honest, I didn't really mean. I wouldn't be surprised if he stopped talking to me."

"That won't happen."

Misty looked up at Brock. "What do you mean?"

A small smile crossed his lips, but it quickly disappeared. However, Misty caught that smile. "Brock... what's going on?"

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about." He looked at her for a second, and then quickly stuffed his face with food.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Brock... you're hiding something. What is it?"

Brock swallowed, and looked at his watch. "Oh look at the time! It's almost show-time. You gotta get ready." He quickly packed up all the food.

Her eyes were still narrowed. "Brooock." She warned him.

Brock swallowed, and a small sweat drop formed on his forehead. "Gotta get some things ready. Don't worry Misty, I will be in the audience... if you need me. C'mon Pikachu."

"Pi." Pikachu nodded, and ran back to the door.

Just like that, Brock ran towards the opened locker door. "Brock!"

By the time she called out to him, Brock was gone. What is going on? He never acts like this. But now that Ash is back, it's like he's... Misty suddenly had a thought. Waaait. Is Ash somehow involved? If so... then what the heck are they up to?

A sudden cheer sounded from the Gym, as Jake's voice boomed. "Alright! It's time Viridian! Let the first of the five Gym Trainer matches, begin!" An even bigger cheer roared from the audience.

It must be because of that Legendary Trainer. She shook her head. Ugh. I need to clear me head, before I go in.

Misty stood up and ran to the far end of the Gym's backyard, where she kept a secret garden, with a big fountain, where numerous smaller wild Pokémon called home. Here, she could barely make out the faint cheers and announcements from Jake. All she could hear were the Pokémon, and the water running from her fountain.

She walked up towards the fountain, and splashed the water on her face. Ah. Just what I needed.

Misty looked up and noticed how nice the night really was. The sky was clear, full of bright shining stars. Even the weather was great. It was even warm for a summer night. She smiled at herself, as she secretly loved nights like these.

She looked back towards the Gym, were she could barely hear the ongoing cheers.

Too bad we can't battle outside. She shook her head. I knew I should have made an outside pool. Oh well.

She checked her cellphone, and noticed that there was a message from Brock.

"Hey, where are you? You doing ok?"

Misty smiled. "Yea. I'm fine." She thought back to how shifty he was acting earlier. "Brock be honest. What's going on?"

A moment later, her phone buzzed from an incoming message.

"You mean the match? Well, the first one is done. He is moving on to the next one."

Misty stared at her phone. That was quick. "Who is he?"

Misty had to wait a few minutes, before Brock answered. "This is getting good. Let you know what happens."

Misty scowled. "He's avoiding my question. Seriously what's going on with him?" She said angrily out loud.

Misty sat down on the edge of her fountain and breathed out, taking as much fresh air as she can. About ten minutes later, her phone buzzed again. Misty picked up her phone as she read Brock's message.

"Well, that was interesting. But it wasn't even close. He's moving on to #3"

Shoot. I guess I kinda knew he'd be good. Whoever he is. But not that good. I hope the guys can take care of him.

She responded to him, as fast as she could. Giving up on getting any answers from Brock. "Alright. Keep me posted."

Misty relaxed back on the fountain, as she looked back towards the sky. Some time passed as Misty opened her eyes, as she realized that she must have fallen asleep.

CRAP! Misty rushed to her phone as she sees numerous messages from Brock.

"Wow that 3rd guy was tough! But he handled it like it was nothing! Looks like it's time for #4"

"Oh-oh. It's getting intense here. I think Alex can handle him."

"Now that was a close match! But he still moves on! He definitely knows how to battle!"

"Misty... if Michelle can't handle this, then it's your turn."

"Michelle is giving everything she's got! I'm actually kinda proud of her haha. Btw, how come you haven't answered? Busy?"

"Oh no... she's in trouble."

Misty couldn't look at her phone any longer. She looked at the time of Brock's last message, and realized that it was only five minutes ago. Misty ran back to the Gym as fast as she could. The moment she reached the opened back-door to the lockers, she heard Jake's voice.

"There you have it Vermillion! All five Trainers have been defeated! Now according to the Gym's rules, we will have a five minute intermission before the main event! So stick around Vermillion, you don't want to miss this! And we'll see you after these messages!"

Misty opened the door, stepped into the locker room, and shut the door behind her. When she turned around, she saw Michelle standing there in tears.

Misty almost felt like crying herself. "Michelle..."

Michelle sobbed, but tried to talk. "I... I tried. I really did... but he... He was too much!"

Misty walked up towards Michelle, and hugged her. "I'm sure you did. I'm proud of you Michelle."

Michelle stepped back, and looked at Misty. "But why? I couldn't stop him! You should be disappointed, not proud!"

Misty shook her head and smiled. "Michelle... out of all the Trainers here, you're the strongest. Heck, you're almost as strong as me. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You gave it all you had. He was just that much stronger then you. And besides, he's a Legendary Trainer, right? So everything is fine." She gave Michelle a warm forgiving smile.

Michelle couldn't help but smile back. "Misty..."

Misty nodded towards the Gym, with a smile. "Now get out of here. I got a match to prepare for."

Michelle chuckled. "Hehe. Alright. I'll be on the sidelines, with the rest of the Trainers, cheering for you. I'll be the loudest of course."

Misty laughed. "I'll look forward to it."

Michelle nodded, wiped her eyes dry, and ran back towards the Gym. Misty only had a moment to herself, when Jake's voice boomed.

"Welcome back Viridian! Now it's time for the final match! Are you all excited! You should be! This could be the match of the century! We'll give a warm introduction to both trainers as they enter the Gym, one at a time. So without further ado, let's give a warm, loud welcome, to our very own hero! The Gym Leader with only one match to go to a thousand wins..."

This is it. Misty squared her shoulders as she tried to relax as much as she could. Whatever happens... you did your best. You owe that to yourself and your Pokémon.

"Our very own hero, the Vermilion Water Gym Leader, Misty!"

Misty stepped out onto the brightly lit Gym, when an eruption of cheers rushed at her at once. As she made her way to one marble area of the pool, where Pikachu was waiting for her. She saw all her Trainers, sitting on the front row of the benches, cheering her on. She smiled at Michelle, who was standing and cheering for her. Within the audience, she sees most of her friends that she made during all these past four years here in Vermilion. She spotted Brock, as he also stood and cheered her on. She nodded and smiled at him, and then she waved at her audience both on the bleachers and at the TV camera, with the best smile she could master.

She looked down on Pikachu, who also smiled and nodded. Misty looked across the pool, to the empty marble area, where her opponent will be.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!"

A couple of spotlights that the TV crew brought in, suddenly illuminated the door to the entrance to the Gym.

"Let's give a warm, and a very loud welcome, to the veteran trainer, who is making his way back to the Pokémon League with a returning match! A match for the history books! The Legend, The Champion, the One and Only... Ash Ketchum!"

WHAT!? Misty stared at the entrance with wide eyes, as Ash opened the door and stepped inside the Gym.

The moment he came in, a volcanic eruption of cheers filled the Gym as the girls screamed the most. Looking back at the audience, Misty could see numerous posters of; GO ASH!, WE LOVE YOU ASH!, etc. She looked towards Brock, with a deadly look, as he shrugged with a sheepish grin on his face.

That son of a... He is so dead! Heck, they both are!

She sharply looked back at Ash, as he stood across the pool, at the marble area. He smiled smugly towards her like he finally got what he wanted.


It looked like Ash wanted to say something, as everyone else noticed when the noise finally died down.

"Misty... I've been looking for you, and we came here to fight! It's you and me, and it's time for a show! I'm taking you down! It's a Pokémon Battle, of course! So let's get this started before you back out!" He then shrugged, with the biggest grin he could master, like he was taunting her. "You can still disband, though. My team is tough and you know I'd understand!"

Misty scowled at him and she shouted back. "I'm not moving an inch, Ash! I'm gonna destroy you, and I won't even flinch!" An excited cheer came from the audience, however Misty continued. "I've been training for so long and I'm taking you down, Ash! Cause I know I can! So let's get this started before YOU back out. And I'm gonna show you what training is REALLY about!"

The audience erupted into excited cheers, knowing that there will be a big battle ahead.

I have to do this! Someone has to take him down a peg! And I will finally win against him, and this time, for real!

Ash laughed out loud. "Haha! If you say so!" Suddenly, he smiled mischievously. "How about we make this more interesting?" Suddenly, the Gym fell deadly silent. "If you win, you get your thousandth win, and you will finally beat me, fair and square. And I promise, we will be JUST good friends. BUT! If I win..." His smile turned sweet and genuine. "If I win this match... will you go out with me, Misty?"

There was a moment of shocked silence, when suddenly the audience cheered louder than ever before. There were even loud cries from some of the girls in the audience. Misty just stared at Ash in shock, while Jake spoke to the audience.

"OH MY GOD! Did I hear him right!? Our Champion wants to go out with our hometown hero!? If this isn't love in the air, then I don't know what is! This is definitely going down in the history books people! But! We haven't heard her response yet!"

The Gym fell silent, as all eyes were on Misty, including the TV camera.

Misty stared at Ash in surprise. However, a smug smile crossed her lips. "Defeat me, and then we can talk. Sound good?"

Ash also sported a smug smile. "Deal."

Suddenly, Jake's voice boomed. "There you have it Viridian! The bets are set, and the Trainers are ready! The first team to get fully knocked out loses! Now let the match of the century, begin!"

The crowd cheered, as Ash held his first Pokeball. Meanwhile, Misty noticed that there was an island of dirt in the middle of her pool, just enough room for two Pokémon to stand on.

What the... when did that get there?

She looked towards Brock who was supposed to be in the audience, but she instead found him talking to Jake. Brock noticed someone watching him, so he turned around to meet Misty's eyes. She nodded towards the island of dirt in the middle of her pool, and had question marks all over her face. Brock just waved it off, signaling that he'll explain later.

She scowled at him. He better.

Before Ash could send out his first Pokémon, Jake spoke in the microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman! Before the match begins, I have just been informed that without a proper Judge, this wouldn't really be an official match. Therefore, we are lucky tonight to not only have another Gym Leader with us, but it turns out that he is also a certified Judge! Please welcome Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader!"

The audience cheered as both Misty and Ash looked at Brock, totally confused. What the... how come he never told me?

Brock sweat-dropped as he saw the confused looks from both of his best friends, he then coughed, and took an extra microphone that was handed to him by Jake.

"Ahem! Welcome Viridian, to tonight's match!" The audience cheered, but Brock continued, looking at both Ash and Misty. "This will be a full on, six versus six, no holds bar match. The first team to have all Pokémon KO'd loses. The Pokémon must stay within the bounds of this arena. If they step outside, they are disqualified! Now, Trainers are you ready?"

Misty stared at Ash, fully determined to win this match. While Ash also stared back at her, with the same determination, while gripping his Pokeball.

"Great! Now let the match, begin!" Both Brock and Jake yelled into their microphones, as the audience exploded with cheers.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Ash sporting his trademark hat, he turned it around like he always does before a match. "Go Sceptile!"

As Sceptile appeared on the island, Misty smiled. Sceptile, huh? Looks strong. Let's test it out. "Come on out, Psyduck!"

Ash was confused, as Psyduck was nowhere to be found. "What? You still have Psyduck? Seriously!?"

Misty smiled but didn't say anything.

Ash looked around, but there was still no sign of her yellow duck.

He sweat-dropped. "You do realize that you're going to need a Pokeball to send him out, right? I mean c'mon! That's basic battling!" He laughed.

Not even a moment later, his Sceptile got knocked into the water by a blast of water, as Psyduck jumped out of the pool, and landed on the island right where its opponent was. Psyduck looked annoyed.

"What the!?" Ash stared on in disbelief.

Misty laughed. "That's what you get, Ash! You're playing on my turf now! You shouldn't have underestimated me!"

Ash looked pissed. "Damn it! That was a sleazy trick, Misty! Not cool!"

Misty scoffed. "Well this is a Water Gym, you know! It's a whole different battle now!"

Ash looked towards Brock, who looked back at Ash and nodded.

Ash swore out loud. "Well fine! Let's play this game of yours, and we'll see who wins! Sceptile! Bullet Seed!"

Sceptile popped out of the water, and spit big green, multiple seeds at Psyduck. With the force of the attack, Psyduck went flying.

"No! Psyduck!" I have to do something quick! While Psyduck was falling, Misty had an idea. "Psyduck! Use Disable!"

Still falling, Psyduck's eyes glowed blue, as it stared at Sceptile. At that instant, Sceptile became temporarily paralyzed.

Ash smirked. "You do realize that wasn't Sceptile's only attack right?" At that moment, Sceptile shook off his paralysis. "Now! Leaf Storm!"

Everything happened so fast that Psyduck didn't make it back into the water. Sceptile extended his arms, and directed a ferocious typhoon of wind and leafs, towards poor Psyduck. Being helpless, Misty could only watch as her Psyduck fell into the pool, completely unconscious.

"Sceptile wins this round!" Brock yelled into his microphone as the audience cheered.

"No... Psyduck." She watched as her poor friend was drowning in the pool, unconscious. She took out Psyduck's Pokéball from her pocket, and called it back.

"Psyduck... return." A beam of red light shot through the water, and Psyduck returned.

Ash kept his smirk. "Misty, you do realize that I gave you a chance to back out before, right? I'm the Champion after all."

Misty shot him a deadly glare. Ash flinched. "Just keep that up, Ash! I'm not going easy on you! Not anymore! Staryu, NOW!"

At that instant, Staryu shot out of the pool, surrounded by speeding red light, as it tackled Sceptile, knocking it out instantly.

Ash stared in shock, as Sceptile, unconscious, was drowning in Misty's pool. "What... what just happened?"

"Staryu used Double-Edge on Sceptile! It's an instant KO! Staryu wins!" Yelled Brock.

As the audience cheered, Jake spoke into his microphone. "This match is heating up as our Trainers are just getting started! What will our Champion do next!?"

Ash gritted his teeth. "Oh I'll show you what!" He returned Sceptile, and gripped his next Pokeball. "Just like we practiced! Go Greninja!"

Ash threw his Pokeball into mid-air, when Greninja popped out of its ball. It went straight head-first to Staryu, crashing into it, in the pool's island like a falling comet. As Greninja got off Staryu, Misty's Pokémon was unconscious.

"Just like a falling star! Greninja's Arial Ace wins!"

The audience boomed with cheers, as Misty called Staryu back. Misty didn't say anything, as Ash taunted. "What's the matter, Mist? I thought you weren't going easy on me?"

Ash's Greninja just stood on the island of dirt in Misty's pool, also taunting her.

Misty gripped Staryu's Pokeball, glaring at Ash and his Pokémon. Ugh. Like Trainer, like Pokémon. Arrogant and full of ego. She glanced behind her to see Pikachu standing behind Misty, looking a little bit uncomfortable. She shook her head. No. I can't use him. At least not yet. Only to the very end.


Ash stiffened, as he expected Misty's Pokémon to jump out of the water in another surprise attack. "Watch out Greninja! She's going for a surprise attack!"

Ash's Greninja stiffened on the dirt island, looking at every direction expecting something to happen.

Misty just glared at Ash, as she noticed the shadow of her Pokémon circling the island like a shark, in frog form.

"There it is! Greninja use Water Shuriken and get it before it pops out!"

Greninja jumped into the pool as it performed its famous Water Shuriken attack, but unknown to Ash, he didn't know Politoad was a lot faster underwater, as it easily dodged Greninja's Shuriken.

Ash gritted his teeth. "Don't let that frog get away Greninja!"

Misty also gritted her teeth. "Wear it down Politoad! You got this!"

As the cat and mouse chase went on, a TV screen appeared above Brock's and the TV crew's head, so the audience can see what was going on underwater.

"Look at this match! They both may be Water type Pokémon, but who will come out on top!" yelled Jake with excitement.

"I will of course! Greninja! Finish this-"

"Now Politoad!" Misty yelled before Ash could finish.

Politoad suddenly spun around under water and performed a dance. It instantly confused Greninja. A moment later, it performed a disappearing act underwater.

"Politoad used Swagger! And now it disappeared! Will Misty come out on top?" Brock announced.

Ash glared at Misty. "Stop hiding already! And face me like a real Gym Leader!" Then he smiled in a cocky way. "Heh. Unless you're scared to face me, Mist?"

Misty scowled. "Not even close, Ash!"

"Greninja! Use Double Team and get out of there!"

It was no use. Ash's Greninja attacked itself instead, since it was still confused.

Misty smirked. "Now, Politoad!"

Politoad detached itself from the island, as it swam towards the confused Greninja and punched it straight in the face with a great force, knocking it out instantly.

"Politoad used Mega Punch on Greninja! Politoad wins this round!"

Ash called his Pokémon back as he waited for Misty's Politoad to return to the surface. To his luck, a moment later Politoad emerged onto the island as the audience cheered for it.

Ash smirked. "Go Heracross! Do it now!"

The instant Heracross emerged, it dived horns first towards Politoad. Poor Politoad wasn't paying attention, when Heracross crashed into it, making an instant KO.

"Politoad is down by Megahorn! Heracross wins!"

As the audience cheered, Misty called back her Politoad and placed it away in her pocket. Then she held out a Pokeball in her hands. She looked at it and smiled. "It's been too long old friend. But I need your help." She looked towards Ash and she smiled, making him confused.

"Go Togettic! Take that bug down!"

Ash's eyes went round. "No way!"

As Togettic appeared, a rushing red light surrounded it, as it slammed into Heracross with the speed of light. Instantly knocking it out.

"Togettic wins by Double Edge!" Brock yelled into the microphone.

Ash called back his Heracross, and smiled a small smile at Misty. "Misty... I'm going to win. One way, or another."

Misty looked at him a little confused, as she noticed that Ash looked towards Pikachu, who was still behind Misty, and smiled a knowing smile at his old yellow friend.

Misty was getting annoyed. "Hurry up and send your next Pokémon, Ash!"

Ash smirked. "Heh. Alright. Go Snorlax! Show her what you're made of!"

As Snorlax appeared, it landed on the island, at that moment, it punched Togettic with an ice covered fist. Togettic instantly fainted.

"Snorlax wins with Ice Punch!"

As Ash bathed in the cheer of his adoring fans, Misty called back her poor Togettic. "You did great. You deserve a nice long rest." Then Misty glared at Ash. "It's too early to celebrate Ash! Go Gyarados!"

The second Ash heard that Pokémon's name being called out, his smile instantly turned into a frown. "Great. Here we go."

The pool started to shake, as a huge shadow appeared from underneath the pool. When it emerged, it almost washed Snorlax away.

"Watch out Snorlax!" Ash yelled.

Misty smirked as she held up a stone in the air. At that moment Ash knew all too well what that meant. "Crap. And here I thought that she wouldn't use it."

Misty smirked. "You should have known, Ash! Gyarados, Mega evolve into... Mega Gyarados!"

Misty's stone glowed brightly. At that moment, Gyarados exploded with light as it Mega Evolved. The audience also exploded into cheers.

"Woah! Look at that! Looks like our Gym Hero is getting serious! This is one epic match folks! Can our Champion deal with this sudden turn of events!?"

Ash quickly glanced at Jake, and rolled his eyes as he brought his attention back towards Misty. "I did it before, so I can do it again!"

Misty smirked. "We shall see, Ash. Gyarados, Rain Dance!"

A thundercloud appeared inside the Gym, as the audience complained about getting rained on.

"Haha indoor rain! Gotta love these Gym Battles!" Yelled Jake ecstatically.

"Sure do! Now let's do a head count! Misty is down to only two Pokémon! While Ash still has three! Will he able to come out on top?" Said Brock towards the audience.

Everyone cheered as Ash gritted his teeth. "Of course I can! Snorlax, Hyper Beam!"

A beam of light shot out of Snorlax's mouth, as it headed straight for Mega Gyarados. However, Misty's Gyarados was too fast as it easily dodged it as it dived underwater.

"DAMN IT!" Ash yelled practically losing his cool.

Misty giggled. "It's time to repay the favour, Gyarados!"

Mega Gyarados popped out of the water right in front of Snorlax, blasting it with a Hyper Beam of its own, sending it flying out of the arena.

"Snorlax is out of bounds! Gyarados wins!"

The second Snorlax hit the Gym's walls, Mega Gyarados dived back underwater.

Ash called Snorlax back and glared at Misty. "You think you got this, don't you?"

Misty shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe you're a little rusty, Ash."

Ash scoffed. "Me? Rusty? As if! Go Goodra!"

As Ash's Goodra landed on the island, Misty's Mega Gyarados emerged, ready to attack. Ash gritted his teeth.

"This is it Goodra! Dragon Pulse!" Yelled Ash.

"Hyper Beam!" Yelled Misty.

As the ferocious attacks collided, it caused an explosion so fierce that it made the audience scream and fall off their seats, and it blew away the TV crew, and Brock. Misty and Ash held their ground. As the smoke cleared, both Mega Gyarados and Goodra were unconscious.

"Both Pokémon are unconscious from the explosion! This round is a tie!" Announced Brock, while both Ash and Misty returned their Pokémon.

"Woah! This is an explosive match! And I mean that literally! Will someone come out on top, or will it end in a tie!" Yelled Jake in his microphone.

"We will see, Jake! Both Ash and Misty have a single Pokémon left! It's all or nothing now!" Responded Brock in his own microphone.

As Ash held his final Pokeball, he watched his oldest friend hiding behind the love of his life, across the Water Gym's Pool.

Misty turned around, and looked down towards Pikachu, giving him a warm smile. "This is it Pikachu. You ready?"

Pikachu fidgeted as it looked between his oldest friend and his current trainer.

"C'mon Pikachu. I know you can do this. Remember our deal earlier?" Misty sported a huge inviting grin towards her little yellow friend.

At that moment, Ash sent out his final Pokémon. "Go Charizard!"

Misty looked back towards the now summoned Charizard, and then she looked towards Ash, who was watching Pikachu intently.

Misty grimaced. "My final Pokémon is Pikachu!"

She looked down to see that Pikachu was slowly stepping up. Pikachu looked back at Misty who smiled warmly at him, and then he looked towards Ash.

"Pikapi Pikachu." Pikachu said in a sad tone.

Ash smiled his warmest smile at his very first Pokémon. "It's alright Pikachu. Give me your best shot!" He winked at his yellow friend.

Pikachu watched Ash for a moment, and then he looked up at Charizard who was floating in the air. After a moment, Pikachu cried out load, shaking his head.

"Pika! Pikachu pi Pikapi!"

Misty noticed that Pikachu actually had tears falling from his eyes, like he didn't want to fight.

"Oh? What's this? Pikachu doesn't want to fight?" Asked Jake, while the audience was getting confused.

"That's what it looks like. If Pikachu refuses to fight, then Misty will have no choice but to forfeit!" Said Brock, causing a commotion in the Gym.

What's going on? Is it because I'm forcing him to fight Ash?

"Pikachu!" All eyes were on Ash. "Pikachu! You got this! I know you do! There is only one thing that matters! Remember that!"

Pikachu suddenly stopped crying as it stared at Ash in surprise.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu turned back around towards Misty.

"Pikachu... you're one of my closest friends... and I don't know where I would have been... if it weren't for you. You were there for me when I really needed someone." She shot a blaming look towards Ash, who flinched. Misty then looked back towards Pikachu. "You took care of me. And now it's my turn to take care of you. Do this Pikachu, and I will keep my promise. Everything will go back to the way it was."

Pikachu blinked his tears away and spoke to Misty. "Pika?"

Misty nodded. "Yup. I promise!"

Pikachu then looked back towards Ash, and Ash nodded with a smile.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu smiled happily as it jumped on the island, ready for battle.

"All right! Looks like the battle is back in full swing! Who will win? Our Gym Leader Hero, or our returning Champion! And if our Champion wins, will he get the girl?" Announced Jake.

At that, Misty blushed hard, but she shook it off.

"Who knows? Now trainers! This is the final round! Last Pokémon standing wins!" Brock announced.

"All right! Let's do this! Charizard, Flamethrower!"

"Dodge it Pikachu!"

Pikachu dived underwater, just in time, as Charizard's flames hit the island. As the flames disappeared, Charizard landed on the island, and watched the water for any sign of the little yellow mouse.

"Now! Iron Tail!"

"Dragon Tail!"

Pikachu jumped out of the water as its glowing tail rushed towards Charizard. At the same time, Charizard blocked Pikachu's attack with his own tail, causing a powerful wind to rush through the Gym.

Pikachu jumped back just far enough away from Charizard on the island.

"Now Charizard! Overheat!"

"Use Volt Tackle to dodge it!"

As Charizard exploded with heat, electricity charged around Pikachu as he used Volt Tackle to jump on top of the water to avoid Charizard's heat.

"Look at that! Pikachu is using the power of electricity to run on the water to avoid Charizard's fire! That's incredible!" Yelled Jake.

"It really is Jake! Everyone knows that water conducts electricity! This is just another example of Misty's quick thinking!" Brock announced in his microphone.

As the fire disappeared into smoke, Charizard was in the air waiting for the smoke to clear. Once it cleared up, Ash noticed that Pikachu stood on the island coughing up smoke.

"Now Charizard!" Ash yelled.

Charizard dived towards Pikachu, catching it off guard as it grabbed it back into the air.

"Seismic Toss!"


As Charizard spun in circles in midair, Pikachu summoned all of his strength and cast a very powerful Thunder attack on himself, and Charizard. Both Pokémon cried out as they both crashed towards the island.

"Pikachu!" Cried Misty out loud.

"Charizard!" Cried Ash.

As the smoke of the crash cleared, both Pokémon laid face down on the dirt island, seemingly unconscious. As everyone watched on anxiously, Brock's voice boomed.

"Both Pokémon seem unable to battle any longer! However, the rules state that there must be a winner! The first Pokémon to stand will be declared the winner!"

Oh no, it can't end like this! There is too much on the line. "Get up Pikachu! I know you a can do it!"

"Get up Charizard! You got this! I know you do!" Yelled Ash from across the pool.

Misty looked up towards Ash, and noticed that he was not only cheering for Charizard, but he looked really worried for Pikachu, but didn't cheer his oldest friend on.

Does he even care? His Pokémon are hurt! "Get up Pikachu! I know that you're stronger than this!"

At that, Pikachu stirred.

"Looks like Pikachu is getting up! Will Misty win this match?" Yelled Jake.

At that moment, Charizard also started to move.

"Don't count on it! Charizard is also fighting back!" Announced Brock.

As both Ash and Misty cheered their respective Pokémon on, it seemed like Pikachu was about to stand up first, when suddenly Pikachu collapsed back on the ground. Giving Charizard the opportunity to stand first. After a moment of struggle, Charizard stands in victory.

"Charizard stands! Ash and Charizard are the winners!" Brock announced proudly.

An explosion of cheers filled the Gym as everyone chanted Ash's name. Meanwhile, all Misty could do was watch on, as Pikachu lay beaten and unconscious on the ground. He wasn't moving at all.

"Pikachu... I'm so sorry."

Ash ignored the cheers, as he called Charizard back. He then took off his jacket and shirt, as he jumped into the pool, and swam towards Pikachu, worry and anger filled his eyes.

"Pikachu!" Ash climbed onto the island and cradled his buddy in his arms. "Pikachu! Please wake up! I'm here buddy... please wake up."

As the audience cheered and celebrated on, Misty was getting annoyed at the crowd and their lack of empathy.

She sharply turned towards Brock. "Brock! Don't you think that's enough? It's over now!"

Brock nodded towards her, and turned to Jake, mentioned something, and Jake nodded.

"Ladies and Gentleman! The epic match of the century has ended, with our Champion as the winner!"

Misty had enough. "WHO CARES!? GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" She turned towards the stunned audience. "ALL OF YOU! GET OUT! BEFORE I CALL THE COPS TO KICK YOU OUT!"

At that moment, a bunch of security guys came rushing in as they escorted the audience and the TV crew out. Meanwhile, Michelle and the rest of the Trainers looked on between the anxious and angry Misty, and the beaten Pikachu in Ash's arms. Michelle turned towards the rest of the Trainers, and said something to them. After a moment, they looked back towards Misty and smiled with understanding, as they left with the rest of the audience. While all of that was happening, Misty grabbed Brock by the ear and pulled him to the side, all while he was holding Ash's clothes.

"Ow! Not the ear!"

She didn't let got until the Gym was completely empty, besides for her, Brock, Ash and Pikachu.

"What the hell, Brock! Why didn't you tell me!?" Misty yelled at him as she let go of his ear.

"OW!" Brock complained, as he rubbed his ear.

Misty was beyond annoyed. "Don't you ow me! Why did you keep this a secret from me!? And who the hell let you build a friggin dirt island in my pool!?"

"Don't yell at him, Mist."

Misty turned around to see Ash climbing out of the pool, with a beaten and bruised Pikachu in his arms.

Misty ran up to him. "Oh no... Pikachu! Please tell me he's ok?"

Ash shook his head. "He's in bad shape."

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. However, anger quickly overcame her. "It's your fault, Ash! If you never left in the first place, or if you just took poor Pikachu with you, then this wouldn't have happened!" After a quick moment she shook her head, tears spilling on her cheeks. "But it's all my fault. If I only trained him more, then he would have been strong enough to get through this..." She looked towards Pikachu. "I'm so sorry."

Brock handed Ash a blanket, from his jacket pocket, and wrapped Pikachu in it. When he bent down to hug him, Misty caught what Ash said, that made her confused and happy all at the same time.

"Thank you, Pikachu. For everything." Ash then turned towards Brock. "Can you take care of him, Please?"

Brock nodded. "Of course. I'll bring him to the Centre right away. Don't worry about a thing."

As Ash handed Pikachu over to Brock, and Brock gave Ash back his shirt and jacket, Misty spoke up in confusion.

"Why can't you go, Ash? You should be there for Pikachu."

He then turned towards her with a sly smile on his face, still shirtless. "Well, we do have that bet to deal with."

Misty puffed up in anger, blushing red. "Oh no you don't. First, you disappear for too damn long, and then you come out with a big returning match, just to ask me out!? On top of that, SOMEONE ruined my pool!"

Ash laughed out loud, putting his shirt back on. "C'mon Mist. We can always deal with your precious pool later."

Misty huffed and looked away from them both. Brock sweat dropped, and Ash sighed.

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry about your pool. It was my idea to but that island of dirt in it. Nearly all my Pokémon are land creatures. They wouldn't be able to battle in just water. I'll pay for all the cleaning up. Even if it totally cleans me out." He smiled at her. "I can easily make it all back. I'm the Champion after all." He winked at her.

Misty blushed again but looked away from him. "What about this stupid surprise battle? You could have at least told me about it, you know?"

Ash smiled. "Well if I did, then it wouldn't be a surprise. Now would it?" He walked up towards her, and touched one of her elbows. "So... about that bet..."

Misty stepped back. "Tch. I could have won that match."

Ash shook his head amusingly. "Yes, you could have. You almost did. But I won. Fair and square." He smile broadened. "Finally."

Misty groaned but didn't look at him.

Ash stepped up towards her, but didn't touch her. "Misty... will you go out with me?"

Well a deal is a deal. She looked towards Ash. And honestly... I can't imagine being with anyone else, anyway. She sighed. "Alright."

Both Ash and Brock smiled. Brock looked towards Ash. "I guess that means your ride is ready, Ash."

"Wait, what?" asked Misty.

Ash nodded and looked up towards Misty. "Yup. Our ride is ready for our date, Mist. Go get ready. I'll join you in a minute."

Still confused, Misty left towards the locker room to get changed into more date like clothing.

Ash watched Misty as she entered the locker room, and out of earshot. He then turned to Pikachu who was now awake, in Brock's arms.

"Hey there buddy. How are you feeling?"

Pikachu smiled but didn't say anything.

Ash smiled back. "Listen, I don't know if you heard me earlier... but I wanted to say thank you. Not only in taking care of Misty for all these years... but for going through with our plan."

Brock looked at Ash, a little confused. "Plan?"

Ash nodded. "Just right before all these matches started, I saw Pikachu coming from the back door. I pulled him to the side, and asked him where he was. He said that he was with you and Misty eating outside." He shook his head. "Anyway, so I came up with a backup plan with Pikachu. I knew that Misty wouldn't use Pikachu until the very end as her last option. So if that happened, I had to make sure that I would win the bet. So Pikachu agreed to lose to me on purpose, as long it wasn't too obvious."

Brock looked pissed at Ash. "How could you, Ash? You know that's technically cheating right?"

Ash sighed. "I know Brock. But when I saw Pikachu on the ground like that... I couldn't care less about that stupid bet or even the match. I was so scared for Pikachu. It took all I had to not jump in the pool towards him. The match was still on, so if I did that, I knew I would get disqualified." He shook his head. "At that moment... nothing mattered more to me than Pikachu. It killed me to see him like that."

Then he pats his little yellow buddy on the head. "Thank you, Pikachu. I knew I could always count on you. You don't have to worry. I'm not leaving again... not anymore."

Pikachu replied happily, but then fall back asleep.

Brock smiled sympathetically. "He's still so tired"

At that moment, Misty entered the Gym, in a blue simple dress, silver high heels, and curled hair. Ash couldn't do or say anything but stare.

"It's too much... I knew it."

Ash shook his head. "No not at all. You look beautiful."

Misty blushed. "W-weren't we going somewhere?"

Ash nodded. "Yup." He put his jacket on. Then he walked over to Misty and picked her up bridal style.

Misty squealed. "Ash! Put me down!"

Ash laughed. "No way!" He then looked over his shoulder towards Brock. "See you there, Brock!"

Brock laughed. "I wouldn't miss it, Ash!"

As Ash laughed back, all Misty could do was squeal and constantly asked him to put her down. But deep down, she loved being this close to him. All the while, Ash carried her outside of the front of the Gym, where a black limo was waiting for them.

Is he serious!?

It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination. At her Water Park. As Misty looked around, she noticed that there was absolutely no one around.

"Ash... what's going on?"

Ash laughed. "I booked the whole park off for tonight."

Misty stared at him in disbelief. "You do realize that I own the Park, right? You could have just asked me."

Ash shrugged it off. "I know. But that would ruin the surprise." He winked at her.

As they left the limo, Misty watched Ash as he spoke to one of the park attendants. They nodded and headed off towards somewhere. Ash looked back at her, took her by the hand with a big smile, and dragged her inwards towards the park. A few small rides, and ice creams later, Ash took her to the Park's biggest and most beautiful fountain. He let her hand go and looked up towards the sky.

"The night is clear tonight."

Misty looked up and noticed all the twinkling constellations. After everything that happened tonight, she is more than thankful to have this amazing warm weather.

He then looked down, sadness in his voice. "Misty... I'm so sorry for leaving you for so long... I had to. To save the planet. I had to travel everywhere and close all these openings so nothing would be able to come through them and cause chaos. But everywhere I went... it just seemed like I was fighting a losing battle."

"So what made you go on?" Misty asked softly.

He looked towards her, and his eyes softened. "It was you. I knew I had to come back to you. No matter what it took. And I hated myself for all these years for telling you the truth like that, and then disappear without another word." He sighed. "It wouldn't surprise me that you already have someone else."

Misty shook her head. "Ash... I don't have anyone. I only focused on my Gym and this Park. I had to take my mind off you. Brock and Pikachu definitely helped... but it just wasn't the same... I did get asked out a lot though... and there were times that Brock helped me out from men who were too aggressive at times... and yet all this time I never stopped thinking about you, Ash."

Ash walked up towards her and touched her arm. "Misty... I came back to be with the one person on this planet that I missed the most... Mist... I love you. Always did. And nothing would ever make me forget that."

Misty teared up as she couldn't find the words. "Ash..."

Ash looked down at his watch and smiled. "In... 5... 4... 3... 2..."

At that second, fireworks shot out towards the clear night sky.

Misty looked up in amazement as she took a few steps ahead. "Oh my gosh! Ash, its the fireworks!"

Ash didn't say anything.

Huh? Why is he so quiet?

Misty turned around and didn't believe the sight before her. Ash was down on one knee.

"Oh my god... Ash..."

"Misty... to prove to you how much I love you, and how much I'm willing to put on the line for you... I want you to know that you are the one for me. I can't imagine a life without you, Mist." He then pulled out a small black box from his pocket. Misty realized at that moment, that it was the very same package that she got for her birthday, when they reunited in front of the restaurant.

Ash then opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with blue encrusted crystals. "Misty... will you marry me?"

OH MY GOD! THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! She couldn't do anything but to stare in shock as tears welled up in her eyes and fell to her cheeks. After all these years of finally knowing how he really felt about her, and after everything they went through... this is finally happening to her. She couldn't muster any words but to cry out, and nod her head.

Ash's eyes softened like never before. "You gotta have to say it out loud, Mist."

Misty giggled, still full of tears. "Of course I will, you idiot."

Ash chuckled as he got up and placed the ring on her. Misty finally jumped into his arms, as they shared a passionate kiss that could be felt all round the park.

As the fireworks kept going, unknown to the newly engaged couple, Brock was watching them from a distance.

As he stood at the back of the Water Park, watching Ash finally having Misty in his arms, her new ring sparkled from the Park's lights.

Brock smiled at his now engaged two best friends, as he feels a presence behind him.

"I'd figured that you would show up, sooner or later..."

Brock turns around to see a figure standing in the shadows, dimly lightened from the Park's lights. "Lucifer."

A figure resembling Ash, walked out of the shadows, and smiled at Brock.

Lucy was wearing black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and a leather jacket. His dark hair, combed out neatly. But his dark menacing eyes never changed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Lucy, Brock?" He smirked at Brock.

Brock shrugged. "Meh, it doesn't fit you. So I'll stick with Lucifer."

Lucy shook his head and looked towards Ash and Misty, who were now in a deep passionate kiss.

"You know, for once... I can actually say that I'm happy for them."

Brock smiled mischievously. "What? You're not going to tempt them into anything?"

Lucy laughed. "Now wouldn't that be something." He shook his head. "But no, I won't. Those two went through more than enough. Hell, they've been through more than any couple could possibly go through. So no, I won't mess with this. I owe them at least that much."

He looked back at Brock. "And besides, I didn't just come here to finally see them get together... but I came here to thank you, for all your help."

Brock looked away from him. "I really didn't do much."

Lucy smiled. "Do you still have the mallet with you?"

Brock looked inside his jacket, and pulled out the mallet that Misty used to use against Ash.

"Yea, I still have it."

Lucy smiled and looked at the mallet. "You know, if you haven't told me about this, back then... then things would have been a whole lot worse."

Brock nodded. "I know. When Ash first started having those nightmares, I was really worried. But when he took out that mallet from the drawer, I suddenly knew what was going on. But I couldn't say anything. So when he left that night, I took the mallet and-"

"Then you called me up for help... again." Lucy finished for him.

Brock nodded. "That was when you put that spell on it."

Lucy nodded. "Yup. And I also made sure that the spell wouldn't activate... unless it was absolutely necessary."

Brock nodded. "Like saving Viridian from serious trouble."

Lucy smiled. "I still remember how you first came to me for help."

Brock smirked. "Oh you mean when I was cursed to be some mad scientist?" He laughed. "Ha, yea. I had to come up with some serious, and supposedly impossibly stuff, just to talk to you."

Lucy laughed. "Those were some good old days." He smiled. "But I'm glad you kept your distance from them, especially when Misty got sick." His expression turned grim. "If my stupid sister had nothing to do with it, then both of us could have easily saved her. But, no. Her curse was still in effect, and she had a strong hold on Misty."

"Not too long after that, you put a spell on me right?"

Lucy nodded. "Yup. When Misty ran off to fight my sister, and you split with that wizard boy... that was the moment I placed a mental shield on you... so you wouldn't forget anything."

Brock smiled thankfully, and looked back towards his engaged couple, as they were slowly leaving the Water Park, hand in hand.

"Well, with everything considered, I'm glad things turned out this way. I'm just glad that those two finally got together. And about damn time."

Lucy laughed in agreement. Brock turned back towards Lucy and handed him the mallet. "Here. You better take this. Before anything else happens."

Lucy scowled at the mallet. "I have a better idea." He took the mallet from Brock, and placed it on his left palm. Suddenly his hand was engulfed in fire, as it burned the mallet into ashes. "There. Never again."

Brock nodded. "Never again."

Brock and Lucy said their goodbyes, as Brock found his own way back home. When the Water Park was completely empty, Lucy turns towards the readers, officially breaking the fourth wall.

"There you have it guys, this is The Night Where It All Ended. I hope you all learned a valuable lesson or two. Never look into any strange objects, or even make deals with demons. It always ends horribly. Or at the very least, be careful what you wish for. Cause you might get EXACTLY what you wanted."

A muffled female scream sounded from somewhere.

Lucy rolled his eyes. "That's my sister. She wants to say goodbye. But I think you have more than enough demons to deal with for a lifetime." He smiles. "I hope you all enjoyed this tale of heartbreak, love, and other good bits. Just watch out for any weird reflections. It might just be us." He winks. "Until then..."

Lucy disappears into the night leaving a sinister feeling, as you feel a presence watching you from somewhere.