It was a cool evening and 19-year-old Dipper pines was enjoying the crisp cool summer night air in Gravity Falls in his favorite hat and shorts not wearing anything else because he was his life on his second floor apartment waiting for his girlfriend to came by for their "fun night" he checked the time it was nearly 10:00 o'clock that's when he saw his parents' car pull up Dipper got up from his chair and went down to greet them.
When he got down his father walked up to him with a nervous look
"Hey buddy." his voice was shaking when said that which Dipper noticed
"What did you do?" he asked boredly
"Uh well your mother and I have some news could we go inside and talk?"
"What about Mom?" He asked as he saw her back turned to the window
"She'll join us soon." Dipper then escorted his father to his two bedroom apartment, Dipper then went to give his father some water from the tap because he didn't have anything else to serve
"So what is it you want to talk to me about?" Dipper said as he took a long sip
"I'll just come out with Dipper you have a sister and she is in the car with your mother right now talking to her." Dipper then spat his water and looked at his father
"I have a sister, I haven't seen you in years and you drop a bombshell like that, why didn't you call or came to tell me this."
"I'm telling you now." his father chuckled nervously."Dad, you're like 50 something years old how are you…. You know what never mind." Dipper shivered as he got a quick glimpse of what they did in his head
"Look Dipper I know that this is asking much of you, but I need you to take in your baby sister."
"WHAT!? I can't do that I have a job, a girlfriend, and school to think about I'm too busy to take care of a baby."
"She four, by the way, Dipper, please we're getting too old I start my retirement with your mother next week." he begged
"Dad, I can't do this the only time I actually to care of a kid was when I was helping Pacifica on a babysitting job."
"Dipper I know that you can do this, please for you dear mother and me." he pleaded
"I guess I can take my classes online." Dipper said with a smile
"Oh thank you son." He then hugged his son and called his wife and daughter up after a minute Dipper heard voices coming from the front door Mr. Pines then answered and Dipper saw his mom and a cute little girl clutching on to a stuffed pig doll and her dress as the two looked at each other eyes in wonder
"It's go to see you again Dipper I missed you so much." She said as she hugged him and he hugged back.
"So this is my little sister, huh." he said rubbing the back of his head nervously
"Yes, Dipper this is your little sister." Dipper then crouched down to look at his new sister
"So what's your name?" he asked her the girl then looked up at her mother
"It's okay he's your brother." the girl then looked at him and took a deep breath
"My name is Mabel." she said while looking at her shoes
"Hello Mabel, you can call me Dipper." he said as he patted her head she smiled at this
"Look's like your staying with me for awhile." Dipper said with a smile Mabel then yawned and nodded her
"Oh my it's passed her bed time, Dipper where's the bedroom?" his mom asked as she picked her up
"Around the corner, next to the bathroom." Dipper directed as his mother left around the corner. Dipper and Mr. Pines went to the car to get Mabel's stuff to bring in Dipper's mother then came out, Dipper then hugged his parents goodbye Dipper then called Pacifica to come by tomorrow morning instead of tonight, she yelled at him but he promised to make it up to her Dipper then sat down on his couch and watch a little tv before passing out on the couch
The Next Morning
Dipper awoke to the of his door being banged on he then got up and puts on a hoodie and answers it to find his girlfriend with her arms cross tapping her foot with an angry expression
"Y'know, you're cute when you're mad." Dipper said as she pushed him aside and walked in and sat on the couch
"You may~ explain why you stood me up last night." Pacifica said with her arms still crossed that's when she noticed the pink luggage next to the sliding door to his terraces
"What's that, is there another girl here?" she said with a sour expression
"Okay before you get angry, and get that cute unibrow you make let me explain." Dipper said still tired
"Okay, one what do you mean "that unibrow" second explained then."
"It'll be better if I show you." He then grabbed her hand and escorted her to his bedroom and opens the door quietly the couple then peeked in and saw the sleeping little girl holding her stuffie as she sleeping the two then left the sleeping little one, Dipper and Pacifica then went back into the living room for Dipper to further explain the situation
"So your parents dump your little sister on you to take care of her while they retire, doesn't seem fair to you."
"I know, but my parents seem a little different they actually begged me to take her in." Before Dipper could explain more they heard Mabel scream the two then rushed towards Dipper's bedroom and saw Mabel crying under the blankets hugging her stuffed pig
"Mabel, calm down you okay." he said calmly, which worked she then saw Dipper and hugged him tightly with tears still falling down her cheeks, Dipper then patted her head and started hearing meowing coming from Mabel as she went back to sleep in his lap
"This is why I had to cancel last night." Dipper said as Pacifica sat down next to him and took Mabel into her lap
"Dipper, I'm sorry for getting mad at you." she said as she rubbed Mabel's head.
"Thanks for understanding." he said with sincerity
"But, I don't think you can raise a child on your own, Dipper." That hurt Dipper's pride, Pacifica then placed Mabel back down on the bed placed the covers on her and pulled Dipper out of the room.
"Dipper what I mean back they're was that I won't let you raise a child by yourself, look I was going to ask you last night but, would you let me move in with you so that we can raise her together." Pacifica said as she grabbed his hand
"Pacifica, I would love that in fact I was going to ask you that but are you sure you want to do that?"
"Dipper face it your hopeless without me." Pacifica had him there when it came to taking care of children she is much better
"It's settled then I'll pack my stuff and you can bring Mabel around my placed around 7:00 to pick up my stuff, here's a key I'll probably be at work during that time."
"So wait that means I'll have to move all the boxes myself." Dipper exclaimed
"Think of it as that payback you owe me."
She said as she kissed his check left the apartment to start packing as she left Mabel walked in rubbing her eyes holding her stuffie
"Big Dipper, we're hungry."
"Big Dipper? Wait we?" he question
"Me and Waddles." She said as she squeezed the plush making it "onik" and It's easier to say that then big brother plus I can remember your name easier that way." She explained
"Smart girl, so what do you want to eat?" he asked while walking her to the kitchen he then noticed that she couldn't reach the table, Dipper then grabbed his couch pillow and gave it to Mabel to sit on
"Can I have some scrambled eggs?"
"Sure." Dipper then began cooking and served Mabel eggs while he had a cup of hot chocolate
"So Mabel, tell me about yourself, what was your life before you met me." Mabel then stopped eating and dropped her fork, Dipper turned around and saw her face she looked terrified her hands we're on top of her head she was murmuring something, Dipper then walked up to her and gave her a comforting hug
"I'm sorry Mabel."
"Don't let him take me please don't let him take me!" Mabel yelled
"Mabel calm down, it's okay you're safe, no one will take you away from me Mabel." Dipper proclaimed, which helped Mabel to calm down as she hugged Dipper crying Dipper then noticed the eggs were burning.
"Dipper then turned off the stove and threw away the burnt eggs and took Mabel to the couch and comfort her
"Mabel, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I'm okay Big Dipper."
"Hey let's go out and eat and find you a new bed for your bedroom and after that we have to get uh Big sis Paz stuff into our apartment, does that sound good?"
"That's sounds like fun." Mabel said with a small smile
"Okay, let's unpack you some fresh clothes and get going." Mabel then grabbed her suitcase and ran into Dipper's room to change, Dipper then noticed a small letter that fell off Mabel's luggage and it had Dipper's name on it, he opened it and began reading it.