Hi everyone!

Welcome to Still Alive!

This is my second FanFiction, with the first one being Resident Evil: Operation Planet Evacuation. However, I decided to delete it since it wasn't really that popular.

Just so you guys know, I don't really know much about Kazuma Kval, since the light novel is not translated. So yeah, reading the Wiki is my only way of gathering info about the guy, so there's that. This is a FanFiction, so I'll be making him act like how I think he does before he met Yuuki Terumi.

As stated in the Wiki, Kazuma Kval is known to be a kind, curious, and sometimes weird person.

He'll also be able to use the same powers like Hazama and Terumi, summoning those dark serpents to attack their opponents and wielding the Nox Nyctores, Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros.

I know it's not possible, but this is a FanFiction, so please bear with me.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. It's time for you guys to read this story.

I do not own RWBY nor BlazBlue.


It was dark, and he couldn't see a thing. All he could see was darkness, and more darkness.

No light whatsoever.

It was cold, but all he could do was wait.

Wait for what?

The boy himself did not know.

"So...this is the Boundary," he said to no one in particular with a sad smile on his features. After everything that's happened, he was really starting to regret trusting that ghost.

Speaking of which, after separating himself from Terumi, he felt at peace.

Was this the effects of the Boundary?

It was a possibility, but he did not know.

The green-haired vessel took a moment to scan his surroundings, but what met his eyes made him frown.


All around him.

Then, his eyes widened. The realisation of all the things he'd done struck him so fast that even a bolt of lightning couldn't compete without failing.

"I...I killed them. I killed her. This is all my fault..."

Tears began to form in his eyes, and he later gazed down at his trembling hands.

All of this happened because of him. Because of him, she died.

Why only now did he realise it?

Is it because he wasn't insane or sharing his body with Terumi anymore?

Another possibility.

That being said, sharing his body with Terumi sure caused a handful of unwanted effects. Effects such as going insane bit by bit as well as taking sick joy in watching the pain of others.

But he felt none of that anymore.

His kind personality was back, and he wasn't insane.

But how?

Even he would like to know the answer, but all that he could think of was that it's the effects of the Boundary. No more, no less.

"No, it was his fault. Not mine." He gritted his teeth in anger and glared down at his hands. But then, a sudden thought came to mind. "But...none of this would've happened if..."

Another cruel realisation dawned on him.

It clearly was his fault. If only he had ignored Terumi's words. Instead, he listened, and look where that got him.

"So...it is my fault." The young vessel wiped away his tears, only for him to release a quiet sigh shortly after.

Seconds passed by, turning into minutes.

The young vessel stayed silent while hugging his knees in the darkness. And after what felt like hours, he shoved both his hands inside his pockets, only to realise that there were something in both of said pockets.

Pulling the items out, he stared at them.

"Terumi probably had these in my pockets when he was in control of my body..."

In his hands were two silver butterfly knives. They looked clean. There were no signs of blood, so it was probably new and Terumi had never gotten to use them in combat, which he was a bit glad for.

"Heh...should I kill myself with these?" he asked himself while staring at the knives.

However, before he could think of anything else, a small light appeared far in the distance. He had to blink twice to know if he wasn't going insane. Again.

But the light remained where it originally was, only for it to suddenly start growing more and more brighter as well as bigger without giving out any signs of warning whatsoever.

"W-What?" He covered his eyes because of the light's sheer brightness, and before he knew it, an unknown force of sorts started pulling him forward. "W-What in the world is happening!?" he shouted in panic and quickly shielded his face with his arms, preparing for the worst.


It was like any other day in Beacon Academy. Boring lectures, food fights, you name it.

Team RWBY were walking down the empty hallway with tired looks across their faces. Ruby Rose, the team's leader, let out a tired yawn and stretched her arms out. "What a day! I wanna go back to our dorm and sleep, but enough about me. You guys have anything planned or anything?" she inquired, turning around with a cheerful smile on her cute face.

"I'm going to head to the library for a bit," said Blake, the quiet bookworm of their team. "There are a few books which I plan on reading, so I might return to our dorm in the next few hours."

The blonde who was standing right next to the bookworm couldn't help grinning at that. "You're not reading smut again are you?"

"Yang, they are not smut," Blake hissed, face flushed. "They're works of art."

Yang rolled her eyes upon hearing that, simply because she was fully aware of the type of books that her partner had been reading. It was pretty obvious, actually. "Sure they are," she responded with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, grinning mischievously as she did.

"Whatever..." The dark-haired girl grumbled something to herself and later crossed her arms under her breasts, looking away with a huff soon after. "Someone like you would never understand the concept of art."

"I, for one, do not have any plans for today," the girl in white clothing told Ruby with her icy stare, all the while ignoring the other two. "I just want to return to our dorm and have some rest," she stated.

"Got it." Ruby giggled. "I'm tired too, so I need my nap." She gave another tired yawn, this time covering her mouth with one hand, before turning to her older sister. "Yang, how about you? Got any plans?"

The blonde in question shrugged in response. "Not really. I guess sleeping is my top priority for now."

"Well, I guess the library can wait..." Blake murmured to herself.

"Yay! Blakey's joining us!" the blonde cheered, but was immediately silenced when a sharp glare was sent flying in her direction, courtesy of Blake.

"Okay, so it's settled. Now come on! I'm getting tired of watching you two!" exclaimed Weiss, who was slightly irritated.

"Whoa, calm yourself Ice Queen. Keep this up and you might melt," Yang teased, grinning widely as she did so.

Before Weiss could say anything in return, however, a circle of light appeared on the ceiling above her and the others.

Let it be known to everyone that weird things tend to happen in Beacon Academy on a daily basis, and no one was able to say otherwise. Hell, the fact that Nora was discovered shocking herself with a taser in one of the training rooms by Glynda Goodwitch a couple of days ago was a perfect example of such weirdness, but even then, that was nowhere near the level of what Team RWBY were currently witnessing as of right now.

This, was on a whole new level entirely.

"Uh...guys? What am I looking at here?" Ruby asked while keeping her gaze locked onto the light, slightly amazed. Then without warning, a pair of hands appeared and grabbed her by the shoulders, and she was then later pulled away.

Ruby turned her head around, and realised that it was just Yang. That being said, her other two teammates were already at a safe distance, gazing at the light with confused expressions.

Talk about leaving their leader behind.

"Why did you guys leave me!?" Ruby yelled out while flailing her arms around in an adorable manner.

"We'll talk about that later. For now, I want to know what that thing is," Yang said, all the while keeping her gaze focused in the light's direction.

Ruby blinked once, then nodded. And with that, she turned herself around and focused her attention on the light as well. "Right. But first, let's be careful and make sure that-"

"E-Eh!?" a voice sounded.

Team RWBY were shocked to see someone falling out of the light, who later painfully crashed himself onto the cold floor.

"Ow!" the newcomer yelped in pain.

"Eep!" Ruby squeaked in shock.

"How!?" Weiss pointed at the newcomer with widened eyes.

"What!?" Blake dropped her books onto the floor in complete shock.

"Whoa!" Yang took a couple of steps back.

The newcomer slowly sat himself up, rubbing his aching arm with his other hand while wincing every now and then.

"How...was that even possible?" he asked himself, completely oblivious to his surroundings, including the girls who were currently watching him.

He actually considered himself lucky to be able to keep his knives away when gravity started working its magic on him. Heck, the thought of an alternate possibility where he could've accidentally stabbed himself upon crashing against the cold floor was enough to make him shudder.


In instinct, he immediately went up and whirled around, entering a combat stance without hesitation.

"Eep!" Ruby squeaked once more.

Yang took a step forward and held up her hands. "Whoa, calm down there," she said to him with a small grin, and did her best to look all friendly so that the guy wouldn't freak out. Honestly, freaking him out was the last thing she wanted to do.

"W-What? Where am I? Who are you people?" he asked, still keeping his guard up.

"We are the ones who should be asking you those questions." She dropped her arms to her sides and stared at him, her grin not present anymore. "Now relax, will you? We're all friends here."

After receiving those words from her, the vessel finally allowed himself to relax and lower his guard a bit, but only a bit. Though, no one can blame him for that.

Blake and Weiss cautiously eyed the newcomer, while Ruby hid behind Yang, occasionally peeking her head from her sister's side in order to get a good look at the the newcomer as well.

"So uh...what's...what's your name?" Ruby asked, only for her to hide behind Yang shortly after.

With the way she's acting, the girl seemed pretty cute, but he didn't want to admit that out loud. It would make the situation a lot more weirder than it already was, and he had no intention of saying such a thing right after arriving in this unknown location. Wherever this was, anyway.

Then, the girl's question came to mind, and he mentally scolded himself for taking so long to answer. In their eyes, he probably looked like a complete fool right now.

Oh well.

The vessel sighed, before a small smile took over his face.

"My name...is Kazuma Kval."


And that's a wrap!

Phase 2 will begin shortly. Though, I don't know when I'll get to update. But hey, I hope that this was enjoyable at the very least!

And the Boundary thing...I made that up too, I guess. But this is a FanFiction, so everything's possible!

Well, I'll see you guys later then!