NaLu LoveFest! 1st prompt: Laughter

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters. Hiro Mashima is the proud creator of Fairy Tail. I just own this piece of writing. Enjoy![Warning: Mature Content; Smut & adult themes because why not? It's a LoveFest. A NaLu LoveFest.]

Stupid blizzard.
Lucy was currently staying at her pink-haired boyfriend's house for the night because of the stupid blizzard. Earlier, it was just snowing lightly then next thing you know, a huge snow storm hits them. At the same time, Happy wasn't there because he was stuck with Wendy and Charle at Fairy Hills Dormitory. He just went there for his daily greeting to Charle and got stuck there. Poor Charle...

And now, here she was, lying on the ground she had cleaned. Hell, she had cleaned Natsu and Happy's home because she was bored! Natsu was off in the little kitchen, looking for more and more food.
To make things worse, there wasn't a heater in the little house. With Natsu having a high temperature body, Happy and him would usually cuddle together if it ever got cold for Happy. Lucy wasn't sure if she could trust the pinkette as he has been known to draw on her face or worse. Maybe she should sleep in the bathtub, that may seem better. Just lock the door and he wouldn't be able to pull any tricks.
Unless if he burns the door down then... she was completely screwed with this mischievous demon.

"Naatsuuu, it's coooold!" She whined as her teeth chattered. Her arms were wrapped around her own body, trying to save any warmth she had in her so she wouldn't freeze to death.

His head turned swiftly to her voice, dropping his cooked fish to the ground. He grinned largely, cocking his head. "Why don'tcha say so!" A small flame danced on his finger tips as he neared closer to her. The flame grew little by little as Lucy's shivering was gone. She had warmed up, mentally thanking the fire magic no matter how destructive it was.

"Thanks, Natsu."

"No problem!" His voice was full of his normal cheerfulness that somehow managed to spread around. His attitude was contagious, no matter what. "Where do ya wanna sleep?"

This was what Lucy still needed to figure out. Where was she going to sleep? The bathtub was a terrible idea, the hammock is Natsu's, the couch didn't seem so bad. It was big enough for her to lay down. But wherever she slept, she knew Natsu would try pulling a prank on her. Ah, who cares anymore? She needed her rest badly. Natsu and her had a snowball fight with the guild earlier that day and boy, was she wiped out. Gray had the biggest advantage if it were to come to throwing some at Natsu. The Ice-Make Mage would harden his snowballs, managing to hit Natsu in the face. It was truly amusing. Except if Natsu knew there were snowballs coming at him, he would melt them in time with his fire magic.

"Hmm... I guess I'll take the couch. It looks comfy enough to sleep on."

She heard him chuckle darkly to himself. It was extremely quiet, but still audible. He had an evil plan, didn't he? Lucy would make sure that the first thing she does when she wakes up is go to his bathroom to wash off any marker that made it to her face. Hopefully that'll be all he does to her. Just draw on her face. Nothing worse!

"Okay. Night, Luce." Natsu jumped into his hammock, snuggling up against the blanket and pillow.

Lucy smiled, "Goodnight, Natsu." Was there seriously no blanket? "Natsu, erm... Do you have another blanket or something around here?"

Lifting his head up from the pillow with a soft groan, he jumped out of his hammock landing roughly onto the ground in a slouched position. He moved towards a door close by the kitchen that sat beside the bathroom door. He opened it in a swing, grabbed the item, and kicked the door closed, almost denting it. Natsu then tossed the soft, white material to Lucy who did not see it coming, straight to her face. She let out a little squeak as the blanket then dropped to her feet.

Her cheeks were red in fury. "Natsu! At least tell me when you're going to throw it!" She huffed then sighed at the face he was making.

Natsu cocked his head to the side with a grin, "Where's the fun in that, Luce?" He snickered, chuckling to himself until that halted when a soft pillow made contact with his face. "The hell, Lucy!?"

"Goodnight, Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed as she picked up the pillow from his feet, grabbed the blanket he had given her and walked to the couch.

Unfolding the blanket, she spread it on the couch before grabbing her pillow.

"Natsu, do you have any clothes I can borrow for tonight?" She softly whispered to him.

He grunted, "Yeah, I don't know if they'd fit you though." Natsu innocently grinned, "You may be too fat." He murmured as he pointed to a small drawer off to the side of the couch.

Lucy scoffed at him before she opened the drawer to find a folded t-shirt that was just plain black and some loose-fitting sweats that were a dark color of red. She changed in Natsu's little restroom, taking her leggings, sweatshirt, and bra off. Her boots were scattered somewhere in the living room with her trusted golden and silver keys.
The black t-shirt fit her a little too well. Her chest was clearly showing more than intended. Because of the cool weather, her nipples stood out. It clearly looked weird, maybe she should wear her bra with it? It was always so uncomfortable to wear a bra to sleep... Not tonight, she decided. The dark red sweat pants were actually really loose around her small waist but her thighs filled up pretty nice.
Heading back to the couch, she entered underneath the blanket she had laid out earlier. Ah, it was so warm! Lucy fell into deep slumber.

Natsu waited until she was in deep sleep. It didn't take too long thanks to the blanket he warmed up just for her. Quietly, he jumped out of the hammock like a ninja, in which he whispered "Nin, nin." He looked around to see where his markers were. She had cleaned his house earlier that day so he had no clue where she had put his stuff. Where in the hell were his markers hiding?! Did Lucy hide them on purpose!? Maybe they were in the drawer next to Lucy. At least he remembered she put his clothes in there but what about the bottom drawer that was underneath his clothes?
His steps were surprisingly quiet. Nearing the drawer, he could smell Lucy's scent. Not her usual scent, but that scent. The really weird scent that still smelled like Lucy, but weirder...

This was no time for scents! He needed to draw on her face. Just the look on her face would be amusing in the morning when she wakes up to find a couple of drawings on her pale skin.
As he opened the drawer, he found his markers along with... pencils? When the hell did he have time to buy pencils? Lucy was weird when she bought stuff for him...

Quietly closing the drawer and opening the markers, he really needed to laugh. Lucy would never expect this, right?! Stepping towards his blonde partner, her scent grew stronger as he heard little whines come from her. Was she having a bad dream? There was sweat on her forehead as her hands gripped the blanket tightly. The sounds coming from her mouth grew louder and louder. Almost like... moans? What if she was dying in her dream?! Natsu needed to wake her up quick!

"Lucy! Wake up!" Her eyes fluttered open as a lazy look was placed on her features. "Are you okay? It seemed like you were having a bad dream."

Her jaw tightened. He had heard her! Lucy's cheeks tinted a nice rosy pink. "U-Um, I wasn't having a bad dream. It was a really good one. Don't worry, Natsu." She reassured, "I'm perfectly fine. It just got... intense." Yeah, really intense. Sexually intense. But she couldn't tell him that.

He grinned and sighed in relief. "You're weird, Luce." Natsu went back to his hammock and lay down on it. He wasn't stupid. The look on her face and he way she worded it said it all. She was right, it was a good dream. The way Lucy said 'intense' just gave it all away. He also knew what type of dream makes her go like that. Hell, he even had those type of dreams. At first, it seemed like a bad one but the scent that carried with it was a strong one. Nothing that would bring danger.

And with that out of the way, he fell asleep. Guess he's not drawing on her face tonight...

It was only three o'clock in the morning.
Lucy couldn't sleep.

She was way too giddy for her own revenge plan. The blonde was thankful Natsu didn't say anything else and went to sleep. It was good he decided not to probe into her dream.
Her own plan consisted on drawing on his face. See how he likes it! Grabbing the markers he abandoned beside the couch, she walked towards him with a black marker in hand. That one was the permanent marker. She climbed onto his hammock, sitting on his stomach with both legs on each side of him. Lucy uncapped the permanent marker.

That was the biggest mistake of all.

When she uncapped it, it was way too squeaky and the cap came off with a loud pop.
His dark green eyes that could sometimes pass off as black, charcoal color opened to spot the blonde beauty sitting on top of him with a black marker in one hand and a cap in the other. Her eyes were wide in surprise as her mouth dropped. A lazy smirk made way onto his face. So she was going to try to draw on his face? It was quite funny though.

"What do ya think you're doing? And why the hell are you sitting on top of me? It's weird." He lifted an eyebrow at the blonde who carried a flustered expression.

Her hand swatted at his shoulder, "Don't say stuff so casually like that! It's kind of embarrassing!" The Celestial Mage's cheeks were heavy with pink, matching her partner's hair.

Natsu shrugged, "Why the hell is it so embarrassing? I just don't want you crushin' my dic-"

"Do not finish that sentence, Dragneel!" Lucy screamed as she dropped the cap onto the floor to cover his mouth. "How did I end up dating such an idiot like you?"

She could feel him grinning underneath her hand. Hesitantly, Lucy lifted her hand from his mouth, sighing heavily. "'Cause I'm amazing and you love it."

"Yeah, right." Lucy leaned down, bringing her lips to her partner's. It was a soft little peck filled with her love.

When she broke away, a frown made way to Natsu's face. "Aw, c'mon. Happy ain't here! At least show me some loving, Lucy." With a giggle, Lucy lowered her lips onto his again, gasping when his hands grabbed hold of her waist. The object in Lucy's hands fell to the ground followed by the loud noise of the black marker hitting the wooden floor. Lucy's hands reached up to his face as the kiss had gotten more intense when tongues had been involved.
Breaking away from his lips to get a breath, Lucy closed the space in between them, another giggle emerging from her when Natsu's hands traveled up and down her waist. When she couldn't handle it anymore, she let go of him, bursting out in laughter.

"Stop! Stop! It tickles!" Natsu grinned as she screamed for him to stop. Every single time their moment would be ruined because of this. Lucy was too ticklish, especially at her sides.

The blonde had started to move around too much to the point she fell off of the hammock, a very familiar feeling. "Ouch!" She exclaimed, rubbing her head and bottom, watching her lover jump off of the hammock.

"And you call me an idiot?" With a teasing voice, Natsu held a smug grin on his face. He grabbed her hand, helping her up. When she finally recovered, Natsu pushed her up against the wall behind the couch, kissing her once again.

His large hands were placed at her hips, not at her sides this time. The blonde's small, fragile hands had started to wander on his body, going underneath the white tanktop he had on. He could feel cool, feather like touches on his hot skin, causing him to take a sharp breath. It all changed when he put his groin on hers, rolling his hips against her. He growled softly as she gasped into his mouth. It felt so good to rub that spot against her.
He finally indulged his tongue into her mouth, looking around her wet cavern to find her pink muscle. She tasted even better than what she smelled. The aroused scent was getting stronger.
Lucy stopped their kiss as she brought her lips away from his, panting for air. She moved her mouth onto his neck, placing it on the scar and sucked gently. Her hips grounded into his, eliciting a pleasurable moan from her and a grunt from Natsu. He groaned as heat traveled from his neck to his fingertips, all the way to where his member twitched. He thrusted his hips against her body, causing her to take a sharp breath.
She continued to work on his neck, sucking, biting, kissing and then sucking again. The process repeated until she moved her mouth to his jawline, planting small kisses until she reached his mouth where the blonde lovingly locked her lips with his for what happened to be the hundredth time.

Heat was pooling in Lucy's stomach. She was surprised at how she hasn't exploded with all of that heat in her. She had a feeling Natsu probably felt like her.

Natsu disconnected their lips, gripping her hips bruisingly tight as he brought took his hips and rolled them against hers. A sharp breath came from him as Lucy softly moaned. It was music to his ears, and he was the conductor. A very proud conductor.
Natsu had let his guard down as he saw her move to the couch she had been sleeping on, taking off the sweatpants he allowed her to take, giving him a great view of her pink laced underwear. He then saw her taking off the black t-shirt as nothing was underneath. Just her bare chest.

Lucy grabbed his arm, yanking him as she basically threw him onto the couch.

Because of her impatience. Lucy threw off his clothes, landing on top of him to finish what had been started on the hammock and the wall. All that was left of his clothes were his boxers that now had a growing bulge in them.
Lucy was satisfied. Really satisfied. She made Natsu sit up on the couch as she went on her knees, grabbing on the hem of his boxers. Natsu lifted his hips up so Lucy could have more access to pull them off with ease.
When the boxers came off, Lucy's cheeks were bright red as her cloudy eyes had shown one of his favorite looks; lust. She licked her lips hungrily as she stared at the twitching member before bringing it to her hands, a movement she's done many times before when they were alone. Natsu hissed at her touch. Her finger trailed up his member from the base, and up to the head. His knuckles had started to turn white as the grip on the edge of the couch tightened.

Her fingers wrapped around his cock, the thumb gently teasing the foreskin. He moaned at her magical movements. Pre-cum made its way to her thumb as she rubbed the sensitive, velvety skin. Lucy licked her lips before bringing them on the tip, swirling her tongue to tease him even more.
Natsu let out such sounds that he thought were pathetic, but to Lucy, they were a tune she could listen to anytime.

Her mouth worked on him with great amounts of pleasure following. The wetness of her tongue trailed up and down his member, causing Natsu to shudder when her teeth would poke at him. To make things even better, Lucy opened up her mouth, taking all of him inside of her mouth. Natsu moaned at the contact, feeling the heat in his stomach grow even more. It felt like he would explode any minute now. As if Jackal, one of the demons from Tartaros, had placed a bomb on his stomach.

Lucy moved her mouth, up and down. When her talented lips left his cock, they came off with a teasing 'pop' before her mouth came straight down onto him. Her right hand gripped his base, stroking the parts where she couldn't reach with her lips. The wetness between her thighs grew, soaking up her pink laced panties. She trailed her left hand beneath her stomach, going underneath her panties to find her wet core. She plunged in one finger, moaning at the pleasure that filled her. Natsu felt the vibration of the moan. His stomach tightened as he released into her mouth with a loud groan. To be honest, he was disappointed with himself. He should've been able to hold out longer!

She took all of his semen in great big gulps as the sticky, thick liquid made its way down her throat. Above her, Natsu panted as he tried to catch his breath. His mind was still blank except he could see Lucy, and just Lucy. When he calmed down enough for his vision to regain, he had only just realized Lucy on top of him with her panties discarded on the floor with spots of a white on them. She grabbed his head, feeling the sweat on his face, and pulled him towards her to connect their lips.
He could taste himself on her lips. It was a bitter yet, sweet taste. Lucy rubbed her core on his semi-erected penis, gaining a grunt from Natsu as she mewled with need. She disconnected their lips, panting heavily.

"Natsu... I need you..." Her voice was so husky as it dripped with lust. The sparkling brown orbs of hers were half-lidded as a small glint were in them.

Natsu pecked her lips, biting on her bottom lip, "I need you, too..." His hands trailed up and down her body, the dragon slayer's eyes on her lovely- oh god no.

Lucy had started to laugh, squealing for him to stop as she squirmed on top of him. Really? How many times did this have to happen until he learned his lesson?!

"Oh c'mon!" The dragon slayer exclaimed, a pout on his face until it was replaced with a genuine smile. Okay, okay, this was actually funny. He trailed his hands up and down again, causing more and more laughter to bubble up from her chest. Oh how he loved this sound.

"S-Stoooopppp! It-It tickles!" His hands jabbed at her sides, finally erupting coughs from her. "Gosh, Natsu!" Lucy giggled bringing her lips onto his for a short, passionate kiss.

"Are ya done laughing? 'Cause I have other fun stuff in mind that we can do." Natsu purred, gaining a giggle from Lucy.

With a small, confident smirk, Lucy spoke. "What shall that be, Mr. Dragneel? I think I have an idea, too." Before he could reply, the blonde positioned herself on top of him, and dropped. A cry of pleasure escaped her lips. Natsu held onto her hips, making sure he doesn't touch her tickle spot, and tightly held onto the soft flesh underneath his fingers. He swore he heard another giggle come from her.

After a couple of minutes, Lucy tested on rolling her hips as she let out a small moan as Natsu groaned. It had been way too long since they had this type of contact, and each of them wanted to save this feeling. That was until Lucy lifted herself and dropped down roughly onto him, causing them both to cry out.
When she finally caught a steady pace of the rough contact, Natsu joined in, thrusting into her when she dropped. As she held onto his shoulders, they kept on going in the rhythmic pace, the soft sounds of pleasure filling up the small house. This has always been such a workout; Lucy being on top. But damn, did it feel really good.

Natsu could feel her legs getting tired because of the way her pace had slowed down. Her legs felt like putty by now. It wasn't her fault that she had basically ran all day because of that snowball fight. This time, he pushed her down against the comfy couch where he picked up the pace and hammered into her constantly. His pace was quick and rough, such a thing Natsu would do and such a thing Lucy loved.

"Haah...! Harder, Natsu!" Lucy moaned out even more when he started to hit her sweet spot.

The small house was no longer filled with soft pleasured noises, but the groans, grunts, moans, and screams of names along with the sounds of skin on skin impact. It was such a dirty noise, the skin on skin. It always made Lucy feel weird, but it turned her on.

"Fuuuck." Natsu grunted as he felt himself near to releasing. Thrusting into his blonde partner, Natsu couldn't help but take in the beautiful sounds she let out. All of these beautiful sounds were because of him. No other man would touch her like this. No other man could hear her like this. All of it was his. He claimed Lucy. His scent would be in her again. His scent would spread all over her.

"You're mine!" He growled as he bit her neck, making her yelp at the rough contact of his mouth. His speed quickened by the volume of her moans. He was going as fast as he could, he deserved this. Lucy and him deserved this time together. It had been such a long, long, painful time without this, and now, it was getting better and better.

Lucy grabbed hold of his shoulders even more tightly, leaning slightly upwards to bite on his left shoulder as she moaned louder. This gave more access to her neck for Natsu. He started to bite her even more, sucking on the skin before kissing it like she did to him. There was a perfectly good chance that there would be many love bites on Lucy.

"Naatsu...!" The blonde gasped as she then moaned out his name loudly. Her grasp on him tightened even more, to the point her knuckles had started to turn white, until her moment was over. With a loud moan of her lover's name, Lucy's walls clenched around his member, causing him to growl like a feral animal.
Natsu kept pounding into her until he was ready for his climax, releasing inside of her with a husky growl of her name. His hot seed shot up in her, making Lucy shiver. Natsu's orgasm mixed with hers, the smell of both arousals strong to him. He thrusted a couple more times to finish off, going very slowly. The pinkette then moved out of her, collapsing on her chest. Ahh, he loved these pillows so much.
They lay there as their breathing has started to return to normal. Lucy wrapped her arms around Natsu, kissing his forehead until,


Natsu glanced up at the woman who had just sneezed and had the desire to laugh. He could finally let all of his laughter out. "I just made love to you and you sneeze on me? Wow, Luce." Lucy blushed at the bluntness of his words, her face going into a scowl as she smacked the back of his head. "Oiiii, lighten up, Lucy." His signature grin made way to his face.

The corners of her lips lifted up a little bit. "Go to sleep, idiot." Right when she closed her eyes, Natsu's hot breath on her nipple told her otherwise. She shivered, letting out a breathy moan.

"I thought the fun was just beginning?" He innocently asked with the mischievous glint in his eyes.

Lucy moved from the couch, on her way to the kitchen.

"You want breakfast, Natsu?" This was the same girl who he just had sex with, right? Because the Lucy talking to him now is totally different than the Lucy who had showed him the ways of pleasure. After so many rounds that night (it was basically morning when it happened, but Natsu says that 3 a.m counts as night) she had showed him things he had certainly missed. It was utterly amazing.


Natsu had begun to laugh at her girly sneeze. It was such a high pitched sound that could match the squeak of a mouse. His laughter rumbled throughout the house, memories of last night recurring back to his mind. She had sneezed after the first round, too.

"Luce, do you have a cold?"

"No- ACHOO!"

Natsu frowned. She was already sick? Well, he could make things better! "Come over here and bring the blanket!" Lucy respected his wish, limply walking as she grabbed the blanket that landed on the coffee table.

Lucy lie down next to Natsu as he wrapped his arms around her, heating himself up. "Mm... You're warm, Natsu." The drowsiness in her voice was clearly heard. "I'm going to sleep. Love you, Natsu."

"Love you, t-"


"It's like you plan your laughing and sneezes for the worst moments ever!" Natsu complained half-heartedly as he kissed the back of her head.

A small giggle escaped her lips. "Jerk." She announced as she kicked her leg backwards, hitting his knee. It was such a big mistake because who ever knew that Natsu's hands would be attacking her sides?

Though, as soon as his hands jabbed at her sides, laughter erupted all over the house from both young adults.

"Lucyyyyy, I'm hungryyy."

"Then go get something to eat!"

"But... Lucyyyyyyy. You make the best pancakes!"

"I'm trying to sleep because I had a restless morning!"

"Lucy, you're so stupid! It happened last night!"



"You're logic is stupid."



"I'll go get some food for myself."

"You do that, Natsu. You do that."

(First day of NaLu LoveFest complete! How was it? Please tell me what you think in the reviews! Oh, and by the way, I should be updating Salamander's Offer in the next three days so lookout for that!)