Final Fantasy 7 Squaresoft.

This story contains sexual matters and even coarse language and violence will increase specially this last one. The story is mostly an ALTERNATIVE WORLD and is all ready in my mind but I'm trying to put it down the best way. I actually find it myself interesting, enjoy and R&R please!!

Pleasant Sounds

Chapter 1

Cloud was waiting more anxiously than usual Tifa. She had some news for him, and he excepted them to be good.

They had married only a year ago. Cloud had a small shop in Nibelheim were he sold weapons and he and Tifa had known each other since kids but they never really spoke. Then Tifa went to school far away and when she returned home she found a new Cloud, a Cloud who loved her and to who she had always been attracted as far as she remembered.

Cloud's business grew and with it more wealth he and Tifa moved to a bigger place just outside Nibelheim. They had servants and Tifa started spending a lot of money on what Cloud considered "junk". They started fighting over money and then…

"TIFA!" a yell from downstairs.

Tifa quickly got out of the bathroom angrily.


Downstairs Cloud was at the dining room waiting to eat his already cold breakfast. He was mostly annoyed and waited for Tifa to sit down. Once the servants had brought everything Cloud started talking.

"Any good news? Umm?" he asked.

Tifa didn't answer immediately. She was eating with her eyes closed not wanting to stare at him. She was obviously in a bad mood.


"Not…not yet…"

"Ha!" he laughed ironically swallowing a big piece of bread.

"Just what I expect from you…"

"What else do you want from me? You think this is on purpose…maybe it's your…"

"Oh please shaddup!" he interrupted her making his handkerchief fall.

Cloud finished his breakfast without saying one more word. Tifa breath deeply annoyed, annoyed by his bare presence that suffocated more and more as the days went by.

After breakfast he stood up and left the room with only an "I'm off!".

Tifa didn't eat much and ordered at once to clean up the table as she disappeared upstairs.

Upstairs she threw herself on the bed. She rolled to look at the roof. She then turned to a picture where they were on their honeymoon in Costa Del Sol. She started at it a bit in doubt.

("What happened to us Cloud?! What happened to that love we shared not even a year ago?!") she thought sadly. Now all that Cloud seemed to think about was his big business. And from her? No more sweet words, mere rough sex and not even that often. He lately was pissing her off for a child but Tifa wasn't ready but Cloud had annoyed her too much over it making her remember all the money he spent on her. Tifa had mostly replied she didn't care and was willing to divorce and move away, but…she was scared and that was exactly what Cloud had done to her. Scare her of the true world. With no job experience…except waitress at Barret's bar when he was short handed but he hadn't seen Barret in years. Good old Barret! She started thinking of the little Marlene who had loved her so much.

Then again Cloud had made a lot of effort on isolating her so she had no friends. She obviously couldn't trust the servants and so she was confined in her castle. As she got up she stared outside. It was late October and the winter was approaching. Leaves fell down and covered in gold their garden. She never really went too far even if their garden could easily keep other three mansions like the one she was in.

She got on her feet and decided to go for a walk. A nice long walk, it wasn't so cold that she'd need a coat so she left the servants with out notice and made her way to a small lake nearby.

She sat in a rock and grabbed her legs with her arms looking sadly at her reflex. She felt even sadder; her whole life ending up in a golden cage…was it really worth it? She felt like crying she wanted to cry! So she just let herself go…

"Music?" she startled.

She got quickly up trying to pick the sounds trace.

"Ridiculous…the only music here is mine, Cloud listens to music only in his studio while working and this kind of music…?! For…"

The sound didn't came from the mansion.

Tifa started walking faster as she followed the sound. It was a violin! Definitely a violin! Sweet notes…of pain! So much like her at the moment. She was being captivated, she had no musical knowledge or whatever to understand whether it was famous or not…she just…she loved it. She was smiling and almost running. Her hands pulling her dress up to move better. She was closer…

From the distance she clearly saw a small house surrounded by trees. Smoke came out from the chimney.

Tifa approached more cautiously as she clearly saw the place was all mostly an abandoned house ready to crumble. She hied behind a tree listening with great caution. When he finished Tifa went back to reality, however she still wanted to see his face. She bent her knees and sneaked to reach the window. Slowly got up enough to peek inside. She saw a man, couldn't be a servant at all. He was giving her his back and she couldn't see his face. He had long black hair and wore a white shirt and black leather pants. He was putting the violin away and was about to turn around when Tifa hied quickly. She was panting and controlled her breath and then realized she had been out far too long.

("Dammit! Let's hope he won't annoy me for being out so long!") she thought sadly running the best she could back to the mansion.