Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot and my wonderful OCs. I really do not own Harry Potter and/or Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

A/N: I am really really sorry for not updating this for a long time. I just hope that my wonderful readers can forgive me. I want to thank my readers especially those who faved/followed or reviewed. I love you all. Please forgive me Guys.

Chapter 8

The six of the youngest Campers in Camp Half-Blood were showing varying degrees of emotions. Jean was happy to give them a tour of the entire Camp, which they were currently doing. Mark, was going along with them, his face expressionless. Emma, who had not missed the little exchange between Minerva McGonagall and Chiron, was trying hard to figure out what they had meant, her face showing confusion. Severus, was helping the Twins around Camp, and he looked like he was trying to figure something out. Claire and Carmel, were amazed at the whole Camp and were enjoying themselves, but Carmel looked more skeptic than her twin.

The whole Camp had overcome the entire darkness and was looking as peaceful as it always would. The Campers were in shock, as any person would after an incident like that. The four of the six did not miss the disbelieving looks the other campers gave them but instead of dwelling on it, they managed to give a good tour of the whole camp to the Twins without any unwanted incidents happening.

The trouble started when the little group of Campers reached the Hermes Cabin, which was going to be the place of residence of our Twins. The looks and the whispering increased by tenfold when they reached the Cabin. Everywhere, everyone was talking about the overwhelming darkness that just happened. The twins were having the worst of it, because of them being the ones who had unintentionally caused the entire thing.

It didn't take much for our four youngsters to get angry. "I've had enough of this." Severus snapped first and left the room taking the Twins with him outside the camp.

The twins followed him, not knowing where he was going but somehow trusting him.

They reached a vacant area, near to the Cabins and just a little away from the Big House. Severus took out a gift wrapped parcel from his pocket and opened it. The wrapping came off to reveal a material for tent. He placed it on the ground and taking his wand out from his pocket tapped it.

The two girls watched in fascination and surprise as an enormous tent grew out. In a matter of seconds, it had grown into a huge tent which looked really impressive.

"A tent? How?" Carmel asked looking at Severus in a mixture of amazement and surprise.

"I'll tell you later. Come on in." Severus said as he entered the tent.

The twins looked at each other and shrugged. They went in and promptly dropped their jaws in surprise. Instead of a regular tent, the inside of the tent was just like a house. It was big and spacious and differentiated into different rooms. The living room of the tent was well furnished with a comfy couch and a fireplace.

"So, what do you think?" Severus asked the two girls.

"How is it even possible?" Claire voiced their thoughts.

"It's a magical tent. It was a gift after I got claimed." Severus explained. "I think this will be too large for me to live alone and I wouldn't be here all year around. So I thought I would share with you guys."

The twins looked at each other and then back at Severus. It looked like they did not know what to do. "By the way, my dad's Thanatos. Do you know your godly parent?" Severus asked in an attempt to change the topic.

"Our dad's Erebrus, The Primordial of Darkness." Carmel replied.

"Okay Severus, we will stay in this tent with you." Claire added.

Severus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked at them and gave a small smile, they smiled in return.


Meanwhile back in the Hermes Cabin, the Campers were scared stiff. The three remaining young Campers there hadn't uttered a single word but had started glaring at them. Even the ever-smiling and happy Jean was furious. Of course, it didn't help much when Russell and David joined the three young kids too.

The silence was heavy, the tension so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife. The silence would have gone forever had a certain person not made her entrance at that very moment. "Hey, Rus, you here?" Gwen , a daughter of Apollo, entered the Hermes cabin as she always would searching for Russell.

Gwen looked around taking in the silence and looked questioningly at Russell. Russell held her gaze and answered by glaring at his Cabin mates. "Okay, What in the name of Zeus is going on here?"

"They drove Claire and Carmel away." Jean replied still glaring at them. "They started saying stuff about them and Sev took them away." Her voice was as cold as her face looked and it lacked the usual happy edge to it. Everyone could see that she was pissed.

"What?" Gwen looked at the Campers who at least had the decency to look ashamed.

"You guys are really pathetic. We are supposed to provide a hope for each and every Camper, make them feel welcomed. That was really disappointing. Some welcoming you did." Russell glared at them even more.

"And it wasn't even their fault, you know. They felt threatened and it showed. They are just like us, they're demigods, aren't they?" David added in a flat tone.

"I hate you all." Jean declared and stormed off, leaving the cabin. Her two friends followed her soon after. Gwen looked at the people in the cabin. "Guys that was not a nice thing to do. They are just kids, what you did was not good." She just said.

The three young demigods looked around for Severus. Fortunately enough, they did not have to look for a long time. They saw a huge crowd gathering in one place and somehow knowing that Severus was responsible for this, they pushed into the crowd.

They were expecting something strange and true to word, they were not disappointed, because Severus had somehow gotten a tent and had placed it in the ground. There was a wodden board just in front of the tent with the words THANATOS AND EREBRUS written on it. Severus was standing just beside the board, smiling. Claire and Carmel were laughing their heads off, most likely at the reactions of other campers. Severus had created a new cabin and he looked damn proud of it.

So what do you think? Hate it? Love it? Any areas i can improve in? Please let me know in the reviews below.

I am sorry for not updating for so long, really really sorry. Anyways, What do you think of my ocs. please let me know. hoping to hear from you guys. Bye.