
guess who's back .me ahahha



warning : contains cursing and,sucky writing.

but please, Enjoy.

Chapter 3:Busted

3rd person's POV:

"*sigh* I guess this is the same as usual..."

Tsuna was stuck cleaning the gym because her team lost the volleyball game and her teammates had 'something to do' and thus,she was stuck with what she was. Hayato wasn't there either because he was sick in bed due to a sickness or something.


Somewhere in Namimori:

Hayato was stuck in bed with a stomachache while groaning softly with a green face and wet towel on his sweating forehead.


'Forgive me,Jyuudaime,for not being able to stay by your side!'

Apparently,Hayato had some sort of telepathy that let him know that his sister was somewhere nearby or approaching soon,thus getting a nightmare of his sister...forcing poisoned food down his throat and ending up with a stomachache. Of course,he had tried getting out of the house,but his body refused to obey him.


Back at Namimori Middle:


A male's voice came out of nowhere and a hand landed on her shoulder.

She swiftly twisted the mop in her hand and used it as a weapon to hit the person behind her.


The voice registered in her mind and she loosened her grip on the mop in her hand.

' pfft-!'

"Yamamoto Takeshi. Is there something you need?"Tsuna asked,keeping her distance while resisting the urge to slip on her gloves at the same time.

'No,Tsuna!Remember what Hayato told you!No gloves!...' ,Tsuna mentally scolded herself and ignored the annoyance in her mind which was an entity known as Bones.

"Relax,Tsuna!You don't have to address me so formally!Just call me Yamamoto or anything you like! And,I came here to see if you needed some help?"

"I appreciate it,but your help is unneeded,Yamamoto-San.",She replied indifferently

'...I wonder if that sounded cold?Oh,shit!I'm supposed to try to be more friendly to males!'

"On second thought,I would really appreciate your help, Yamamoto-san. Thanks!",Tsuna tried smiling at Yamamoto,but failed. Badly.

'Where is Hayato when I need him...'

"...No problem,Tsuna!"

Time skip:

3rd person's POV:

"Phew!That was some hard work!Thanks for your help Yamamoto-San!",Tsuna said with a small smile.

"Ah,you're welcome,Tsuna!"

Yamamoto replied with a dazzling 's left eye widened slightly under her hair

'Hmm...not bad!He's actually smiling for real!'

"That's way better,Yamamoto!"

"Huh?What're you talking about,Tsuna?"His expression changed from genuine confusion to another fake smile.

'*sigh*...Christ help me and every human who has to look at this 'smile' '

Tsuna slightly puffed her cheeks out so as to prevent herself from laughing at the comment Bones made.

She then sighed internally,"Ah,it's ...anyways,do you need any help,Yamamoto? You seem like you've got something on your mind."

"Ah...you found out,huh?Well...I was wondering if you could give me some advice."

"Advice?...Why me?"

"Well,I guess it's because of your candidness. No one else I know would be willing to tell the truth..."

'Candidness...what does he mean by that?'

'He obviously means that you're way too blunt and straightforward,duh!'Bones said in her mind before quickly adding,'That isn't a good thing,just so you know.'

Tsuna mentally pouted at Bones.

"...Ah,i what do you need help with?"

"Well,it seems that my average has been deteriorating lately,and my hits are getting slower and keep missing the target...I was wondering if you had any advice on how to help?"

His face held a hopeful expression to which Tsuna could not turn down.

"...Hmm...if you need my help,I have one condition"

"What is it?I'll do anything!" ,Yamamoto nearly shouted in glee.

"Well,you can put this on your head."

Tsuna removed the mop head (is that what it's called?),wrung it and placed it on Yamamoto's head,making it look like he was wearing a wig.

She arranged it so that it looked more realistic and so that Yamamoto looked a teensy tiny bit like a girl.

'Hmm...not very realistic but i can work with it.'

"Um,Tsuna?What's this for?

"Hmm?Oh,it's just that I'm much more comfortable around girls rather than boys."

'Except for Hayato,I guess'



'*sigh*...forget it...'

Bones sighed at the obliviousness of the brunette

"Well,if this is what it takes!So,what should I do?"

"Hmm,advice...how much do you practice a week?"

"Well...I guess I practice for the entire week and four hours a day on weekdays and about half the day on weekends?"Yamamoto replied, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

Tsuna's left eye nearly popped out of its socket comically.

"W-what?!Are you out of your mind?!You're obviously not since no sane person would practice so much!No wonder you're falling behind in your classes!"She started ranting.


"Gimme that arm!"

Tsuna snatched Yamamoto's arm and started to inspect it closely while pressing a nerve here and there with her fingers which were nimble,soft and...scarred.

Yamamoto flushed and squeaked softly,"Ts-Tsuna...?"

Tsuna,however,did not hear him as she was too busy checking Yamamoto's arm.

After two minutes or so...


Tsuna smacked Yamamoto over the head,causing the makeshift wig drop.

"You idiot!No wonder your average has been dropping;your arm is exhausted and dying!"

Well,his arm wasn't dying,but a figure of speech,perhaps?

"What?What do you mean by that,Tsuna?What can I do to make it better?"He asked while rubbing the small bump which had formed on his head.

"*sigh* what I mean is,you need to take a break from practicing and relax your arm,lest something the looks of it,if you want to get better,try not to-on second thought,DO NOT practice for the next...three days!After that,you can continue practicing for just an hour and try not to stress that arm,alright?Anyway,when you get back home,I expect you to take a bath to relax your muscles and weight-lifting or whatever if you do those things at all."

"Wow,Tsuna!Thanks a lot!I knew I was right in asking you for help!"

"Yeah,yeah. See ya..."

With that,Tsuna turned around,stuffed her hand in her pocket and waved lazily and Yamamoto before walking towards the exit of the gymnasium,a stick of green-tea flavored Pocky in her mouth as well as a box of it which mysteriously appeared in her other hand.

'Yay!Hayato and Mama are going to be so proud of me!...how childish of me...'

Tsuna thought with a sweat drop while walking,her posture now slightly slouched.

'Childish Leone~!Childish Leone~!'

Bones was singing in her head now as the skull on her eyepatch now had crescent-shaped eyes,and it's single row of teeth parted more from it's head.

'I think I might stop by the Accessory shop on the way home...'

That managed to shut the spirit up.

Later that night:

3rd Person's POV:

"good night,Tsu-chan!"

"Good night,Mama." ,Tsuna said back as she walked up the stairs to her room.

" 'night,Reborn."And with that,she removed her skull eyepatch and quickly closed her eye before snuggling into the bed while hugging two plush toys that looked suspiciously like the Mist and Cloud arcobaleno,Mammon/Viper and Skull.

'Good night,Viper,Skull,Hayato. Get better soon...perhaps I should make a Hayato-plush as well...'

She added mentally,oblivious to the aura radiating from Reborn who was on his hammock.

'...why do those toys look like the money-whore and that stupid lackey...?'

With that,the both of them-Just Tsuna,actually (And two other certain arcobaleno somewhere across the world,along with a certain silver-head whose stomachache seemed to have alleviated)-went to sleep in peaceful bliss

~Da next day~

3rd person's POV:

In school:

Tsuna turned her head to look at Yamamoto who was surrounded by his peers as usual and noted that his smiles were now more tolerable and less faux while he also seemed more relaxed though she spotted a finger twitching every now and then.

(Because of her amazing eyesight)

'Fufu...at least he has some tolerance and listened to my his body seems unused to it...but Hayato isn't here again' ,Tsuna thought inwardly.

The same process was repeated time and again for a maximum of 2 days and Hayato got well enough to attend school was normal until Tsuna got a bad feeling one night.

'Intuition ringing...is something happening?Today,or tomorrow?Nah,too lazy to find out today...I'll find out tomorrow...'

Though the 'intuition',was just Bones,who had been blasting his loud and squeaky voice in her head for the 3rd time that day.


With that simple thought,Tsuna snuggled close to her favourite plushes and fell into a deep sleep,a half-done plush of a green-eyed silver-haired octopus head seating itself on her desk,together with Bones.


Tsuna was walking around her school and ended up at the training ground for the baseball club.

"Hey!What do you think you're doing,dude?!"

Tsuna whipped her head to the source of the voice,thinking that someone was talking to her. She saw a faceless schoolmate shouting at her but realised that the person was actually directing his speech to something or someone behind her.

She turned around.

"What are you doing,Yamamoto?!You shouldn't be slacking off like this!The Nationals are in 2 weeks and you're slacking off?!Get your head in gear or you're off the team!"

"B-but,my friend said that-"

'...is he talking about me?...He considers me a friend?'

"Screw what your friend said!That person was just bull-shitting you on whatever the douche was saying!Get off that lazy ass and start practicing!"

Yamamoto had a pained look on his face as he picked up his bat and started swinging.

At first,the hits were smooth and hit their target but after what seemed like hours of Tsuna watching the same scene fast-forwarding and repeating itself,Yamamoto started wincing every time he hit the ball thrown at him.

Tsuna was stuck watching this as her legs refused to move.

"Come on,bro!You can do better than that!"

"Hurry up!

"We're going to lose the championship like this!"

More silhouettes of faceless people appeared and Yamamoto was cornered and strained his arm while swinging his bat too hard and

there was a sound which was his muscle tearing due to using it so suddenly after a long while of relaxing and not straining it.

A blood-curdling scream was silhouettes disappeared one by one,each of them muttering a word or two of rebuke.

"Tch!How useless..."

"Should've known that you wouldn't be able to do it..."

"You're off the team,loser..."

"Useless,just like Dame-Tsuna..."

Yamamoto stayed on the ground while clutching his broken arm,sobbing and murmuring apologies.

Tsuna could only watch helplessly,unable to offer any help or support as she was invisible here.

The scene changed and she was now in a hospital room with Yamamoto whose arm had a cast on it.


Tsuna murmured quietly,a tear slipping down her left cheek in guilt.

The scene had changed once again and Tsuna was on the rooftop of Nami-Chuu together with Yamamoto who obviously couldn't see her. It was night time and around 9:00-9:30p.m according to the large clock on the school building.

However,Yamamoto was on the other side of the other words,he was hanging off the edge of the roof,the only thing preventing him from falling was his left hand which was gripping onto the fence.

His right arm was in a cast,similar to the one Tsuna had seen in the previous scene.

Yamamoto's eyes were blank and lifeless and his hand slowly started to let go of the fence behind him.

Despite knowing that this was just a dream

'Or a vision...'

Tsuna's left eye widened and she ran forward to try and grab Yamamoto before he fell completely,but her efforts were in vain as her hand merely passed through him

'Useless...unneeded... insignificant..should just die...useless...unneeded... insignificant...should just die...useless...unneeded...'

Tsuna heard the same words repeat in her head and immediately drew her hand back.


The grotesque sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing rang like sirens in her ears as Yamamoto's body became mutilated once it touched the ground,and the scene repeated itself over and over again.

Tsuna's eye widened and she put a hand up to her mouth and resisted the urge to vomit while clutching her stomach tightly.

Tears spilled from her left eye as some red liquid that looked suspiciously like blood poured down her cheek from under her eyepatch instead and she fell to the supposed ground of the roof which was slowly collapsing,leaving her in a black abyss.

"...sorry...sorry...so,so sorry...sorry..."

Tsuna repeated to no one.

~End Of Dream~

Tsuna opened both of her eyes quickly with tears spilling out of her left eye as her right eye was quickly covered by her right hand . She turned to look at her clock and saw that it was only 9:00 pm since she went to bed at 8:00 (early) and school ended early at 9:00 am that day due to something (not important).

She had slept for only an hour.

She bolted out of bed but made sure to be discreet so as to not wake up the slumbering Reborn,unaware that he was already awake.

Recalling the dream/vision,Tsuna fumbled for her eyepatch,not bothering about changing her clothes before running to Namimori Middle as fast as her legs could take her;which was as fast as a car going arrived there in 6.56 minutes,so it was around 9:07 when she dashed up the stairs leading to the usually chained-up rooftop,only to find that the locks had been picked sloppily,though still allowing the door to be free of the restrictions(?).

And it was 9:08 when she approached the rooftop slowly and cautiously,feeling bile rise up in her throat as she saw an all too familiar scene before her.

Yamamoto was on the other side of the short fence with his left arm gripping the fence as his right arm was in a cast,the same as he had been doing in Tsuna's dream.

'This isn't a dream.I can do something this time.I can do it.I can!But...'

Tsuna winced upon seeing his cast arm.


Said boy turned his head at being called.

"Ts-Tsuna?What are you doing here?"

Yamamoto was contemplating suicide when Tsuna showed up all of a sudden.

"The question is,what are YOU doing there?"

"Haha...this is...well..."


"You should know,right?For someone that can't do anything right,and is called 'Dame' all the feeling of dying rather than failing at everything you do...why are you even alive...?"

Light brown eyes stared emptily at the mess of brown hair before him,unaware of the hurt inflicted. Of the pain shining in a single brown orb hidden by an equally brown mess of hair.

"...Y-you...how can you say something like that?...i-it's not like I haven't done anything to change,you know...how can you just..."

Tears gathered at the corners of the hidden brown eye.

'Hey,brat?...shit,are you crying?Oh no,oh fuck!Hey brat?Brat?Tsuna?Leone?STOP CRYING!...Leone...?'

"I have a purpose in life too,you know!Even though I'm called 'Dame' by everyone,I still have people who accept me for who I am!...I still have feelings,you know..."

Tsuna bit down on her lip,drawing blood,before it healed and she continued,"At least I have people who care!Who don't use me...they know my true character,but don't abandon me...I'm...different from you..."

Brown eyes flashed with anger,but not hatred.

"Oh,look...acting all high and mighty,how arrogant of the recently awesome 'Dame' Tsuna...so what?You're better than me just because you have people who accept you for who you are?What do YOU know?!You're just Dame-Tsuna who can't do anything right!Just because you've changed,stop acting all smart and all when it was YOUR stupid advice that landed me here!"

Tsuna seemed slightly shocked at the accusation before her left eye hardened and the skull on her eyepatch seemed to have narrowed its eyes which were glowing dimly with a crimson red as it did during the match with voice also took on the same deepness.

"My...stupid advice?Correct me if I'm wrong,Yamamoto-san,but I'm pretty sure that YOU were the one who asked ME for were so desperate for advice that you even put up with a mop on your ,you're blaming me?Seriously,this is why males," 'except for Hayato-kun' "are so detestable."


"What's wrong now,Mr the-world-revolves-around-me?Cat got your tongue?Don't you think that you're being really self-centered?Don't you think that other people in the world may be suffering worse than you?!YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INSULT ME NOR THROW AWAY THAT LIFE OF YOURS!Who are you to tell me that I'm useless,huh?You don't even know a single thing about me nor do you give a flying fuck so stop acting all high and mighty like you have experienced every single fucking shit this world has to give!"

Yamamoto's eyes widened before they got covered by his bangs.

Tsuna took a moment to calm her breath before she remembered her original objective.

'Screw that shit.'

"Yes,I want to jump.I want to end this life of what does it matter to you?!It's not like anyone would weep over my death!No one cares anyway..."

'Lemme take over'

Tsuna's next statement shocked the day-night lights out of him.

"Then jump"


"Are you fucking deaf?I said 'jump'.What happened to all that power,huh?Didn't you say that you wanted to jump?To end your life?You were one would weep for you.I would kill anyone who would dare to weep for you,a pathetic human being."

Tsuna's personality change became more distinct as her voice became demonic it didn't even seem like her anymore. The skull on her eyepatch was now glowing a bright crimson red,though this was barely noticeable.

"Though I doubt that anyone other than your father would shed a single tear for father would be the only one to weep or mourn,therefore when you are dead,the both of you will be able to reunite."Tsuna grinned maliciously,"In hell.I will make sure to send your father's soul straight to hell after butchering him into a million ,doesn't that sound pleasant?Father and son,together in Hell."

'Tsuna' turned to look at Yamamoto who was trembling,his grip on the fence tightening so much that some blood spilled out.

Ignoring this,'Tsuna' continued in a taunting manner,using her nails to comb the hair on her face back,lifting her head high,revealing a narrowed brown eye which stared mockingly at Yamamoto and a sinister looking had a sardonic smile etched onto her normally angelic features,

"What about the mother?Well,I guess she went to bad the father and son both went to bad,so sad...So,Yamamoto Takeshi,the choice is ,die and go to hell with your father,or climb up that fence,live and survive."

Yamamoto stared wide-eyed at Tsuna's face as it softened,featured gradually becoming angelic as a warm smile broke out from her lips and her left eye quickly looked away,his face as red as the tip of his ears and a small puff of pink smoke seemed to have blown out from his head.

Tsuna walked forward and held a hand out to the dazed Yamamoto.

After 10 seconds of having no response from the raven,Tsuna realized what she was doing and immediately drew back her hand and began walking away,

'Phew...nearly touched a-well shit...'

'So close brat,so close...hehehe...'

"Well,see ya-"

Well,Tried to,anyway.

Yamamoto grabbed the sleeve of Tsuna's top,shocking the brunette,causing her to stumble back.

Back into the air. Meeting the night sky.



Tsuna dodged a dying-will bullet that was headed her way,cursing mentally the infant hitman that was hidden.


Yamamoto yelled.

Defying the laws of gravity,Tsuna somehow managed to maneuver her body,which had been pushed by the FORCE of GRAVITY,so that it was facing the ground which seemed quite enough...

She turned her head to the left and saw Yamamoto with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry Tsuna...I got you in-WHOA!"

He was cut off as Tsuna lit her feet up with small orange Sky-class flames and flung herself towards Yamamoto,wrapping her arms around him tightly so that she was embracing the crippled male in a bridal-style clutch.



The body that was known as Tsuna's torso and limbs,felt a surge of pain as her feet collided evenly with the ground. Need I mention that a mini crater was formed upon contact with the ground?

Even though her feet had Sky Flames which helped alleviate the pressure,doing so from that height and distance was ,it was even harder because she could only use a small portion of her flames lest a certain baby hitman saw.

Shaking the jolt of electricity that ran through her body,she looked down at the frozen-in-shock male that was in her arms.

'Male. In my arms .Not well acquainted with. Yamamoto Takeshi. Male .Not friends with Tsuna.'

'Well,good job...you're carrying a dude. That isn't the bomber.'

Tsuna's head moved robotically to face Yamamoto's which had turned neutral.



Yamamoto was ejected from the warm embrace that was in Tsuna's arms.

Said girl was standing still like a rock before she regained her composure.

"Sorry about that-"

A fist-left fist- collided with her cheek,cutting her off.


Her hair which had been set back in place flew to the side,displaying Tsuna's eye widening in shock while the rest of her body seemed to fall to the ground in a slow,dramatic manner.

Snapping out of it,Tsuna stared at Yamamoto in shock and while clutching her healing cheek with her hands as she sucked in a breath.

"sss...Dang...that smarts..."

The blood stopped flowing and the skin which was torn quickly grew back to merge while her cheekbones slowly began to form back to their original structure.

"Sorry,but...I had to do that,or I wouldn't be able to forgive you..."

Yamamoto stared at the mess of brown hair on the ground before slowly extending a hand to offer help,shocked when said mess placed her own hand in his and he was shocked at how...scarred the slightly smaller hand was. Leathery. But he somehow enjoyed the feeling of it. It showed her true character. Scarred but small. Strong yet weak . Cruel yet kind. it never did occur to him to think of how she got those scars,however.

"It's alright,I understand...I shouldn't have said those things...I'm sorry...well,good night."

Pulling her hand back and walking away,Tsuna turned back for a while before smiling briefly and turning back to look for the fedora-wearing hit-baby.

Once she sensed that he was close enough,Tsuna stopped

"So,you managed to find out where I expected of the Vongola ,please explain to me why you are out here wearing your pajamas when you should be in bed sleeping, would you prefer it if I called you by your Mafia name,Il Leone in Esecuzione,Leone?"


Both Bones and Tsuna said in sync.


i screwed up

hahaha sorry

this chapter was probably really sucky

really sorry,but


i already had this chapter and another one done since like,last year.

but things changed,so i was kinda,lazy,to edit it until now.

