Chapter 7

Hello everyone, and welcome back to For the Future. Now, you may noticed I combined episodes last chapter. Well, that is because I have a new policy. If it has a part 1 and 2, I will just combine them into one. To save my time and yours too. Also, to be clear I don't have an upload schedule. When it comes, it comes. With that out the way, lets begin with The First Step.

I do not own RWBY. It belongs to Roosterteeth and Monty Oum.

Summer rubbed the back of her head as she munched on some chips. "Well... That could have gone better..."

"Please excuse Weiss, Summer." Walter piped in. "Her sister is the exact same right now. Thinking that she doesn't need help."

"Oh? Care to tell me of your daughter?"

"...Maybe one day. For now, let's just get through this."

Qrow groaned loudly. "Yeah, yeah, start the vision already, dammit!"

Willow scowled, not liking this man one bit. 'So obnoxious... But he does hold a certain air of confidence, the kind you see on Huntsman and Huntresses.'

Before she could continue her thoughts, the screen lit up again starting the next part.

Taiyang sighed, before leaning back with his bucket of popcorn. "I wonder who we will be seeing this time? That little intro the being made us shosed more than just our kids. There were four others."

The screen was black before slowly opening, showing someone who is waking up. And when the persons vision cleared, there was a girl very close to the screen. She had orange hair and bright turquoise eyes. And as the person woke up she smiled brightly. "Wake up, lazy butt!"

The person groaned, sitting up who was revealed to be a man around the girls age. He had black hair tied in a ponytail, and sported a nice pink streak on one of his bangs. His eyes were also pink too. These two were Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie.

They all sighed as Odin let out a loud laugh of delight. "There she is! That's my baby girl! Nora is in Beacon, oh daddy is proud! Hanako, look! Our children made it!"

Giggling a little in amusement, Hanako nodded. "Yes, it seems those two have worked very hard in their abilities to get here."

'And still together after all of these years.' She thought in amusement. 'They really are attached to the hip.'

Nora ran about the room all excited and kept on saying. "It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!"

Ren sighed and decided to do his normal morning routine like brushing his teeth and tying up his sleeping bag while Nora kept on rambling. "I can't BELIEVE we've been at Beacon for a full twenty four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything. I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm. Well, I'm me! But it's just crazy you know? We've been friends for soooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well not, together together. Not that I'm saying you're not handsome, you are handsome. But that would just be weird, right?"

They were now at the cafeteria digging into their breakfast, though both had different ways of eating. Ren was slowly cutting and savouring his food while Nora had a whole pancake in her mouth as she continued to talk. "Right, what was I thinking? But so, I hope we end up on the same team together."

Having a bright idea, she sucked up her pancake and exclaimed. "Oh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end upon the same team together. What if we bribe the headmaster?"

Suddenly, realising her mistake, Nora placed a hand on her chin and muttered. "No, that won't work. He has a school."

Soon, the two were at the lockers retrieving their weaponry, while Nora was STILL talking. "I know! We'll have some sort of signal, a distress signal, a secret signal so we'd find each in the forest. Can you imitate a sloth."

"Nora." Ren finally spoke his first words since his introduction and Nora smiled.

"Yes Ren?"

He placed his weapons in his sleeves and replied. "I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

Nora paused for a moment before smiling again. "That's why it's PERFECT! Nobody would suspect we're working together!"

Smiling a little, Ren closed his locker and walked away. "Come on Nora. Let's go."

"But not together together!" Nora piped in before giggling.

Everyone was just blinking in shock trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Well, she seems... energetic?" Rachel said scratching her head.

Adam scoffed and folded his arms. "More like borderline crazy."

"How do you imitate a sloth?"

Everyone just slowly turned to Summer and Taiyang just looked at her. "Out of everything that happened, THAT'S what you're questioning?"

She huffed and looked at him. "Well, I wanna know!"

Hefore an argument could break out, Qrow shushed them and turned their attention back to the screen.

Ruby and Yang were conversing with each other as Ruby was fishing about her locker, as she looked at Ren and Nora. "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

"Oh who knows?" Yang replied as she smiled at her sister. "So, you seem awfully chipper this morning."

Ruby giggled and took out Crescent Rose from her locker. "Yup! No more awkward small talk and getting to know you stuff. Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

Yang cringed a little seeing the... affection Ruby was giving her weapon.

And she wasn't the only one as Taiyang was close to crying. "Okay, you can date boys! Just stop loving your weapon like that!"

Summer giggled in delight seeing her daughter like that. 'Well, it seems Taiyang is going to be very upset in the future. One daughter who seems to dress up to impress boys, and one who just loves her weapons.'

"Well, remember Ruby. You're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you need to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby growled and slammed her weapon back in the locker. "You sound like dad! Okay first of all, what does meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!"

"But what about when we form teams?"

Ruby frowned, looking down and folding her arms. "I-I don't know. I'll just be on your team or something..."

Now Yang was nervous as she started playing with her hair. "Maybe you should try being on someone else's team."

Feeling hurt, Ruby ran up to Yang. "My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?!"

Laughing nervously, Yang tried to explain herself to her now enraged sister. "What? No, of course I do. I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you break out of your shell!"

"What the- I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-"

"Ridiculous!" Jaune cut the two off as he was looking for something, holding a sheet of paper. "There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday. I would've remembered having to count that high. Oh, why does this have to happen today?"

As he was busy looking for his equipment, Weiss was busy conversing with a girl with vibrant red hair and piercing emerald green eyes. This was Pyrrha Nikos.

Both Athena and Alexandros smiled at their daughter. They knew this was Purrha, after all she was a duplicate of her mother. "It seems she has grown to be a strong woman."

"Indeed. I'm so proud." Athena sighed happily. "We must have raised her right."

Odin grinned happily and munched on some more popcorn. "She seems strong! But nobody can beat my baby girl."

"So Pyrrha." Weiss smiled obviously wanting something from her based on her voice and movement. "Have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong individual such as yourself."

The redhead hummed a little in thought and replied. "I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may."

"Well, I was thinking maybe we can be on a team together."

"Well, that sounds grand." Pyrrha replied to her proposal and Weiss smiled in return.

"Great!" Suddenly, she turned around and gave an evil grin clasping her hands together.

'This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable. I can see it now, we'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll have perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!'

But a certain blonde appeared behind her causing her to reel in surprise. "You know what else is great? Me. Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."

"You again?" Weiss groaned as she crossed her arms. However, Pyrrha seemed interested as she zipped beside her.

"Nice to meet you Jaune!" She beamed only to get shoved aside as Jaune kept his attention on the heiress.

"So, Weiss." He began. "Couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day."

Weiss just facepalmed as the Arc just flexed his... Scrawny arm. "Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me!"

But before she could continue, Jaune cut her off. "Don't worry. No need to be embarrassed. So, been hearing rumours about teams, I was thinking you and me would make a good one. What do you say?"

"Actually." Pyrrha explained as he directed his attention to her. "I think the teams are comprised of four students each so-"

"You don't say." Jaune muttered to Weiss before sliding over to Pyrrha. "Well hot stuff, play your cards right and maybe you can join up with the winning team."

Everyone just had very uncomfortable looks as they witnessed this. Taiyang groaned into his hands. "This is a sad display of getting with a girl."

"Oh, I dunno Tai." Qrow retorted. "I'm pretty sure this is exactly how your meeting with my sister went."

"She was into me!"

"And there are times when I wonder if it was just pity..." Qrow mumbled. Everyone else just shared a look at this.

"Surely it worked out well?" Athena asked and Qrow snorted.

"Honestly, it was amusing watching those two. He would always want her and she would just fight him. There was this one time where he even brought a guitar and tried to serenade her."

Everyone laughed at this while Taiyang had a small blush on his cheeks. "But I guess he won in the end, because one night me and Summer came in from doing studying only to find them on Summers bed with my sisters legs wrapped round his-"

"THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" Summer yelled tackling him to the ground nlushing madly. Odin didn't seemed pleased.

"Is that how you treat your friend?"

Taiyang looked confused looking at the shorter man. "What do you mean?"

"How does that saying go? Bros before-"

"If you value your life, you will not finish that sentence!" Willow snapped as the women did not looked pleased. Odin shrugged and just turned back to the screen.

Weiss decided to let the boy know just how much of an idiot he is as she got betwen the two. "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

"Not in the slightest, Snow Angel." Jaune grinned causing Weiss' eye to twitch in response.

"This is Pyrrha."

"Hello again!" Pyrrha smiled waving at jaune as Weiss continued.

"Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum."

"Never heard of it." Jaune replied with a blank stare which Weiss scoffed and gave another achievement of the redhead.

"She's won the Mistral Regional Tournament four years in a row. A new record."

"The what?"

Weiss glared at the oblivious blonde and flailed her arms angrily. "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!"

Jaune gasped loudly in astonishment. "That's you?! They onoy do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"

Pyrrha smiled in response as a cereal box appeared on her, complete with lights. "Yeah. It was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you."

"My goodness, that boy is either oblivious or very sheltered." Alexandros deadpanned.

Rachel clapped her hands together. "I think you should be proud of your daughter. That is quite a list of accomplishments,"

Athena smiled brightly. "We are very proud. It seems that the cereal thing was a sponsor campaign. Assuming there was prize money too, our family will be supported for generations possibly! Our little Nikos is simply amazing."

Though now Alexandros was nervous as he saw Rachel staring at his daughter with a glint in her eye. 'No more matchmaking...'

Seeing as her point was somewhat made, Weiss turned back to Jaune. "So after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask HER to be on your team?"

Jaune sighed, now deflated at this realisation. "I guess not, I'm sorry."

"Actually Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader." Pyrrha assured him gently placing her hand on his shoulder.

Jaune smiled brightky atthe redhead, clasping his hands. "Oh, stop it!"

"Seriously, please stop it." Weiss replied. "This kind of behaviour should not be encouraged!"

"Sounds like Pyrrhas on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick." Weiss looked concerned as he got closer.

"Now I am not supposed to do this, but maybe I can pull some strings, find a place for you. What do you say?"

"Alright! That's a bit too close!" She then turned to the redhead with a pleading look. "Pyrrha. A little help please?"

And Pyrrha did help. By throwing her weapon at Jaune which snagged his hoodie impaling him to a wall. Concern gre in her eyes as she yelled. "I'm sorry!"

Thats when they all heard a tannoy go off and Glyndas voice spoke. "Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation. Again, all first year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

Weiss and Pyrrha were now on there way there, but Pyrrha attracted her weapon to her hand and smiled at Jaune. "It was nice meeting you!"

"Likewise." Jaune groaned as Ruby and Yang walked up to him.

Hanako cleared her throat nervously. "An... unusual method of helping but... effective?"

"Sounds like something Raven would do." Taiyang whispered to Qrow. "Only, she would impale a body part while she's at it."

"Having some trouble there, lady killer?"Yang teased as Ruby offerdd ahand to help Jaune up. He sighed all upset and confused.

"I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence! Where did I go wrong?"

"Snow Angel, probably wasn't the best start." Yang replied.

Ruby sighed as she helped up Jaune and lead him to the cliffs. "Come on Jaune. Lets go."

Rachel looked very confused and irritated, her tapping her arms. "Confidence, huh? Yeah, like you were anything but that John."

"Wait, was your husband not like that?" Sumemr asked to which Rachel giggled.

"He's very sweet, but when we met he was a bumbling idiot. We met at a party, and he would just stutter and say I'm beautiful. I thought he was cute so I just saved him the trouble and gave him my number. Now look at us."

"Awwwww, that's a sweet story!" Athena giggled lightly. "Seems your husband doesn't want Jaune to be that awkward boy, and try a new approach."

Now they were all lining up at the cliffs, where Ozpin and Glynda addressed them. The headmaster observed every single one of them as he began his speech. "For years, you will have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda cleared her throat and now informed them of what is happening. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumours of assigning teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusiom. Each of you will be given teammates. Today."

Ruby whined loudly at the mention of this, clearly not liking this one bit. Ozpin then spoke from where Glynda left off, continuing the speech. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time, here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone who you can work well with."

Another groan came out of Ruby as Ozpin delivered a very important piece of information. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

Her world shattered around her as Ruby let out a distressed. "WHAT?!"

Meanwhile, Nora giggled and placed a hand on Ren. "See? I told you!"

Glynda narrowed her eyes at Ozpin as she didn't seem particularly fond of these rules that he came up with. "Is that really jecessary?"

"Well... people usually pair up with their friends. With this method, it will get them to move out their comfort zone and find new partners."

"...More like you're too lazy."

Ignoring Ruby' little outburst, Ozpin continued with the instructions. "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die."

Jaune whimpered nervously and gulped to try and salivate his now dry throat. "You will be monitered and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item, as well as your standing and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Jaune stuck his hand up in the air, wanting to ask something. "Yeah, uh sir-"

"Good!" Ozpin interrupted Jaune, not giving him the chance. "Now. Take your positions."

Thats when everyone got into a stance, readying themselves for what lies ahead. But Jaune still wanted to ask that question. "Uh sir. I've got a... q-question. So this... 'landing strategy' thing. What is it, you're dropping us off or something?"

Everyone slowly had looks of realisation, as they watched students get launched into the air. "Don't tell me..."


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Willow screeched.

Ozpin slowly sipped his coffee and spoke. "In the life of a Huntsman, you need to be prepared for what lies ahead. Even the unexpected can catch you off guard. With this, you will be thinking on your feet to come up with a solution."

Ozpin kept the blank look and just replied. "No. You will be falling."

Jaune scratched his head in confusion as more students were launched. "Oh, I see. So did you hand out parachutes for us?"

"No." Ozpin said yet again. "You will be using your own landing strategy."

Jaune nodded once again in understanding as the remaining students were launched, leaving only him. "Okay. So, what exactly is this landing strategy-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as the platform under him launched him into the distance, and all Jaune could do was scream. Ozpin just calmly turned around, looming at the retreating students and sipped on his mug, smiling at the taste.

Everyone just blinked. And Summer turned towards Ozpin and pointed a finger. "You're a troll!"

"I'm a... what?"

"A troll. Who loves making peoples lives miserable. That's what you are you big troll!" She screamed flailing her arms.

"I believe you are mistaken Summer. I do not take joy in ruining peoples lives. I just simply provide the means for them to survive."

"Suuuuure." The silver eyed woman pouted and turned away, huffing. "You are so full of shiz!"

Suddenly, most of them looked at Summer all confused. "What's shiz?"

Qrow sighed, rubbing his temples. "Summer doesn't like it when people swear. So she comes up with substitute words and pretty much hits us whenever we swear."

"I don't want my kids to grow up swearing all nilly nally!" Summer retorted.

Qrow tried to argue back but was silenced by his teammate. "Stop being a meany head and just watch the stupid vision!"

Both men groaned loudly as they saw Sumemr sit down puffing her cheeks. 'Great, Summer is in one of her moods now.'

Glynda sighed, really wanting something to take the edge off. Maybe she could ask Qrow... "She's right. Let's continue watching, there seems to be more."

The scene started with a black bird, sailing over the forest as it made small 'caws'. But suddemly, it's life ended pretty quickly as a certain silver eyed girl slammed into it, causing her to scream.


Summer screamed the same thing and looked sad now. "She killed the birdie..."

Taiyang raised an eyebrow but then remembered. 'Of course. Ruby is exactly as Summer was back in Beacon so mayne seeing her is bringing out the kid in Summer...'

Ruby was falling down very fast, but was able to slow her descent by firing a few rounds, the recoil slowing her down. She then extended it into her scythe form and used the blade to catch on a tree to land safely. Meanwhile, Weiss took a different approach and used a series of glyphs to use as platforms to get her down on the ground.

Ren didn't do either as he used the blade of his weapons to stab into a tree, which slowed him down as he spun round the tree going down. When he was safe, he simply dusted off his sleeves and looked. But an explosion caused him to look up only to see Yang soaring ahead.

"WOOHOO!" Yang cheered as she kept firing her gauntlets to keep herself in the air, thankfully the shades she was wearing were preventing air or bugs flying into her eyes as she joyfully laughed, dodging trees. But eventually, she needed to land as she stopped firing so she can fall down, Yang had some resistance with branches but it was fine as she jumoed off a few tree trunks and finished off with a smooth roll.

Yang smiled in delight as she just said. "Nailed it."

It was Pyrrhas turn as she took a more direct route to her landing strategy. She kept her shield in front of her as she barelled through multiple trees before landing on a branch and taking out her weapon, which was a rifle it seemed. Looking through the scope, she saw Jaune falling out of control and smirked a little, before changing her rifle to a spear mode. Pyrrha then used her thumb to aim and threw it, the spear launching away using a rocket function to fly faster towards her target.

She waited a moment hefore she heard a noise of her weapon striking home and heard. "Thank you!"

"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha yelled back waving.

Qrow seemed very unsure now, observing Jaune. "How did that boy even get into Beacon?"

Willow narrowed her eyes, obviously not liking the lack of skill. "Indeed. Are they just accepting anyone these days?"

Ruby landed and had one very simple mission in her head. 'Gotta find Yang.'

She used her speed to try and get time on her side, repeating her mission in her head. 'Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find-'

"YAAAAANG! YAAAAAANG!" Ruby screamed trying to find her sister, as her mind was filling with scared thoughts.

'Oh, this is bad, this is very very bad . What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first?'

Ruby then tried to think of more suitable partners, as a cartoon style of her thoughts appeared. Starting with Jaune as it displayed the pros but ended with him getting eating with beowolves.

'There's always Jaune. He's nice. He's funny. I don't think he'd be much use in a fight.'

Next possible person was a cartoon Blake as she again listed her attributes, but then realised her quiet nature wouldn't do Ruby any good.

'Oh! What about Blake? So mysterious, so calm. Plus she likes books! Well, then again I'm not sure I would he able to hold a conversation with her.'

Shaking her head, Ruby desperately tried to list more possible partners. 'Okay, who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Jaune, Blake and...'

Seeing someone fast approaching, she grinded to a halt as the person was revealed to be.

"Weiss." Everyone said as some cringed.

Odin scratched his beard in thought. "I feel like fights will be happening soon..."

"Considering introductions didn't go well, I'm gonna say no." Qrow mumbled.

The two just stared at each ither for a while, until Weiss just turned and walked away and Ruby shouted.

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

Feeling very sad, Ruby kicked the ground. "We're supposed to be teammates..."

Weiss yelped a little in pain as she walked through branches and bushes, trying to find a new partner. Looking around, she heard grunting and incoherent words as she looked up to see Jaune pinned to a tree by Pyrrha' spear. Noticing Weiss, he laughed nervously and waved.

Weiss rolled her eyes and walked away, grabbing Ruby by the hood. "By no means does this make us friends."

"You cake back!" Ruby cheered, as she was dragged away from a pleading Jaune.

"Hey wait! Come back! Who's gonna get me down from here?"

That's when he heard a familiar voice down below. "Jaune?"

Looking down, he saw Pyrrha looking up and joked. "Do you have any spots left on your team?"

"Very funny." Jaune huffed, folding his arms. Before the two smiled warmly at each other.

Rachel squealed in delight, kicking her legs as Alexandros didn't like this one bit. However, Athena was a differemt story.

"Rachel, do you think our kids could be married?"


"Hey, I want grandkids one day, and damnit I'm going to get them!" Athena yelled.

Alexandros groaned loudly as he watched Rachel narrow her eyes, inspecting Pyrrha.

"Hmmmmm... slender figure, but muscly too. Overall physical body is good. Hair is vibrant and red, which means she must care for it. No visible scars, or bruises from battle. Very nice touch. She doesn't seem to have any traces of fat, so keeps up a healthy lifestyle which is to be expected."

"Kill me. Kill me now." Alexandros mumbled as Rachel continued.

"Very nice hips, perfect for child bearing. And her breasts seem the right size, not too small like Weiss-"

A shout of protest came from Willow. "And not too big like Yang."

"HEY!" Summer yelled, meanwhile Adam didn't want to hear this and covered his esrs going to his happy place.

"Very beautiful woman. With a Huntress profession as well as tournament winner, her I come in money could support her family too without the need for grueling jobs. Legs seem very toned, from exercise and fignting. Seems very intelligent, abke to come up with strategies mid battle."

After finishing her analysis, she clapped her hands. "She's perfect!"

Athena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and smiled brightly. 'My daughter and her son... I can see it happen.'

"Whats the hurry?" Ruby asked as she and Weiss trudged through the forest.

"I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow. I swear, if I get a bad grade because of you-"

Weiss was caught by surprise as Ruby zipped beside her, imitating a puppy. "What the-"

"I'm not slow see? You don't have to worry about me."

"When did-"

"Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters."

Ruby beamed slinging an arm around Weiss. "You're about to see a whole different side to me today Weiss. And after it's all over you're gonna be like 'Wow. That Rubh girl is really, really cool. Aaand I wanna be your friend."

She then dashed away leaving a trail of rose petals which Weiss swatted away. Seeing she was gone, she growled a little. "You maybe fast, but you still excel at wasting time!"

Hearing no response, Weiss started to grow concerned. "Ruby?"

That's when she heard scrunching of leaves and red eyes poked out from the bushes and Weiss whispered. "Ruby?"

She then turned around and from the bushes came a Beofwolf, as she screamed one more time. "RUBY!"

Hearing her screams, the Grimm roared in response as the screen went black.

"Oh no..." Taiyang groaned ho, ding his head as Willow seethed.

"Your daughter is so irresponsible! She is putting Weiss in danger!"

"Ruby just has trouble working in teams, she prefers to work alone." Taiyang tried to explain.

That's when the adults saw a message that said that the visions were stopping for a while so they can all rest for a while.

Qrow groaned loudly as he peeled himself from the couch. "Thank god! I'm getting some sleep night!"

"That's the best thing you have said all day." Willow mumbled grabbing some duvets to sleep on.

With that, everyone decided to make the most of it and take a nap before viewing the visions once more. So they all went to their spots and did just that.

There we go. That's it. Very tame episode this one, but that's fine. Next one is... the Emerald Forest! Stay tuned for that.

Sucks that we're not getting RWBY until the 2nd of January. Ah well, what can you do?

Favourite, Follow, Review.

Safety and Peace and I will see you guys later.