For the Future

Hello, everyone. SkyNinja here bringing you a new story. Now, I understand my last reaction story known as Animus... Was a huge flop. I got as far as the Altair story and gave up, didn't help my files got deleted. But this is different! For all you people who may think this is familiar, it is. It's Inspired by the story 'For Tomorrows Sake' and I was upset that it didn't get continued. But I'm going to make one just like it, so I hope you enjoy.

I do not own RWBY. That belongs to Roosterteeth and Monty Oum (R.I.P)

Summer Rose yawned loudly as she laid on the couch, about to go to bed. To say she was exhausted was an understatement. She had one hell of a day. First of all, she was late to the job she was assigned to thanks to a hyper two year old daughter of hers by the name of Ruby Rose. So after that, she got a call from Taiyang saying Yang destroyed her room because her semblance went out of control. So Summer had a headache just thinking about fixing the damage, and if that wasn't bad enough, her mission was longer than they thought because the Grimm population had spiked dramatically. Now, she spent the last three hours fixing Yangs room when she got home and had to bathe Ruby.

Sighing to herself, she broke out into a smile. It may be stressful at times, but she loves Ruby. And Yang, she takes after her mother a lot more than her dad Taiyang.

That put a damp on her mood as she thought of her friend, Raven Branwen. To this day, she has no idea why Raven suddenly went away never to be seen again. But Summer couldn't get too mad, because she knows her friend and she wouldn't leave without a good reason. But unfortunately, Raven didn't tell them before she left. Summer vowed to make Yang feel loved so she doesn't feel left out. And so far, it seems to be working out well. Though Summer decided not to get married to Taiyang, it just didn't feel right because... Well, she had reasons.

Deciding to get up, Summer groaned, hoisting herself off the couch and dragging her jelly legs upstairs and going to the room she and Taiyang shared. Hey, just because they aren't married doesn't mean they can't act like they are. Unclipping her white cloak, she hooked it on the door and stifled a giggle seeing Taiyang asleep and with drool escaping his mouth. Se decided to join him and prepared to fall on the bed...

Only instead of meeting her soft mattress, she ended up face first on a stone cold floor. Summer groaned, picking herself up and looking around confused. "The hell? Taiyang, wake up! Where are we?!"

The blonde moaned in his sleep before opening his eyes, only to have a look of confusion. "Uhhhhh, were we kidnapped?"

"I hardly doubt it. We were in the house ten seconds ago-"

Suddenly, Summer had a look of horror on her face. If they really were kidnapped, did that mean Ruby and Yang were hurt?

"Thank god there are some familiar faces." The couple knew that gruff voice and Taiyang broke out a grin. "Oh look, it's the dusty old Qrow."

"Bite me Xiao Long!"

"Hmmmm... No I don't swing that way."

"Alright, enough you two." Summer interjected before a full blown argument broke out. She got up and dashed to her friend, giving him a big hug. "It's great to see you again Qrow, you should visit more often."

Qrow let out a smile as he hugged back. "Well, right now. Let's figure out where we are."

That's when the trio heard a variety of voices. "Where am I? Where are my babies?!" Yelled a woman who had blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, looking around panicking.

"Madam, please. Remain calm, and we can figure something out," Replied a man who was with a woman, maybe his wife. He had red hair which was cut short, and piercing brown eyes and he was sporting a red finely trimmed beard. He had the posture and aura of a soldier, meaning he probably would be helpful in diffusing the situation. The woman next him had red hair as well but she had very pretty green eyes. Summer smiled as she imdicated them over to the group.

"I demand to know who is responsible for this? I have friends in high places who will destroy you!" Yelled a woman who had white hair and blue eyes who was a familiar face. Next to her was her husband, who wore a suit and had black hair and brown eyes.

Sudddnly, a familiar face spoke up and tried to calm them all down. "Please. I know that you are all worried, but we need to keep a level head and try to figure out where we are and more importantly, why we are here."

Summer smiled. It was Professor Ozpin of Beacon, and it seemed he had a new assistant now. 'Wow, she seems to be a strict woman. Wait, is that the blonde back at school who refused to speak to anyone and was on Ozpins team?! What was her name? Goodstick?'

"I SAY POO TO THAT! LET'S LAY RUIN TO THIS ROOM WE ARE IN!" Roared a short man with a bushy ginger beard and equally bushy hair, he looked really buff and strong. The others rolled their eyes at the man.

"Wait, what's that floating down?" Summer asked pointing upwards. They all looked up and saw a piece of paper starting to float down, she managed to catch it and decided to read it out loud for everyone.

"Aloha everyone, you do not know my name for I am a mystical being." She heard the white haired woman scoff before continuing. "The reason you are all here is because I will show you a vision of the future! Dun dun duuuuuuuunnn!"

Summer sweatdropped at that. "It literally says that." But something didn't make sense. What did this person mean by the future? "Now, you all should get comfortable as it will be a long one. Oh, and expect to have more guests as you journey through this vision. Lastly, I will be giving you guys a choice. At the end of this vision, you can either leave this place with the knowledge of the future and try to prevent it, or have your memories erased of this experience and let nature run its course. And of course, do not worry about your children or other halves as you are in a seperate dimension where time outside is frozen, it's all... Wibbly Wobbly... Timey Wimey stuff... Have fun!"

Sincerly, SkyNinja.

P.S. In the cupboards expect to see snacks and drinks, imcluding beer, pizza, tea, nachos and a whole lot more.

Qrow growled at this. "Like hell I'm going through this stuff! Future, yeah right! I say we bust out of here!"

"I love your style of thinking cape man!" The short man bellowed and laughed loudly. However, Taiyang wasn't so sure. "That would be great Qrow. If we had our WEAPONS!"

The Professor of Beacon decided to speak up at this point. "I would have to agree with Taiyang. We do not how powerful this being is, since he has the power to make time freeze as well as transport us here. I propose we get comfortable and see through this vision of the future. Agreed?"

He got a murmur of agreements in response. "Splendid. I suppose we should start off with introducing ourselves. I am Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy, and the blonde woman next to me is my new assistant, Glynda Goodwitch."

She rolled her eyes and stepped forward. "Ozpin, I can introduce myself, but thank you."

Summer smiled, she knew how close those two were. Their time at Beacon proved that, and to see them together again had her inner matchmaker acting up. Suddenly, the short man decided to speak up.

"I AM ODIN VALKYRIE, THE GREATEST HUNTSMAN IN ALL OF REMNANT! HAHAHAHA!" He bellowed in delight as he pounded his chest. "Also, I have the most beautiful wife and the cutest daughter!"

Summer giggled a little at that. She may be able to challenge him on that, regarding her daughters. She then saw the white haired woman clear her throat. "I am Willow Schnee and this is my husband Walter Schnee. You of course know of the Schnee dust company. And Odin, I believe my two daughters are much cuter."

Walter nodded. "I just hope we can get out of this predicament soon, I have a day crammed with meetings tomorrow."

The red haired man stood up. "I am Alexandros Nikos, and this beautiful woman to my left is my wife Athena, we are from Mistral."

His wife nodded and bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet all of you. And yes, we also have a daughter. Her name is Pyrrha."

Then a black naired woman suddenly spoke up. Summer didn't even realise she was there. "Good day to you all, especially you Odin. I am Lie Hanako, and unfortunately I am a single mother because my husband had perished to the Grimm. I am a huntress and I am also hunting partners with Odin and we are good friends due to our children being so close. I only have one son named Ren and Odins daughter is named Nora."

Summer felt sorry for the woman, but it seems she has learned to move on. The blonde woman hugged her arms nervously. "Well, I'm not as important as all you guys. I'm Rachel Arc, and I'm... Well, I'm a farmer. It's my husband John that is the huntsman. Oh, and I have seven daughters, and my youngest is a boy named Jaune."

The woman of the room had shocked looks and by instinct, clutched the area where their wombs were. Summer could never imagine having another child, much less eight. It was already painful giving birth to Ruby. The men had deep respect for Rachels husband, because their wives almost killed them when giving birth. Willow vowed to have no more after the second.

Now it was just her, Qrow and Taiyang left. She blushed at the attention and went to stand up. "Ummmmm, hello. I am Summer Rose. I am a very qualified huntress and-"

"Excuse me, THE Summer Rose?" Athena questioned. "I have heard of your talents, it is an honour to be in your presence."

"T-Thank you." Summer stuttered not used to such praise like that. "And I have two daughters, one I gave birth to myself, and another belongs to my old friend Raven, but she left for unknown reasons."

Taiyang looked down, his hair covering his eyes while Summer sat back down. Qrow decided to introduce himself now. "My name is Qrow Branwen, and me, Summer and her partner Taiyang were in a team with my sister back at Beacon. Until he decided to sleep with my sister, got her pregnant and then Summer got knocked up by him."

"I told you, it was a drunk night!"

"That doesn't help that you slept with literally more than half of our team!"

"Enough you two!" Summer yelled at them to shut them up. "Go and get us snacks like good boys, so we can watch the future. And if I hear you two bickering again, Qrow, you will get none of my homemade cookies for a month and Taiyang, no sex for that same duration!"

Both men froze at that and nodded before quickly running to raid the cupboards, Willow was impressed. "I see you have control over those two."

"Please, they know I'm the boss of the house." Summer beamed puffing her chest out with pride.

Eventually, the group all had snacks and the screen before them turned on, while gentle music started to play, text appeared.


Walter frowned at this. "Roosterteeth? I've never heard of them."

Maybe it's a company of sorts." Athena replied.

Th screen changed to a full moon where it was snowing and rose petals were in the air.


Summer smiled at this. It was great people were making new stuff for the enjoyment of others. "The music is very relaxing." Alexandros piped in.

Everyone stared at him in disbelief, why did he of all people say that? He blushed in embarrassment. "What? I'm not allowed to acknowledge relaxing things?"

Rachel giggled and turned back to the screen.

The text goes away and cuts to a figure with a red cloak standing at the edge of a cliff, looking at what appears to be a gravestone.

Taiyang frowned at seeing the figure and nudged Summer. "Hey Sum, doesn't she look... Familiar?"

"Yeah... I get what you mean."


The figure now turned away, walking from the grave and the text engraved on it said.

'Summer Rose: Thus Kindly I Scatter.'

"NO! THERE'S NO WAY THAT CAN BE TRUE!" Taiyang yelled standing up.

Was this some sort of sick joke? He just got told in the future his partner dies. He refuses to believe that, he already lost one girl, he couldn't lose another. He needed Summer, and more importantly, the kids needed her.

Summer rigjt now had a look of horror on her face, and who could blame her? It's not everyday you get a vision basically saying you're six feet under and gone from the world. Taking a few deep breaths and grasping Taiyangs hand tightly for support, she tried to calm down. Suddenly, she felt a hand grasp hers and saw it was Rachel.

"Don't worry, you will get through this, and we will help you." She said giving a warm smile, with Summer giving one in return. Feeling a lot better, they returned their attention to the screen.


The figure was now walking through the forest, with the snow falling down around her, and her cape billowing in the wind. She eventually reached a clearing where there were no trees at all, just snow and more snow.

Willow smiled at the singing in the background. "The girl singing the song has a beaitiful voice."

Most of them agreed while Odin grumbled. "This is too peaceful for my liking!" He yelled while stuffing popcorn in his mouth.


Suddenly, Beowolves started surrounding the girl, and started growling. However, it seemed the girl was not fazed and continued to stand there.

Odin then broke into a grin as he pumped his fists. "HOHOHO! FINALLY! Maybe we can see some bloodshed!"

"Will you pipe down, you barbaric oaf?!" Willow screamed at him.

They were all concerned for the girl. They all have had their fair share of Grimm. The monsters of darkmess. Summer was now shaking obviously worried for this poor girl.


Three of the beowolves charged at the girl, only to have her dissappear into rose petals. Confused, the pack look aroumd to see she's in the air. And her hood was off revealing a very familiar pair of silver eyes.

Summers eyes suddenly bulged out with shock and she started to hyperventilate. That was her baby girl! That was Ruby and she was going to fight those monsters. 'Summer, just breathe and relax. You're just embarrassing yourself.'

Rachel saw Summer panicked and became concerned. "Do you know who that girl is?"

Taiyang nodded grimly, also worried. "That's Ruby. Our youngest daughter."

Athena gasped at this. "She looks way too young to fight."

Oh, how wrong they all would be as the next sequence left them shocked.

Rubys face then hardened as she reached behind her and pulled out a Weapon which blasted a beowolves head off. She landed on the ground as another tried to charge but she jumped up in time and fired another round into its head, as she was landing again she shot another beowolf and did a forward roll as she landed. Looking up, Ruby saw another lunge at her but she blasted one more round into its head. She then started backing up and unravelled her gun to reveal a giant Scythe.

Glynda was very impressed at the skill this girl had. "Her form is almost flawless. She hasn't even been touched yet."

Ozpin nodded. "It seems we have a future huntress here."

Summer nodded dumbly seeing her daughter like this. "Maybe..."


Willow scowled in annoyancd while Walter chuckled at the mans... Enthusiasm.

One beowolf roared and charged at Ruby, but she swung and got it trapped. It roared at her but she just smirked, and pulled the trigger, the recoil cutting the Grimm in half. The other Grimm growled and started charging, but she was ready as Ruby stabbed her scythe blade into the ground and started firing her sniper bullets at the various beowolves who were charging at her, each one going down but more were coming towards her. One tried to swipe at the girl, but she jumped and shot a bullet into the beofwolf causing it to yelp in pain, and the recoil sent her flying back.

Athena and Alexandros were amazed. This girl looked so young but to be this skilled with a weapon twice her size was outstanding. "She truly is the daughter of Summer Rose."

Taiyang felt a sense of pride from that compliment. "Yeah... That's my daughter! Kill those Grimm!"

As Ruby was soaring away, she planted her blade into the ground again and stood on her weapon, seeing another pack emerging from the forest, howling, another made the same mistake as its brethren by swiping at her, but she avoided it by ducking under her weapon and firing a round into an approaching beowolf, the recoil shooting her back as she drove her foot into the Grimm who tried to attack her. She was now using her blade to attack and the way she did it brought awe to the adults. It was like a dance of some sorts, the way she was just cutting down the Grimm around her, she was in complete comtrol of her weapon which was impressive for a girl her age.

But her dance was now at an end, as a beowolf swiped, this time hitting her weapon which caused her to get launched away. Finally, stopping herself she narrowed her eyes and took out a cartridge of ammo before adding in another with a symbol.

Qrow frowned. "Seems she is in the showdown. I think she will be able to do it considering how good she has been doing so far." He explained popping a nacho chip in his mouth.

Odin laughed at this. "OF COURSE SHE WILL! Look at them all, they are chunky Grimm stew at this point! She is truly a huntress, capable of turning armies of Grimm into mush!"

Everyone swestdropped at Odins detailed explanations as they saw what may be the final showdown.

Ruby started to charge into them, before slicing through one. Then another, then she started going faster and faster until she was slaughtering Grimm left and right, her hands a flurry of motions as claws and bullets flew into the air until finally she finished with a pose, her scythe behind her as bullets rained down. She then turned into a silhouette.

Summer cheered loudly at this while everyone was shocked at her daughters skill. They then saw Rubys picture shift to be the first of four. Red. White. Black and Yellow. Who is going to be the next one? And then they see a message at the bottom.

Coming 2013

"Well... That was a thing." Rachel chuckled nervously.

And that's the chapter. I would appreciate that if you do enjoy these reaction series, please follow and favourite this story as well as leave a review. And also. Do you guys want the adults to react to other stuff? Like RWBY humour tangents or death battle? If you do, leave a review saying you do. This is something I want to continue as I loved For Tomorrows Sake. Anyway, as always.

Favourite, Follow, Review.

Safety and Peace, and I will see you guys later.