Disclaimer: I don't own ether the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson series, the rights to that go to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling.

The Myth and Magic Meeting:Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Hogwarts need help to defeat Voldemort and who better to help then our favourite demigods, the fates command it. So the fates decide to send our favourite wizards and witches books. The Order, Weasley family, Golden trio and some friends all read the Percy Jackson series. How will the wizards take to the demigods?

Ok so fanfiction deleted this story so I changed the way they read the books. It won't say the whole line but the beginning and end of what they are reading. So sorry to all the people that liked the way it was set out I had to change it. It might take some time to redo it as there is a lot of lines and I have a lot of assessments due for school, so please be patient.


Professor Dumbledore was sitting in his office thinking of possible people who would help them in the fight against Voldemort.

The uncorrupted Ministry, most of them wouldn't they would be too afraid to lose their jobs and/or their lives or they believed what the Minster had said about him and Harry being crazy and liars.

'The demigod's,' he thought, 'No, last time that wizards and demigods worked together it didn't end well.' Dumbledore thought back to the time that wizards and demigods worked together. The two races nearly killed each other and nearly put both races on the brink of extinction, it took a long time to convince the muggles that it was something entirely different.

'But maybe it's time to bring both races together again, If I asked Chiron he might agree, but…no the wizards won't take kindly to them, they won't know anything about them it won't work.' He thought, but then his mind started thinking of different ways for the two races to meet each other and become friends not enemies.

As he was thinking of different ways, a bright light shone in front of him, on his desk. As the light dimmed he made out the shaped of what looked like a pile of books. And as the light completely cleared, he realized that it really was a pile of books. Ten books were neatly stacked in a pile on his desk, with a note sitting on top.

Dumbledore reached towards the note and grabbed it and then brought it back towards him so he could read it.


We are sending you these books so that you can read them to certain people. These books are about demigods (the first five mostly focus on a boy called Percy Jackson while the other five focus on the seven-second great prophecy)read these out to the people we are to list below and it will allow them to be more excepting towards the demigods when they come to help you defeat Voldemort. Some of the demigods will be there to read them with you (We will send them ourselves).

Have everyone come to 12 Grimmauld Place.

People to come:

Order of the Phoenix (That is usually at Grimmauld Place)

Weasley family

Luna Lovegood

Nevile Longbottom

Hermione Granger

Harry Potter


The Fates

Dumbledore looked at the letter again with the twinkle in his eyes stronger than ever. 'Maybe there is a chance'.

Dumbledore quickly sent out letters to the people not a Grimmauld place telling them what is to happen and sending a message to Sirius to tell him what is happing. And with that Dumbledore grabbed the books and flooed over Grimmauld place.


At Camp Half-Blood things were going very differently. The seven had been having a nice vacation from monsters and saving the world, and Leo was back. He had returned two weeks after disappearing or dying as the rest thought, with Calypso at his side.

Jason was working on Kym's temple –as he promised the goddess and was not in the mood for another fight against an immortal- with the help of Percy –as he was Kym's brother after all- and Annabeth.

Hazel had gotten to see more of the modern world with Frank, who was also trying to figure out how to get his life no longer tied to the stick of wood.

Piper was mostly hanging out with Jason or helping the Aphrodite cabin get back to how it was when Drew was not leading it.

Percy and Annabeth were always by each other's side, and both were still recovering from Tartarus.

Nico was still on strict orders from Will on 'no shadow-traveling' but you could tell that the two boys liked each other though they didn't admit it.

Reyna was fixing up Camp-Jupiter from the mess that Octavian left over, with Hazel, Frank and Jason coming to help every now and then.

Thalia and the rest of the hunters were at camp as Artemis let them have some time off in a way after the Giant War had ended.

The seven plus Nico, Thalia, Will, Grover and Calypso were relaxing on the beach when Conner Stroll came running up to them.

"Guys Chiron wants to see you guys in the big house," Conner called before running of again no doubt to play a prank with his brother's help.

"Should we go?" Leo asked.

"What if it's another quest," Percy said worriedly, as he was not ready for another quest.

"And what happens if it's the gods wanting to congratulate us," implied Frank.

"Well we have to find out one way or another," Piper said standing up and brushing the sand off of her.

The rest of them up and the twelve of them made their way to the big house. When they got there they meant Reyna, who was also confused as to why she was summoned to the big house, but when they answered that they too didn't know they walked in, each sitting on a bean bag.

"I'm guessing you are all wondering why I summoned you here," Chiron started once they were all seated.

"No we don't want to know," Nico said sarcastically. Ever since he and will had started hanging out he was become more like the Nico before Bianca died.

"A friend of mine in England has received a note and some books from the fates-" Chiron said but was interrupted by Percy.

"No, no, no, if this has anything to do with the fates I'm out," he said then started walking out and would have had Annabeth not grabbed his hand.

"Percy let's see what Chiron has to say first, then make a decision," Annabeth said softly. Percy looked at Annabeth and Annabeth looked at Percy and it looked like they were debating without words, before Percy let out a sigh and sat down on the bean bag next to Annabeth.

"As I was saying these books are about all of you, the first five being about Percy adventures before the Titan War and the Titan War, and the next five being about the Giant War," Chiron said, then looking at the demigods in front of them seeing for questions.

"Why would the fates give your friend stories about us?" Hazel asked.

"I think you know the answer," Chiron answered.

"Why should we fight in their war when we know anything about them and when they didn't help us," Reyna said.

"They didn't help us as they did not know about us. They are wizards and before you ask yes they are real, we have been separated from them for centuries as it was dangerous for us to mix much like how the Greek and Romans were. They are fighting in a war that they might not win and with your help they have a much higher chance of winning," Chiron explained. The demigods, goddess and satyr all looked at each other before turning to face Chiron and nodding.

"Well do it," Jason and Percy said.

"Ok so we go to England read these books about us so that the wizards can be I'm guessing more excepting to us than fight in a war, did I get that right," Will said.

"Yes Will you did," Chiron replied.

"Ok, still no Shadow-traveling for you," Will said to Nico, causing Nico to pout like a five year old.

"When do we leave?" Grover asked.

"In thirty minutes so go get packing, well meet up at half-blood hill" Chiron said, looking at his watch, then looking back up to see some of them half-way to their cabin or entering their cabin.

They were all at half-blood hill when they were supposed to with for some was a miracle. They were all standing around when a glow appeared causing them to shield their eyes. When the glow died down a woman with red hair and green eyes could be seen.

"Lady Hecate," Hazel said bowing with the others following her lead.

"Hello Hazel, now the fates have brought what you are doing to my attention have asked me to take you to England," Hecate said, "So everyone stand in a circle and hold hands."

They demigods, goddess and satyr all did as they were told, while Chiron took a step back. Hecate help her hand out to the group of heroes and you could hear the energy that she was using as a glow surrounded her and the heroes forcing the heroes to close their eyes. And within a second they had disappeared and the glow died down, and Hecate lowered her hands.

"I fear what will happen to them there it has been year since a demigod and wizards saw each other," Hecate said.

"So do I," Chiron replied.


The demigods appeared outside of number ten and eleven Grimmauld place.

"What do we do now?" Leo asked.

"Don't you remember what Chiron said," Annabeth replied.

"Nope," Leo said popping the 'p'. Ignoring Leo, Annabeth walked up to the gap between ten and eleven.

"Wise girl there's nothing there," Percy said.

"Just watch and see Seaweed brain," Annabeth called back.

The heroes looked at the gap and before their eyes the two houses moved apart to reveal another. Once number twelve could be seen Annabeth motioned the others forward but keeping a hand on her Drakon bone sword at her belt and seeing that the others had their hands on their weapons or looking reading to grab them or ready for a fight. Annabeth walked to the door and started knocking on it. After a while and no one opened the door Thalia walked up next to Annabeth and knocked furiously on the door. The door finally opened to see a man with long black hair and grey eyes.

"Yeah hi we were told to come here by the fates," Thalia said.

"Thalia they might not have known," Annabeth said.

"Oh yeah," Thalia said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Gods pinecone face did you not think of that," Nico said.

"Oh shut up death breath," Thalia replied, causing Nico to stick his tongue out and Thalia to do the same.

"So you are the demigods," the man said, eyeing them trying to figure out if they could be trusted.

"Yep," Percy said. The man moved out of the way to let the demigods threw and the demigods walked into the hallway.

"Nice place could use some colour, actually a lot of colour," Leo said.

"Leo," Calypso said elbowing him.

"Sorry sunshine," Leo said. They saw the man walk into one of the rooms and the demigods followed him, entering into a dining room which was crowded with people, all eyeing the demigods suspiciously.

"Hi," said Hazel.

"Can you introduce yourselves please," said a man in robes and with white hair, a white beard and blue eyes. The demigods looked at each other "Titles?" Grover questioned. "Titles, but only parentage we don't want to be here forever" Piper said looking at Percy. The Heroes pushed Percy forward so that he went first.

"I'm Percy-" Percy started, before being interrupted.

"Full name," Annabeth said.

"Fine, I'm Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon." He said, then taking a step back so that Annabeth could step forward.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena," she said, then started to take a step back before Hermione asked, "How are you a daughter of Athena, Athena's a maiden goddess?"

"It's a long explanation that I am sure you don't want to hear," Annabeth answered, with Percy nodding his head in the background remembering the conversation in the Labyrinth. When Annabeth stepped back Jason stepped forward.

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter," he said.

"Like the Planet?" Ron asked, confused on how a planet could have a child.

"No the god, roman form of Zeus," Jason answered, taking a step back so that Piper could come forward.

"I'm Piper Mclean-"

"Are you related to Tristan Mclean?" Harry asked, with most of the wizards who didn't know about the actor confused.

"Yes his my dad," Piper answered, "I'm a daughter of Aphrodite," she finished taking a step back from the boys who were goggling at her, but she saw Jason sending them a death glare. Hazel took a step forward to say her parentage.

"I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, roman form of Hades," she said, adding the last bit on so that Ron didn't ask if it was the planet again. She took a step back to allow Frank to speak.

"I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars. Roman form of Ares," he said, taking a step back for Leo.

"What up Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus at your service," Leo said, then taking a step back for Nico.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," he said keeping it short and simple. He noticed that some of the people took a step back once they heard his parentage but it didn't bother him and he took a step back to allowing Will to speak.

"Hello, I'm Will Solace, son of Apollo," he said, then taking a step back so he could stand next to Nico. And to allow Thalia to say her parentage.

"I'm Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus," she said.

"Are you and Jason related?" Fred asked

"Yes I'm older," she answered, then looked at Jason, "That means I can boss you around little brother," she smirked.

"Technically you're stuck being a sixteen year old forever so using that logic I'm older," Jason replied wearing a smug smirk.

"I was still born before you," she replied.

"What your immortal?" Remus asked.

"Yeah I'm a hunter of Artemis, so as long as I hold my oath to be a maiden forever or I die in battle I can live forever," she replied, then taking a step back to allow Grover to speak.

"Grover Underwood, I'm a satyr," he said, taking a step back for Calypso.

"I'm Calypso, daughter of Atlas," she said.

"The goddess?" Hermione asked, causing everyone to look at Calypso in awe.

"Yes," she replied, then walking back to her place next to Leo.

"Now that, the demigods have introduced have introduced themselves we will do the same," Dumbledore said, then the wizards and witches did as was said.


"Now that introductions have been done we will start," Dumbledore said, then asking, "Who would like to read?"

"How about Percy," Nico offered.

"Why me," Percy complained.

"Cause the books are about you," Annabeth said, matter-of-factly.

"But-" Percy said about to complain, once again.

"Ah, no but's or else no kiss for a week," Annabeth said, knowing that Percy would do it, after the threat.

"Ok I'll do it," Percy said, jumping up from the seat and taking the book at the top of the pile.

"Wait I'm dyslexic, how am I supposed to read it," Percy said.

"The books were delivered by the fates, it's possible that they put a spell on them to allow us to read them," Hazel said.

Percy opened the book and let out a shriek.

"What's wrong," Annabeth said worried.

"It's in my point of view," Percy said.

"Seriously Kelp-head," Thalia said, her voice muffled as her head was in her hands. Percy stuck out his tongue at his older cousin.

"Read, my threat still stands Perseus Jim Jackson," Annabeth said, using Percy's full name.

"Oh she middle named you," Leo, and the Weasley twins said. Annabeth and Percy sent them both death glares. Annabeth cause she wanted Percy to start reading and Percy because of the whole middle name thing.

"Mr Jackson would you start reading," Mr Weasley asked.

"Sorry sir and you can call me Percy," Percy replied, turning away from the laughing trio.

"Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief," Percy started.

"How can you steal lightning," Ron asked.

"Honestly Ronald, if you be quite we might find out," Hermione scowled.

"Anyhow, Lightning Thief, blah, blah, ah here. Chapter one, I Accidently Vaporize my Pre-Algebra Teacher," Percy said.