"I'm going all out," Foxleap promised, dropping the phone and running off to his bedroom. Icecloud yelped and snatched the phone before it could hit the floor. Setting it carefully on the table, Foxleap's tired sister trailed after her brother reluctantly as he dashed up the stairs. Foxleap cackled in delight as he reached his bedroom and threw open the closet.

Icecloud gaped as clothing and disguises flew out of the closet and onto the floor. Foxleap was almost literally swimming in the contents. "This is worse than my closet!" Icecloud gasped. "And what's my sweater doing in here?"

Foxleap waved his hand dismissively. "I needed it." He then began rummaging through his stuff.

"Needed it for what? Oh-" Foxleap tossed a box out of his way that accidentally smacked Icecloud in the chest. Stumbling, the white-haired girl fell back on Foxleap's bed.

The ginger turned behind him and wiggled his eyebrows. "Oops." Okay, maybe not so accidentally. Icecloud sighed.

"No." A black trench coat flew over Foxleap shoulder and landed on Icecloud's lap.

"No." A brown cane whacked his sister's arm.

"No." A black bowler hat was tossed onto Icecloud awaiting arm.

"Wait, never mind, toss that back." Sighing, Icecloud threw back the bowler hat and Foxleap tossed it towards the doorway.

Foxleap rummaged some more. Icecloud sighed for the third time this chapter.

"No. Yes. No. No. No. Yes. Yes. Maybe. Maybe not. Oh, definitely. Eew, no. No. No. No. Never mind, give that back. Yes."

Soon, Foxleap stood up in his cluttered closet and grabbed the articles he had thrown away. In a record breaking change time, he was dressed in a brilliant orange collared shirt with a blue striped tie, a bowler hat, black pants, brown shoes, a large black briefcase, and black gloves. Icecloud gawked at her brother as another 27 seconds later, everything was back in the closet and out of sight. "Okay," Icecloud protested, "A girl could never change in that time, let alone clean their room on top of that!"

"Watch and learn," Foxleap taunted. He dashed away from the room like Flash and Icecloud hurried to keep up with him.

Foxleap and his sister exited their large house and walked down the street. It was about sunset and Foxleap was whistling. Icecloud trailed behind him a good few feet- on the other side of the street. Did she want to admit she was related to him? Not exactly.

"So," Icecloud said. "If we're pranking Jayfeather, what's with the costume? He can't see you."

Her brother sighed. "Sister dear, this is your problem. If you're serious about something-"

"You're never serious," Icecloud grumbled.

"-then you have to dress for the part and take it seriously, to be in character."

His sister rolled her eyes. "We're here." She proceeded to hide behind the bushes, in full view of the window.

Foxleap cackled devilishly and climbed the stone steps. "I happen to know Lionblaze is out with Cinderheart and Hollyleaf has piano lessons. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight joined our parents on a double date thingy. So it's just him."

"Stalker much?" Icecloud muttered. Foxleap hit the doorbell hard, and repeated this until someone opened the door.

"What the hell do you want?" snapped an irritated Jayfeather. Icecloud snicked.

"Monsieur monsieur monsieur," Foxleap chattered, "let me demonstrate this beautiful ACME vacuum cleaner!" He stepped forward.

Jayfeather was shaking his head. "No way-" But the persistent ginger pushed past him and into the house.

"It vacuums everything!" Foxleap announced wildly, flicking a switch. Icecloud watched from the window as Foxleap sucked up dust from the carpet.

Jayfeather was feeling around for the intruder. "Get out of my house, mister-"

"Even your pants!" Foxleap stuck the vacuum on Jayfeather's pant leg and he yelped, drawing back. Foxleap waved the thing around randomly, sucking up several strips of paper, an eraser, a candy wrapper, and three chocolates.

"You-" Jayfeather began.

"Sucking up garbage, sucking up garbage," Foxleap hummed loudly.

Jayfeather raked his hands through his hair frustratingly. "Can I finish a sentence?!"

"Nope," Foxleap replied cheerily. Icecloud laughed from her view- the open front door gave her full access to the noise. Her brother then switched off the cleaner, pulled a tied off garbage bag out of it, and thrust it into Jayfeather arms. "Your total is $198!"

"WHAT?!" Jayfeather bellowed. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

"Suit yourself," Foxleap shrugged. He tore open the bag and dust and garbage floated to the clean carpet ground. "See ya around!"

Foxleap quickly left the furious blind boy's house and he skipped down the road, Icecloud at his heels. "That's how you do it."

Icecloud giggled. The last thing they heard was Jayfeather's angry scream;



AN~ This is now finished. Hope you enjoyed the short little series. It was fun, but I'm uber busy now. Love you all. Thanks for the reviews!

~Dutchess Frost