Tunrs out I write accurate but crappy summaries... XD

Hooray for multichapter stories that were originally meant to be one-shots!

Disclaimer:I Don't own anything. (But if I did...)

It had been days since she filed a divorce. He refused to sign the damn papers. As a lawyer she could have found another way out but she knew that deep inside she was hoping for a change, a chance. A change in him. A change in their now empty marriage. A chance that they could become what they once were. Happy.

"Kyoya why can't you just sign the damn papers! It's practically what you do for a living, sign papers! Just do it one more time!" Haruhi slammed the papers on his desk and handed him a pen.

"Haruhi, I don't just sign papers for a living! Running a company takes more than that!" Kyoya took the pen and tossed it aside.

"You're right, it takes ruining your marriage!"

"In any case, I refuse to sign. You're overreacting Haruhi. This isn't like you."

"Kyoya, why is it that the one time I actually want you to sign papers you don't want to? I always beg you to take a break from that and the one time I want you to start signing you refuse!"

"Haruhi," Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose in a mix of resignation and exasperation." I don't want a divorce therefore I won't sign but since you want it so bad, find another way to get it."

She flinched. He didn't give her a straight answer. He didn't seem to care as much as a man in love would. He never did.

"Fine," she held back a sob before he could hear it. "If that's what it takes then...I will." Haruhi turned around and debated with herself long enough for him to stop her. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to, she walked out of his office.

Kyoya stared at the spot where she was. He had expected her to turn back around like she usually did. He had wanted her to tell him off and tell him straight out what the problem was like she always did. But she walked out the door and he let her go. Like he always did.

Haruhi found the young head maid.

"Hi Kotoko!"

"Good afternoon Haruhi." the maid bowed.

"I see you've finay gotten used to calling me by my first name huh?"

Kotoko blushed. Then gave Haruhi a curious look. "Pardon my rudeness but have you been crying ?"

"What? Oh no not at all. I- I think I may be getting sick." Haruhi coughed for effect. "Anyways, I was told that you have all the keys to the rooms in this house? Is that correct?""


"Do you happen to have them right now?"

"I do . Do you need them?"

"Actually I do, but I want to ask for a favor first."


"Lock every room with a door in this house except mine."

"Even the staff rooms?"

"I thought you guys went home today since tomorrow is your day off. Don't you lock your rooms anyways?"

"Oh, yeah. I mean yes! I forgot! I'm sorry!" Kotoko bowed multiple times before Haruhi could stop her. "I'll get right on it !"

"Thank you. Oh wait I almost forgot! When that's done please give me each a and every key that can open any room."

"Yes Haruhi ."

"Thank you Kotoko."

An hour later Kyoya walked into the living room where Haruhi was reading a book.

"Haruhi, I need to go out and buy something. I'll be back later."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I just thought you'd like to know."

"You thought wrong."

"I see..." So she was still mad? He thought that she would get over her crazy need for divorce but from the looks of it... He shook off the thoughts. She wouldn't actually go through with it. Haruhi loved him as much as he loved her. And that was saying something. "well I'm off then..."

She mumbled something under her breath that sounded very much like a mimic of him.

As soon as Kyoya left, Haruhi jumped up and dismissed the staff early. By then Kotoko had finished locking the doors which surprised Haruhi. It couldn't have been easy to lock all those doors in such a short amount of time.

Haruhi now had the keys and was inside their room. She locked the door.

Upon arriving home Kyoya noticed that everything was empty. He was confused before he remembered that the staff went home today. Haruhi must've let them go early. When he got to their bedroom he found that the door was locked. Kyoya knocked. "Haruhi?"

No response.

"Haruhi open the door."


Kyoya sighed figuring that she was asleep and walked towards his office to retrieve his spare keys only to find that his office was also locked. It suddenly dawned on him. He tried every door on that floor and each one was locked. Even the closet in the hallway. The one that had spare blankets and pillows. Damn her...

Kyoya angrily knocked on their bedroom door.

"Haruhi! Open the door right now!"

"No." So she wasn't asleep after all.

"Haruhi! Stop acting stupid and open the door."

"Kyoya stop acting stupid and go sleep somewhere else."

"How am I supposed to do that if every room in this house is locked?!"


"And you have the keys!"

"Your point is?"

"Fine. Don't open the door. But tell me, Where the hell am I supposed to sleep?"

Haruhi pretended to think then said. "There's a couch in the living room. If you don't like that,there are plenty of hotels in Japan as you know. Now let me sleep!"

Kyoya counted to ten and took a deep breath. He looked at the rose bouqet and fancy tuna he had bought. "What am I supposed to do with these? I guess I should at least put the roses in a vase...but there's no preserving the tuna..."

On his way downstairs Kyoya couldn't help the thoughts running through his head. This was just a temporary crisis. Surely she would get over it. Right?

Even as he tried to convince himself he knew it was in vain. Haruhi was truly angry at him and he didn't know why.