Gravitation © Maki Murakami

Gravitation (anime) © Studio Deen / SME Visual Works / Sony Magazines

This work of fiction is for non-profit entertainment purposes only, and the characters all belong to their respective owners.

If any of the original owners are against fanfiction that contain their creations, please let me know and I will remove this story from this and all sites.

WARNING: This chapter contains . . .

Violence: None

Language: None

Drugs: None

Nudity: None

Sexual Content: None

Edit Update: 10/18/2015


"You're going to write a novel?" Hiro couldn't believe his ears. Had he heard his friend right? Shuichi, the same guy who can barely even come up with lyrics for a single song, was going to write a full fledged fifty thousand words or more novel?

"That's right!" Shuichi puffed out his chest and smiled, as if he had already accomplished this impossible task.

"And you're going to finish it in only two weeks?" When his friend nodded, Hiro sighed, placing a hand over his face. He knew that trying to talk him out of it would be pointless. When an idea got into Shuichi's head, there was no stopping him.

"Don't you think that I can do it?" Shuichi asked.

Hiro wanted to say 'no', but instead he smiled. "You can do anything you put your mind to." That wasn't far from the truth. His hyperactive bandmate had done many things in the past that, at first glance, had seemed unachievable.

"I knew I could rely on you, Hiro!" Shuichi slammed his hands down on the tabletop, nearly knocking their cups of coffee over as the other customers stared and gave him quizzical looks. "I'm really fired up now!"

"What does Eiri Yuki think about all this?" Shuichi's happy attitude vanished and was replaced by a scowl. Hiro knew what that meant. They were having another fight, and Shuichi's newest endeavor probably had something to do with it. "How about you explain how this idea of writing a novel started?" Hiro suggested before munching on a French fry.

"Well . . ." And then he explained what had happened earlier that day.

"Yuki!" Shuichi called out as he appeared in the doorway.

"What is it?" Eiri asked, not looking away from his computer screen as his fingers moved with speed and ease over the keyboard.

"Remember when we went on that date?"

Eiri glanced his way for only a moment. "Yeah."

Shuichi flinched. He could tell from the tone of his voice that that day was still a touchy subject. Sure, they had a good time through most of it, but the end of their date caused Eiri to hop on a plane to New York, where he was probably going to shoot himself. And ever since then, they hadn't gone out together. Probably because it reminded him of what happened. But Shuichi was determined to change that. "K was able to get us two tickets to Nittle Grasper's next concert."

He held up the two pieces of paper and began waving them in front of his lover's face, trying to block his view of the screen. When Eiri realized that he wasn't going to stop, he let out a long sigh and stood up; right before he grabbed Shuichi and threw him out of the apartment and into the hallway, slamming the door behind him.

"Open up, Yuki!" Shuichi tried to open it, but the door was locked. So he began kicking it instead. "Is this any way to treat your lover?! I'm only trying to spend some time with you and this is how you repay me?!" He took a step back. "If you don't let me in, I'll kick the door down!"

The object separating the two of them flew open and Eiri stood in the doorway. "Stop wrecking my apartment. I've already had to pay for a lot of repairs because of you."

"Why did you throw me out?" Shuichi asked in frustration. "If I'm annoying you, just say so."

Eiri ran his fingers through his blond hair before sitting down at his computer once more. "I have to finish my novel before the deadline." He looked at Shuichi for a moment, his cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. "That means I don't have time for you."

Shuichi stood rigid at the spot, his features expressionless, and Eiri wondered if he was going to cry. But instead, the young vocalist wrapped his arms around the older man's neck and stared at the screen. "Then you can at least show it to me. What's your novel about? Am I in it? What are-" He stopped when Eiri closed the laptop, concealing his work. "What did you do that for?!"

"It's not done yet."

"You saw my lyrics before they were done, so this will make us even." Shuichi reached for the laptop but Eiri got to it first and held it out of reach, causing the boy to fall flat on his face. Luckily there was a shaggy carpet to soften the landing. "Why are you always so cold to me when you write your novels?" He sat in a cross-legged position on the floor. "Can't you at least show it to me? Maybe I can even help you."

Eiri placed his laptop back on the table. "You and I both know that your writing sucks."

"Come on, Yuki!" Shuichi began tugging on the novelist's sleeve, causing Eiri to roll his eyes upward, as if silently asking the universe why he had to put up with this everyday. "Why won't you share it with me?"

"If you ever write a novel," Heaven forbid, "then you'll understand."

Shuichi stood up and pointed a finger at his lover, who was trying to ignore him. "I accept your challenge!"

"What challenge?" He asked flatly.

"I'll write a novel!"

Eiri's cigarette fell and landed on the floor. He was kidding, right? He couldn't be serious. But it was Shuichi he was talking to . . .

"When's the deadline?" Shuichi asked.

"What?" Eiri asked, still in shock.

Shuichi leaned in close, their noses nearly touching. "When's the deadline for your novel?"

Eiri snapped back to reality when he smelled smoke and quickly stomped out the cigarette that had tried to start a fire. "Two weeks." He answered when he saw that his carpet was safe.

"Then that's when I'll finish my novel! Maybe I'll even finish it before you do!" Before Eiri could say anything in response, Shuichi turned on his heel and stormed out of the apartment, shutting the door with an earsplitting bang as he did.

"So that's what happened." Hiro said as he reached for more food, only to find that he had already eaten the last of it.

"I can tell that he doesn't think I can do it. But I'll show him!" Shuichi smirked as he reached down, pulling up a tall pile of books, which he slammed onto the table. "I bought every book I could find on how to write a novel. My novel is practically already written!"

As Shuichi laughed to himself, Hiro picked up the book on the top of the pile. "You do realize that it will probably take you those two weeks just to finish reading all of these, right?"

Shuichi stopped laughing as realization sunk in. Tears of frustration appeared in his indigo colored eyes but were quickly replaced by tears of gratitude. "Oh, Hiro! Where would I be without you?!"

"Probably lying dead in a ditch somewhere." Hiro answered, leaning back in his seat as he smiled. "And my life would be a lot more boring. Without you, I probably wouldn't even be dating Ayaka." He was going to say more, but he stopped himself when he saw how miserable his friend looked. "Just don't overthink it. Maybe you should just start writing and see what happens."

"I don't know." Shuichi grabbed one of the books and glanced at it with disinterest. "I don't know anything about writing a novel."

"I don't think anyone does when they start out. You'll just have to learn as you do it."

Shuichi didn't look convinced.

After a short pause in their conversation, Hiro got an idea. "You learned how to play music because of Nittle Grasper, right?"


"Well then, why don't you find an author that inspires you. Maybe that will-"

"That's it!" Shuichi jumped out of his chair and ran out the door, leaving a trail of dust behind him. But a few moments later, he popped back in and said, "Thanks, Hiro!" before he once again left the building.

Most sane people would have called a taxi, especially considering how far away he was from his destination, but Shuichi wasn't thinking about that. His mind was turned off and his legs were guiding him to where he wanted - no, needed - to go. And with his high speed and stamina, it wasn't long before Shuichi came to a screeching halt in front of the bookstore. Without hesitation, he threw the door open - causing the owner jump in surprise - and marched into the building; only stopping when he arrived at the shelf that contained all of Eiri Yuki's books. It only made sense that he would use his lover's work as his inspiration. After all, it was because of him that he was able to finish his song, which was now climbing up the charts.

He hummed to himself as he bought them and began to carry the books home. Until he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. It was just now that it occurred to him. He had never read any of Eiri Yuki's books. Why was that? He had seen them multiple times, but buying them had never crossed his mind. Was it because they were more aimed towards women? Or was it because he sensed that the author didn't want Shuichi to read them? Suddenly the books felt heavy in his arms and a wave of guilt rushed through him, as if he were plotting to read someone's private journal. He considered returning them, but the store didn't offer refunds. And he was curious about what was contained on their pristine pages . . .

Finally, he decided to keep them. But he would only read them if he needed inspiration for his novel. A last resort. He also thought it best to ask his sister to hold onto them. If he took them home, Eiri would probably see them. It was better to play it safe, in case Eiri really didn't want him to read them. With this plan in mind, Shuichi began to walk down the sidewalk once more. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Right?