Title: Eeny Meeny Miney Mo

Author: Crimson Rosary

Beta: N/A

Summary: After the Fourth Shinobi War, Tsunade meets a trio who would initiate a change in Konohagakure. Beauty, smarts, etiquette, and attitude makes up FemHarry!

Pairing: Haven't picked it out yet, but I have someone in mind!

Rating: T …. for now

A/N: I was thinking FemHarry! (: But I need some help with pairings~ suggestions anyone?

"Normal speech"



Chapter 5

~ A Brief Introduction ~

"Konohagakure no Sato formally welcomes Kuro Midori and Lupin Teddy into our humble village." announced Tsunade, tilting her cup filled with sake towards the aforementioned teenager. "May the Will of Fire forever live long in our descendants!"

The shinobi cheered before slowly trickling to their own little groups of friends and socializing. The Hokage walked up to Midori who was standing besides Itachi and Sasuke and had Teddy in her arms, drawing attention from various shinobi in the room.

It seems that not only was Wizarding Britain a lousy gossip, but the shinobi in Konohagakure were as well.

When Naruto spotted them, he led a laughing Midori and Teddy to his friends (the Konoha 11) – reintroducing her to them as she was "lonely" and "without friends". The girls fawned over Teddy but Midori noticed that one of the kunoichi was wearing a forced smile on her face as she looked over at Naruto hovering near Midori. Mentally tagging the kunoichi at the back of her head, Midori allowed for her attention to be drawn to Naruto's conversation to the rest of his friends. Midori was glad to have Naruto to be one of her friends. He was so bright and cheerful, even after having gone through a war. Yes, Naruto and Midori were about the same age, but she never wanted Naruto to loose his cheerfulness. He was the type of person that would be a great help in keeping the atmosphere upbeat whenever something traumatic had occurred.

Afterwards, Itachi came over to lead Midori through the crowd, allowing for his fiancée to mingle with many others before pulling her away gently when he saw that she was getting tired. He took two cups of water and led her to the balcony of the party room.

"I think I understand why everyone's so happy even when the worst has occurred not too long ago." Midori whispered. She accepted the drink from Itachi and held it in her hand. Teddy was quietly dozing in the baby carriage besides her, slowly being rocked back and forth.

He stayed quiet and allowed her to speak, to gather her thoughts before she would continue.

"Your shinobi are dedicated to the cause – whatever the cause may be. They fight to protect the village and its people. It's not something I can say about those with power back where I come from. They were more than willing to allow a teenager to fight their battles for them."

Itachi let her talk. He let her rant. He didn't question her words, but rather listened and committed them to memory. Watching certain emotions flash across her face, Itachi made a mental reminder that he would speak to her, in more depth, in the near future when they were more close-knit.

"Oh, but enough about me," she laughed, turning to her fiancé, "I haven't even asked about you. My name is Kuro Midori and I am 17 years old. I'll be 18 on July 31st. What about you, Itachi-sama?"

"My name is Uchiha Itachi. I am 20 years old. I turned 20 on June 9th."

"Do you mind playing 20 questions then?"

"How do we play?"

"I ask a question, you answer and vise versa. But of course, I'll also provide information about myself pertaining to the question. Anything too close for comfort can be omitted but will still count as a question."

Itachi pondered on that and nodded his head. "All right. What is your favorite time of day? Mine is the dusk, when the sun sets and the moon is slowly rising into the sky."

"I like sun rises, or just the early mornings," Midori replied, "However, when I get too tired, I don't particularly enjoy the bright sunlight. What do you like to do? I like to care for Teddy, read and learn new things."

"I'm particular to learning new jutsus and have a love for the village," answered Itachi. "Then the next topic is clans. I am from the Uchiha Clan. But what about you?"

"Oh, of course." Midori smiled. She liked that they were starting to get to know each other. It would be awkward to marry someone whom you didn't know much about after all. "But it's not fair that I'm proving most information." She gave Itachi a mischievous look, knowing that Itachi was fishing for information. "I am the Lady of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, the Ancient and Noble House of Black, the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor, the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin and the Ancient and Noble House of Peverell. I am the heir of LeFey and Merlin – so that makes me the Lady of those titles as well. Basically, where I come from, the school I attended was founded by four people: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. It's sort of like a little family within the school. As a descendant of two of the four founders, I have legal rights to half of the school called Hogwarts. Uhm…" Midori pondered on what else she should say, "Like the Academy in Konoha, the school I went to also helps "train" our kekkei genkai from the age of eleven to seventeen. We are considered adults at seventeen, but I'm guessing yours is much younger? The other houses like Potter, Black and Peverell are more of nobility than anything, considering their political power, wealth and affluence. LeFey and Merlin just sorts of run through me as I am a descendant of them; don't really know much about that, but I'm not complaining. The more money I have, the more I can save for my children's future. That's what I'm more worried about."

Itachi nodded his head. It was a point he could mentally check off about his fiancée; someone who would care for any future children of his was a good person – a good caretaker. She also seemed to be a loving person with a good personality. He could tell by what she had just told them.

"Then, it's my question next." Midori smiled. "What is your favorite food?"

"My favorite food is cabbage and onigiri with seaweed in it."

"Oh! Well, I have never actually tried onigiri, but my favorite food, well – dessert, would be treacle tart."

"Treacle tart?" Her fiancé echoed. His look of confusion made her smile.

"Oh yes. It's a sweet from where I come from. It's made of shortcrust pastry and golden syrup. If there's any time at all, I would like to cook for you all, even Sasuke! I could make food from where I used to live and we could exchange many recipes and I could also learn how to cook the foods here. Oh, but what does Sasuke like? I should remember to ask him that…"

"That's a good idea Midori." Itachi was glad that someone was thinking about both him and his brother. "Sasuke likes omusubi with okaka [10] and tomatoes and hates anything that is sweet."

Midori nodded her head to memorize all the information. "My turn!" she beamed, "What is your favorite color? Mine is green."

"Hm… I guess my favorite color would be blue." Itachi admitted, "Next question, what does your kekkei genkai entail?" His onyx black eyes stared hard at her.

"That's a private question." Midori smiled. "Not something I can speak about out here in the open. I hope you understand."

"Of course. Then my next question would be, why did you apply for entry to Konohagakure no Sato?"

Midori's eyes became haunted. Her head was slightly tilted to the ground, her bangs overshadowing her bright emerald eyes. Her eyes had this sort of glassy dull look in them as if she had been dragged through her memories; she probably was.

"Midori-hime?" Itachi looked at his fiancée; she didn't seem to be responding.

"Midori-san?" He repeated, finally getting a reaction out of her.

"O-Oh. I… came to Konohagakure to change my lifestyle. My old one seems to be put on a loop." Midori laughed gently before turning away slightly to sip her glass of water.

Her fiancé frowned but didn't reply to that and let it be.

"May I ask why you picked me? You were stuck between Naruto-kun and Sasuke."

"There was something about Sasuke-kun that… spoke to me – I guess you can say. I told you my kekkei genkai is sentient, correct? There was something about Sasuke that my kekkei genkai resonated with. I couldn't find it in him, but I found it in you." Midori pondered as to how to continue her explanation. "Then… I felt something in Naruto."

Itachi stiffened at that. Of course, he and now the rest of the village as well as the rest of the Elemental Countries knew as well. But as a new resident, Midori and her godson knew nothing about what occurred. All she knew was the Elemental Countries fighting a war; that was it.

"It felt evil…" Midori shivered. She turned to fix the baby blanket on Teddy's sleeping form.

"It felt evil," She repeated, "But… maybe that's just me. I have never felt anything like that before." She thought silently to herself, 'Even standing before Voldemort and waiting for my death felt nothing like it…'

"Do you know what it is?" asked Itachi.

Midori looked at Itachi with narrowed eyes, "Should I? I wouldn't bother with anyone's past. It's his or her own personal history. Does it matter if I did?"

Itachi smirked, "No, it doesn't."


After an awkward silence, they continued playing twenty questions. Midori and Itachi had finally come to an understanding of which landmine not to step on in the other's presence. The night had drawn on long enough as the party began to trickle down to its final hour. The duo rejoined the guests and heard Tsunade's slurred dismissal and left the reception room.

Midori had refused to sit in a carriage just to attend the party so now, all three of them, including Sasuke, were all walking back to the Uchiha Compound. Teddy was being pushed in the baby carriage in front of Midori already sleeping after he had gotten his bottle of milk just as the party had ended.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Sasuke-sama?"


Midori smiled. "It's good to have friends you can rely on."

"Hn." But even with Sasuke's sort remark, Midori could see a fondness for his teammates in his eyes. Even his mouth twitched slightly in a small smile.

"I noticed you were particularly close to Naruto and pink haired female."


"Teammates huh?" She asked, her attention pulled back to her future brother-in-law.


"What team?"


"Who was, or is, your captain?"


"The man with the levitating silver hair?"


"Oh, I see."

Itachi was surprised at how Midori seemed to understand what his younger brother was saying. She practically spoke 'Sasuke' when communicating with him and receiving his grunted answers didn't seem to bother her. It looks like another person was joining in Itachi and Naruto's little club of 'People Who Can Understand The Sasuke Language'.

"Sasuke, be nice." Itachi chided.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted once more.

"It's all right Itachi-san. Letting Sasuke-san express his feelings like this is enough." His fiancée smiled.

They returned to the compound with the continual one-sided conversation between Midori and Sasuke. Itachi only looked on in amusement. He held open the gates for the duo to go through before closing it behind him.

Once they walked through the streets, Itachi noticed that it had been swept clean and the all the houses seemed to be neat and tidy – judging from their outer appearances.

"I hope you don't mind," Midori began, "I had my attendants clean the district while we attended the party. Only the streets! I specifically ordered them not to touch the houses or enter them. "

Itachi and Sasuke stiffened before they relaxed. Although it was not entirely their own property, they felt as if they had been violated in some sort of way when they heard Midori's first sentence. Midori seemed to notice this as well as she looked down and apologized.

"I'm sorry." She said, "I should have asked you before we left. I noticed how dusty the streets were, and since we were going to live there, I thought we should have it cleaned up. The houses were also ruined from your war… so I thought I'd have my attendants repair them."

"Please do not do so next time without permission." Itachi said.

"Yes. I apologize again Itachi-sama."

Sasuke had walked past them and entered the main family's gates, leaving it wide open for the engaged couple to follow through. Itachi locked the gates behind him after Midori walked ahead first and he led her to the room she would be living in for awhile.

They stopped by the door and Midori opened it before pausing. "I really am sorry, Itachi-sama. I accept full punishment for the consequences of betraying your trust." Midori said, turning to him.

"You have not betrayed my trust. You have only cleared the streets, but I had hoped that we wouldn't deal with this topic until further in our relationship" Itachi said. Although his voice was not stiff, his voice was not warm either. It seems that this was one of things Midori realized to be a landmine for both the Uchiha siblings.

"Yes, of course." Midori said, "Good night." She pushed Teddy's carriage in as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against it and slid down to the cleaned floor.

"Oh, what have I done?" She asked sullenly, hearing Itachi's footsteps faint into the distance.


"But mother! Why must we leave?!"

"We have nothing left here anymore Draco." Narcissa insisted, ordering the Malfoy house elves to pack everything within Malfoy Manor.

"What do you mean we have nothing left?! What about our lives?! Our friends?!"

"What friends, Draco?" Narcissa turned to look at her son. "What your father has done has landed him in Azkaban. We don't have anyone here for us anymore. No dark family would acknowledge us, no light family will respect us. The neutral families are neutral! There is nothing left."

"Your mother is right Draco. Harry has mentioned the Elemental Countries before she left for them. We can join them and start all over. Everyone's slate is wiped clean."

"But my friends –"

"Draco, can you honestly say that your friends won't change how they act towards you? Towards our family?"

The blond teenager was silent. He knew his mother was right but it didn't mean he wanted her to uproot their entire family and leave the Wizarding World.

"My education –"

"Will be continued in private. Your school textbooks are all bought and stored in the trunk. The Malfoy library is clean out and all the books are in another trunk. Draco darling," Narcissa implored, settling her hands onto her son's shoulders, "We need to start anew. We need to find a place where no one will know of us or our past. By living in the Elemental Countries, we can do so. I'm sure of it."

"Do you dislike Harry?" Andromeda asked.

The blond teenager shook his head. "I don't dislike Harry. I never did. She was my first actual friend I was able to make before Hogwarts."

"What about Blaise or Theo or Pansy?" Narcissa wondered, picking out a few names.

"Well, yeah. They are my friends, but I've known them just because you and father knew them. Harry was my first friend that I made all on my own and when she rejected my hand for friendship because I spoke poorly of Weasley, I was distraught." He quickly amended his words when Narcissa rose a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Not distraught, but I was sad all right? So I decided to become her rival in everything. If I can't be her friend, then I'll be someone that she needs in order to get better in magic."

"Well I think Harry wouldn't mind us coming to live in the Elemental Countries."

Draco looked at his mother's face. Though she was splendidly young looking for someone in her late thirties, Draco could see how wary she was now, how tense she felt and all the anxiety rippling off her in waves. Her hair, though properly arranged, had left few dangling strands around her face – evident of Narcissa's distress.

Knowing he couldn't resist his mother's concerns, Draco agreed to leave Wizarding Britain. Though two-thirds of the Malfoy family had been given light sentences, they knew they wouldn't be accepted back into the wizarding fold – not when tension and biases continued to run high even after the war had ended. Death Eaters were still being rounded up, names were still being spoken about and the Malfoy name was definitely one of the top five names witches and wizards spoke about considering Harry had been able to get him and his mother off. His father, on the other hand, was sentenced to a few years to Azkaban. They would come back for him – that was definite. And when they came back for Lucius, they would take him to the Elemental Countries as well.

"Is everything ready?"

"We'll pack everything and get our Gringotts account sorted out. In a week, we'll be moving to the Elemental Countries. I'll have to send a missive to Harry… I wonder if the goblins can do so for us. After that, we'll find Harry and have her tell us the Village where she's living in."

Draco did a double take. "A village?!"


Midori woke up with a start, wondering where she was and what was making that sound. It took her a few seconds to get her bearings back but she realized the small ward around Teddy's crib was alerting her of her godson's distress. She left the bed and silenced the ward before picking up Teddy, the baby already quieting down to sniffles upon seeing his guardian. His eyes turned from an earthy brown to Harry's vibrant Avada green. His hair soon followed from a dark brown to a jet black.

"What's wrong Teddy bear?" Midori cooed, drying the tears from his eyes. Teddy whimpered before setting his head on her shoulder, his quick breaths against her neck.

Midori touched his bottom and realized that his diaper was heavy. She absentmindedly waved her hand towards the bottle station besides Teddy's crib to start preparing a bottle of warm milk. She summoned the small bathing tub and cast the Aguamenti spell before heating it up with a heating charm. Then she set him down onto the changing table and removed the dirty menace from his bottom. She wiped his bottom clean before quickly testing the temperature of the water in the tub with her elbow. Midori then placed Teddy into the tub and held him with the entire arm before wetting a soft towel and giving Teddy his morning bath.

The little boy shrieked at the feeling of water, slamming his little arms down onto the liquid. "Teddy!" Midori laughed, enjoying how her godson was having fun. Teddy shrieked once more, splashing his godmother with all the strength he had before he giggled at the state she was in, completely dripping wet.

After ten minutes of cleaning, she picked up him and immediately wrapped a heated towel around him and dried him up. Then, Midori immediately set about cleaning and pampering Teddy's bum with baby wipes and baby powder. She checked to see if there were any rashes on his skin before placing a new diaper over his bum. Check to making sure there were no leaks, Midori helped Teddy into a soft brown kimono before removing the bottle of milk from the bottle station and checking the temperature. Perfect. She set it against Teddy's mouth and slowly walked around the room, waiting for her godson to finish his early morning meal. She yawned when she reached the window facing the rising sun. Casting a wandless tempus charm, she saw that it was nearly 6:30am. Making up her mind to make breakfast for her new family, Midori banished the water inside the small tub and left the safety of her room to prepare for her day before heading to the kitchen.

She saw her house elves there and asked one of them to hold Teddy while she cooked. Making sure her glamour on the four-month-old child's eyes and hair were deftly set, she went about her day. Though her house elves were more used to Midori's little cooking sessions, they didn't approve of her cooking instead of them, but relented nonetheless.

They would sometimes assist in helping prepare the meal, but usually would end up washing the dishware and setting up the table. When Midori was finished cooking, she allowed the house elves to prepare the meals onto serving plates and removed Teddy from Daisy with a gracious smile. She casted another tempus charm and saw that it was nearly 8 before moving to the dining room.

Upon arriving at the dining room, she already saw Sasuke and Itachi sitting there, staring at the dishes she prepared for them.

"I hope you don't mind me cooking. It is in no way, however, my apology for asking my attendants to clean up the compound without your permission Itachi-sama."

Itachi nodded his head, but Midori knew they would be speaking about it soon. She transfigured the dining chair besides hers into a small carriage and rocked it with one hand as she ate with the other.

"So…" Midori tried to make small talk, "What are you both doing today?"

"Mission," Sasuke said.

"I am staying in the village with you," Itachi replied.

"Oh! You don't have to! I don't want to be a burden."

Itachi shook his head. "It is a punishment for having become a missing-nin for a couple of years."

"A missing-nin?"

"A ninja who abandons their village with no intention of returning. They're seen as criminals and are labeled as such. Due to being a ninja of the village, they will most likely hold secrets and as such, will be placed within each village's Bingo Book and written down as killed on sight. A Bingo Book is a black book used by ninja that contain any and all information on black-listed ninja they are to target."[1]

"The council doesn't think you are trustworthy." Midori realized. Seeing the haunted look in her fiancé's eyes, Midori understood. After all, she had felt this way when Ron had turned his back on her, when the rest of the Wizarding World had turned their backs on her until the truth of Voldemort had been revealed to all. And only until Voldemort was vanquished did the Wizarding World truly put Midori on their stupid, glorified pedestal – not that she enjoyed it.

"Well," Midori clapped her hands, "We'll make today the best day we can then! We'll go through each day one day at a time. It's the only way to live happily." She smiled.

Both her fiancé and her future brother-in-law grunted their approval and the trio continued their breakfast. Teddy fussed near the end and Midori gladly fed her godson his bottle of milk.

"Oh, Sasuke! When are you meeting up with your team?"

"In an hour."

"I'll make you a bento! So don't leave before I hand it to you." And with that, Midori rushed off to the kitchen to prepare several packed lunches.


"Oh! Sasuke!" Naruto greeted. Team 7 was reformed once more with Kakashi as their team leader. And because Naruto and Sasuke were still labeled as Genin and Sasuke was ordered to do missions within the village, the entire team started to pile up their missions background with D-ranked and C-ranked missions.

About four hours later and tens of D-ranked missions and a handful of C-ranked missions, which included filing paperwork for the Chunin-sensei and for the Hokage herself, Kakashi deemed the team done for the day.

"Sasuke-kun, what is that?" Sakura asked.

"Bento. Here." Sasuke passed out the packed bento to each of his team members before opening up his own. Each bento was a tiered lacquered box about 30 oz. in total for each level. Accompanying the bento was a soup canteen with miso soup, a pair of chopsticks, a pack of tissue and a small container filled with a variety of fresh fruits.

"Wahhhh! Amazing!" Naruto beamed. His bento was filled with Chikuwa and Bell Pepper Stir-Fry with Okonomiyaki Sauce, spicy miso marinated green asparagus and potato salad with seafood. His rice container had a little pickled plum in the middle.

"Sasuke-kun, who made this?" Sakura asked. Her bento was filled with tamogoyaki, two onigiri filled with ume (Japanese Apricot), two small egg salad sandwiches, octopus sausages and tonkatsu on top of the small rice container with rice covered in salmon flakes.

"Midori-san made it for us when she heard that I was going to do missions today." Sasuke ignored the look on their faces when they realized he spoke so much. His own bento was filled with his favorites: omusubi with okaka and tomatoes. Other dishes contained karaage, chicken teriyaki, tuna and vegetables.

"Maa maa. Thank Midori-san for us, won't you Sasuke?" Kakashi smiled his half crescent-eyed smile before digging in. His bento was filled with a hamburger steak, broccoli, celery sticks, corn and rice with furikake.

"Itadakimasu." The four members of Team 7 thoroughly enjoyed their meal as it also contained a nice helping of shrimp tempura, miso soup and cubed fruit. "Gochisousama."

Letting out a sigh of happiness, the four members quickly rewrapped their empty bento boxes and thanked Sasuke once more. The Uchiha teenager pulled out another canteen filled with green tea and handed them over. Their day ended with a happily filled stomach and a relaxing atmosphere.


"Hokage-sama has called for us," Itachi told Midori. They had just said their goodbyes to Sasuke before Itachi suddenly spoke those words. Midori furrowed her eyebrows before looking around, seeing that, above them, flew a nice falcon.

"Ah, okay." Midori shouldered Teddy's baby bag before carrying the child at her hip. Itachi removed the bag from her shoulder, with much protests on Midori's part, before he held the umbrella up between them.

They made their way through the village, happily greeted by the civilians whom had heard about Midori's new entrance to their village, along with her bloodline and her servants' help with reconstruction throughout the village. They made their way towards the Hokage's Office and entered, closing the door behind them.

"Hokage-sama," The duo greeted.

"Ah, Itachi, Midori. Thank you for meeting with me."

"Does our meeting have anything to do with your dealing with how my assistants and I will rebuild the village?"

Tsunade nodded her head, "That's correct. This meeting will also cover your business in the village. I assume you have found a shop?"

Midori shook her head, "I haven't found one yet, per say. However, I have a list of ideas for how my shop should look like."


"None. It can be worn and run down, and my kekkei genkai can still fix it up as good as new. Nonetheless, I would still bring in my assistants to help rebuild the exterior. Though I notice that your village uses wood and sometimes steel in constructing the infrastructure of various buildings, I think helping to include some of my kekkei genkai will guarantee that the stores will become unbreakable," Midori smiled. She could see the inner cogs in Tsunade's mind working.

Since Midori's kekkei genkai is not limited to anything, anything is possible. And since Midori can increase a shop's interior, this could mean more shoppers and more guests and merchants available in the village. And if Midori can make each building unbreakable, it would lower the insurance in the village by a lot. People will save more, spend more and make more, generating a booming economy.

"I think those conditions are acceptable."

"I don't think your insurance companies would enjoy that last bit," Midori laughed, seeing Tsunade's eyes widen with surprise. "Ah, I almost forgot. Considering my kekkei genkai is not limited to anything, it also includes the Yamanaka Clan's kekkei genkai. Without the need for direct touch, I can literally read your mind. However, I feel that the workings of telepathic communication have yet to be discovered. But anyway, about my shop and the reconstruction?"

"As the reconstruction is not a "big deal" amongst the village's welfare, the mission will be a rank D. Therefore the villagers can afford to pay off the price. However," Tsunade placed two suitcases onto her desk and slid it over to Midori, "this is the pay for helping reconstruct parts of the village yesterday."

"You didn't need to," Midori protested.

"I must. The civilians insisted," Tsunade insisted. Accepting the suitcases, Midori shrunk them before stuffing them in her obi.

"Now, due to it being a D-rank mission, the pay for each reconstruction is 5,000 ryo. And here is a list of all available properties in Konoha for your shop."

Midori looked it over before smiling, "I'd like this one." She circled it and handed the list back to Tsunade.

"Ah, the old bakery. 15 feet by 20 with a height of 30 feet; a two story building. It's been on our list for several years and the war has only ruined it a little more. The family that runs it doesn't own it anymore, but they're renting the shop for 20,000 ryo per month. If you wish to buy the entire property and the deed to it, it's priced at 400,000 ryo considering its near the center of the village, but they said they're willing to accept 350,000 ryo." Tsunade said.

Midori thought it out, taking her index finger on her chin, "How much is in those suitcases?"

"Exactly 400,000 ryo."

'Huh… so we fixed 80 buildings yesterday,' Midori thought when she quickly calculated the price. She shifted Teddy to the side but thanked Itachi when he gently plucked the child from her arms. She pulled the two shrunken suitcases from her obi, dispelled the shrinking charm on it and handed it back to Tsunade. "Here, I'll pay the full 400,000 ryo."

"Okay, here's the lease and the deed. Sign here, here and here."

Midori filled out all the required signatures and handed the paperwork back to Tsunade.

"It will be filed by the end of today, but here are the keys to the shop. If I'm not mistaken, I'm sure you'd want to check it out?"

Midori nodded her head and with Itachi's help, stood from her seat and thanked the Hokage.

"I'll be sending you a missive or Anbu to retrieve you whenever someone has asked for your help."

"All right. Have a nice day Hokage-sama."


"Yes? Hokage-sama?"

"Is it all right of you to tell me everything about your kekkei genkai?"

Midori shrugged, "Why not? There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. If anything, you should be scared of me." She smiled before leaving with Itachi and Teddy in tow.


Standing in front of her new shop, Midori looked around and smiled, "Reparo."

The store was soon repaired and the trio walked inside. After setting a permanent expansion charm and drawn runes that prevent the store from breaking down and catching fire, Midori quickly set to work jotting down the necessities required to start her new shop up. She walked upstairs to the second floor and decided that there would be a balcony all around for outdoor dining. With Itachi as a tag along, Midori ran through several stores before ending the day with a family dinner and a good nap.


[1] Bingo book information found on wiki / Bingo_Book

A/N: Okay, I'm updating each story as I go along. Please bear with me.

When I was reading through your comments, I was confused about the whole Itachi/fem-Harry/Naruto relationship that everyone was mentioning. Then I reread my chapter and realized that I told you guys it was a triad! It was entirely my fault. My pairing is, and will be, an Itachi/fem-Harry. I had thought of a triad before posting the chapter and after awhile, I realized, I really didn't like naruto in the pairing. And so, I rewrote the last bit of chapter 4, but in its entirety, forgot to remove my comments to the readers. I shall take out the last bit and I apologize for all the confusion. Naruto will not be in the pairing. The pairing is only Itachi and fem-Harry. I am really sorry with the confusion! As I have no beta, the fault lies with me to reread my works before posting. I apologize.