"Dean, Tandy called me yesterday." Castiel says his eyes were open staring at the ceiling.

Dean's eyes were still closed. "Is everything going okay? What did she say?"

"She said she will figure out the gender really soon. She also said she has a surprise for us. It is supposed to be a big surprise."


"Dean, we need to think of a name." Castiel says.

The pair was lying in bed, having a lazy Saturday.

"Can't we wait until next week when we know the gender?"

"That doesn't mean we can't think." Castiel rolls over onto his stomach. He puts his head onto Dean's chest.

"Okay," Dean looks down at his husband. "What names did you have in mind?"

Castiel looks startled. "I don't know! That's why we need to think."

Dean laughs, readjusting his head to look at the ceiling. "Okay,"

"What about the name Jack?" Dean asks. His hands were scratching at his head, bubbles running down his neck.

"What?" Castiel was busy brushing his teeth.

Dean pokes his head out of the shower. "Jack, for a boy."

Castiel spits in the sink and looks at Dean. "I am not comfortable with our child being named man."

"Is that what it means?"

"Kind of,"

Dean goes back into his shower. "Never mind, then."

"What about Ariel?"

Dean looks up from the pan of beef. "Like the Disney princess?"

"Yeah," Castiel says.

"I don't hate it." Dean saying pushing the beef around. "Maybe,"

Castiel nods.

Castiel pushes on the man's stomach. "Does that hurt?"

The man shakes his head.

Castiel moves his fingers and pushes again. "What about that?"

"A little bit,"


Before Castiel could press his fingers down again, his cellphone rings.

"Excuse me for a moment,"

Castiel turns his back to the man and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm with a patient, Dean." He says angrily.

"Mason," Dean says.

"Did you really just call him because of a name?" Sam could be heard through the phone.

"Shut up!" Dean yells at his younger brother. "So Cas, what do you think of it?"

Castiel nods to himself. "Yeah, it's a lovely name."

"Good," Dean says. "Have fun at work."

He hangs up.

"Have you seen my lazy pants?" Castiel asks as he enters the living room.

Dean looks towards the doorway and smiles. His silly husband was in a Led Zepplin tshirt, an old one of Dean's, and underwear. His hair was insanely ruffled.

"No, babycakes, I haven't." Dean says. "Why can't you chill like that?"

"How about Nancy for a girl?" Castiel asks.

"Wouldn't it make sense if we just call her Grace? Since that's what it means."

Castiel crosses his arms. "I don't want to call our baby Grace." He shakes his head. "No,"

Dean laughs. "What do you have against the name Grace?"

"There was once a mean girl with pigtails called Grace." He says. "I don't want to talk about it."

Castiel turns and walks out of the room.

"Okay then, weirdo."

When Castiel finally found his lazy pants, he and Dean slouch sat on the couch. Castiel was an arm length away from Dean. He had his hand on Dean's head, randomly twirling Dean's hair. They were watching Sherlock.

"How about Sherlock?" Castiel asks.

"How about no,"

Castiel shrugs.

Castiel rolls off his husband. Both lay on their bed, heavily breathing. Dean gives Castiel a side look. He took note of the sweat glistening on his chest. Dean knew that in the next few seconds Castiel was going to invite him to the shower.

"Chicago," Dean croaks.

Castiel turns his head and scrunches his eyebrows. "What?"

Dean coughs to clear his throat. "Chicago for a boy."

"Dude, no." Castiel pushes himself off the bed. He walks to the bathroom's door. He leans against the doorframe. "Will you join me, baby?"

"Hell yeah,"

12:30 AM

The husbands were peacefully lying in their bed. Both were in that beautiful state where you are asleep but enough awake to notice and hear everything.

Dean's head was resting on Castiel's chest. Dean's hand was lying on Castiel's heart. Castiel's arm was wrapped around Dean in a gentle way.

Dean slightly rubs his face into Castiel's chest and pushes his arm around Castiel, pulling him closer.

"Bishop," Dean says.

"Overseer," Castiel says.

"You like it?"


Dean smacks the cupboard.

"This night is sparkling. Don't you let it go." He sang along with Taylor Swift passionately.

Castiel laughs a little bit as he entered the kitchen. "Are you having fun?"

Dean turns around pointing at Castiel. "I was enchanted to meet you!"

Castiel laughs again walking passed him to the oven. He slightly stirs the food in the pot.

"How about Taylor?" Dean asks dancing around to the music.

"After you favorite pop star," Castiel says then shrugs. "Why not?"

"Woo!" Dean yells.

"Dean," Castiel walks into the bedroom his voice and hands shaking.

"Babycakes, what's wrong?" Dean gets up and walks to his husband.

"Tandy just called."

Dean's eyes widen. "Wh-what did she say? What's the baby's gender?"

"It's not 'baby', Dean."


"It's babies!" Castiel screams. "Babies! Two!"

Dean gasps. "Two?"

Castiel nods. "Two!"

Dean hugs him tightly. "Two!" Then he holds Castiel out, arm length. "Did she figure out the genders?"

"There's a boy and a girl." Castiel smiles brightly.

"Boy and girl!" Dean pulls him into another hug.

Castiel was pacing the floor, biting his nails. Dean was sitting on a waiting-room chair, chilly munching on a bag of chips.

"Dean, how are you not freaking out?" Castiel asks. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Everything will be fine, Babycakes."

"You're not helping."

A woman in white get up walks to the pair. "Are you the Winchesters?"


She smiles. "Come with me, please."

"Cas, they're beautiful." Dean has his hands against the glass.

Castiel was smiling. "They're so tiny."

"They already have black hair like you." Dean says.

"I swear, next time we'll use your sperm."

Dean laughs out loud. "Alright,"

"So babies this is your home." Dean says as they walk in the door.

"This is where you're gonna learn how to poo and pee and talk and-"

"Cas, you're getting carried away."


Soon Dean and Castiel got the babies settled in. After that Dean went to go get him and Castiel a small lunch. When he walks back into the nursery, he sees Castiel staring at the babies.

"Cas, that's weird." He says handing Castiel a plate with a sandwich on it.

"But they're so cute and chubby and squishy. It's hard not to look."

Dean smiles at his husband's words.

Castiel sits down on a rocking chair, Dean in the other one.

Castiel takes a bite out of his sandwich. "Do you think we picked out good names?"

"I think they're fine."

"You don't think they'll grow up and hate them. Do you?"

Dean shrugs.

"Bishop Timothy Winchester and Audrey Taylor Winchester," Castiel says.

"See good names, strong names." Dean says mouth full of sandwich.

"Strong names?"


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