Chapter 1

Elena stared at Katherine who looked more or less bored sitting on the entrance of the tomb. There was no way she would have told Elena anything if she wouldn't have given her blood.

"Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years running because you used them," Elena said, she was outraged. "Trevor just got killed."

Katherine snorted carelessly.

"I never thought he would last that long."

Elena shook her head disbelievingly.

"You don't even care that you ruined their lives."

"I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same."

Elena pressed her lips together and looked away; she needed a moment to digest everything Katherine had just told her about Klaus. He was even worse than Elena had feared.

"He must have some weakness," Elena muttered.

Katherine let out a mocking laugh.

"Klaus? Hardly. Unless…"

Elena turned to look at her.


Katherine smiled and glanced at the blood bottle.

"I think I'll need more than a sip."

Elena pushed the bottle towards her with the stick; she grabbed it and drank greedily.

"So," Katherine started after sighing blissfully. "Klaus does have one weakness."

"What's that?"

"His sister. Or maybe I should say his lapdog."

Elena stared at her disbelievingly.


Katherine smiled.

"I've met four of Klaus' siblings, but this sister… He worships her. Unfortunately she's a nasty piece of work that one."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that she's creepy as hell, I've never met anyone like her. She never leaves Klaus' side. Like I said, she's like his lapdog."

"Right…" Elena muttered. "How does that help me to keep everyone I care about safe?"

Katherine's eyes widened before she burst into laughter.

"You can't keep anyone safe, not from Klaus. Believe me; I know that better than anyone. He slaughtered my whole family just to punish me. He will eventually get his vengeance, no matter what."

For a moment Elena was unsure of what to say, there was pain in Katherine's eyes.

"But… You said that this sister is his weakness…"

"Yes, but I never said that information would be in any was useful," Katherine huffed. "There isn't anyone suicidal enough for even trying to use her against Klaus. The consequences would be way worse than death."

10th century

When Esther realized that she was pregnant for the seventh time, two things were very clear to her. One, her husband wasn't the father. Two, she was in trouble. Her options were very simple, she could either get rid of the child with a potion or give birth to it and hope for the best. Perhaps her husband wouldn't notice. Technically Mikael could be the father, but Esther knew that he wasn't. She could feel that the child was Ansel's and all she could do was to curse her own damn weakness.

For so long she had managed to suppress her feelings and be a loyal wife for her husband, no matter how much she loved the handsome leader of the werewolf pack, but then she had unfortunately ran into him in the woods few weeks ago when she had been gathering herbs. Why had she been so foolish to make the same mistake for the second time? Esther knew that in some level Mikael could sense that Niklaus wasn't his son; why else would he treat the boy so cruelly. Still Esther had never intervened, no matter how pleadingly Niklaus had looked at her. She hadn't wanted to raise any suspicions. What about this child then? She had no idea what to do.


8 years later

"Get out of my way," Mikael snapped and roughly shoved the bony little girl who couldn't move fast enough with her skinny legs. Quickly she backed away, keeping her head down when Mikael marched outside. As usual, the girl looked untidy with her messy dark hair and wearing Rebekah's old dress that was too big for her. Esther had heard some people calling her a troll girl or a little savage. They were probably right; the girl had never been very intelligent, she barely spoke at all. All she did was sneaking around and staring at people with her pansy eyes.

Esther had to admit that she had many times regretted for deciding to give birth to this girl. There was just something wrong with her. Finn had never paid much attention to her, Elijah tried his best to treat her kindly, but he was somehow cautious around her, Kol enjoyed picking on her and Rebekah despised her for one simple reason, because Niklaus adored her, he had ever since she had been born. He looked after her and she followed him around like a loyal little puppy, ready to fulfill his every wish. Esther had never liked that, she had been afraid that Mikael would see the truth; he wasn't the father of either of them. Fortunately Esther had given birth to Henrik after her mistake, Mikael really loved that boy. Lydea however… Esther really couldn't blame her husband for feeling somewhat repulsed by the girl. There was just something about her that wasn't right.

"We still have chores to do," Esther stated coolly when Lydea tried to settle in her usual place, the little corner next to the fireplace. "Go and feed the chickens."

The girl obeyed without saying a word, Esther felt less tense when she was alone with Rebekah. They chatted while finishing the household chores. Lydea didn't come back inside before her brothers returned from hunting. Niklaus was carrying her on his shoulders, as he often did. They looked so much alike that Esther found it truly disturbing. There was something predatory about both of them.

England, 1492

The horrible screams echoed through the long hallways of the castle. Rebekah shivered, she had never seen her brother so furious. Katerina Petrova had escaped and she was a vampire now. Rebekah thought that it was best to stay in the parlor; nervously she walked back and forth in front of the fireplace. Elijah looked tense to say the least; he was standing in front of the window with his arms crossed. Lydea was sitting on the armchair; she was concentrated on her book. Her long dark brown hair was down and her pansy eyes were just as callous as ever. Maybe she was her half-sister, but Rebekah hated her, she always had. She honestly couldn't understand what Nik saw in a filthy thing like her. She always looked untidy, certainly not like a lady. The screams continued when a pale servant entered the room and bowed.

"The-the lord is asking for you, my lady," the poor man stuttered.

Rebekah sighed and was just about to head to the door when the servant continued.

"Forgive me, my lady, I meant lady Lydea."

Rebekah gritted her teeth when the girl stood up and placed her book onto the table.

"Please excuse me, my dear sister," she stated politely. She knew damn well how much Rebekah hated to be called that. Lydea looked at her calmly, Rebekah had always been sure that her hatred was giving the little bitch some kind of sick satisfaction. Maybe no one, except possibly Nik, really knew Lydea, she had always been distant to everyone else. Rebekah admitted that when they had been children, she had been jealous for Nik's attention, but that certainly wasn't the only reason why she felt like she did towards her half-sister. There simply was something wrong with Lydea.

"You better run to your master, little dog," Rebekah snorted.

"Yes, I believe you are right, sister," she replied politely. "Excuse me, brother."

"Must you always be so hard on her?" Elijah stated after Lydea had left.

"Oh please," Rebekah huffed. "Do not try to tell me that you like her. Or trust her."

"She is our sister and you know how fond of her Niklaus is."

Like a gentleman he was, Elijah had dodged Rebekah's actual question. Elijah was always polite to Lydea, but they had never been in any way close. Rebekah doubted that anyone except Nik really liked Lydea.

"Sister!" Klaus shouted right after hanging up. He couldn't remember the last time he would have been so excited. Lydea zoomed into the living room almost immediately; she was wearing a casual floral print short sleeve dress that reached her to mid-calf and a pair of beige army boots.

"Another doppelganger has been found," Klaus stated grinning.

Lydea didn't say anything; she simply smiled and moved in front of Klaus. He scooped her up and kissed her cheek before spinning her around.

"Finally, sister," he muttered and ran his fingertips along the line of her jaw. Her pansy eyes were looking at him adoringly. A mass of dark hair tousled in wild curls across her shoulders and down her back. Despite of her petite frame, there had always been something wild and untamed about her. Of course there was, she was a wolf. His little wolf. A riddle to everyone else but him. She didn't let anyone else to really see her, she didn't trust anyone else. That was everyone else's loss, but Klaus certainly wasn't complaining. His little wolf didn't belong to anyone but him.