Chapter 1
"Good morning everyone! I thought we could do something a little different today. As you know there a thousands of soldiers out there fighting for our safety and doing an awesome job at it. A friend of mine told me about a program that's called 'Write a Soldier' and since we have a little free time left in the school year, I thought we could try it."
Chloe Beale announced as she walked into her classroom of fifth graders. Twenty more or less interested faces greeted Chloe as she sat down behind her desk and smiled at her students.
A small brunette girl with long wavy hair and bright blue eyes was the first person to speak.
"Um, miss Beale, does that mean we just write letters?"
"Yes, Rachel. It's a rather simple concept. There are a lot of soldiers out there who would love to get some kind words via letter and this program gives them the opportunity to receive them. We only have to take a little time out of our day to write a small letter, but for them it means a lot if they know that what they are doing is appreciated. What do you say?"
Most of the children seemed to like the idea by the sudden excited chatter between them.
When most of them had calmed down, they got their paper out and started writing. Well, a few of them started writing, most of them stared at their empty papers with confused expressions on their faces. A little boy with dark hair and big glasses looked at Chloe and started speaking.
"Miss Beale? What do we write down? Who are we addressing in these letters?"
Chloe chuckled. "You can write anything you want, Marco. About your friends or your hobbies or the weather. It doesn't really matter. As to whom you are addressing, just keep it general. The letters will be sent to the program and they will distribute them to soldiers that are registered with the program. If you're lucky, you'll even get an answer."
"Really? That would be cool!" Marco exclaimed and the other kids seemed to be excited about that as well.
"Yes I think so too. But don't feel obligated to write something. This is your choice. If you decided to not write a letter then please be quiet and do some homework so the other students can concentrate on their letters." Chloe told them and when all of the kids got to work she pulled some papers out of her bag as well. She decided to use the time to grade the English test the second grade had written earlier that day.
May as well get started on that, she thought and got her red pen ready. Before she could start reading, the buzzing of her phone in her bag let her know that she had received a new message.
She looked up from her papers to look at her students. Normally she wouldn't even entertain the idea of checking her phone while in class, but they were all busy writing their letters and she was curious who would write her at this time of day, since most people she knew, knew that she was having a class right now.
She pulled her phone from her bag slowly and inconspicuously checked her messages.
Tom Montgomery (11:15 am)
Hey Babe. I'm really sorry about the other day. Please don't be mad at me. It was a one time thing and a mistake, please give me another chance. Can I come and talk to you? I want to explain myself. Love You!
Chloe read the text and rolled her eyes. The nerve of that man.
Tom had been Chloe's boyfriend for the last four years. They went to college together and got along pretty well. He was a good looking guy and treated Chloe well. She knew early on that she wasn't as into him as he was into her but he was nice and Chloe was tired of searching for the right person. She had been on a lot of dates in her college years but nothing special came out of it. When she had met Tom in her last year of college, they went on a few dates and he was charming and kind. Chloe was tired of searching and kind of settled with him.
Her best friends Aubrey and Stacie didn't like him but accepted him when Chloe told them that he would stay a while. These last few months Tom had wanted to move in together, but Chloe was hesitating. She knew that moving in together was a pretty big step and didn't want to do it when she knew that Tom wasn't the one for her. So she put him off every time he asked.
She distanced herself a little from him and of course he noticed. He asked her about it countless times but she always said that it was stress and work and family problems or whatever. She always had another excuse and Tom was growing pretty annoyed after a few weeks of that. So they fought. And then they made up. A few weeks later they fought again. And made up. That had been going on for the last few months and last Saturday, after another one of their fights, Chloe was furious and Aubrey and Stacie took her to a club to calm her down and have some fun.
That idea didn't go so well. They had been to the club for two hours and Chloe was having fun and not thinking about Tom. Until he came in and started getting hammered. They didn't notice each other until Stacie pointed him out to Chloe half an hour later. By that time he was making out with some blonde bimbo in the middle of the dance floor.
Normally, in that kind of situation you would walk up to your boyfriend and get him away from that girl and demand some answers. Maybe yell a little. But Chloe didn't do that. She just turned around, emptied her glass and stood up from the table Aubrey, Stacie and her had been sitting at. Aubrey and Stacie were already looking worriedly in her direction, but Chloe just went outside and called a cab. She told the cabbie her address and just sent one text to Tom's number. It's over. Was all she typed and then put her phone in her small clutch. She noticed that it was buzzing with calls and text from her friends, but she ignored them.
Aubrey and Stacie were too slow to catch her before leaving the club but drove to her apartment to see if they could console their friend. They tried texting and calling but Chloe ignored them.
They expected a crying ginger to answer the door but when they knocked on Chloe's door, they noticed that it was already open, so they went in. Chloe was just filling three glasses with some kind of alcohol and held them up for the girls to take. They watched her with baffled looks on their faces but took the offered glasses anyway. As soon as Chloe told them that she had kinda waited for a good reason to break up with him and that she wasn't happy in her relationship with him, the rest of the night was spent talking about Tom's shortcomings and that they, meaning Stacie and Aubrey, hadn't liked him anyway.
It had been a fun night, but Tom had tried talking to her for the last few days. She had ignored him, but decided to answer him this time since she knew that she hadn't been fair to him either.
Chloe Beale (11:22 am)
You don't have to explain anything to me. It's over and I'm fine with it. Please don't bother me anymore. I'll get my stuff from your place this weekend if that's okay.
"Miss Beale, are you texting?"
Chloe's eyes jumped from her phone to see twenty grinning students looking back at her with smug expressions on their faces.
The red head blushed, but grinned anyway. "I'm sorry. Yes I was. I guess I'm not the best role model, huh?"
Her students laughed at her and the girl who had asked the question in the first place, Rachel, spoke up again.
"No. You know the rule. I guess we're having cake tomorrow!" she said happily and the other students cheered.
Chloe chuckled but agreed. "I guess that's fair. Any particular wishes?"
When Chloe had started teaching this class, she was surprised by the amount of fifth graders who already had a phone and were frequently texting throughout the lesson. When she had reprimanded someone for the tenth time in one week, she established a new rule. Anybody that would be caught texting during class would have to bring a cake for the whole class the next day. The students laughed at her at first but when the first student was caught after the rule had been established and 'forgot' to bring the cake the next day, her fellow students had been pretty insistent that the cake was mandatory and that she better bring it the next day.
Since they were only fifth graders and nearly no one knew how to bake properly or had the means to buy ingredients, this rule had the added bonus of the students having to tell their parents that they had to bring cake to school. The parents asked why of course. And that question, or rather the answer to that question meant most of the time, that said students wouldn't have his or her phone with them in school for the next couple of days.
The students, and Chloe of course, grew to like the cake rule and nearly everyone had been caught once or twice during the last year. Some even brought a cake with them when they didn't have to. They just liked the time Chloe spent talking with them while munching on some cake at the beginning of some classes. So they kept bringing baked goods.
Chloe was really happy that her rule had been accepted so well and liked the time she spent with her students just talking while eating cake as well. She also noticed that most of her students were much more motivated after having cake. So she continued that little tradition.
Chloe herself had never been caught texting before, well until now that is.
She looked at the smiling faces of her students and grinned to herself as nearly every student shouted their favorite cake in answer to her question.
"Wait, wait, how about just some muffins? I'll bring blueberry muffins and some with chocolate chips, okay? And when I have the time to bake, you'll get a real cake, deal?"
Her students agreed and happily went back to writing. All except one.
Rachel was still looking at Chloe and had a look on her face that meant that she wanted to ask a question but wasn't sure she should.
"What is it, Rachel? You don't like muffins? Don't worry, I'll eat yours tomorrow so it won't be wasted." Chloe teased a little and got a scowl in return.
"No, that's not it. And I want my muffin, don't eat it before getting here."
Chloe laughed and promised to not eat it before coming to school tomorrow.
"So, you looked like you had a question. Go ahead and ask."
"It's not really a question I guess. I was just wondering why you weren't writing a letter. I mean if it is such a nice gesture to the soldiers, you should definitely do it too."
Chloe opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by the affirmative chatter that brought out between her students.
"Well, I originally wanted to grade this papers now and maybe write a letter later, but if you insist, I'll write one now, okay?"
Her class grinned at her and went back to writing as soon as they saw that their teacher took a clean piece of paper out of her bag and started writing.
The rest of the class was spent in comfortable silence with only the occasional sound of twenty one pencils scratching on paper.
The bell rang a while later and the students deposited their letters on Chloe's desk when they left the room to have their lunch break.
Chloe had finished her own letter a few minutes ago and collected her student's letters so that she could send them away later that day.
She got all of her stuff, locked the class room door and went to the teacher's lounge to have her own lunch.
The red head put her stuff at her desk, grabbed her packed lunch and sat down next to her two best friends, who were also teaching at Barden elementary. Stacie was teaching sport and Spanish, while Aubrey taught mathematics and physics. Chloe herself taught English and music.
"Hey guys. How was your day?" Chloe asked when she sat down and opened her lunch box.
"Pretty good. Nobody injured themselves in my class today, so that's definitely a win." Stacie told her with a wink.
Aubrey huffed. "Well, if that is your only indicator on if a class went well, then I think you have to think over your priorities again, Babe."
Stacie looked at her girlfriend and pouted. "But Bree, we're at an elementary school. What is the worst that can happen? Most of my students like my classes because they actually still like running around. I think my classes are going very well."
Aubrey shook her head. "Well if you say so. My classes went well, as always. What about you Chlo?"
Chloe had been smiling at her best friends for the last few minutes. She had thought they would make a cute couple as soon as she and Aubrey had met Stacie in college and when Aubrey finally accepted Stacie's countless offers of going on a date together last year, Chloe couldn't have been happier. Or more smug. To this day, when Aubrey was annoying her, Chloe still teased her with her 'I told you so's'.
"It was fine. I had an English test this morning in my second grade. And then in my fifth grade I suggested that thing you told me about last week, Stacie. The 'Write a Soldier' thing. They seemed pretty eager to write those letters and even made me write one too. It was a fun lesson."
"Shouldn't you have been teaching them stuff?"
"Oh come on Bree, you know that I have the curriculum nearly finished for this year and we still have a few weeks. I could afford this one lesson."
Aubrey wanted to say something about 'nearly' not being enough, but her girlfriend interrupted her before she could start speaking.
"That's awesome Chloe. I'll tell my brother that they are getting some letters soon then. You are sending them to my brother's base, right?"
Chloe chuckled. "Of course, that was always the plan. How is Luke by the way? Still happy in the army?"
Stacie nodded. "Yeah, he's really enjoying his time there. He said that he made some awesome friends and that he finally felt useful. I'm worried about him because it's still dangerous but I'm glad that he found something that makes him happy."
Aubrey gave Stacie a short hug when she noticed that the smile had vanished from her girlfriends face. It came right back when the brunette leaned further into the embrace.
"You are so cute, I don't even know what to say." Chloe mentioned at the sight before her.
"Shut up Beale. That reminds me, anything knew on the Tom situation?" Stacie asked.
Chloe sighed and closed her lunch box. She had only eaten half of her lunch but suddenly wasn't very hungry anymore.
"He tried calling and texting and even came over to my apartment but I ignored him. Well except for today that is. He texted me while I was in class and I had some time on my hands so I decided it was time to reply to him. I told him that I wasn't interested in his explanations, that I was okay with things being the way they are now and that I wanted to get my stuff this weekend. I haven't checked for a reply yet."
"Good girl!" Aubrey replied. "Well except for the texting in class part, Chloe. You are the teacher, you have to act like one. You are a role model now. And haven't you established this rule about texting in your class?"
Chloe smiled brightly. "Yeah they caught me. I have to bring muffins tomorrow."
Stacie grinned and high fived Chloe over the table.
Aubrey looked at them disapprovingly. "You really shouldn't text during class Chloe. Why are you encouraging her Stacie?"
"I'm just proud of her bonding with the students you know. It's important to know that grown-ups aren't perfect and that they don't have to be. Great job Chloe!"
Stacie and Chloe smiled at each other while Aubrey rolled her eyes. She was about to say more but was interrupted by the ringing bell.
She stood up and grabbed her bag from her desk. "Well, lunch is over. Get to your classes, don't be late!" She said as she quickly kissed Stacie on the lips and Chloe on the cheek. She was out of the room a few seconds later but heard a "Yes, ma'am" shouted after her. She smiled and went to her class.
"Well, I guess I should get going. You have a free period now, right Chlo?"
The red head nodded and waved goodbye to Stacie as the brunette went to her class.
Chloe thought about continuing grading the second grade's English test but pulled out the letter she had written earlier instead.
She pulled out her reading glasses and read over the letter again.
Good day Soldier!
I don't know whom I addressing and if you are a man or a woman but I'll just write down what I think. Firstly, good work on whatever you are doing! I don't really know anything about the army but since I can sleep safe and sound in bed every night I assume you are doing a great job of keeping us safe. So thank you!
My name is Chloe Beale and I'm an elementary school teacher. A friend of mine suggested this 'Write a Soldier' program to me and I have to admit I liked the idea instantly. I suggested writing letters to my fifth grade students and they liked the idea so we spent the lesson today writing letters. I originally hadn't really planned on writing a letter now but my student's caught me texting in class so I had to promise them muffins for tomorrow and that somehow led into me writing a letter along them.
Anyway, if some of your fellow comrades receive letters from my students, can you maybe ask them to reply? It doesn't have to be much, but my students were so excited about the prospect of getting a reply that I can't help myself and have to ask.
Also, I would be happy to hear from you. Or you know, if you don't want to reply that's fine too. I just wanted to express my gratitude for keeping our country safe.
Chloe Beale.
Chloe nodded to herself as she read over the letter again and put it in an envelope. She used her free period to put all the letters from her students in envelopes too and made a note in her calender to drive by the mail office after work today. She was curious about what her students had written but knew that she shouldn't read the letters. So she pulled herself together and didn't read them.
The red head then used the last ten minutes of her free period to eat the rest of her lunch and mentally prepare herself for her next class.
A/N: This is just an idea, I hope you like it. I thought it would be fun to have them communicate through letters before meeting so I thought something up that would let them do that. I have no knowledge or experience with the army. Everything I write down is thought up or googled so please don't be offended if I get some things wrong. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, if you did, please leave a little review to let me know :) (And damn, another multi-chapter fic... my brain has to stop throwing these ideas at me and forcing me to write them down... Well, goodbye free time.)